Wilkinson 2004

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can offer independent, valid insights into the

nature of cognition, then corroboration,
although still important, becomes less rele-
vant. Despite the importance of these issues
The relevance of behavioural for brain imaging studies, neither view has
attained precedence within the neuroscience
measures for functional-imaging community. Yet the issue needs to be resolved
if the contribution of imaging to cognitive
studies of cognition theory is to be properly established.
Here, we ask whether cognitive differences
can be inferred from patterns of brain activa-
David Wilkinson and Peter Halligan tion alone or whether these must be validated
by allied behavioural effects. We discuss how
The psychological structure of cognition is developments in functional brain imaging in it is not possible to measure all cognitive
often inferred from conjoint measures of the 1990s extended this neuropsychological processes with reaction time and accuracy
behaviour (such as reaction time) and brain line of enquiry by measuring dynamic, task- measures, and argue that some ‘hidden’
activation (such as cerebral blood flow). In specific responses in the healthy, human brain. processes might be detectable using functional
many experiments these measures produce On the assumption that cognition is imaging. By demanding that all patterns of
divergent results. One example is where a modular in nature1, functional imaging brain activation be paired with a demonstra-
significant pattern of brain activation occurs claimed that different kinds of mental state ble behavioural correlate, the risk is therefore
without a corresponding change in overt could be ‘mapped’ onto spatially distinct run of excluding new, potentially informative
behaviour. In such circumstances, can brain areas. However, the relationship indices. We conclude that the primacy that
cognitive theory be informed from brain- between neural activations and traditional is traditionally afforded to behavioural mea-
activation data alone? Or, given the more behavioural indices of underlying mental sures should be relaxed if the full nature of
established link between behaviour and states is not straightforward. Many experi- cognition is to be understood.
cognition, is behavioural corroboration ments do not show a clear correspondence This issue has practical relevance for
necessary? between changes at the brain and behavioural an imaging experiment that we recently
levels. One example is where a given experi- conducted in which significant imaging, but
The scientific study of psychology began mental manipulation, such as a change in not behavioural, results were obtained2. We
towards the end of the nineteenth century, stimulus information or task instruction, examined whether the way in which partici-
and set out to chart the mental processes that alters the underlying pattern of brain activa- pants located the midpoint of a stimulus was
were assumed to drive human behaviour. tion but shows no significant effect on behav- affected by the presence or absence of stimu-
Early researchers, such as W. Wundt and W. ioural performance. This result is ambiguous lus symmetry. The pattern of concurrent
James, realized that, as the products of mental because it provides inconsistent information brain activation observed in the anterior
processing involve previous levels of ‘uncon- as to whether the experimental manipulation cingulate gyrus was strong evidence for a
scious’ processing, it was necessary to develop has engaged the relevant cognitive processes. facilitatory effect of symmetry. However, the
objective indices to tap and distinguish the In such circumstances, a central question is presence/absence of symmetry did not affect
differential outputs of these hidden mental the extent to which the profile of behavioural the speed or accuracy of judgements (FIG. 1).
processes. These studies traditionally used the performance, as indexed by reaction time This raised the question as to whether the
most accessible indicators of performance — or response accuracy, should be used to imaging data could be solely used to claim
response accuracy and reaction time. In constrain all interpretations of observed brain that the symmetry manipulation had worked.
the 1970s, neuropsychological evaluation of activity. If we consider that our current Without an allied behavioural effect, were the
patients with brain damage provided a understanding of neural activation is still too neural effects related to symmetry processing,
complementary approach from which to infer vague to enable inferences to be drawn about as opposed to either an extraneous variable or
and develop cognitive theory. On the basis of the structure of cognition from activation random variance?
the assumption that the separable elements data alone, then the presence of a corrobora- There is little guidance from the wider
of mental processing could be reflected in tive behavioural effect is most important. imaging literature about the need for corrob-
distinct patterns of neural activation, the By contrast, if we believe that brain imaging orative behavioural data. In some studies,


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a 50 Several articles have discussed some of the

technological and theoretical problems that
are inherent in functional brain imaging20–23,
Mean error (%)

30 900 and these do not need to be revisited. Our

RT (ms)
purpose here is to examine issues of a more
practical nature that are concerned with the
10 relationship between neurophysiological
and behavioural responses that are evoked by
0 800 task instructions and sensory manipulations.
