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Venn Diagram-1

Q-1. If A={a,b,c} how man subsets can A have?

Q-2. If A={a,a,a,b,b,c} how man subsets can A

CAT 2015
• A, B, and C are finite sets. A has twice as many
elements as B. B has more elements than C.
The number of subsets of B is 15 more than
that of C. Then what is the number by which
the number of subsets of A exceeds the
number of subsets of B?
• 0 b) 16 c) 240 d) none of
Venn Diagram

Q-3. How many cleared both cutoff

Q-4. How many cleared atleast cutoff?

Q-5. How many could not clear quant cutoff?

Q-6. How many cleared only Quant cutoff?

Q-7. did not clear any cut off?

Q-8. missed at least one cut off


Define : Zone 1:
Zone 2:
Zone 3:
Zone 4:
Zone 5:
Zone 6:
Zone 7:
Zone 8:
Q-9. A survey shows that 41%,35% and 60% of the students
play cricket,football and volleyball respectively.27% students
play exactly two of the three games and 3% play none.What
percentage of students play all the three games.
40% b) 6% c) 9% d) none
Q-10. In a group of children ,770 children like like at most
two of the three ice cream flavours Vanilla, Chocolate
and Butter scotch.40 children like none of three
flavours.310 like vanilla,370 like butter scotch and 320
like chocolate.760 like at least one of the three
flavours.How many children like exactly one of the three
• 570 b) 460 c) 340 d) 550
In a class there are 200 students who took the exam in
three subjects Maths , Physics and Chemistry. It is
known that the number of students who passed In at
least one subject is thrice that of the students who
passed in exactly one subject. The number of student
who passed exactly in one subject is thrice the number
of students who did not pass in any subject. The number
of students who passed in all the three subjects is twice
the number of students who failed in all the three
Q-15. How many students passed in exactly two subjects?
• a. 60 b. 100 c. 80 d. 40
Q-16. How many students passed in exactly one subject?
• a. 40 b. 80 c. 100 d. 60
Directions for questions:
In a school of 600 students,350 students do not play
hockey.330 students do not play cricket and 310 students
do not play football.470 students play cricket or football,
430 students play football or hockey and 450 students
play hockey or cricket.30 students do not play any of the
three games.
Q-12. How many students play Football and Hockey?
Q-13. How many students play only Football?
Q-14. How many students play only cricket and Hockey?
Q-15. How many students play all the three games?
Q-16. How many students play only cricket?
Each of the 900 candidates who contested in elections belong to either the HUM party
or the TUM party but not both.The media covering the election results got the
following information from the two parties:
• 40 male candidates of the TUM party lost the elections.
• 500 candidates belong to the HUM party
• 200 TUM party candidates lost the elections.
• 70 male candidates lost the elections
• 200 candidates of the HUM party are either male candidates who have lost or
female candidates who have won.
• 320 female candidates are either the TUM party candidates who won or the HUM
party candidates who lost the elections.
• 120 male candidates who belong to the HUM party won the election.
Q-1. How many female candidates of the TUM party won the election.
a) 60 b) 160 c) 140 d) 120
Q-2. What is the number of HUM party female candidates who lost the election?
a) 160 b) 140 c) 180 d) 240
Q-3. What is the number of female candidates of the TUM party who lost the
a) 140 b) 160 c) 180 d) 130
Q-17. A total of 335 people attended Shivjayanti Samaroh event
in the three years 2014,2015 and 2016, such that each person
attended the event at least in one of the three years.Of the
135 people who attended the event 2014,35 attended the
event in the immediate next year also.Of the 175 people who
attended the event in 2016,130 people did not attend the
event in the previous year i.e.2015 and 90 people did not
attend the event in any year other than 2016 and 55 people,
out of these 175 people, attended the function in the year
2014 also. How many people attended the functions in exactly
two consecutive years.
100 applicants appeared for aptitude test having 2
sections Quants and English.76 students cleared Quant
cutoff and 83 cleared English cutoff.

Q-18. How many cleared both cutoff.

Q-19. How many definitely cleared both cutoff.

Q-20. At max how many cleared both cutoff?

Q-21. How many definitely cleared exactly one cutoff?

Directions for questions :
If in a group of people,40% like football & 50% like cricket.Find
the maximum and minimum number of people for the
Q-22. Who likes only football.
Q-23. Who likes only cricket.
Q-24. Who likes neither football nor cricket.
Q-25. Who likes both football and cricket.
Q-26. Who likes atleast one of football or cricket.
Directions for questions:
In a locality having 150 households, 100 subscribes to Times of
India, 30 subscribe to Indian Express and 75 subscribes to The
Hindu. Find the following:
Q-27. The minimum number of households subscribing to
Times of India and The Hindu

Q-28. The minimum number of households subscribing to The

Times Of India and The Indian Express

Q-29. The minimum number of households who subscribes to

neither Indian Express nor The Hindu
Directions for questions:
600 applicants appeared for mock CAT aptitude test having
3 sections Quants ,English and DI.280 students cleared
Quant cutoff, 320 cleared English cutoff and 240 cleared
DI cutoff.
Also, number of students clearing both Quants and English
cutoff were equal to number of students clearing English
and DI cutoff, which in turn equal to number of students
clearing both Quants and DI cutoff = 140.Find minimum
and maximum number of students clearing

Q-30. exactly one subject

Q-31. exactly 2 subject
Q-32. exactly 3 subject
Directions for questions 12 to 13:
Out of 210 interviews in IIM-A,105 CAT crackers were offered tea
by the interview panel,50 were offered biscuits and 56 were
offered toffees.32 CAT crackers were offered tea and biscuits,
30 were offered biscuits and toffees, and 45 were offered
toffees and tea.What is the
Q-33. Maximum and minimum number of CAT crackers who
were offered all three snacks?

Q-34. Maximum and minimum number of CAT crackers who

were offered at leastone snack?

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