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GE 1 Mathematics in Modern World

Problem Solving and Reasoning


Having spent six (6) years in high school, you may have done some reasoning in
Math, Science, or even Social Science subjects which take on a pattern. Most
occupations requires good problem – solving skills. For example, architects,
engineers must solve complicated problems as they design and construct modern
building s that are aesthetically pleasing, functional and meet stringent safety

This module aims to help you become a better problem solver and to demonstrate
that problem solving can be an enjoyable experience.

Lesson Content
1. Inductive and Deductive Reasoning
2. Intuition Proofs and Certainty
3. Polya’s Four Step in Problem Solving
4. Problem Solving Strategies
5. Mathematical Problems Involving Patterns

Learning Competencies
After completing the module, the learner should be able to:

1. Compare and contrast inductive and deductive reasoning.

2. Use different types of reasoning to justify statements and arguments
made about mathematics and mathematical concepts.
3. Apply Polya’s four – step in problem solving.
4. Organize one’s methods and procedures for proving and solving
5. Perform operations on mathematical expressions correctly.
6. Articulate the importance of mathematics in one’s life.
7. Express appreciation for mathematics as a human endeavour.
8. Support the use of mathematics in various aspects and endeavors in
9. Affirm honesty and integrity in the appreciation of Mathematic to
various human endeavors.

Motivation Question:

One problem that many have enjoyed is the Monty Hall problem, which is stated
as follows. The grand prize in Let’s Make a Deal is behind one of the three doors. Less
desirable prizes (for instance, a goat and a box of candy) are behind the other two
doors. You select one of the doors, say door 1. Monty Hall reveals one of the less
desirable prizes behind one of the other doors. You are then given the opportunity either
to stay with your original choice or to choose the remaining closed door. What do you
think? Do you have a better chance of winning the grand prize by switching to the other
closed door or staying with your original choice?

Vision: A Premier technological institution in Agriculture and Allied Sciences in the Region
Mission: Advancing Agriculture, allied sciences and technological development through production, research, extension, management,
instruction and entrepreneurship for rural development. 31
For Instructional Purposes Only * 1st Semester AY 2021 - 2022

Lesson 3.1 Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

Inductive reasoning is drawing a general conclusion from a repeated observation

or limited sets of observations of specific examples. Basically, there is a given data,
then we draw conclusion based from the frame these data or simply from specific
case to general case. The conclusion drawn from an inductive reasoning is called
conjecture. The conjecture may be true or false depending on the truthfulness of
the argument. A statement is a true statement provided that it is true in all cases and
it only takes one example to prove the conjecture is false, such example is called
counterexample. Some examples of inductive reasoning are shown below.

Inductive Reasoning
Inductive Reasoning is the process of reaching a general conclusion by examining specific

Example 1:
1 is an odd number.
11 is an odd number.
21 is an odd number.
Therefore, all number ending with 1 are odd numbers.

Example 2:
Essay test is difficult.
Problem Solving test is difficult.
Therefore, all tests are difficult.

Example 3:
Mark is a Science teacher.
Mark is bald.
Therefore, all science teachers are bald.

Example 4: Use Inductive Reasoning to Predict a Number

a. 3,6,9,12,15,? b. 1,3,6,10,15,?

a. Each of the successive number is 3 larger than the preceding number.
Thus we predict the next number in the list is 3 larger than 15 which is
b. The first two number differ by 2. The second and third number differs
by 3. It appears that the difference between two numbers that the
difference between any two numbers is always 1 more than the
preceding difference. Since 10 and 15 differ by 5, we predict the next
number in the list will be 6 larger than 15 which is 21.

Example 5: Use Inductive Reasoning to Make a Conjecture

Consider the following procedure. Pick a number. Multiply the number by 8, add
6 to the product, divide the sum by 2 and subtract 3.

Vision: A Premier technological institution in Agriculture and Allied Sciences in the Region
Mission: Advancing Agriculture, allied sciences and technological development through production, research, extension, management,
instruction and entrepreneurship for rural development. 32
GE 1 Mathematics in Modern World

Complete the above procedure for several different numbers. Use inductive
reasoning to make a conjecture about the relationship between the size of the
resulting number and the original number.


