Revision For Mid-Term

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Choose the best answer:

1. ____________is made up of diverse cell types, including fibroblasta, fat cells and blood.
A. Epithelial tissue B. Connective tissue C. Muscle tissue D. Nervous tissue
2. The human ________________is a responsible for pumping blood throughout our body.
A. brain B. liver C. lungs D. heart
3. _____ is responsible for our thoughts, feelings, memory storage and general perception of the world.
A. The brain B. the heart C. the lungs D. the stomach
4. The job of the __________is to remove waste and extra fluid from the blood.
A. stomach B. lungs C. kidneys D. liver
5. The purpose of _________ system is to digest food, remove and use its nutrients, and expel waste products.
A. the circulatory B. the respiratory C. the digestive D. the urinary

6. The substance inside a cell that surrounds the cell's nucleus is the__________.

A. cystoplasm B. cell membrane C. nucleus D. organelle

7. Pain helps with healing ____________ it makes us protect our injuries.

A. and B. so C. but D. because
8. Doctor: How’s the pain today, Emir?

Patient: It’s much better, thanks. I have a slight pain, just here in my right side, but it’s a lot _____ than

A. painful B. more painful C. less painful D. most painful

9. Doctor: Does it feel the same all the time?

Patient: No, it changes. Sometimes it’s not too bad, but it gets a bit _________ at night.

A. baddest B. worse C. badly D. bad

10. I keep getting this terrible pain down my left arm. It starts at the shoulder and shoots down to ______ hand.
A. she B. my C. mine D. her
1. She has got such a long neck; _____________head seems a long way from ______________shoulders!
A. she/her B. her/her C. hers/she D. hers/ hers
2. Which of the parts of the body is not on the face?
A. abdomen B. cheek C. nose D. forehead
3. Rest is _____________________ treatment we can offer him.
A. well B. more better C. the best D. badly
4. The symptoms of pneumonia are a temperature of over 1200F (390C), fast breathing, and sometimes
accompanied by vomiting and sometimes _____________ up blood.
A. cough B. coughed C. coughs D. coughing
5. It's ___________________ to walk now than it was before the operation
A. easier B. more easy C. more easier D. more eassily
6. You sit at work all day. You need to exercise _________________body.
A. you B. yours C. your D. x
7. This time Anna took ___________________to improve than before.
A. more B. longer C. later D. least
8. _________________friend is ill? – Sally’s. She’s really worried.
A. Who’s B. Whose C. When D. Why
9. Sarah goes to the doctor. He says that too much fat and not enough exercise is bad for _______.
A. She B. hers C. her D. him
10. When you are ill, you expect your doctor to tell you what you have, and then __________ you.
A. treats B. treat C. treat ment D. treated
11. Symptoms include dizziness, numbness in the arms, rashes, severe __________, mood swings and
persistent, extreme tiredness.
A. head B. ache C. a headache D. headaches
12. He’s _______________than he was about ten minutes ago. He’s coming to get better gradually.
A. more drowsy B. more drowsier C. less drowsy D. less drowsier
13. Physiotherapists encourage people to have good posture and to keep___________________backs straight
whenever possible
A. their B. his C. her D. your
14. Children with asthma become very short of ______________when an attack occurs.
A. breathing B. breathing C. breathes D. breath
15. Brush your _________________at least twice a day to keep them clean and healthy.
A. feet B. hands C. teeth D. face
16. He grapped a handful of candies and stuffed his _________________.
A. ear B. eyes C. mouth D. hand
17. Which part of _____________chest did you feel the pain?
A. my B. your C. his D. her
18. Physiotherapy can sometimes work ______________ for backache than drugs.
A. effectiver B. more effective C. more effectively D. most effectively
19. This is ______________operation he has ever carried out.
A. complex B. more complex C. most complex D. the most complex
20. Symptoms of common cold might last ________in people who smoke.
A. longer B. longly C. more longer D. longest
Write a word basing on the provided definition using the suggested letter.
A structure in a cell that stores food, water or wastes V_ _ _ _ _ _
A felxible covering that protects the inside of a cell from the environment C_ _ _ M_ _ _ _ _ _ _
outside a cell.
Tiny structures inside cells that carry out specific functions O_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Organelles contain enzymes which break down substances such as bacteria L________
which enter the cell
A cell structure which manufacture proteins R_ _ _ _ _ _ _
a structure inside a cell nucleus, containing RNA N_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
This is a medical condition in which the body temperature is higher than F_ _ _ _
usual and the heart beats very fast.
A lot of small red spots on the skin R_ _ _
this is a condition with lack of physical or emotional feeling N_ _ _ _ _ _ _
A scientist who specilizes in the study of tissues. H__________
These are group of similar cells working together to do a specific job. T_____
Groups of organs working together to perform complex functions S______
This is all the material that is ouside the nucleus and yet contained within C________
the cell membrane.
the feeling that you are going to vomit N_____
This is a small grain-like structure in the cytoplasm of a cell where proteins R________
are made.
This is a biologist who studies the structure and function of cells. C_________
this is the largest cell organelle which directs the cell’s activities and N______
contains chromosomes
The study of tissues H________
This kind of tissue is responsible for movement M_____T_____
The tissue that supports and connects other tissues and organs C____ _____T_____
a part of the body that has not developed in the usual way or with the D________
normal shape
a condition which makes someone unable to empty their bowels as often as C___________
they should
a sudden painful tightening in a muscle, often after a lot of exercise, that C____
limits movement
a temporary feeling that your sense of balance is not good and that you D_____ ___
may fall down
Make up sentences using suggested words.