Symmetrical Shape Asymmetrical
We first consider why behavioural corrobora-
tion is considered by some to constitute an
b Sagittal Coronal Transverse
essential feature of any meaningful imaging
study. In this context, corroboration refers to
the need for an appropriate or relevant behav-
ioural effect (behavioural dependency) to be
present for the meaningful interpretation of
an effect found at the neural level.
In the second part of the article, we
highlight how the failure to pair a significant
R pattern of brain activation with an allied
Figure 1 | An example of statistically significant imaging data accompanied by non-significant
behavioural effect might result from several
behavioural data. a | Mean percentage error and mean correct reaction time (with standard error bars) reasons, such as random noise interference,
for bisecting symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes. Neither the response accuracy nor reaction time poor design or inappropriate data analyses.
(RT) difference reached statistical significance. b | Significant activation of the cingulate gyrus associated More crucially, it might reflect an enduring
with bisecting asymmetrical, relative to symmetrical, shapes. A, anterior; L, left; P, posterior; R, right. aspect of the various structure/function
Reproduced, with permission, from REF. 2  (2003) Elsevier Science. mappings that characterize brain–behaviour
relations. For example, the influence of some
cognitive processes might be too subtle to be
detected overtly, whereas others might mimic
interpretations of the imaging and behav- example of the reverse, in which significant one another in the effects they exert on
ioural data are closely interwoven — for effects are found in the behavioural, but not performance. In other cases, deliberately
example, when the specific aim is to map the imaging, data). eliminating behavioural differences might
neural basis of a well-established behavioural Consider a recent study that examined be sought to refine neurophysiological inter-
distinction, such as easy versus difficult visual the separability of rule-based (that is, prop- pretations, as in certain neuropsychological
search3, successful versus unsuccessful mem- ositional) and similarity-based (that is, investigations. In all such instances, there
ory retrieval4 or certain kinds of visuomotor perceptual) semantic categorization strate- is a danger in both over-determining the
learning5. In other studies, however, the gies11. Given that rule-based descriptions are importance of behavioural data and in reject-
behavioural data are treated less respectfully, typically harder to categorize than similarity- ing significant patterns of brain activation
and inferences about cognition are drawn based descriptions, the authors sought to just because they are not mirrored behav-
directly from the activation data, irrespective equate task difficulty by perceptually degrad- iourally. Under these highly prescribed
of overt performance. In some studies, behav- ing stimuli in the ‘similarity’ condition. The conditions, the demand for behavioural
iour is not even monitored, and it is simply imaging data indicated a high correlation corroboration can be questioned. This is not
assumed that subjects adhered to the task between stimulus perceptibility and activa- to overlook or underplay the fact that behav-
instructions from the presence of a ‘predicted’ tion of the caudate nuclei. This was taken ioural indices are the most validated metric
pattern of activation6,7. In other studies, task as evidence that, by increasing working of cognition, or to suggest that the absence of
adherence is confirmed by self-report, as memory load, perceptual degradation slowed behavioural corroboration is unproblematic.
opposed to a less introspective, objective overall cognitive processing. The problem Rather, we want to point out that there are
means of response8,9. More relevant for the is that perceptual degradation had no effect legitimate instances in which underlying
current discussion are imaging studies that on the speed or accuracy of behavioural cognitive differences are only captured by
have used an objective measure of behaviour responses, which is clearly what would be neural activation measures, and that this
(such as reaction time or response accuracy), expected if there had been general cognitive should not necessarily rule out sensible
and in which a given experimental manipula- slowing. Imaging data were nevertheless inferences from being made.