Suppose we pick 5 as our original number. Then the procedure would produce
the following results:
Original Number: 5
Multiply by 8: 5 x 8 = 40
Add 6: 40 + 6 = 46
Divide by 2: 46 ÷ 2 = 23
Subtract 3: 23 – 3 = 20

We started with 5 and followed the procedure to produce 20. Starting with 6 as
our original number produces a final result of 24. Starting with 10 produces a
final result of 20. Starting with 100 produces a final result of 400. In each of
these cases the resulting number is four times the original number.
We conjecture that following the given procedure produces a number that is
four times the original number.

Galileo Galilei (1564 – 1642) used inductive reasoning to discover that the time
required for a pendulum to complete a swing, called the period of the pendulum
depends on the length of the pendulum. Galileo did not have a clock, so he
measured the periods of pendulum in “heartbeats”. The following table shows
some results obtained for pendulums of various lengths. For the sake of
convenience, a length of 10 inches has been designated as 1 unit.

Length of the Period of Pendulum

Pendulum in Units in Heartbeats
1 1
4 2
9 3
16 4
25 5
36 6

Example 6: Use Inductive Reasoning to Solve an Application

Use the data in table above and inductive reasoning to answer each of the
following questions.

1. If a pendulum has a length of 49 units, what is its period?

If the length of the pendulum is quadrupled, what happens to its period?

a. In the table, each pendulum has a period that is the square root of its length.
Thus we conjecture that a pendulum with a length of 49 units will have a period
of 7 heartbeats.

Vision: A Premier technological institution in Agriculture and Allied Sciences in the Region
Mission: Advancing Agriculture, allied sciences and technological development through production, research, extension, management,
instruction and entrepreneurship for rural development. 33
For Instructional Purposes Only * 1st Semester AY 2021 - 2022

b. In the table, a pendulum with a length of 4 has a period twice that of a

pendulum with length of 1 unit. A pendulum with 16 units, has a period that is
twice that of a pendulum with a length of 4 units. It appears that quadrupling the
length of a pendulum doubles its period.


In items # 1 – 5, use inductive reasoning ti predict the next number in each list.
1. 4,8,12,16,20,24,?
2. 3, 5, 9, 15, 23, 33, ?
3. 80, 70, 61, 53, 46, 40, ?
3 5 7 9 11 13
4. , , , , , , ?
5 7 9 11 13 15
5. 1, 5, 12, 22, 35, ?

In item 6 – 7 use inductive reasoning to decide whether each statement is

correct. Note: The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,…are counting numbers or natural
numbers. Any counting number n divided by 2 produces a remainder of either 0
or 1. If n ÷ 2 has a remainder of 0 then n is even counting number. if n ÷ 2 has
a remainder of 1, then n is an odd counting number.

Even counting numbers : 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, …

Odd counting numbers: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, …

6. The sum of any tow even counting numbers is always an even counting

7. Pick any number. Multiply the number by 6. Add 8 to the product. Divide the
sum by 2. Subtract 4 from the quotient. The resulting number is twice the original

Deductive reasoning is drawing general to specific example or simply from

general case to specific case. Deductive starts with a general statement (or
hypothesis) and examines to reach a specific conclusion. Some examples of
deductive reasoning.

Example 1:
All birds have feathers.
Ducks are birds.
Therefore, ducks have feathers.

Example 2:
All sick won’t be able to go to work.
Christopher is sick.
Therefore, Christopher won’t be able to go to work.

Example 3:
All Science teachers are bald.
Mark is bald.
Therefore, Mark is a science teacher.

Vision: A Premier technological institution in Agriculture and Allied Sciences in the Region
Mission: Advancing Agriculture, allied sciences and technological development through production, research, extension, management,
instruction and entrepreneurship for rural development. 34
GE 1 Mathematics in Modern World

Note: Logical Reasoning may be valid but not necessarily true.

Example 4: Use deductive reasoning to establish a conjecture

Use deductive reasoning to show that the following procedure produces a number
that is four times the original number.

Procedure: Pick a number. Multiply the number by 8, and add 6 to the product,
divide the sum by 2 and subtract 3.

Let n represent the original number.

Multiply the number by 8: 8n

Add 6 to the product: 8n + 6
Divide the sum by 2: = 4𝑛 + 3
Subtract 3: 4n + 3 – 3 = 4n

We started with n and ended with 4n. The procedure given in this example
produces a number that is four times the original number.


