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renee yl OCU TT} PTT st INTRODUCTION Learning Outcomes ‘* Recognize and articulate the critical significance of efficient power utilization in agriculture, understanding its direct impact on productivity, sustainability, and food production. + Gain 2 comprehensive understanding of the various sources of energy in farming, enabling them to evaluate and compare traditional and modern energy options in terms of efficiency, cost, and environmental impact. ‘+ Appreciate the pivotal role of tractors in modern agriculture, demonstrate knowledge of their evolution, components, advantages, and safety considerations, and make informed . decisions on tractor usage based on farm-specific criteria. Defi ion and Overview Agricultural farm power refers to the energy used in various forms to perform tasks related to cultivation, irrigation, harvesting, and other activities in the agricultural sector. It encompasses both mechanical and electrical energy sources, playing a pivotal role in modern farming practices. Mechanical power is commonly derived from tractors, plows, and other machinery, while electrical power is utilized in irrigation systems, processing units, and other farm infrastructure. a imei r 14 Importance of E 1. Efficient power utilization leads to increased productivity in agriculture. 2.Adoption of modern agricultural machinery and technologies. 3.lmproved timeliness of farm operations and reduced labor requirements. 4.Enhanced precision and accuracy in tasks such as planting, irrigation, and harvesting. Tage ANTI EL iS ali) Agricultural Sustainability and Food Production The availability of reliable power directly influences agricultural sustainability and food production. In regions where power is scarce or unreliable, farmers face challenges in adopting modern farming techniques. Insufficient power can hinder the adoption of mechanized farming, limiting productivity and economic returns. Addressing power availability issues is essential to promoting sustainable agricultural practices and ensuring food security on a global scale. Environmental Considerations and the Need for Sustainable Energy Practices in i latilul:| Farmers are encouraged to adopt sustainable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, and implement energy-efficient technologies. These practices not only reduce’ the environmental footprint but also contribute to long-term . a = agricultural resilience. =e : “| Fo 2 Sources of Energy in the Farm In traditional agricultural practices, energy was primarily derived from human and animal power. Farmers relied on physical strength and the _ and manual labor played a crucial role in cultivating eal the land, planting seeds, and harvesting crops. This approach had limitations in terms of scale, efficiency, and the physical strain on laborers. PRIME MOVERS IN THE FARM ¢ Human Power ¢ Animal Power ¢ Electric Motors ¢ Internal Combustion Engines e Renewable Sources -Solar -Hydro -Wind -Biomass PRIME MOVERS IN THE FARM HUMANPOWER * Oldest sources of power in the farm ¢ Man used his muscles to walk long distances, hunt animals and till the soil. ¢ Man learned to tame animals he hunted for food to work for him by providing pulling power. PRIME MOVERS IN THE FARM HUMANPOWER e Man learned the use of sleds for transporting cargoes; use of rollers underneath the sleds; and finally the use of wheels. w ey Sled Sled with rollers HUMANPOWER © Today, still considered the major sources of power in the farm because of: ° -Size of farm © -Topography © -Crops grown © -High cost of equipment © -High cost and non-availability of fuel © -Availability of low cost labor. HUMANPOWER © Poor source of power. © Develops only 0.1 hp working continuously under favorable conditions (good health, well fed, and favorable environment). * Considering that there are 3M farms, 12M hectares of agricultural lands, and assuming 5 farmers per farm, human power contribution is about 0.125 hp/ha. * Man is suited to farm operations requiring judgment rather than simple power. Human energy output in rice production| TASKITECHNOLOGY Land preparation Plowing with carabao Plowing with hand tractor Harrowing with carabao Harrowing with hand tractor Planting Hand transplanting (dapog) Broadcasting Mechanical (IRRI drum seeder) Weeding Hand Push-type rotary Power