tion has moderated responses at the imaging, deemed sufficient to support a perceptual- We conclude with a set of suggestions to
but not the behavioural, level. This outcome degradation hypothesis. The divergent results consider when confronted with discordant
is frequently reported, and encompasses from this experiment raise two important behavioural and imaging effects. It should
a wide range of areas, including emotional questions: first, how do discrepancies arise be pointed out that although brain imaging
processing10, semantic categorization11, lexical between behavioural and imaging data and, also embraces approaches derived from elec-
decision12, visually guided movement13, second, does this undermine the degree to trophysiology, such as single-unit recordings,
mental rotation14, episodic memory15, visual- which distinct patterns of brain activation our discussion will mainly concentrate on the
object encoding16, high-level conflict resolu- can be associated with specific cognitive application of functional imaging to cognitive
tion17 and lie detection18 (but see REF. 19 for an processes? science.

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The case for corroboration metabolism per se is little short of scandalous.” are logically independent; there is no neces-
The need for behavioural corroboration is One means of addressing this is to analyse sary or obligatory translation between them.
rooted in the belief that behavioural observa- activation data within the context of findings Identifying the physical properties of a system
tion is the most informative index of human that do not rely on reductionist assumptions. does not readily disclose its informational
cognition. This idea is based on the assump- The argument for corroboration not only content or purpose; even if we could fully
tion that the separable elements of cognition applies to cases in which no behavioural effect simulate the design and workings of the
impose different time courses and degrees of is reported, but also to instances in which nervous system, the overlying cognitive
error on performance, and can therefore be a single or common behavioural effect is operations might still remain a mystery. This
disclosed given the appropriate experimental associated with multiple sites of brain activa- viewpoint borrows heavily from the artificial
manipulation24. It might also reflect simple tion. One means of deducing the precise role intelligence metaphor, which characterizes
historical standing, as until relatively recently of each activated foci is to generalize in a cognition as a set of formal operations that
there were remarkably few other ways with post hoc manner from the findings of other are regulated by rules and acted out across
which to quantify cognitive activity. More studies that have reported similar activation symbolic representations1. In this sense,
generally, if the chief concern of cognition is to (that is, the ‘parity of precedence’ method). the privileged level of description is at the
direct and control behaviour, then how infor- This has been justified on the basis that other algorithmic level, not the physical substrate
mative can an experiment be in which there studies are of sufficient similarity to be of on which these operations are performed, as
are no discernable behavioural outcomes? The interpretative validity, and that the mere it is the relationship between these symbols
precedence assigned to behavioural measures demonstration of a significant difference in that are relevant and not the relationship
underlies a crucial position that might best the relevant gyrus or sulcus constitutes evi- between the physical states that implement
be described as the ‘behavioural-dependency dence in favour of the proposed hypothesis, them. This has led one commentator to
criterion’. This assumes that a proven and regardless of the precise role of each activated suggest that the structure of cognition “can
well-tried path (behavioural observation) area. This dependency on precedence should, be given without regard to the material or
to cognitive theorizing has to be present to however, not proceed without caution. Much hardware properties of the device on which
validate those findings of subsequent new- has been written on the perils of conducting these processes are executed”, and that “in
comers (such as neuroimaging). From this experiments that have so little explanatory studying computation it is possible, and
standpoint, behavioural measures offer the power that the data can only be fully in certain respects essential, to factor apart
most powerful means of inference and there- explained with reference to other studies26. the nature of the symbolic processes from the
fore provide the yardstick by which imaging’s If significant data can be interpreted with properties of the physical device in which it is
own claim on cognition should be judged. reference to other experiments, then under realized”31. From this viewpoint, behavioural
According to this view, a necessary step in what conditions can they ever be given up as corroboration is important because a pattern
any cognitive brain-imaging experiment is to scientifically uninterpretable? Explanations of activation could conceivably stem from
ensure that it meets the behavioural criteria must rely on the inherent logic found within any number of cognitive algorithms. This
that confirm or constrain the range of cogni- the experiment, as determined by the initial ‘behavioural-dependency criterion’ should be
tive processes that have been engaged. In research question, whereas acceptance of a distinguished from the more strident hyper-
doing so, the experimenter can be reasonably hypothesis that rests on a host of anatomically functionalist view, which contests any role
confident that the observed pattern of activa- distinct but functionally undifferentiated acti- for imaging in the construction of cognitive
tion is of functional relevance. Proponents of vations falls short of ensuring that each of the theory (BOX 1).
