Holder, S. (2017) Napoleon - Grand - Army - Diet

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Received: 9 September 2015 | Revised: 18 December 2016 | Accepted: 19 January 2017

DOI 10.1002/ajpa.23184


Reconstructing diet in Napoleon’s Grand Army using stable

carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis

Sammantha Holder1 | Tosha L. Dupras2 | Rimantas Jankauskas3 |

Lana Williams2 | John Schultz2,4

Department of Anthropology, University of
Georgia, Athens, GA 30602
Department of Anthropology, University of Objectives: Historical evidence has provided information regarding disease and mortality in Napo-
Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816
leon Bonaparte’s Grand Army, but dietary information beyond individual soldier accounts remains
Department of Anatomy, Histology, &
scarce. The purpose of this research is to reconstruct the diets of Napoleon’s multiethnic army
Anthropology, Vilnius University, Vilnius
LT2009, Lithuania who were associated with the Russian Campaign of 1812.
National Center for Forensic Science, Materials and Methods: We conducted stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratio analysis on fem-
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
oral bone collagen of 78 individuals recovered from a salvage excavation at the mass gravesite of

Siaur _ miestelis in Vilnius, Lithuania. These individuals were later discovered to be Napoleonic
Sammantha Holder, Department of soldiers and camp followers who participated in the 1812 Russian Campaign.
Anthropology, University of Georgia, 250A
Results: Stable carbon isotope ratios range from 219.2& to 211.8&, with a mean of 217.8& 6
Baldwin Hall, Jackson St., Athens, GA
30602. 1.5& (1 r). Stable nitrogen isotope ratios range from 7.1& to 13.6&, with a mean of 10.5& 6
Email: sammholder@uga.edu 1.4& (1 r). Both d13C and d15N values show a wide range of variation.
Funding Information
Discussion: Stable isotope data indicate considerable dietary variation in this population associ-
Grant sponsorship: UCF College of
Sciences Seed Research Grant ated with a multiethnic and socially stratified military population. Diets ranged from predominantly
C3-based to predominantly C4-based, with varying inputs of terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ani-
mal protein. Comparison with other European populations further denotes the exceptional range
of dietary variation of soldiers and camp followers in Napoleon’s army.

bioarchaeology, military diet, stable isotopes, Napoleonic Wars

1 | INTRODUCTION Cartwright, 1972; Peterson, 1995; Riley, 2007; Rothenberg, 1981).

Despite considerable historic documentation, direct dietary information
Early 19th century Europe was marked by sociopolitical turmoil, not is lacking. The current study aims to address this gap in current knowl-
the least of which were the military campaigns of the Napoleonic edge by reconstructing the diet of Napoleonic soldiers and camp fol-
Wars. Napoleon’s Grand Army mobilized hundreds of thousands of 
lowers discovered at the mass gravesite of Siaur _ miestelis in Vilnius,
individuals for his numerous campaigns that extended across Europe Lithuania, through stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratio analysis.
into parts of Africa and Eurasia (Esdaile, 2008; Rogers, 1974). The army
consisted of individuals from all across Europe and was made up of 2 | HISTORICAL BACKGROUND
conscripts, mercenaries, soldiers, officers, and camp followers (herein
referred to collectively as soldiers and camp followers) (Blanton, 2009; The Napoleonic Wars were a series of military conflicts between Napo-
Dempsey, 2002; Elting, 1988; Gould, 1995). These individuals embod- leon’s French Empire and other European nations that took place from
ied a wide range of socioeconomic statuses (Bertaud, 1986). A plethora 1803 to 1815 (Esdaile, 2008; Gates, 1997). Alliances with different
of historic documentation exists regarding Napoleonic war strategies, countries led to the deployment of Napoleonic troops throughout
disease outbreaks, and nonbattle related mortality (Bray, 1996; Europe including Poland, Prussia, Austria, Portugal, Italy, and Spain

Am J Phys Anthropol. 2017;1–11 wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ajpa V

C 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. | 1

T A B LE 1 Daily food rations for Napoleonic soldiers in October 1759. Adapted and translated from Filippini (1965, p. 1159, Table 2).

Wine Bread Bacon or Salted Beef Rice Cheesea Vegetables Salt Oil

Lunch 3/4 pt 18 oz 4 oz 2 oz 3 oz –
1/2 oz 1/6 oz
Dinner – – – – 3 oz 4 oz
Cheese substituted when no fire for cooking other food rations.

