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wholesale value of $130 million (U.S.

Effects of Seaweed Extract Application Rate Department of Agriculture, 2014).

and Method on Post-production Life of Petunia Bedding plants are an important part
of the urban public space and private
and Tomato Transplants gardens. However, they are not always
properly watered and suffer from
drought stress, especially when grown
Yuqi Li1,3 and Neil S. Mattson2 in containers (Chylinski et al., 2007).
In response to inadequate water
ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS. Ascophyllum nodosum, foliar spray, drench, drought availability, wilting and flower drop
stress, postharvest, shelf life, chlorophyll fluorescence commonly limit the postharvest and
landscape longevity of ornamental
SUMMARY. Seaweed extracts are widely used as plant growth regulators in agriculture plants. Therefore, drought tolerance
and horticulture for improvement of plant growth and development. This study
is one of the most desirable traits
investigated the effects of rockweed (Ascophyllum nodosum) extract application method
(foliar spray or substrate drench) and rate on growth and postharvest drought tolerance for bedding plants (Hu et al., 2012).
of petunia (Petunia hybrida) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) transplants grown in Tomato is one of the most widely
a commercial peat/perlite substrate. Foliar sprays significantly affected growth of grown vegetables in the world (Passam,
petunia and tomato, but did not improve drought tolerance of petunia and tomato. 2008). Tomato transplants in a retail
Whereas, substrate drenches significantly improved drought tolerance of petunia and setting also often suffer from inade-
tomato compared with the control. Shoot fresh weight (FW), shoot dry weight (DW), quate watering. Increasing tomato
root index (RI), and chlorophyll index (SPAD) of petunia and tomato increased drought tolerance is important for
significantly with increasing concentration of foliar spray rate up to 5 mLLL1, but did improving the establishment rate, its
not change significantly with further higher foliar spray rates. Weekly substrate growth and yield. Therefore, many
drenches at 20 mLLL1 significantly decreased FW, DW, RI, and SPAD values of
studies have been performed for im-
petunia and tomato. In this study, substrate drench at 5–10 mLLL1 significantly
increased flower number of petunia and tomato. The results of this study suggested proving tomato drought tolerance
that substrate drenches at 5–10 mLLL1 are appropriate for the improvement of (Mishra et al., 2012; Ozenc, 2008;
postharvest life of petunia and tomato transplants, and that foliar applications can Sanchez-Rodrıguez et al., 2012; Topcu
increase plant growth. et al., 2007). Rockweed extract [RWE
(StimplexÒ; Acadian Seaplants, Dart-
mouth, NS, Canada)] has been shown

eaweed extracts and concen- plant growth substances such as cyto- to increase the drought tolerance of
trates are used in agriculture kinins, auxin, indole acetic acid, and container sweet orange (Citrus sinensis)
and horticulture for its many plant nutrients (Khan et al., 2009; plants (Spann and Little, 2011). How-
beneficial effects on soil properties, MacKinnon et al., 2010; Rayorath ever, to our knowledge, there is no
plant growth, and crop yield (Blunden et al., 2008a), but more recent studies report about the effect of seaweed
et al., 1996; Khan et al., 2009). More indicate no biologically active levels of extracts on the postharvest life of bed-
than 18 million tons of seaweed prod- traditional plant growth regulators ding plants and vegetable transplants.
ucts are produced annually (Food (Wally et al., 2013). There are beneficial Different plant species can have
and Agriculture Organization of the effects of seaweed extract applications different responses to the application
United Nations, 2011), a considerable on plant early seed germination and methods and rates of seaweed concen-
portion of which is used as plant establishment, improved crop perfor- trate (Khan et al., 2009; Spann and
nutrient supplements or biostimulants mance and yield, increased resistance to Little, 2011). The objective of this
to increase plant growth and yield biotic and abiotic stress, and enhanced study was to determine effects of RWE
(Borlongan et al., 2011; Craigie, postharvest shelf life of perishable prod- on plant growth and drought tolerance
2011; Crouch and van Staden, 1992; ucts (Beckett and van Staden, 1989; of tomato and petunia transplants when
Hurtado et al., 2009). Rockweed is Hankins and Hockey, 1990; Hurtado applied as a drench or foliar spray at
one of the most widely researched and et al., 2012; Rayirath et al., 2009). various concentrations.
used seaweeds for the production of Petunia is one of the most pop-
commercial extracts (Khan et al., ular bedding plants worldwide and Materials and methods
2009, 2011; Ugarte et al., 2006). the most popular bedding plant in PLANT MATERIALS AND
Seaweed extracts are found to contain the United States with an annual EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN. ‘Bravo White’