this view might argue that the link between obtained effects are necessary or sufficient. As
brain activation and a given cognitive state a recent case in point, functional-imaging The case against corroboration
is currently too vague to be made without a studies of line bisection, a task commonly Whereas few in the neuroimaging community
relevant behavioural correlate. There is no used to diagnose visual neglect, consistently would deny the value of corroborative behav-
need to confront the thorny issue of whether reveal activation of the cerebellum27–29, but ioural effects, many would question the
cognitive states can ultimately be reduced to damage to this region does not typically proposal that behaviour affords some unique
specific brain states. Rather, it is suggested induce visual neglect. or privileged insight into the psychological
that the links between cell metabolism, the The danger of over-determining uncorro- structure of cognition. Rather, behavioural
function of neuronal populations, cerebral borated patterns of brain activation is further performance is regarded as one index of
blood flow and behaviourally relevant infor- highlighted, albeit indirectly, by the work underlying cognition, and brain activation
mation are, at present, not clear enough to of Marr30. He suggested that information as another, with neither form deserving pre-
allow any meaningful exposition of cognitive processing can be described at three distinct cedence. Two assumptions are crucial to
theory on the basis of neural activations alone. levels. The top level specifies the aim or com- this viewpoint. The first is that imaging can
Until a pattern of brain activation can be putational goal (for example, colour percep- potentially inform independently about the
reliably shown to predict a given cognitive tion), the intermediate level specifies the structure of cognition, and second, that
state, concurrent behavioural effects are there- means by which this aim is achieved, high- behavioural measures might not be sensitive
fore seen as an essential component of any lighting the processing steps or algorithms to all attributes of cognition, and so cannot
functional-imaging study. As pointed out by that are required to perform the necessary serve as a gold standard for allied research
Marshall and Gurd25,“Current work on in vivo transformation (for example, discounting methods.
brain imaging is totally meaningless in the the illuminant), and the lowest level repre- The proposal that imaging can inform psy-
absence of functional theory drawn from sents the physical implementation of these chological theory is predicated on the idea that
data sources that are independent of neuro- algorithms, which, put crudely, occurs in the separable elements of cognition can be
physiology; the number of degrees of freedom either brains or circuit boards. An important paired with distinct neural markers. An initial
in the interpretation of rates of cerebral aspect of the framework is that the three levels aim for imaging science is therefore to identify


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Box 1 | The hyperfunctionalist view support a coarse description of the underly-

ing organizational principles, it would seem
From this standpoint, the demand for allied behavioural effects is misplaced because it falsely unlikely that all component processes would
assumes that imaging can, in principle, say something meaningful about cognitive architecture65–67. be readily apparent, as different architectures
Central to this view is the assumption that cognitive science seeks to understand the nature of
can, in principle, produce similar output pat-
algorithms. In pursuit of this goal, it uses various techniques, including analysis of response time,
terns41. The use of different lines of enquiry
accuracy and selective-interference techniques. As these techniques seek to address the same issue,
might be further justified by the fact that any
corroboration among them is important. Neuroimaging seeks to understand the implementation
number of cognitive models could potentially
of these algorithms through the application of techniques such as positron emission tomography
and magnetic resonance imaging. Again, these measures seek to measure aspects of a common implement a specific goal or computation —
phenomenon (metabolic change), so corroboration is also important. However, as cognitive a fact borne out by the varied forms of com-
science and brain imaging are interested in fundamentally different questions, convergence is puter architectures that can simulate the same
neither necessary nor possible (M. Coltheart, personal communication). basic function (compare the model of Müller
This does not mean that they are completely independent — if brain imaging addresses the et al.42 to that of Wolfe43 for an example from