In items 1 – 2, find a pair of numbers that provides a counterexample to show that

the given statement is false.

1. If the sum of two counting numbers is even, then the product of the two counting
numbers is an even counting number.

2. If the product of two counting numbers is even counting number, then both of the
counting numbers are even counting numbers.

3. Use deductive reasoning to show that the following procedure always produce
the number 5.

Procedure: Pick a number. Add 4 to the number and multiply the sum by 3.
Subtract 7 and then decrease this difference by the triple of the original number.

4. Use deductive reasoning to show that the following procedure always produce a
number that is equal to the original number.

Procedure: Pick a number multiply the number by 6 and add 8. Divide the sum
by 2, subtract twice the original number, and subtract 4.

Vision: A Premier technological institution in Agriculture and Allied Sciences in the Region
Mission: Advancing Agriculture, allied sciences and technological development through production, research, extension, management,
instruction and entrepreneurship for rural development. 35
For Instructional Purposes Only * 1st Semester AY 2021 - 2022

Inductive Reasoning vs. Deductive Reasoning

Example 5: Use deductive reasoning to establish a conjecture

Determine whether each of the following arguments is an example of inductive

reasoning or deductive reasoning.

a. During the past 10 years, a tree has produced plums every other year. Last year
the tree, did not produce plums, so this year the tree will produce plums.

b. All home improvements cost more than the estimate. The contractor estimated
that my home improvement will cost ₱ 250, 000.00. Thus my home improvement
will cost more than ₱ 250, 000.00.


a. This argument reaches a conclusion based on specific examples, so it is an

example of inductive reasoning.

b. Because the conclusion is a specific case of a general assumption, this

argument is an example of deductive reasoning.


Determine whether each of the following arguments is an example of inductive or

deductive reasoning.

a. All John Grisham novels are worth reading. The novel The Runaway Jury is a John
Grisham novel. Thus The Runaway Jury is worth reading.

b. I know I will win in a jackpot on this slot machine in the next 10 tries, because it has
not paid out any money during the last 45 tries.

Lesson 3.2 Intuition Proofs and Certainty

Intuition is a reliable mathematical belief without being formalized and proven

directly and serves as an essential part of Mathematics. The word intuition is
somewhat dangerous and illegitimate substitute for formal proof.

Intuitive is counterpart of rigorous. Being rigorous is not completely clear and never
gives precise meaning. It can be said that intuitive means lacking in rigor, yet the
concept of rigor is defined intuitively and not rigorously. Being intuitive means being
visual just like geometry differs from rigorous geometry in two ways.

Intuitive has different meanings like plausible, or convincing in the absence of

proof, incomplete, holistic or integrative as opposed to detailed or analytic. In all
different usages, intuition is vague. It changes from one usage to another.

In Mathematics, a proof is an inferential argument for a mathematical statement. In

mathematical argument, statements such as all theorems can only be used if it is
Vision: A Premier technological institution in Agriculture and Allied Sciences in the Region
Mission: Advancing Agriculture, allied sciences and technological development through production, research, extension, management,
instruction and entrepreneurship for rural development. 36
GE 1 Mathematics in Modern World

already proven. In principle, a proof can use axioms which are denoted as self –
evident or assumed statements along with accepted rules of inference. Axioms may
be served as conditions that must be met before the statement applies. Proofs are
examples of exhaustive deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning. A
mathematical proof demonstrates that a certain statement is always true in all
possible cases. An unproved proposition that is believed to be true is known as a

If one has a conjecture, the only way that it can safely be sure that it is true, is by
presenting a valid mathematical proof. Being able to write down a valid proof may
indicate that one has a thorough understanding of the problem. A mathematician
that tries to prove something, may gain a great deal of understanding and
knowledge even if his efforts to prove that conjecture will end with failure.

We know that the need for certainty is inherited from the ancient past, and is
religiously motivated, its validity is dependent of its history and its motivation.
Mathematics has its standard point of view that it provides certainty. When a
mathematical knowledge is correctly formulated, it is forever beyond error and

Lesson 3.3 Polya’s Four Step in Problem Solving

George Polya (1887 – 1985) was a mathematics educator who strongly believed
that the skill of problem solving can be taught. He developed a framework known as
Polya’s Four Steps in Problem Solving. This process addressed the difficulty of the
students in problem solving.