We thank Dr. Holly A. Little for supplying rockweed Units

extract and assistance in experimental design. To convert U.S. to SI, To convert SI to U.S.,
Use of trade names does not imply an endorsement of multiply by U.S. unit SI unit multiply by
the products named or criticism of similar ones not
29.5735 fl oz mL 0.0338
2.54 Inch (es) cm 0.3937
School of Chemical Engineering and Food Science, 25.4 Inch (es) mm 0.0394
Hubei University of Arts and Science, Xiangyang, 1 mmho/cm mScm–1 1
Hubei Province 441053, China
28.3495 oz g 0.0353
Department of Horticulture, Cornell University, 1 ppm mgL–1 1
134A Plant Science Building, Ithaca, NY 14853 0.001 ppm mLL–1 1000
Corresponding author. E-mail: yuqi.li@hotmail. 0.9072 Ton (s) t 1.1023
com. (F – 32) O 1.8 F C (C · 1.8) + 32

• August 2015 25(4) 505


petunia and ‘Celebrity’ tomato were 11, respectively (Oakton Instruments, leaves were dark adapted for 30 min
used as plant materials. The experi- Vernon Hills, IL). Leachate elemen- (clips with a 4-mm-diameter hole) at
ment was conducted in a glasshouse at tal concentrations of calcium (Ca2+), a temperature of 20 C.
Cornell University in Ithaca, NY (lat. chloride (Cl–), K+, sodium (Na+), STATISTICAL ANALYSIS. Analysis
42N) with a temperature set point ammonium-nitrogen (NH4+-N), and of variance on data were performed
of 19 C. A 5 · 2 · 2 factorial exper- nitrate-nitrogen (NO3–-N) were mea- using the general linear model program
iment (12 replicates per treatment) sured using a multi-ion meter (CG001; of SAS (version 6.12; SAS Institute,
was designed with five RWE concen- CleanGrow, Vacaville, CA). Plant Cary, NC). Means were separated us-
tration levels, two RWE application height was measured as the distance ing the least significance difference test
methods, and two plants. Plug seed- from the medium surface to the tallest at P £ 0.05.
lings of petunia and tomato were part of the plant. Crown diameter was
obtained from a commercial producer. recorded [(widest diameter + diameter Results
On 6 Oct. 2012, uniform 4-week-old perpendicular to widest diameter) O 2]. SUBSTRATE LEACHATE PH, EC,
seedlings of petunia and tomato were FW of plant shoots was measured AND ELEMENT CONCENTRATIONS. Sub-
transplanted into 4-inch-diameter and then oven dried at 70 C for 48 h strate leachate pH and EC values of
round pots (495 mL volume) filled to determine DW. RI was evaluated petunia were significantly affected by
with a commercial peat/perlite sub- using a 0 to 5 scale, with 0 indicating drench treatments (P < 0.05), but not
strate (LM-111; Lambert Peat Moss, no visible roots at the substrate surfaces foliar treatments (Table 1). pH and
Riviere-Ouelle, QC, Canada), and fer- and 5 indicating visible roots were EC values increased significantly with
tigated daily with 150 mgL–1 nitrogen matted on the surface of the substrate increases in RWE drench application
(N) from 21N–2.2P–16.6K fertilizer (Bi et al., 2009). rates. Spray treatments did not signif-
(Jack’s Professional LXä 21–5–20 All The remaining six replicates per icantly affect petunia substrate leach-
Purpose Water Soluble Fertilizer; J.R. treatment were subjected to drought ate nutrient concentration except for
Peters, Allentown, PA). 3 d after trans- stress. Plants were well watered with NH4+–N. Ca2+ concentration de-
planting, petunia and tomato received tap water once (0 d) and brought to creased from 77.9 to 5.3 mgL–1 as
weekly RWE treatments for 6 weeks, a postproduction life room (temper- RWE drench rate increased from 0 to
applied as either a foliar spray or sub- ature 20 C, relative humidity 70%, 20 mLL–1. However, K+ and Cl–
strate drench at concentrations of 0, daylength 12 h under fluorescent concentrations in leachate increased
2.5, 5, 10, or 20 mLL–1. The solu- lights providing about 5 mmolm–2s–1 significantly with increase in RWE
tions were prepared with reverse os- photosynthetically active radiation). drench rate (P < 0.05). Substrate
mosis water. The physicochemical Leaf angles were measured with a dig- leachate Na+ and NO3––N concentra-
properties of RWE used are as follows ital protractor (Pro 360; Mitutoyo tions had similar changes, which in-
(w/w): cytokinins 0.01%, pH 8.0, America, Aurora, IL) to quantify de- creased with increases in RWE drench
