Hamdan Fire Safety - Protection Procedure

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Hamdan Engineering & Construction

Saudi Contracting Company Rev.0

Rev. Date Description Prepared by Approved by

0 25/05/24 Fire Safety Procedure Ali Jafri. Khurshid Khan
EHS Manager Gen. Manager

pg. 1


The general program for fire safety and fire-fighting, as well as the workplace training
program for fire watchers, are coordinated by the safety department.


Each workplace must be kept in good condition. (Flammables can't accumulate.)

All buildings that house combustible materials must have fire suppression equipment.
Fire hydrants, hoses, reels, and extinguishers will all undergo routine inspections by
the safety department to ensure they are in excellent working order. Without
permission from the safety department, no unlawful use of fire hydrants, hose stations,
or PIV valves is allowed.
All fire safety equipment will still be easily accessible. (Includes fire hydrants, hose
reels, extinguishers, etc.). The sole objective of fire protection equipment is that.

All structures must maintain and keep clear fire lanes for safe egress.
There will only be a few places where smoking is permitted. Smoking will never be
tolerated inside the office buildings. Every week, smoke detectors need to be
inspected to ensure proper operation. Anyone who violates the office building no-
smoking regulation will face severe disciplinary action.


 Adequate distance for fire fighting equipment shall be maintained between

temporary structures and permanent facilities.
 The use of wood or combustible temporary shacks around permanent buildings
under construction shall be minimized. All temporary shacks shall be kept a
minimum distance of 20 m (65 ft) from the perimeter walls of such buildings.
 Temporary buildings and shelves and storage containers in warehouses shall be
built of non-combustible materials.
 Fireproofed cabinets or other fire resistant storage facilities shall be used
wherever important documents are stored.
 Provide sprinkler systems in areas where important documents or high fire risk
combustible materials are stored.
 Provide alarms and smoke detectors.
 Provide portable or permanently mounted extinguishers shall be available within
10 m (33 ft) of a workforce involving welding, burning or the use of an open
 Each welder shall use welding blankets in order to contain weld splatter.
 At least one permanently mounted fire extinguisher shall be provided in each
building near the door. Additional extinguishers shall be mounted so as to have
one available within 20 m of any point inside the building.

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 Extinguishers shall be located within 15 m (50 ft) of any point on the perimeter of
material stored in fuel or combustible materials storage areas. Additionally, these
areas shall be identified with signs restricting vehicle access and prohibiting fire
ignition sources and smoking.
 A permanently mounted extinguisher shall be placed on each item of mobile
industrial equipment having a diesel or gasoline engine, and on all welding
 All fire prevention/fire fighting equipment shall be inspected monthly to ensure
they are in a good working order and replaced if faulty. Records of inspections
shall be maintained for review by safety department as applicable.
 Fuel containers shall be of metal and equipped with an air-vent.
 Fuel trucks will be properly grounded when refueling equipment. Equipment shall
be switched off during refueling.
 Stored oxygen cylinders shall be separated from gas cylinders by either a fire
retardant partition of at least 2 m (6.5 ft) high or a minimum distance of 6 m (20
ft) away.
 Contractor shall provide a layout of temporary facilities that incorporates all the
fire prevention requirements.
 Contractor’s overall jobsite fire prevention / fire fighting plan shall describe how
Contractor proposes to discharge its duties and shall also include the following
topics at a minimum:
 An analysis of the major fire risks that must be protected against and the method
of protection.
 A description of the firewater supply facilities that will be provided.
 Spacing that will be used in laying out temporary facilities at the jobsite to assure
safe distances between potential fire hazards.
 Fire protection of vital documents and records.
 Temporary fire prevention measures for temporary buildings, permanent plant
facilities, labor camps and all other facilities.
 Provision of fire prevention surveillance, fire watch, alarms, smoke detectors and
other warning measures.
 The organization of the fire brigades, their training and call out system.
 The fire prevention training program.
 Schedules and checklists for fire prevention inspections.
 A fire emergency response plan outlining fire brigade and non-brigade personnel
mobilization requirements, command posts, communication procedures with local
community fire company random testing, etc.
 To prevent ignition hazards, electrical wiring and equipment shall be installed in
accordance with the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70-1975.
 A fire extinguisher rated not less than 5A shall be provided for each 250 m2 (299
yd2)of building area and in each yard storage area. Travel distance to any fire
extinguisher shall not exceed 20 m (65 ft) from any protected area inside or
outside a building.
 One or more extinguishers rated not less than 5A shall be located on each floor
of a multi-stored building. At least one 5A-rated extinguisher shall be located