Herbicide broadcasting Harvesting Cutting with sickle Hauling and piling Threshing Table thresher Frame thresher (hampasan) 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.08 on 0.10 0.10 014 012 0.07 0.08 0.05 007 OUTPUT MAN-DAYS/HA 580 1.69 205 051 1284 039 053 975 372 148 0.19 8.84 5.80 370 393 ° "e: __Beeghy, W. 1872. Nutriton, Employment and Working Eficiency: Toward Measuring Human Activity in the Rural ee ee re eee ee PRIME MOVERS IN THE FARM ANIMAL POWER In the Philippines, the Carabao is the major beast of burden. ¢ It can generate 1 hp walking continuously under favorable conditions. Its work is confined mostly to pulling operations such as plowing, harrowing, cultivating and transport. PRIME MOVERS IN THE FARM ANIMAL POWER In the Philippines, the Carabao is the major beast of burden. ¢ It can generate 1 hp walking continuously under favorable conditions. Its work is confined mostly to pulling operations such as plowing, harrowing, cultivating and transport. © The contribution of animal power in the farm is about 0.16 hp/ha. PRIME MOVERS IN THE FARM ANIMAL POWER * The average speed of the carabao was 4.38 kph and the cattle was 3.52 kph. * With the increase in load, the speed decreased. And the animals could not pull the load of 300kg and beyond. ¢ About 15% of the weight of the carabao would be an optimum draft under normal conditions. * For a 500 kg carabao, therefore, the draft load would be 75 kg and at a walking speed of 3.5 kph, the animal would generate 0.96 hp. PRIME MOVERS IN THE FARM Power output of animals performing different works in the paddy field. NATURE OE WORK AVERAGE DRAFT OUTPUT (kg) (Hp) Normal plowing 55 0.82 Deep plowing 112 0.96 Harrowing 42 0.87 Cultivating 48 0.79 Source: Tatsumi, H. 1958. Energy Expense of Horses in Culture in a Paddy Field. National Institute of Agricultural Science Bulletin Series 6. No.14. PRIME MOVERS IN THE FARM ANIMAL POWER Advantages (Compared with mechanical energy sources ) a)lower initial cost b)easy to maintain c)rarely bogs down in mud d)can work closer to the levees e)mobile in most terrain conditions, 5 ‘ fyif female, it is capable of reproduction g)source of milk, meat, leather and fertilizer.” ANIMAL POWER Disadvantages a)Low work capacity -this means more time spent for a single operation (25- 50 h/ha plowing once) b)More labor input and drudgery (a farmer walks with the carabao 77 km/ha), and limited working period to avoid the intense heat of the sun c)Prone to disability by disease, poisoning and death and lost by rustling, d)Requires daily attention such as feeding and pasturing even when not in use e)Under poor management practices, carabao causes unsanitary conditions near the house due to wasted feed, dung and urine. PRIME MOVERS IN THE FARM ELECTRIC MOTORS * Electro-mechanical devices used to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy * Efficient means of converting energy into mechanical energy compared to gasoline and diesel engines. —_ Energy conversion efficiencies of major farm power units. ENERGY CONVERSION POWER UNIT EFFICIENCY Electric motor 50 - 99 Gasoline engine 25 Diesel engine Source: Gustafson and Morgan, 2004 PRIME MOVERS IN THE FARM ELECTRIC MOTORS * They are commonly used as prime movers for stationary and indoor equipment such as those used for processing of farm products and by- products “with Stone Remover) Rice Separator PRIME MOVERS IN THE FARM ELECTRIC MOTORS Classification of electric motors based on electrical service required: eo ¢ Single-phase alternating current (< 5 hp) ¢ Three-phase alternating current (> 5 hp) PRIME MOVERS IN THE FARM ELECTRIC MOTORS Motor Nameplate e The motor nameplate carries a good deal of essential information about the motor. ELECTRIC MOTOR NAMEPLATE GENERAL ELECTRIC M-500 e Refer to it when you specify, buy, install, replace, operate and repair motors. PRIME MOVERS IN THE FARM ELECTRIC MOTORS Motor Nameplate The information generally found on the nameplate includes: Name of manufacturer - The name provides an indication of the quality of the product. Model name or number - Accurately describes the product. we Frame designation - National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) - designation for frame design for interchangeability between motors from different manufacturers. PRIME MOVERS IN THE FARM ELECTRIC MOTORS Motor Nameplate