organic matter 8.0% to 12.0%, gree of leaf wilting. A leaf oriented rate up to 10 mLL–1, but did not
N 0.1% to 0.6%, phosphorus £ 0.04%, completely horizontally (i.e., parallel increase with a further increase in
potassium (K+) 2.5% to 4.1%, and ash to the bench surface below) was drench rate to 20 mLL–1 RWE. Sim-
(minerals) 8.0% to 12.0% (StimplexÒ denoted 0, whereas a leaf wilted and ilar trends were found for substrate
crop biostimulant, Acadian Seaplants). completely vertical was denoted as 90. leachate pH, EC, and element concen-
The experimental unit was one plant in Leaf angles were measured at 0 d to trations of tomato (data not shown).
one pot. Foliar spray treatments were determine base-line leaf angle (A0). EFFECT OF RWE ON THE
applied until the beginning of runoff. Thereafter, daily measurements were GROWTH AND FLOWERING OF PETUNIA
Substrate drench treatments were ap- taken. Three recently mature leaves per AND TOMATO. In response to RWE
plied using 100 mL of solution per pot. plant were measured and the average foliar application, petunia exhibited
After spray/drench applications, plants value was determined. Change in leaf an increase in FW, DW, and RI as
were not fertigated until the next day. angle (A) was used as an indicator of RWE application increased from 0 to
The plants were grown under natural wilt, which was calculated by the equa- 5 mLL–1 but did not further increase
day lengths in late winter. tion: A = A0 – An , where A0 and An as greater concentrations of RWE were
DATA COLLECTION. At the end of represent leaf angle measurement at applied (Table 2). Petunia shoot FW
6-week growth period, six replicates 0 d and n d, respectively. and DW increased by 16% and 14%,
per treatment were randomly sampled Once plants in one treatment respectively, as RWE foliar application
for measurement of substrate leachate were fully wilted (leaves along the increased from 0 to 5 mLL–1. The
pH, electrical conductivity (EC) and whole plant oriented vertically, but SPAD chlorophyll index exhibited
nutrient concentrations, plant shoot no necrosis on leaves and stems), pots a similar trend but with no further
FW, shoot DW, height, crown di- in all treatments were rewatered with increases in SPAD above 2.5 mLL–1
ameter, RI, number of open flowers tap water. Leaf angle was monitored RWE. In contrast to foliar sprays,
(at anthesis), and leaf chlorophyll in- for 2 d after rewatering. Chlorophyll growth attributes of petunia (FW, DW,
dex of three recently mature leaves per fluorescence, Fv/Fm (the ratio of the RI, and SPAD) decreased significantly
plant (Minolta SPAD-502 chlorophyll variable fluorescence to the maximum (P < 0.05) with increase in substrate
meter; Spectrum Technologies, Plain- fluorescence) was measured with a chlo- drench rate. Petunia DW decreased
field, IL). Substrate leachate was col- rophyll fluorescence analyzer (Handy- from 3.07 to 2.48 g as drench applica-
lected by the pour-through extraction PEA; Hansatech Instruments, King’s tion rate increased from 0 to 20 mLL–1.
method (Wright, 1986). pH and EC Lynn, UK) 2 d after plants were rewa- Petunia flower number was unaf-
meters were pHTestr 20 and ECTestr tered. Before the measurements, the fected significantly by RWE spraying
506 • August 2015 25(4)
Table 1. Effect of rockweed extract (RWE) application rate and method on substrate leachate pH, electrical conductivity (EC)
and nutrient concentration for petunia. Beginning from 3 d after transplanting, petunia received weekly RWE treatments for
6 weeks, applied as either a foliar spray or substrate drench at concentrations of 0, 2.5, 5, 10, or 20 mLLL1. The solutions
were prepared with reverse osmosis water. Data were determined through pour-through measurements taken 6 weeks after
RWE treatments.
Treatment EC Substrate leachate nutrient concn (mgLL1)z
(mLLL1)z pH (mScmL1)z Calcium Potassium Sodium NH4D-Ny NO3L-Ny Chloride
0.0 6.05 abx 2.42 a 93.6 a 23.6 a 60.8 a 7.25 ab 12.7 a 26.1 a
2.5 6.03 ab 2.80 a 117.8 a 15.1 a 78.8 a 3.61 bc 12.4 a 28.9 a
5.0 6.08 ab 2.70 a 117.5 a 17.8 a 79.5 a 2.94 c 13.0 a 22.0 a
10.0 5.91 b 2.76 a 105.6 a 22.1 a 69.8 a 4.40 bc 11.0 a 25.6 a
20.0 6.12 a 3.00 a 108.2 a 33.6 a 69.0 a 8.60 a 11.9 a 26.0 a
Significancew NS NS NS NS NS 0.0263 NS NS

