Ejemplo 3

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行官。2013 年,京东正式获得虚拟运营商牌照。2014 年 5 月,京东在美国纳斯达克证

券交易所正式挂牌上市,7 月 15 日,京东正式入选纳斯达克 100 指数和纳斯达克 100

平均加权指数。2016 年 6 月,京东与沃尔玛达成战略合作,此外,1 号店也并入京东。











然而,京东不得不面对来自品多多等其他集团的激烈竞争。 2023 年 6 月 18 日是京东

成立二十周年纪念日。但是,从 2023 年开始,京东从上到下都经历了几番压力。财报

显示,京东第三季度实现营收 2477 亿元,同比增长 1.7%。其中,零售业务增长率为

0.06%,占比 86%。2023 年前 9 个月,京东实现零售收入 6777 亿元,同比增长 1%,

低于社会消费总额。京东曾经最风光的网购,在资本市场的人气越来越低。12 月 12 日,

美 东 时 间 京 东 市 值 为 396.3 亿 美 元 , 较 此 前 高 点 下 跌 76.1% , 今 年 以 来 跌 幅 高 达

Jingdong is a Chinese self-owned company for e-commerce with its the founder Liu

Qiangdong as Chairman of the Board and the Chief Executive Officer of the Jingdong Group.

In 2013, Jingdong was granted the virtual operator's license. The license was issued in May

of 2014. The participant of Jingdong was highlighted by the NASDAQ Stock Exchange in

the United States. Jingdong was featured in the NASDAQ Stock Exchange. On the 15th of

July Jingdong was selected to become an official participant of both the NASDAQ 100 Index

and the NASDAQ 100 Average Weighted Index. Both benchmarks draw their inspiration

from the NASDAQ 100. In June of 2016 Jingdong and Walmart reached an agreement on a

partnership. in the same month The No. 1 Store joined the ranks of Jingdong.

In the present market, which is based on web, Liu Qiangdong and Jingdong are considered as

the top participants. They've not just contributed to helping China to become more prominent

internationally however, they also have played a major role in the expansion of the market

which deals with online commerce in China. Liu Qiangdong, the director of Jingdong is a

businessman driven by his desire to see the success he has always dreamed of. Under his

management, Jingdong went from being an online store with a small size to being one of the

top online stores worldwide, offering high-quality service to customers from around the

globe. His extensive knowledge of management and unique style of management enabled the

change to occur.

In the wake of Liu's direction and leadership, Jingdong has not only accomplished

remarkable results within the boundaries of China and the world, but has expanded its

activities to other countries around the globe. Jingdong's globalization program has helped
Chinese businesses to reach to the vast majority of people around the world, and to provide

customers across the globe with goods and services that are with a superior quality. Over the

course of their career span, Liu and Jingdong have faced a variety of challenges, including

fierce competition in the marketplace strict rules as well as rapid technological advancement.

These factors have resulted in a lot of strain on their companies.

But Liu has maintained his confidence and determination, which has allowed him to lead

his team to aplomb in facing challenges and seeking creative breakthroughs.

However, Jiongdong had to face fierce competition from other groups like PinDuoduo. On

June 18, 2023, which was Jingdong's twenty-year anniversary, was the date of founding. But,

since the year 2023 Jingdong is a top-to-bottom company that has experienced the pressure of

a few. The financial reports show that Jingdong has realized the revenue figure at 247.7

billion yuan during the third quarter, an increase of 1.7 percent year-on-year. This accounts

for 86 percent of the retail business growth rate of 0.06 percent. For the initial nine-month

period of 2023, Jingdong realized retail revenue in the amount of 677.7 billion yuan, which

was up one percent over the previous year, and less than the total social consumption.

Jingdong was once the most popular of online shopping, is becoming less popular in the

capital markets. On 12 December, EST Jingdong's market capitalization stood at $39.63

billion, which is down 76.1 percent from its previous high mark, and falling by as much as

56.8 percent this year.

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