neural implementation of algorithms, then it is reliant on those algorithms first being the visual-search literature). On the one hand,
identified. Rather, no pattern of brain activation can ever be discrepant with a theory about the goal of cognitive science is to choose
algorithms because any given algorithm could be implemented in several ways. Suppose ten among these models. On the other, it seems
people are given a task to perform and that it is found that the task activates a different region undeniable that questions of how groups of
in every person. Would this constitute evidence against the view that every person used the neurons store information, respond to certain
same algorithm? It is difficult to argue in the affirmative, simply because a given algorithm need stimuli or modulate the operation of one
not necessarily correspond with a given brain state (we are grateful to M. Coltheart for this another are in fact theories of representation
example). As stated by Searle68, “Even if my belief that Denver is the capital of Colorado is and computation. Given the relative infancy
identical with a certain brain state, it seems too much to expect that everyone who believes that of many cognitive theories, it seems sensible
Denver is the capital of Colorado must have an identical neurophysiological configuration in to make use of such biological data44.
his or her own brain.” Proponents of the hard-line view would therefore argue that, as a neural Observed discrepancies between behavioural
dissociation cannot be taken as firm evidence for or against a psychological dissociation, and activation patterns could be taken not as
functional imaging results can never confirm or disprove the operation of a given cognitive
evidence of a weak hypothesis, but as a point
process. In support of this idea, its proponents would argue that imaging data has not led to a
of positive departure with which to probe the
reformulation of existing cognitive theory. At best, they can guide ideas about algorithms, but
validity of a pre-existing cognitive model23.
this falls short of verifying that a specific algorithm has been implemented and, consequently,
Similarly, the association of a behavioural
in its strongest form this perspective considers that there is little place for imaging science in
the building of cognitive theory. manipulation with multiple activation sites
might indicate that the behavioural construct
requires further fractionation. According to
the neural correlates of known cognitive of appropriate patients, the debate has become this view, functional imaging could poten-
processes. This relies on cognitive psychology increasingly influenced by functional-imaging tially provide a source of empirical disconfir-
first specifying conditions in which such studies conducted on healthy subjects. These mation. As such, the absence of behavioural
processes are engaged. However, once this has provide firm evidence that the fusiform gyrus corroboration should not, in the first
been achieved, imaging data might inform is strongly activated by non-face stimuli. For instance, be viewed as less meaningful than its
about some of the cognitive processes engaged example, ornithologists show strong fusiform presence.
in behaviours that are less well understood or activation when viewing specific species of A further difficulty with the behavioural-
in need of further explanation, as activation of birds38, as do subjects who have acquired dependency criterion is that some aspects of
a specific neural marker can be taken to imply expertise in recognizing new non-face objects, cognition might not easily lend themselves to
that its associated cognitive algorithm has such as greebles39. Fusiform activation is also behavioural observation, and yet be readily
been implemented. apparent in untrained observers who must apparent in the imaging data. This issue
An illustrative example of this form of discriminate between visually similar objects39. speaks to the variety of structure/function
inference can be taken from the face-processing These data indicate that the area might be mappings that could characterize perfor-
literature (for other examples, see REF. 32). A more concerned with fine-grained discrimi- mance in a given task (FIG. 2). Consider a study
long-standing debate in cognitive psychology nations and/or recognition expertise than comprising two experimental conditions,
is whether faces are represented separately with face processing per se. Although some each of which is believed to tap different
from other kinds of objects, such as cars and researchers dispute the interpretation of these aspects of cognition. Responses are measured
houses. Whereas much evidence has been findings40, the results have assumed impor- at both the behavioural and neural level.