0.0 6.06 c 1.46 c 77.9 a 10.7 d 19.0 c 2.83 ab 11.4 c 9.9 d
2.5 6.10 c 1.50 c 61.3 b 19.5 d 28.2 bc 1.60 bc 26.6 b 30.3 c
5.0 6.17 c 1.64 bc 48.5 c 72.3 c 41.2 b 1.26 c 30.5 ab 43.0 bc
10.0 6.41 b 1.80 b 26.3 d 216.0 b 60.8 a 2.26 bc 38.3 a 54.2 b
20.0 7.18 a 2.04 a 5.3 e 454.1 a 68.8 a 4.11 a 39.7 a 80.0 a
Significancew <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0043 <0.0001 <0.0001
1 mLL–1 = 1000 ppm, 1 mScm–1 = 1 mmho/cm, 1 mgL–1 = 1 ppm.
NH4+-N = ammonium-nitrogen; NO3–-N = nitrate-nitrogen.
Means (n = 6) in each column followed by the same letters are not significantly different for foliar spray and substrate drench treatments, respectively, according to least
significant difference test at P > 0.05.
Probability values were obtained using the general linear model procedure of SAS (version 6.12) for significant effect of RWE application rates under foliar spray and substrate
drench treatments, respectively; NSnonsignificant at P > 0.05.

treatment. On the contrary, sub- 10 d when the plants were rewatered petunia Fv/Fm (Fig. 2). Tomato Fv/Fm
strate drenches at 5–10 mLL–1 in- (Fig. 1), indicating decreased wilting. was unaffected by RWE spray or
creased significantly flower number The delay in wilting response was drench treatments.
compared with the control (P < increased with increasing concen-
0.05). Petunia with 5 mLL–1 RWE tration of RWE. Further, petunias Discussion and conclusions
had 8.5 flowers per plant vs. 5.5 for under the 5–20 mLL –1 of substrate Rockweed concentrate is reported
the control treatment. drench treatments recovered best to contain various components such
Tomato FW increased significantly after rewatering. as macro and micro nutrients, amino
with increasing RWE spray rate (Table 2). RWE spray and drench treat- acids, vitamins, cytokinins, auxins,
The opposite trend was found for ments significantly affected the change and abscisic acid–like growth sub-
substrate drenches. Compared with the in tomato leaf angle measurement stances, which affect the properties of
control, 20 mLL–1 of RWE spray beginning after 3 d of drought stress. growing media, plant growth, and crop
treatment significantly increased to- RWE spray at 20 mLL–1 increased yield (Craigie, 2011; Khan et al., 2009;
mato DW, RI, and the number of the change in tomato leaf angle, in- Rayirath et al., 2009; Zhang and Ervin,
flowers. As RWE drench treatment dicating that RWE spraying treatment 2004). In this study, drenches signifi-
concentration increased from 0 to 20 reduced tomato drought tolerance, cantly affected substrate pH and EC
mLL–1 tomato plant FW, DW, and under this treatment. There were no and several measured elements. RWE
SPAD significantly decreased. The 10 significant differences in tomato leaf drench increased substrate Na+, K+,
mLL–1 of RWE drench treatment in- angle under other foliar spray rates. Cl–, and NO3––N. The opposite trends
creased the number of tomato flowers Drenches decreased the change in were found for Ca2+ concentrations.
compared with the control (P < 0.05). tomato leaf angle, indicating that These changes could possibly be attrib-
EFFECT OF RWE ON DROUGHT drench treatments increased tomato uted to a variety of constituents within
TOLERANCE OF PETUNIA AND TOMATO. drought tolerance. The effect was the aqueous alkaline extract of rock-
The change in leaf angle during the post- similar with petunia whereby increas- weed, including elemental constitu-
harvest period reflects a quantification of ing RWE drench concentration led ents, secondary compounds that may
plant wilting response to drought stress to greater drought resistance. After contain these elements (Khan et al.,
and subsequent recovery following rewatering, all tomato plants recov- 2009; Wally et al., 2013), and effects
rewatering. RWE foliar spray treatment ered well and there was not a signifi- on plant nutrient uptake and sub-
did not significantly affect the change in cant RWE response. strate retention of nutrients (Spann
petunia leaf angle. However, substrate Drench treatments, especially 5 and Little, 2011; Wally et al., 2013).
drenches significantly decreased the mLL–1 and greater concentrations of Different plant species can have
change in petunia leaf angle compared RWE significantly increased petunia different responses to the application
with the control beginning after 5 d of Fv/Fm compared with the control. methods and rates of seaweed con-
drought stress and continuing until Foliar spray did not significantly affect centrates. Root growth of tomato was
• August 2015 25(4) 507

