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A Study on CRM Practice of SAS Hyundai

Table 4.4: Table showing the staff responsiveness towards the customer at showroom.

Staff response In numbers In percentage

Very Cooperative 09 18
Cooperative 11 22
Responsive 28 56
Non-cooperative 02 4
Highly non-Cooperative 00 00
Total 50 100

Analysis: The above table shows that, most of the customer i.e.18 % of them found the show
room staff to be “very cooperative” ,22% stated as“co-operative”, a major percentage i.e. 56%
of them felt the staff is ‘responsive’ than cooperative (respond only when asked, without having
any personal initiation),4% of them rated the staff to be “non-cooperative” and none of them
rated as “highly non-cooperative”.

Chart 4.4: Chart showing the staff responsiveness towards the customer at showroom.

Staff Response
4% 0%
18% Very co-operative
22% Responsive
Highly non-Cooperative

Interpretation: Majority of staff response is found to be "Responsive" rather than co-

operative. It seems Staff doesn't respond until asked for which may lead to negative impact on
the perception of the customers about this showroom.

Page 42

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