derived from behavioural studies, the argu- tance in the argument against a distinct, face- Comparisons between the two experimental
ment has focused on the role of fusiform processing module. In this way, imaging has conditions could produce any one of four
gyrus, an area in the occipito-temporal cortex. provided useful constraints on theories of how outcomes: statistically significant effects
Early studies seemed to show that damage cognition represents objects and faces. in both the imaging and behavioural data;
to this region induces a specific deficit in More generally, not enough might yet be statistically significant effects only in the
recognizing faces, leaving object recognition known about the structure of cognition to say behavioural data; statistically significant
comparatively intact33,34. This was taken as evi- how behavioural measures should constrain effects only in the imaging data; or no statisti-
dence for a separate face-processing module35. interpretations of brain activation. Consider cally significant effects. The first outcome is
But later studies have cast doubt over the the task of inferring the architecture of a com- perhaps the most desirable and the last out-
validity of some of these neuropsychological puter from measurements of reaction time come would, in most instances, constitute a
findings36,37. Coupled with the relative scarcity and response accuracy. Although this might failure. Inferences made on the basis of the

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a One to one b One to many c Many to one d Many to many a sufficient set of regions for the task com-
prises all those that are activated in normal
Cognition A A A B A B
people minus those that are not necessary to
perform the task in patients (assuming that
the intact parts of the network continue to
operate as they did premorbidly)53. In such
cases of underactivity, normal levels of perfor-
Brain X X Y X X Y
mance in patients are therefore a prerequisite
Figure 2 | Linking cognition to the brain: the effect of different structure/function mapping
to inferring about the functional anatomy of
relations. Logically speaking, cognition can be mapped to the brain in different ways. In some cases
(b–d), components that are distinct at one stage will be integrated at another. This can prevent effects healthy subjects. Overactivity, in which the
observed at the behavioural level from appearing at the neural level and vice versa. task is performed normally but only with
recruitment of additional areas, might indicate
either the engagement of new strategies or the
second and third outcomes are more difficult Support for the near/far distinction is, presence of degeneracy, in which a function is
to evaluate. On the one hand, they involve a however, difficult to find in healthy volunteers. duplicated across different networks. Again,
null effect and so do not, by themselves, pro- Five of six recent studies of line-bisection (the inferences can only be made about normal
vide strong grounds for inference. On the task most commonly used to elucidate functional anatomy when the patients
other, they might faithfully characterize near/far differences in neurological patients) perform at a similar level to healthy subjects
brain/behaviour mapping functions, and failed to find any reliable behavioural differ- and, therefore, effects in the imaging data are
therefore be of potential insight. ence16,48–52. More compellingly, recent imaging not reproduced in the behavioural data.