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adjacent to a stairway in a multi-stored building. Extinguishers rated not less than
10B shall be provided within 15 m of any area in which more than five 20 liters
(5.25 gal)of flammable or combustible liquids or 2.27 kg of flammable gas are
being used.
 Carbon tetrachloride extinguishers are prohibited. Extinguishers shall be
conspicuously located where they shall be readily accessible and immediately
available in case of fire, and their locations shall be conspicuously marked.
Extinguishers shall be installed on hangers or in the brackets provided.


Only approved Safety containers may be used to handle, dispense, and store
flammable/combustible liquids.
Only certain spaces and authorized cabinets or cages may be used to store flammable
or combustible liquids.


The regions where welding and cutting operations are being performed should be
closely monitored both during and right after the operation (particularly below).

Fire extinguishers must be nearby for any welding or cutting operations. Before
beginning welding and cutting activities, fire extinguishers for this usage (stand-by fire
watch) must be checked out of the nearby tool trailer.

The gas supply to the torch must be turned off in order to prevent fires from starting in
enclosed places as a result of gas leaking from or being poorly closed torch valves.
The torch and hose must be taken out of the confined space anytime they are not
being used or when they will be unattended for an extended period of time. When
unplugged from the torch, open ended fuel gas and oxygen hoses must be taken out
of any enclosed areas right away.


 2A Extinguisher
A 2A extinguisher contains water, soda acid or foam, and is of the pump or
pressure type with a discharge capacity of not less than 10 liter per minute.
 10B Extinguisher
This extinguisher contains foam, C02 or a dry chemical with a discharge
capacity of not less than 65 liters (17 gal).
 Halogenated Extinguisher
Halogen extinguishers contain agents whose vapors have a low toxicity. The
decomposition products of these agents can be hazardous. When using
halogen extinguishers in unventilated places (such as small rooms, closets,

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motor vehicles, or other confined spaces), operators and others must avoid
breathing the gases produced by thermal decomposition of the agent.
Freon FE 1301 is an example of halogenated agent often used in
extinguishers that protect model rooms, computer areas, or similar fixed


Fires are classified as Class A, B, C, D or Special, depending upon the types of materials
involved. These classifications are defined as follows:
 Class A: Fires in ordinary combustible materials such as wood, cloth, paper,
trash, rubber and plastic.
 Class B: Fires in flammable liquid, oil, grease, tar, oil-base paint, lacquer and
flammable gas.
 Class C: Fires involving energized electrical equipment or systems, resulting in
the extinguishing media conducting electricity. (When electrical equipment or
systems are de-energized, extinguishers for Class A or B fires can be used
 Class D: Fires in combustible metals, such as magnesium, titanium, zirconium,
sodium, lithium and potassium.
Fires involving certain reactive chemicals that don't fit into the other four categories and
that, in some situations, call for specialized extinguishing methods or agents.


All cutting, burning, welding, and other open flame operations require the presence of
a fire watch. The Fire-watch staff will receive the necessary training and firefighting
supplies. The Fire-watch will be in charge of keeping an eye out for flames, putting
them out, and sounding the alarm. Each member of the fire watch will be in charge of
a maximum area that can be represented by an eight-meter circle on a horizontal
plane. Every open-flame operation will fall under the purview of a Fire-watch.
Fire-watchers will be identifiable by their red luminous vests.
However, during new hire orientation and fire watches, all employees will receive basic
fire extinguisher training and will also receive more in-depth instruction.