The Polya’s four – step in problem solving are:

Step 1: Understand the problem.

Step 2: Devise a plan.
Step 3: Carry out the Plan
Step 4: Look Back

Process of problem solving:

Mathematical Version of
Original Problem Translate
the Problem

Answer to Original Interpret Answer to Original

Problem Problem

Vision: A Premier technological institution in Agriculture and Allied Sciences in the Region
Mission: Advancing Agriculture, allied sciences and technological development through production, research, extension, management,
instruction and entrepreneurship for rural development. 37
For Instructional Purposes Only * 1st Semester AY 2021 - 2022

Step 1: Understanding the Problem

Sometimes the problem lies in understanding the problem itself. To understand the
problem, we might consider the following:
• What is the goal?
• What is being asked?
• What is the condition?
• What sort of a problem is it?
• What is known or unknown?
• Is there enough information?
• Can you draw a figure to illustrate the problem?
• Is there a way to restate the problem? In your own words?

Step 2: Devise a Plan

Devising a plan (translating) is a way to solve the problem by picturing how we

are going to attack the problem.
• Act it out
• Be systematic
• Work backwards
• Consider special cases
• Eliminate possibilities
• Perform an experiment
• Draw a picture or diagram
• Make a list or table/chart
• Use a variable, such as x.
• Look for a formula/formulas.
• Write an equation (or model)
• Look for a pattern or patterns.
• Use direct or indirect reasoning.
• Solve a simple version of the problem.
• Guess and check your answer (trial and error)

Step 3: Carry Out the Plan

In carrying out the plan (solve), we need to execute the equation we came up in
step 2. The main key is to be patient and careful, even if we have necessary skills.

• Be patient
• Work carefully
• Modify the plan or try a new plan
• Keep trying until something works
• Implement the strategy and strategies in step 2.
• Try another strategy if the first one isn’t working.
• Keep a complete and accurate record of your work.
• Be determined and don’t get discouraged if the plan does not
work immediately.

Step 4: Look Back

This step helps in identifying if there is a mistake in the solution. It is time to

reflect and look back at what is done, what worked and what didn’t.

Vision: A Premier technological institution in Agriculture and Allied Sciences in the Region
Mission: Advancing Agriculture, allied sciences and technological development through production, research, extension, management,
instruction and entrepreneurship for rural development. 38
GE 1 Mathematics in Modern World

• Look for an easier solution

• Does the answer make sense?
• Check the results in the original problem.
• Interpret the solution with the facts of the problem
• Recheck any computations involved in the solution.
• Can the solution be extended to a more general case?
• Ensure that all the conditions related to the problem are met.
• Determine whether there is another method of finding the
• Ensure the consistency of the solution in the context of the

Lesson 3.4 Problem Solving Strategies

Examples of problem solving strategies using the Polya’s four steps in problem

Example 1:

Suppose NCAA basketball championships is decided on a best of five series

game. In how many different ways can a team win the championships?


Step1: Understand the Problem.

There are many different orders to win the championships. The team may
have won three straight games (WWW) or maybe they could lose the first
two games and won the last three games (LLWWW). There are also
other possibilities such as WWLW, WLWW, WLWLW.

Step2: Devise a Plan.

Make an organized list of all possible orders and ensure that each of the
different orders is accounted for only once.

Step3: Carry Out the Plan

Each entry in the list must contain three Ws and may contain one or two
Ls. Use a strategy to each order. One strategy is to start to write Ws,
then write L if it is not possible to write W. this strategy produces ten (10)
different orders shown below,

1. WWW

Vision: A Premier technological institution in Agriculture and Allied Sciences in the Region
Mission: Advancing Agriculture, allied sciences and technological development through production, research, extension, management,
instruction and entrepreneurship for rural development. 39
For Instructional Purposes Only * 1st Semester AY 2021 - 2022

Step 4: Look Back

The list above is organized and contains no duplication. It includes all

possibilities, we can conclude that there are ten (10) different ways in which a
basketball team can win the NCAA championships in the best of 5 game series.

Example 2:

Two times the sum of a number and three is equal to thrice the number plus


Step1: Understand the Problem.