Table 2. Effect of rockweed extract (RWE) application rate and method on the growth and flowering of petunia and tomato.
Beginning from 3 d after transplanting, petunia and tomato received weekly RWE treatments for 6 weeks, applied as either
a foliar spray or substrate drench at concentrations of 0, 2.5, 5, 10, or 20 mLLL1. The solutions were prepared with reverse
osmosis water. Data were collected 6 weeks after RWE treatments.
Petuniay Tomato
Treatment FW DW RI Flowers FW DW RI Flowers
(mLLL1)z (g/plant)z (g/plant) (0–5 scale) (no./plant) SPAD (g/plant) (g/plant) (0–5 scale) (no./plant) SPAD
0.0 33.4 bx 2.77 b 2.9 c 2.1 a 45.0 b 69.6 b 10.1 b 3.1 c 5.2 b 39.5 a
2.5 36.9 ab 2.90 b 3.8 b 2.9 a 48.8 a 70.4 b 10.3 ab 3.2 c 4.8 b 39.3 a
5.0 38.9 a 3.17 ab 4.6 a 3.4 a 49.6 a 72.6 b 10.4 ab 3.4 bc 4.5 b 40.0 a
10.0 39.7 a 3.46 a 4.4 ab 3.0 a 51.4 a 79.1 a 11.6 ab 3.7 b 4.5 b 40.5 a
20.0 40.8 a 3.51 a 4.2 ab 3.0 a 50.6 a 80.7 a 11.8 a 4.2 a 8.3 a 41.2 a
Significancew 0.0210 0.0140 0.0013 NS 0.0007 <0.0001 NS 0.0005 <0.0001 ns

0.0 32.9 a 3.07 a 3.9 a 5.5 c 50.7 a 71.9 a 10.4 a 3.9 a 8.0 b 40.4 a
2.5 30.6 a 2.96 a 3.1 b 6.5 bc 45.3 b 70.3 a 10.1 a 4.2 a 8.5 b 39.5ab
5.0 29.1 a 2.85 ab 2.9 b 8.5 a 41.8 b 65.5 ab 9.4 a 4.0 a 8.5 b 38.6 ab
10.0 28.6 a 2.69 ab 2.6 b 7.4 b 37.7 c 62.0 b 9.4 a 3.8 a 12.8 a 36.9 bc
20.0 23.5 b 2.48 b 1.9 c 6.5 bc 32.0 d 40.6 c 7.6 b 3.3 b 7.7 b 34.9 c
Significance 0.0050 0.0304 <0.0001 0.0004 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0007 0.0023 <0.0001 0.0272
1 mLL–1 = 1000 ppm, 1 g = 0.0353 oz.
FW = shoot fresh weight; DW = shoot dry weight; RI = root index with 0 = no visible roots at the substrate surfaces and 5 = visible roots were matted on the surface of the
substrate, SPAD = leaf chlorophyll index measured using a chlorophyll meter (Minolta SPAD-502).
Means (n = 6) in each column followed by the same letters are not significantly different for foliar spray and substrate drench treatments, respectively, according to least
significant difference test at P > 0.05.
Probability values were obtained using the general linear model procedure of SAS (version 6.12) for significant effect of RWE application rates under foliar spray and substrate
drench treatments, respectively; NSnonsignificant at P > 0.05.