Horsepower - Full-load horsepower rating. Motor code - Letter designating starting current requirement (F,G,H, J, K, or L). Cycles or Hertz - Frequency of the electrical source to be used (50/60 Hz). @ Phase - Number of phases of source (single-phase or three- phase). RPM - Speed of rotation of the motor shaft at full load. PRIME MOVERS IN THE FARM ELECTRIC MOTORS Motor Nameplate Motor code LOCKED ROTOR, KVAVHP 5.0-5.6 56 -6.3 63-71 S 74-80 8.0-9.0 9.0 - 10.0 CODE LETTER rACION PRIME MOVERS IN THE FARM ELECTRIC MOTORS Motor Nameplate Voltage - Voltage(s) at which the motor is designed to operate (110 V or 220 V) Current - Rated current at full load which varies with voltage used. Duty - Duty rating whether continuous or intermittent. Ambient temperature - Maximum ambient temperature at which motor should be operated. PRIME MOVERS IN THE FARM ELECTRIC MOTORS Motor Nameplate Service factor - Amount of overload the motor can tolerate continuously. Insulation class - Designation of insulation class Bearings - Identification of bearings for replacement we purposes. NOTE: Integral horsepower motors have service factor of 1.15 Fractional horsepower motors have service factors ranging from 1.25 for ¥% hp to 1.4 for 1/20 hp. PRIME MOVERS IN THE FARM ELECTRIC MOTORS Advantages over engines 1. low initial cost, 2. available in fractional hp sizes (1/4, 1, % Hp) and| low integral hp sizes (1, 1 %, 2, 2 %, 3 Hp), eo 3. Compact 4. long life 5. easy to start and simple to operate 6. inexpensive to operate 7. quiet operation 8. no exhaust fumes 9. potential for automatic control . y ‘Source: Gustafson, 2004 PRIME MOVERS IN THE FARM ELECTRIC MOTORS Disadvantages 1. not adapted to mobile applications such as field machines, . used only in farms with existing electric lines . affected by power outages Elen a ro INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES ¢ The internal combustion engine is a heat engine that converts the heat energy of fuels into mechanical energy. e The combustible fuel and air mixture is placed inside the cylinder in a gaseous condition, compressed and ignited resulting in a very rapid combustion and instantaneous application of pressure on the piston. INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES ¢ Its thermal efficiency, however, is low ranging only from 15% to 40 %. Despite this, it is still considered one of the few inventions that have great influence on human lives. INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES Two types 1) Spark Ignition Engines - Gasoline Engines 2) Compression Ignition Engines - Diesel Engines NOTE: Gasoline Engine, like the SKYACTIV-X of Mazda, uses Compression Ignition Exhaust valve Spark Ignition Engines Rocker arm Camshaft Intake valve Piston Crankshaft »@ FOUR STROKE ENGINE CYCLE weyu's Spark Ignition Engines Compression Combustion Exhaust Compression Ignition Engine caer e a a injector inlet valve exhaust valve combustion iston chamber P connecting rod sy y crankshaft ~~ “a intake valve exhaust valve compression power exhaust Compression Ignition Engines Modern Sources of Energy Fossil Fuels Renewable a Energy Sources Electricity a , es Powers a wide range of equipment such as pumps, lighting systems, and automated machinery. * Diesel Fuel * Gasoline Fuel Solar, wind, and biomass These sources offer environmentally friendly alternatives Internal combustion engines, powered by these fuels, revolutionized farming practices. agricultural operations Jenvironmental impact - Finite resource (depletion - Powering internal combustion |- High energy density - _|of fossil fuel reserves) - engines (e.g,, tractors, \Well-established |Greenhouse gas emissions Fossil Fuels |machinery) - Generating infrastructure - (contribution to climate electricity - Providing heat for | Continuous power Jchange) - Environmental \various agricultural processes availabilty pollution and habitat disruption ; - Sustainable and - Intermittent availability Renewable _|- Generating electricity (Solar, | abundant -Low or zero |(weather-dependent for wind, hydro) - Providing heat Eneray ee Jareenhouse gas jsolar and wind) - Initial high ‘Sources ae = Jemissions -Reduced __ installation costs - Limited [scalability in some regions - Powering various farm lequipment (e.g, irrigation systems, processing units) - Lighting and heating in jgreenhouses - Charging