We have to make sure that we have read the question carefully several times.
Since we are looking for a number, we will let x be a number.

Step 2: Devise a plan.

We will translate the problem mathematically. Two times the sum of a number
and three is equal to thrice the number plus four.

2( x + 3) = 3x + 4

Step 3: Carry out the plan

We solve for the value of x algebraically.

2( x + 3) = 3x + 4
2x + 6 = 3x + 4
3x – 2x = 6 – 4

Step 4: Look back.

If we take two times the sum of 2 and 3, that is the same as thrice the number 2
plus 4, which is 10, so this does check. Thus the number is 2.

Example 3:
If the length of the top of a rectangle is 15 inches more than its width, and the
area is 1,350 square inches, find the dimensions of the table.


Step1: Understand the Problem

We are looking for the length and the width of the rectangular table; and we will
let l be the length of the table and w be the width. It is indicated in the problem
that the length is 15 inched longer than the width ( l = w + 15)
Vision: A Premier technological institution in Agriculture and Allied Sciences in the Region
Mission: Advancing Agriculture, allied sciences and technological development through production, research, extension, management,
instruction and entrepreneurship for rural development. 40
GE 1 Mathematics in Modern World

Step 2: Devise a plan

We will apply the formula for the area of a rectangle A = lw.

1,350 = lw
1,350 = (w + 15)w

Step 3: Carry out the plan

1,350 = (w + 15)w
1,350 = w2 + 15w
w + 15w – 1,350 = 0

w + 45 = 0 w - 30 = 0
w = - 45 w = 30

Since measurement cannot be negative, the width of the rectangle is 30 inches.

The length is l = w + 15 = 30 + 15 = 45 inches.

Step 4: Look Back.

If the width of the rectangle is 30 inches and the length is 15 inches longer, then
the width is 45 inches. The area of a rectangle is A = lw = 30(45) = 1,350 square
inches. Thus the width is 30 inches and the length is 45 inches.


1. Apply Polya’s Strategy (Make an organized list)

A baseball team won two out of their last four games. In how many different
orders could they have two wins and two losses in four games?

2. Apply Polya’s Strategy (Make an organized list)

In a basketball league consisting of 10 teams, each team plays each of the

other teams exactly, three times. How many league games will be played?

Lesson 3.5 Mathematical Problems Involving Patterns

Number pattern can also be applied to problem solving whether a pattern is

present and can be used to generalize a solution to a problem. Pattern can be in
the form of counting up or counting down and the missing number is of the form
of completing count up or down. One of the famous number patterns is 1,1, 2, 3,
5, 8, 13, 21,…, the Fibonacci sequence. Some types of patterns are prime
number pattern, imaginary number pattern, geometric number pattern, and
growing number pattern.

An infinite sequence is a function whose domain is the set of positive integers.

The function values a1, a2, a3, a4, …, an – 1, an,…, are terms of the sequence. If
Vision: A Premier technological institution in Agriculture and Allied Sciences in the Region
Mission: Advancing Agriculture, allied sciences and technological development through production, research, extension, management,
instruction and entrepreneurship for rural development. 41
For Instructional Purposes Only * 1st Semester AY 2021 - 2022

the domain of the function consists of the first n positive integers only, the
sequence is a finite sequence.

Example 1
Identify whether the following is finite or infinite sequence.
a. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
b. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 Finite Sequence
c. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15
d. 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, …
e. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, … Infinite Sequence
f. 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, …

A general sequence a1, a2, a3, a4, …, an – 1, an,…having the first term a1, the
second term a2, the third term a3, and the nth term, also called the general term
of the sequence, is an.

Example 2

Write the first three terms of the sequence whose nth term is given by the
formula 𝑎𝑛 = 3𝑛 + 1.

𝑎𝑛 = 3𝑛 + 1.
𝑎1 = 3(1) + 1 = 3 + 1 = 4 replace n by 1
𝑎2 = 3(2) + 1 = 6 + 1 = 7 replace n by 2
𝑎3 = 3(3) + 1 = 9 + 1 = 10 replace n by 3

Thus, the first three terms of the sequence are 4, 7, and 10.