In the case of the second outcome, the data have shown that the bisection of objects
predicted dissociation is obtained in the be- in near and far space recruits discrete brain Summary
havioural data, but not in the imaging data. networks in the ventral and dorsal visual The main point we wish to highlight is that
In theory, this pattern could arise if the streams, respectively16,51. However, this differ- reaction time/accuracy are imperfect measures
same underlying cognitive strategy mediated ential pattern of activity is not associated with of cognition. This implies that there will be
responses in both experimental conditions, distinct levels of reaction time or accuracy, legitimate circumstances in which divergence
but at different degrees of behavioural which indicates that, although separate between behavioural and neural-activation
efficiency. In other words, conditions 1 and 2 near/far representations might exist, both measures can occur. Also, the relative impor-
both recruit cognitive strategy A, which occu- subsystems might normally operate at compa- tance of behavioural measures in formulating
pies anatomical location X, but condition 1 is rable levels of efficiency. This illustrates a a unified cognitive theory cannot be known in
performed at efficiency level n, whereas con- problem for those who contend that patterns advance. So, to treat these as the gold standard
dition 2 is performed at efficiency level n + 1. of brain activation can only be sensibly for related research methods might be overly
This pattern would be consistent with a com- interpreted when accompanied by an allied conservative and prescriptive56. This point
mon cognitive-anatomical architecture that behavioural effect. is underlined by recent evidence from the
underlies several independent functions41. The need for corroborative behavioural face-processing literature in which imaging
Of more relevance to the current discus- effects might also be questioned in cases in data has led some cognitive psychologists to
sion is the third outcome, in which the pre- which the aim is to equate task difficulty revise their models of how faces and objects
dicted effect is obtained in the imaging data, across experimental conditions; for example, are mentally represented. More practically,
but not in the behavioural data. This pattern to finesse certain neurophysiological interpre- various structure/function mappings might
could arise if the two experimental conditions tations or to clarify the source of a behavioural give rise to divergence, as when separate cogni-
tapped different underlying cognitive strate- dissociation. If a patient cannot perform the tive processes are difficult to distinguish
gies, both of which happened to impart simi- task, then we cannot know if the resulting pat- behaviourally, but produce distinct patterns of
lar time courses and patterns of error on task terns of activation caused the performance activation. There might also be specific cir-
performance. In other words, condition 1 decrement, or if the performance decrement cumstances in which performance differences
recruits strategy A, which occupies anatomi- induced the abnormal pattern of activation53,54. are eliminated to hone interpretations of a
cal site X; condition 2 recruits strategy B, This is not to deny the value of studying given pattern of activation. Collectively, these
which occupies anatomical site Y; but both A patients with performance decrement, as this arguments indicate that the absence of an
and B operate at the same level of behavioural can disclose the regions that are necessary to allied behavioural effect (particularly in cases
efficiency. carry out a given task. However, this approach in which there is no relevant theory to predict
This form of organization seems to be cannot easily ascertain the premorbid suffi- the behavioural profile) does not render imag-
present in certain parts of the visual system. ciency of a damaged region in sustaining a ing data uninterpretable.
Ablation studies in primates show that the particular function55. By contrast, by scanning
perception of near objects can be differentially patients on tasks that they can perform, infer- Implications for future studies
impaired from that of far objects after frontal- ences can be made about normative func- It is not our intention to argue that the
brain lesions45. This dissociation is also evident tional anatomy. Suppose that the network absence of a behavioural effect is unimpor-
in brain-damaged patients, in which deficits subserving a particular task is identified in tant, or that it does not affect the strength of
have been observed for the bisection of stimuli normal subjects. If, owing to damage, patients inference. Rather, we suggest that there are
in near space but not far46, and in far space but can properly perform the task while activating circumstances in which the absence of a cor-
not near47. Collectively, these data have been only certain subsets of the network, then responding behavioural effect should not be
taken to endorse claims that the two forms of the regions that are not necessary for task used to dismiss the potential contribution of a
judgement recruit separate cognitive domains. completion can be identified. By implication, well-designed imaging study that addresses a


©2004 Nature Publishing Group


relevant question. Absence of evidence is not of the higher-order moments of reaction-time of behavioural performance. The problem is
evidence of absence. The onus in such circum- distributions, such as variance, skewness, that behavioural measures themselves are
stances is to find an alternative source of cor- response priming, speed–accuracy trade-off subject to a number of shortcomings and, as
roboration (or falsification) as, although the analyses and sophisticated parallel guessing such, might be sensitive to only a few of the
absence of an effect might signal something models62. On occasions in which these proce- many cognitive attributes that mediate task
important about an underlying mapping dures are wrongly overlooked, the proposed performance. In this sense, it seems prema-
function, we note that little can be premised number of cognitive elements comprising ture for behavioural indices to always take pri-
on a null effect. performance of any one task will be liable to ority over neural ones. In placing too great an
If, after re-running an experiment, a con- miscalculation. In turn, this might affect the emphasis on behavioural indices, we also
cordant behavioural effect still fails to emerge, likelihood of finding a significant behavioural reduce the means by which newer and poten-
then three further steps could be taken to test effect, and provide false constraints for the tially more powerful methods can turn the
if a given brain region is linked to a specific interpretation of any related imaging data. spotlight back on the validity of these older,
cognitive function: it should be activated Another shortfall of Sternberg’s original more trusted methods.
