Tna Instrument - General

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Questionnaire for Training Needs Assessment
The State Department for Basic Education is undertaking a Training Needs Assessment
(TNA) exercise to help identify performance gaps that may be addressed administratively.
Additionally, the exercise is to identify specific knowledge and skills employees need to
become more productive and efficient; help align training efforts with strategic goals of the
State Department; ensure training is designed to address specific needs; enable the State
Department make informed decisions on where and how to invest in training; and make
training relevant and realistic for the organization’s immediate needs.

You are therefore kindly requested to complete the questionnaire as objectively as possible.
The information you provide will be treated with confidentiality and strictly used for this

1. Personal Data
a) Name
b) Designation ……………………………………………… Job Group/CSG
c) Gender : Male Female
d) Are you a person with a disability? Yes No

If YES, specify………………………………….
i. Years of Service:- 5 or below 6 – 10 11-15 16 -20 over 21

ii. Years in Current Job Group

Below 5 6-10 11-15 over 16
iii. Age Bracket
18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56 and above

f) Department …………………………………………………………………………….

g) Duty Station ……………………………………………………………………………

h) Terms of Service: Permanent Contract
2. Academic and Professional Qualifications
a) Indicate your highest academic qualification
PhD Masters Bachelors Diploma
Certificate KACE (A) level KCSE/ KCE KCPE

Other (specify)………………………………………………………………………
b) What is your area(s) of specialization?
c) Indicate your professional qualifications ………………………………………………….
Are you a member of a professional body? Yes No
If YES, specify…………………………………………………………………………..
d) What are your other qualifications?

3. Skills
a) What are your duties and responsibilities?
b) What skills do you possess to perform your duties?
c) Do you experience any knowledge/skills-related challenges in carrying out your
duties and responsibilities?
Yes No
If YES, please specify
d) From the options listed below, please tick one that best explains how you acquired
the skills that enable you to perform your duties and responsibilities in (3c) above
S/No Method of Skills Acquisition Tick Appropriately
1. Experience
2. Attachment
3. Training
4. Mentoring
5. Induction
6. Research

e) State any other challenges that you face in the course of performing your duties.
f) Suggest ways of addressing the challenges in (e) above
4. List the Skills and Competencies in your Scheme of Service that you have acquired in
the last three years?
S/No. Skills and Competencies

5. Training Needs:
a. Please indicate your Training Needs in order of priority.
S/No. Training Needs
b. Please specify any additional skills and competencies that would be relevant to your
professional development.
c. Apart from training, what other support would you require to perform your duties




6. Immediate Training Needs: Highlight any urgent training needs or skills gaps that
require immediate attention:
7. Training Preferences: Indicate your preferences for training delivery formats:
Training Format Tick Appropriately
In-person workshops/ Classes
Online courses
On-the-job training

8. Training Attended:
a) Have you attended any training in the last three years?
If NO, give reasons:
b) If YES, complete the following table below:
Name of Training Institution Venue Duration Sponsor/
(program) attended Financier

c) Has the knowledge and skills acquired in the training program (s) listed in the table above
assisted in improving your job performance?
Yes No
9. Management of Trainings
Give suggestions on how the management of trainings can be improved
Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire!

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