The difference table shows the difference between successive terms of the
sequence. The difference in the rows may be the ‘first, second and third
differences. In the first differences, each number in the first row of the table is
the difference between the closest numbers just above it. If the differences are
not the same, compute the successive differences of the first differences (called
the second and third difference)

Example 3
Construct the difference table to predict the next term of each sequence.

a. 3, 7, 11, 15 ,19, …
b. 1, 4, 9, 17, 28, ….
c. 6, 9, 14, 26, 50, 91, …

a. 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, ….

Sequence: 3 7 11 15 19 23

First Difference: 4 4 4 4 4

The next term is 23.

Vision: A Premier technological institution in Agriculture and Allied Sciences in the Region
Mission: Advancing Agriculture, allied sciences and technological development through production, research, extension, management,
instruction and entrepreneurship for rural development. 42
GE 1 Mathematics in Modern World

b. 1, 4, 9, 17, 28, …

Sequence: 1 4 9 17 28 42

First Difference: 3 5 8 11 14

Second Difference: 3 3 3 3

c. 6, 9, 14, 26, 50, 91, …

Sequence: 6 9 14 26 50 91 154

First Difference: 3 5 12 24 41 63

Second Difference: 2 7 12 17 22

Third Difference: 5 5 5 5

Example 4

Determine the nth term formula for the following polygonal numbers in the nth
figure: (a) triangular number (b) square number (c) pentagonal number, and (d)
hexagonal number.


We first define what polygonal number is. A polygonal number is a type of

figurative number represented as dots or pebbles arranged in the shape of a
regular polygon.
(a) Triangular number:

Observe that the number sequence is

n=1 1
n=2 1+2=3
n=3 1+2+3=6
n=4 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10
n=5 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15
n=6 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 21
which can be generalized as 𝑇𝑛 = 1 + 2 + 3 + ⋯ + (𝑛 − 1) + 𝑛 = (𝑛2 + 𝑛)

Expanding the triangular number sequence: 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55,

Vision: A Premier technological institution in Agriculture and Allied Sciences in the Region
Mission: Advancing Agriculture, allied sciences and technological development through production, research, extension, management,
instruction and entrepreneurship for rural development. 43
For Instructional Purposes Only * 1st Semester AY 2021 - 2022

(b) Square number

Observe that the number sequence is

n=1 12 = 1
n=2 22 = 4
n=3 32 = 9
n=4 42 = 16
n=5 52 = 25
n=6 62 = 36
which can be generalized as 𝑆𝑛 = (2𝑛2 − 0𝑛) = 𝑛2

Expanding the square number sequence: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, ….

(c) Pentagonal number

Observe that the number sequence is

n=1 1
n=2 1+4=5
n=3 1 + 4 + 7 = 12
n=4 1 + 4 + 7 + 10 = 22
n=5 1 + 4 + 7 + 10 + 13 = 35
n=6 1 + 4 + 7 + 10 + 13 + 16 = 51
which can be generalized as 𝑃𝑛 = (3𝑛2 − 𝑛)

Expanding the hexagonal number sequence: 1, 5, 12, 22, 35, 51, 70, 90, 117,
145 ,..

(d) Hexagonal number

Observe that the number sequence is

n=1 1
n=2 1+5=6
n=3 1 + 5 + 9 = 15
n=4 1 + 5 + 9+ 13 = 28
n=5 1 + 5 + 9+ 13 + 17 = 45
n=6 1 + 5 + 9+ 13 + 17 + 21 = 66
which can be generalized as 𝐻𝑛 = (4𝑛2 − 2𝑛) = 2𝑛2 − 𝑛

Expanding the hexagonal number sequence: 1, 6, 15, 28, 45, 66, 91, 120, 153,
190 ….

Vision: A Premier technological institution in Agriculture and Allied Sciences in the Region
Mission: Advancing Agriculture, allied sciences and technological development through production, research, extension, management,
instruction and entrepreneurship for rural development. 44
GE 1 Mathematics in Modern World

Example 5
A diagonal of a polygon is a line segment that connects vertices (corners) of the
polygon. Following are polygons: triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, and hexagon.

Figure 3.3

Determine the number of diagonals in a heptagon and an octagon.

The sequence of the diagonals is shown in the table.