electric vehicles - Versatility in application - Can be sourced from both fossil and renewable energy - Energy efficiency in some applications - Dependence on the grid (reliability issues in certain areas) - Transmission and distribution losses - Initial infrastructure investment Importance and Role of Tractors in Modern Agriculture They are used for various tasks such as plowing, planting, cultivating, © and harvesting, allowing farmers to manage larger areas of land with reduced labor requirements. The mechanization brought about by tractors has transformed farming practices, enabling farmers to meet the demands of a growing population and evolving agricultural landscapes. Tractor Technology Evolution Early Machines Internal Combustion Advancements in (Late 19th Engines (Early to Design and Power Century) Mid-20th Century) (Mid-20th Century Powered by steam Fueled by gasoline or . mee in design, en diesel. power, and functionality. * Handling of wide range of agricultural tasks. 1 a Tractor Technology Integration of GPS Technology (Late 20th Century Onward) GPS technology revolutionized farming practices by enabling precise navigation and control, improving the accuracy of field operations. Evolution Automation and Precision Farming (21st Century) Tractors, equipped with advanced technologies, became capable of autonomous operations, optimizing resource utilization through precise application of inputs. (Contemporary Era) Modem tractors are ‘equipped with advanced features, induding sophisticated sensors, telematics, and connectivity, further enhancing their efficiency and precision. Tractor Technology Evolution Integration of GPS Automation and Highly Specialized Technology (Late Precision Farming Models (1945- 20th Century (21st Century) Present) Onward) Key Components and Features of a Typical Agricultural Tractor Engine Primary power source of the tractor, typically fueled by diesel or gasoline. Transmission Responsible for controlling the power generated by the engine and transmitting itto the tractor's Wheels Hydraulic Systems Crucial for powering various implements and attachments. They use hydraulic fluid to transfer force (lifting, lowering, etc) Attachments Plows, seeders, and mowers, which enable the tractor to perform specific agricultural tasks. Key Components and Features of a Typical Agricultural Tractor GPS Guidance Systems In tractors, GPS is employed for precision farming, allowing for precise navigation and application of inputs in the field. Climate- Controlled Cabs These cabs are equipped with heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems to enhance working conditions. Telematics Enable remote monitoring and optimization of performance, allowing farmers to track tractor usage, fuel efficiency, and maintenance needs, Advantages of Using Tractors in Farming Operations Tractors increase the efficiency of tasks, reduce the time required for fieldwork, and enable farmers to work in a more organized and systematic manner. The ability to attach various implements, such as plows, seeders, and harvesters, makes tractors versatile and adaptable to different stages of the agricultural process. Tractor Selection Farm Size Larger Farms: Higher horsepower tractors * Smaller Farms: Compact tractor models may be more suitable Sets of Criteria Crop Type Tractor Selection - Different crops may demand specific tractor features - Tailoring tractor specifications to the needs of the crops Tasks at Hand Identifying the tasks that the tractor will be engaged in - Choosing a tractor with suitable capabilities for the intended tasks Tractor Selection Sets of Criteria Terrain — Need for Specialized Characteristics Implements Adapting tractor specifications to Assessing the requirement for implements based on suit the terrain - Ensuring optimal farm activities - Selecting a tractor compatible with performance in different landscape necessary specialized attachments _ conditions THANKS Engr. Roberto E. Tabal, MSAE eect cog ete ete AY 2023-2024 REFERENCE ano en ee eco Sciences, 363(1491), 447-465, ee es eee ee a ee Schepf, R. (2004), Modern Tractor Development. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 6(3), 145-155. en Mc one eee eee eae as iles, and evidence. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological

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