Fire watch will:

 help insure containment of sparks and slag;
 keep 9 kg ABC extinguisher ready for immediate use at all times;
 familiar with locations and methods of sounding alarms;
 maintain watch for 30 minutes after operation to ensure no fire develops; and
 be identified by wearing an orange vest.


Firefighting equipment (fire extinguisher)must be checked once a month, or more

frequently if necessary, to make sure they haven't been activated or tampered with,

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and to look for any damage. They must have inspection tags on them, and each
inspection must be followed by an indication of the date of the inspection. Records
need to be kept for a year. The following should be tested or weighed in compliance
with NFPA specifications:

Type Frequency
Water Pump No test required
Cartridge 5 years
Soda Acid 5 years
Pressure 5 years
Foam 5 years
CO2 5 years
Dry Chemical 1 year

The maintenance test and recharge date, as well as the initials or signature of the
person who performed the services, must be displayed on a sturdy tag that is securely
fastened to each fire extinguisher. A discharged fire extinguisher must be refilled right
away and taken out of use. It is required to keep records of inspections and



A flammable liquid is any liquid having a flashpoint below 37.8oC (100oF). Flammable
liquids will be known as Class 1 Liquids. Class 1 Liquids are divided into three categories
as follows:
1A: Liquids having a flashpoint less than 22.8oC (73oF) and a boiling point below 37.8oC
1B: Liquids having a flashpoint less than 22.8oC (73oF) and a boiling point at or above
37.8oC (100oF).
1C: Liquids having a flashpoint at or above 22.8oC (73oF) and a boiling point below
37.8oC (100oF).


A combustible liquid is any liquid having a flashpoint at or about 37.8oC (100oF).

Combustible liquids are divided into two categories as follows:
II: Liquids having a flashpoint above 37.8oC (100oF) and less than 60oC (140oF).
III: Liquids having a flashpoint at or above 60oC (140oF).

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Category III liquids are subdivided as follows:
IIIA: Liquids having a flashpoint at or above 60oC (140oF) but below 93.3oC (200oF).
IIIB: Liquids having a flashpoint at or above below 93.3oC (200oF).


A safety can is a permitted container with a maximum capacity of 20 liters (5 gal) that
features a spring-closing lid and spout cover that have been engineered to safely release
internal pressure in the event of a fire exposure. A safety valve is typically included in
safety cans.


Flammable or combustible liquids will only be kept in authorized containers or portable

tanks. Outside of a storage cabinet, no more than 100 litres (25 gal) will be kept in a
space. Storage cabinets will be clearly marked with lettering.


No one storage cabinet or container may hold more than 227 liters (60 gal) of
flammable liquids or 454 liters (120 gal) of combustible liquids. A single storage area
may only have three of these cabinets. It is prohibited to store materials that react with
water to pose a fire risk alongside flammable or combustible liquids. No building will
be positioned closer than 6 meters (20 feet) away from any outdoor portable tank
storage. Dispensing containers and tanks will be shielded from collision damage.

Weeds, rubbish, and combustible materials not required for storage will be kept out of
storage facilities. Dispensing equipment will be shielded from collision harm. Tanks
and containers should be clearly labeled "FLAMMABLE - KEEP FIRE AWAY" and with
the name of the substance they contain.In risky places, there will be "No Smoking"
signs displayed. There will be clearly marked and appropriately posted smoking

Static grounding lines are to be provided for all storage containers


Only when containers are electrically connected (bonded) will flammable liquids be
transferred from one container to another. Only through a closed pipe system from
safety cans, using a device drawing through the top, or by gravity or pump through an
authorized self-closing valve, will drawing or transferring be done. Transferring via air
pressure is forbidden.
Flammable liquid nozzles and dispensing equipment must be of the permitted variety.
Use of flammable and combustible liquids is prohibited within 15 meters (50 feet) of an

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open flame or another ignition source. Signs stating "No Smoking" will be placed
where necessary.

When not in use, flammable and combustible liquids will be stored in closed


Liquids that are flammable or combustible will be disposed of in accordance with

applicable EPA regulations.

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