Number of sides 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of diagonals 0 2 5 9

Applying the difference table, we get

Sequence: 0 2 5 9 14 20

First Difference: 2 3 4 5 6

Second Difference: 1 1 1 1

Thus, the pentagon has 14 diagonals, while the octagon has 20 diagonals.
Verifying the result of the sequence using the diagrams of a heptagon and an

Vision: A Premier technological institution in Agriculture and Allied Sciences in the Region
Mission: Advancing Agriculture, allied sciences and technological development through production, research, extension, management,
instruction and entrepreneurship for rural development. 45
For Instructional Purposes Only * 1st Semester AY 2021 - 2022

Module 3 SUMMARY

I. Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

Inductive reasoning is drawing a general conclusion from a repeated observation or
limited sets of observations of specific examples. The conclusion drawn from an
inductive reasoning is called conjecture. The conjecture may be true or false
depending on the truthfulness of the argument.

Deductive reasoning is drawing general to specific example or simply from general

case to specific case. Deductive starts with a general statement (or hypothesis) and
examines to reach a specific conclusion. Some examples of deductive reasoning.

II. Intuition Proofs and Certainty

Intuition is a reliable mathematical belief without being formalized and proven directly
and serves as an essential part of Mathematics. Intuitive is counterpart of rigorous
Intuitive has different meanings like plausible, or convincing in the absence of proof,
incomplete, holistic or integrative as opposed to detailed or analytic.

In Mathematics, a proof is an inferential argument for a mathematical statement. In

mathematical argument, statements such as all theorems can only be used if it is
already proven. Axioms may be served as conditions that must be met before the
statement applies. Proofs are examples of exhaustive deductive reasoning and
inductive reasoning.

III. Polya’s Four Step in Problem Solving

The Polya’s four – step in problem solving are:

Step 1: Understand the problem.

Step 2: Devise a plan.
Step 3: Carry out the Plan
Step 4: Look Back

IV. Problem Solving Strategies

Number pattern can also be applied to problem solving whether a pattern is present
and can be used to generalize a solution to a problem. Pattern can be in the form of
counting up or counting down and the missing number is of the form of completing
count up or down.

The difference table shows the difference between successive terms of the
sequence. The difference in the rows may be the ‘first, second and third differences.

Vision: A Premier technological institution in Agriculture and Allied Sciences in the Region
Mission: Advancing Agriculture, allied sciences and technological development through production, research, extension, management,
instruction and entrepreneurship for rural development. 46
GE 1 Mathematics in Modern World

Module 3 Review Test

I. Determine whether the argument is an example of inductive reasoning or deductive
_________1. All books written by J.K. Rowling make the best – seller list.
The book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is a J. K. Rowling book.
Therefore, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows made the bestseller list.
_________2. Samantha got an A on each of her first four, math tests, so she will get an
A on the next math test.
_________3. We had rain each day for the last five days, so it will rain today.
_________4. All amoeba multiply by dividing.
I have named the amoeba shown in my microscope Amelia.
Therefore, Amelia multiplies by dividing.

II. Find a counterexample to show that the following conjecture is false.

1. For all number x, x4 > x.

2. For all numbers x, (x + 4)2 = x2 + 16.

III. Use a difference table to predict the next term of each sequence.
1. -2, 2, 12, 28, 50, 78

2. -4, -1, 14, 47, 104, 191, 314

3. 5, 6, 3, -4, -15, -30, -49

IV. A sequence has an nth term formula of 𝑎𝑛 = 4𝑛2 − 𝑛 − 2 .

Use the nth term formula to determine the first five terms of the sequence and the 20 th
term of the sequence.

V. A baseball team won two out of their last four games. In how many different orders could
they have two wins and two losses in four games? (Apply Polya’s strategy).

Aufmann, R. et. al.(2018).Mathematics in the Modern World (P hilippine
Edition). Rex Bookstore Inc. Manila, Philippines. pp. 55 - 101
Reyes, J.A (2018). Mathematics in the Modern World. Unlimited Books
Library Services & Publishing Inc. Intramuros, Manila. pp. 75 – 98
Sirug, W.S. (2018). Mathematics in Modern World. Mindshapers Co. Inc.
Intramuros, Manila. pp. 43 – 73

Vision: A Premier technological institution in Agriculture and Allied Sciences in the Region
Mission: Advancing Agriculture, allied sciences and technological development through production, research, extension, management,
instruction and entrepreneurship for rural development. 47

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