1. he / suffer / bad headache.

2. How many / vital / organ / there / human body ?
3. My dad/ be/ doctor. He/ get/ work/ car.
4. My father / work / small / hospital / the countryside.
5. you know / what/ happen/ make/ it hurt?
6. The fingers/ be/ one of/ sensitive/ parts/ of the body.
7. human heart / be/ responsible / pump / blood / our body.
8. You / want / work / as / surgeon? – Yes, I do.
9. cough / sneeze / signs / common cold.
10. Pain / warn / us / what things / dangerous.
11. This/ be/ the/ safe/ treatment/ available.
12. The fracture/ be/ serious/ than/ we/ realized.
13. Nowadays/ people/ tend/ be/ fat/ than/ past.
14. Aspirin/ be/ strong/ painkiller/ we/ ever/ had.
15. Babies/ may/ have/ high/ body temperatures/ than adults.
16. This/ be/ the/ complex/ operation/ I/ have/ ever/ carried out.
17. Which/ drug/ will/ give/ the/ effective/ pain relief?
18. The patient/ feel/ a little/ good/ today.
19. His/ wound/ work/ a lot/ seriously/ than/ we/ thought.
20. This/ be/ the/ little/ difficult/ case/ I/ have/ had/ years.
21. The pain/ start/ yesterday/, but it/ be/ much/ severe/ today.
22. The pain/ start/ the shoulder/ and/ shoot/ down to/ hand.
23. I/ got/ this/ throbbing/ pain/ head.
24. How often/ you/ get/ pain?
25. What/ kind/ pain/ be/ it?
26. Can/ you/ tell/ what/ seem/ be/ bother/ you?
27. it/ hurt/ anywhere?
28. Where/ exactly/ it/ hurt?
29. Most people/ recover/ a comoon cold/ a week/ or 10/ day.
30. How long/ a common cold/ last?
31. anything/ make/ pain/ feel/ good?
32. It/ hurt/ much/ than/ it/ yesterday.
33. Beards / be/ fast/ growing hairs/ on the human body.
34. Fingernails/ grow/ fast/ toenails.
35. The common cold/ be/ a viral infection/ our nose and throat.
36. This/ be/ serious/ case/ he/ ever/ see.
37. In/ UK/ this/ treatment/ be/ expensive/ than/ in / USA.\
38. He/ be/ bleed/ profusely/ than/ before.
39. It/ be/ painful/ experience/ she/ ever/ have.
40. Childbirth/ be/ painful/ experience/ every woman/ ever/ had.
41. We/take/our son/hospital/last night/because of / serious diarrhoea.
42. injury/ be/ serious/ than/ we/ think.
43. This/ be/ good/ hospital/ I/ ever/ be/ in.
44. The/ painkillers/ be/ much/ effective/ those.
45. Rest/ be/ good/ treatment/ we/ offer/ him.
46. coughing/ and/ sneeze/ be/ common symptom/ a cold.

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