inhibited at high concentrations (1:100 foliar spraying rate up to 5 mLL–1, drench treatment is appropriate for
seaweed extract:water) but stimulatory but did not change with further in- enhancing flowering of petunia. Sim-
effects were found at lower concen- crease in spraying rate. This increase ilar trends were found for tomato
trations (1:600), irrespective of root in SPAD may be due to betaines in growth and flowering.
applications and foliar sprays (Finnie the seaweed extract increasing chlo- More recent studies indicate that
and van Staden, 1985). Atzmon and rophyll levels in the plant (Whapham seaweed extracts can stimulate in-
van Staden (1994) found that foliar et al., 1993). On the contrary, weekly creases in endogenous phytohormones
application can increase the total plant substrate drenches at 20 mLL–1 sig- such as cytokinins, auxin, indole acetic
weight of stone pine (Pinus pinea), nificantly decreased FW, DW, RI, and acid, and gibberellic acid, which can
but root drenches did not change the SPAD values of petunia and tomato. improve growth and development, as
total plant weight. Application to the This decrease in growth may have well as protect plants from various
soil of an aqueous alkaline extract of been related to high substrate pH, stresses such as drought, salinity, and
rockweed resulted in higher concen- resulting in decrease in substrate Ca2+ temperature (Khan et al., 2009, 2011;
trations of chlorophyll in the leaves of concentrations, rather than an inhib- Rayorath et al., 2008b; Wally et al.,
treated plants [tomato, dwarf french itory effect of the RWE. In addition, 2013). In this study, RWE foliar sprays
bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), wheat (Tri- drench treatment could cause an os- were not effective for the improvement
ticum aestivum), barley (Hordeum motic stress to petunia and tomato of the drought tolerance of petunia
vulgare), and maize (Zea mays)] than transplants due to increase in sub- and tomato, which differed from pre-
those of untreated controls (Blunden strate Na+ and Cl– concentrations, vious studies (Spann and Little, 2011).
et al., 1996; Khan et al., 2009). When resulting in the reduction in FW/ On the contrary, substrate drenches
the seaweed extract was applied as DW (Tables 1 and 2). Seaweed con- especially >5 mLL–1 significantly im-
a foliar spray, similar effects on leaf centrates have been reported to trig- proved drought resistance of petunia
chlorophyll contents were obtained ger early flowering of crop plants. For and tomato. The Fv/Fm ratio is an
for tomato, wheat, barley, and maize example, tomato seedlings treated index of the maximum photochemical
except in the case of dwarf french with seaweed concentrate set more efficiency of photosystem II complex
bean plants (Blunden et al., 1996; flowers earlier than the control in the dark-adapted state and a decrease
Whapham et al., 1993). In this study, plants (Crouch and van Staden, in this parameter is a reliable sign of
RWE spray and drench treatments 1992). In our experiment, foliar photoinhibition (Gong et al., 2013).
did not significantly affect the height sprays did not affect petunia flower- The Fv/Fm ratio can also be used as
and crown diameter of petunia or ing, but 5–10 mLL–1 of RWE sub- a reliable indicator of drought stress
tomato (data not shown). Petunia strate drenches significantly increased (Krause, 1988). In this study, plants
FW, DW, RI, and SPAD increased petunia flower number. These results that received substrate drenches espe-
significantly with increasing RWE indicate that 5–10 mLL–1 of RWE cially >5 mLL–1 exhibited a significant
508 • August 2015 25(4)
increase in Fv/Fm compared with the
control plants as measured at 2 d,
indicating that RWE led to an increase
in photochemical efficiency after
drought stress.
In conclusion, the results of this
study suggested that RWE substrate
drenches at 5–10 mLL–1 are appropriate
for the improvement of postharvest
life of petunia and tomato transplants,
however monitoring of substrate pH
should be done. Additionally, RWE
foliar sprays were shown to be appro-
priate for improving growth of petu-
nia and tomato.

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