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Criteria Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Not completed

Visual Abstract 10 marks
Organisation - Clear title and logical - Organisation unclear in - Title clear but lacks - Title unclear and lacks - No title, and what
and audience organisation. places. logical organisation. logical organisation is present is not
suitable for a
- The main ideas are readily - The main ideas are -
Improvements in - Ideas not clearly articulated BABS1201
understandable to a easily understood by a clarity and for a BABS1201 student student audience.
BABS1201 student BABS1201 student organisation could audience.
audience. audience. enhance
understanding for a
BABS1201 student
audience. 0.5 
2.0  1.5  1.0  0
Content - Accurately and effectively - Accurately communicates - Represents the mini - Lacks accuracy, failing to - Missing or
And communicates the main the main points of the mini literature review, but effectively convey the mini incomplete, with
Effectiveness of points of the mini literature review. certain areas lack literature review's nuances. no evident
communication literature review. specificity or accuracy. portrayal of the
- Outlines the main points, - Lacks sufficient detail to mini literature
- Sufficient detail to while not overwhelming - Provides details to understand the main points review.
communicate the main the viewer, some areas support the overall or contains an excessive
points without contain superfluous text. message, but excess amount of text that
overwhelming the viewer. text is overwhelming to overwhelms the viewer.
the viewer.

4.0  3.0  2.0  1.0 

Communicates - Composition is visually - Composition provides a - Composition is - Composition lacks evident - The visual
topic visually appealing and engaging visually acceptable and somewhat engaging planning, resulting in a abstract is
design for the viewer. moderately engaging but may benefit from visually unappealing and missing or
design for the viewer. improvements in less engaging design for the incomplete, with
- The incorporation of design and visual viewer. no evident design
images, text, graphs, or - The majority of images, appeal for clarity. elements.
icons significantly text, graphs, or icons - The incorporation of images,
contributes to the contribute to the - The incorporation of text, graphs, or icons
comprehension of the main communication of the images, text, graphs, minimally contributes to the
points for the viewer, main points for the or icons moderately communication of the main
enhancing the overall viewer, enhancing the contributes to the points for the viewer,
effectiveness of the overall visual experience. communicates the hindering the communication
communication. main points. of the content.

2.0  1.5  1.0  0.5  0

References - Relevant reference/s - Relevant reference/s - Relevant references - There is a lack of proper The abstract is
included. included. included, though references, and citations missing or
there is room for are either absent or incomplete, with no
- References are correctly - References are mostly improvement in significantly incorrect. evident references
cited in Harvard style. cited correctly in selection or or citations.
Harvard style, with inclusion.
minor errors or
inconsistencies that do - References are cited
not significantly impact in Harvard style with
accuracy. noticeable errors that
may affect accuracy.

2.0  1.5  1.0  0.5  0

Criteria Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Not completed
Verbal Presentation 10 marks
Content and - Clearly and articulately - Clearly and articulately - Communicates the - Struggles to communicate - Presentation
Clarity communicates the key communicates the key key concepts of the the key concepts of the not completed
concepts of the mini concepts of the mini mini literature review mini literature review or incomplete,
literature review. literature review. adequately, with clearly and articulately, with no evident
room for hindering understanding articulation of
- Presents information in a - Information is improvement in for the audience. key concepts.
logical and well- presented in a well- terms of clarity and
organised manner that is organised manner articulation. - Presents information in a
easy to understand for a that is disorganised or unclear
BABS1201 student understandable for - Presents information manner, making it
audience. a BABS1201 in a generally logical challenging for a
student audience. and organised BABS1201 student
manner, providing a audience to comprehend
satisfactory level of the content.
understanding for a 0.5 
BABS1201 student
2.0  1.5  1.0  0
Engagement - Captivates and sustains - Successfully captures - Generally captivates - Struggles to consistently - Presentation not
and Delivery the audience's attention and maintains the the audience's captivate the audience's completed or
throughout the entire 3- audience's attention for attention during parts attention during the 3- incomplete, with
minute presentation. the majority of the 3- of the 3-minute minute presentation. no evident
minute presentation. presentation. engagement and
- Speaks clearly and - Speech may lack clarity or delivery.
audibly, maintaining an - Demonstrates clear and - Presents information audibility, and there are
appropriate pace and audible speech, with acceptable clarity challenges in maintaining an
employing varied tone to maintaining an and audibility, with appropriate pace and
convey enthusiasm appropriate pace, and moments of employing varied tone to
effectively. utilising varied tone to maintaining an convey enthusiasm
effectively convey appropriate pace and effectively.
enthusiasm. employing varied tone
to convey some

2.0  1.5  1.0  0.5  0

Integrates - Actively refers to and - Actively refers to and - Actively refers to and - Does not actively reference - Presentation not
Visual engages with the visual engages with the visual engages with the and engage with the visual completed or
Representation abstract throughout the abstract throughout the visual abstract abstract during the incomplete, with
presentation. presentation. throughout the presentation. no evident
presentation. interaction with
- Demonstrates a high - Good alignment between - Fails to maintain seamless the visual
level of alignment spoken content and visual - There is misalignment alignment between spoken abstract.
between spoken content elements. between spoken content and visual elements,
and visual elements, content and visual impacting the overall
contributing to a cohesive elements. coherence and effectiveness
and effective of the presentation.
presentation. 0.5 

2.0  1.5  1.0 

Time - Effectively manages time - Manages time - Manages time - Struggles to manage time - Presentation not
Management within the 3-minute limit, effectively, staying effectively, staying effectively, reaching the 4- completed or
covering all essential within 10% of the within 20% of the minute limit and impacting incomplete, with
points. allocated 3-minute limit allocated 3-minute the completeness of the no evident
while covering key limit while covering presentation. demonstration of
points. key points. time

0.5 
2.0  1.5  1.0  0
Questions - Demonstrates thorough - Is well-prepared to answer - Is adequately prepared - Struggles to answer - Presentation not
preparation to answer questions, contributing to to answer questions, questions effectively, completed or
questions, showcasing the credibility of the but there may be room impacting the overall incomplete, with
depth of knowledge and presentation and for improvement in credibility of the presentation. no evident
enhancing the overall audience understanding. depth of knowledge or handling of
credibility of the clarity of responses. questions.

0.5 
2.0  1.5  1.0 

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