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Name:_John Paul M. Ruado__ Course:_BSEE -4B_

Activity: Pretend that you were a time traveler. Choose what period or era in
our Philippine history that you would like to witness and explain why.
Be creative with your work (you may put your pictures in a particular event) This
activity is 20 points = 10 for creativity; 5 for the pictures; 5 for content

Bataan Death March

Bataan Death March was a horrific event that claimed the lives of thousands of American and
Filipino soldiers. It was a clear violation of the Geneva Conventions, which dictate how
prisoners of war should be treated. The Japanese soldiers who committed these atrocities were
later tried and punished for their crimes. The Bataan Death March remains a powerful reminder
of the brutality of war and the inhumanity that can be unleashed when one nation seeks to
dominate and subjugate another. It is a story that must be remembered and told, so that future
generations can understand the cost of conflict and the importance of peace.

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