in other tasks that are well known to tap it, model that still pervades some imaging stud- We therefore argue that the demand for
but not in tasks that do not; incremental/ ies is the tendency to overlook the response behavioural corroboration in functional-
decremental increases in activation should accuracy distributions in favour of reaction imaging experiments should be tempered by
occur when the process is incrementally/ time. This approach is especially common in the realization that meaningful corroboration
decrementally taxed; and people with specific imaging studies in which error rates are low, can only begin when we know more about
damage to the area of interest should show and are therefore considered to convey little which parts of the cognitive process in ques-
selective impairment for tests that incorporate information about underlying processing tion produce the observed behavioural
the given process57. Recent advances in co- differences. Small differences in error rate, responses, and which parts produce the
registration procedures might also, in some however, can produce large differences in observed neural activations. Imaging science,
instances, enable temporal information to reaction time, especially if error rate is below like all new sciences, must find converging
be simultaneously acquired using electro- 10% (REF 63). For this reason, joint considera- support where and when it can (through, for
encephalography, which might provide an tion of both reaction time and error data is example, electroencephalography, single-cell
alternative source of corroboration. Another essential, especially if error rate interacts with recording or magnetoencephalography) on
way of teasing the two processes apart might experimental condition. One practice is to the understanding that to overemphasize the
be through the introduction of a new variable ensure that subjects perform at the same level relationship between brain activation and
or task, which might interact with the pro- of accuracy (as in some of the patient studies overt behaviour is to go beyond our current
cesses of interest. In such a case, the design described above, and as advocated in a recent understanding of human cognition.
skills of the experimenter come to the fore. editorial64). This method, however, is poten- David Wilkinson is at the Geriatric
The suggestion that neural effects might be tially problematic in that the range of reaction Neuropsychology Laboratory, G.R.E.C.C. (182 JP),
more meaningfully interpreted when paired times that can generate accurate performance VA Boston Healthcare System,
with behavioural data also assumes that the is potentially unbounded, making any inter- 150 South Huntington Avenue, Boston,
Massachusetts 02130, USA.
behavioural data have been appropriately pretation of reaction time difficult.
analysed. However, accurate interpretation of A further problem in equating a particular Peter Halligan is at the School of Psychology,
Cardiff University, Cardiff CF10 3YG, UK.
reaction time and accuracy data is far from measure of performance across conditions is
straightforward, and might rely on procedures that this constitutes a new variable in itself Correspondence to D.W.
that rarely seem to be considered in imaging which might or might not contribute to the e-mail: david_wilkinson@hms.harvard.edu
experiments. For example, many imaging underlying pattern of brain activation. In doi:1038/nrn1302
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involved in line bisection judgments: evidence form dissociations. Brain 123, 2531–2541 (2000). Encyclopedia of Life Sciences: http://www.els.net/
modulated neural mechanisms revealed by fMRI. 52. Wilkinson, D. & Halligan, P. W. The effects of stimulus size Peter Halligan’s homepage:
Neuropsychologia 40, 119–130 (2002). on bisection judgments in near and far space. Visual http://www.cf.ac.uk/psych/home/halliganpw/
30. Marr, D. Vision (Freeman, San Francisco, 1982). Cogn. 19, 319–340 (2003). Access to this interactive links box is free online.


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