(Esdaile, 2008; Gould, 1995; Oliver & Partridge, 2002). In 1812, Napo- (DeNiro & Epstein, 1978; DeNiro & Epstein, 1981). The use of this
leon’s Grand Army invaded Russia in an attempt to prevent the inva- method stems from the relationship between dietary resources and
sion of Poland by Russian Emperor Alexander I. While the Russian resulting isotopic ratios of consumer tissues. Stable isotope ratios are
Campaign began with approximately 675,000 soldiers, less than half denoted as delta (d) values and are reported in parts per mil (&) compara-
were French soldiers (Nicolson, 1985). Upon entering Moscow, Napo- tive to international standards (Atmospheric nitrogen (AIR) and Vienna
leon’s army lacked supplies because the city was largely abandoned Pee Dee Belemnite (VPDB)) (Katzenberg, 2008; Schoeninger, 2011).
and burnt down by retreating Russian soldiers. The Grand Army Carbon isotope ratios provide insight into the types of plants
retreated from Moscow in October of 1812, 35 days after entering the directly consumed and whether the plants originate from marine or ter-
city when the Russian czar did not surrender. The retreat turned into a restrial ecosystems, largely due to differences in photosynthesis and
disaster due to the extreme cold and supply shortages (Bourgogne, carbon source (O’Leary, 1981; Smith & Epstein, 1971). During photo-
gur, 2012). Surviving soldiers arrived in Vilnius,
2002; Everatt, 2011; Se synthesis, less 13
C is incorporated into plants than the lighter isotope
Lithuania, in December 1812. Vilnius contained enough “flour and 12
C (O’Leary, 1981), with C4 plants incorporating more 13
C than their
meat to feed 100,000 men for forty days” (Nicolson, 1985, p. 168). temperate C3 counterparts (Katzenberg, 2008). Consequently, C4
However, a lack of organization in food distribution and exhaustion plants typically exhibit d13C values between 29& and 214&, while
during the long march led to chaos. Historical records indicate that no C3 herbaceous vegetation typically exhibits values between 220& and
fewer than 20,000 soldiers died of hypothermia, starvation, and typhus 235& (Deines, 1980). Marine consumer values characteristically
in Lithuania during the retreat (Austin, 2000; Lobell, 2002). Initially, range from 210 to 215& (Katzenberg, 1992; Katzenberg, 2008;
remains were burned, however, the stench and large numbers of the Schoeninger, DeNiro, & Tauber, 1983; Ubelaker, Katzenberg, & Doyon,
dead and dying led to disposal of bodies in mass graves (Frank, 2001). 1995). The diet-tissue spacing between plants and consumer bone col-
In times of plenty, dietary staples for Napoleonic soldiers con- lagen in terrestrial environments has been argued to be as high as 5&
sisted mainly of bread, meat, rice, and alcohol (Elting, 1988; Forrest, (Krueger & Sullivan, 1984) and the tissue–tissue spacing between her-
2002). An example of daily rations and portion sizes from the 18th bivore and carnivore bone collagen as low as 0& and 2& (Bocherens
century for Napoleonic soldiers is listed in Table 1. Lunch rations were & Drucker, 2003). Humans, as omnivores, exhibit d13C values closer to
often consumed in the form of soup (Elting, 1988). Troops carried four carnivores rather than intermediate values.
days worth of rations on their person and were followed by battalions Stable nitrogen isotope values reflect trophic level, an organism’s
containing flour for bread, hauled by oxen that were, in turn, intended position in the food chain (DeNiro & Epstein, 1981; Minagawa &
to supply fresh meat (Riehn, 1990). Supplying a large army with Wada, 1984; Schoeninger & DeNiro, 1984). Consumer tissue d15N
enough food during distant campaigns proved problematic. Numerous values are higher than the tissue values of their dietary sources due to
instances of hungry soldiers waiting two weeks or more for supplies 14
the preferential loss of N through urea excretion following ingestion
to arrive have been documented throughout Napoleon’s military cam- (Minagawa & Wada, 1984; Schoeninger & DeNiro, 1984). A diet-tissue
paigns (Nafziger, 1988). To supplement their rations and avoid starva- spacing of up to 6& has been argued for human bone collagen d15N
tion, soldiers were expected to forage, requisition, and purchase values by O’Connell, Kneale, Tasevska, and Kuhnle (2012), but signifi-
goods from locals and female sutlers (civilian merchants) travelling cant error ranges exist in this study as a result of offsets between tis-
with the army during extended and geographically distant campaigns sues that were used to calculate bone collagen values. Environmental
(Riehn, 1990; Riley, 2007). Requisitioning and foraging strategies, fre- €ldner, & Bell, 2008; Heaton, 1987; Schwarcz, Dupras, &
(Britton, Mu
quently referred to as “living off the land,” entailed organized and sys- Fairgrieve, 1999), physiological (Fuller et al., 2005; Hatch et al., 2006;
tematic extraction of local resources by soldiers (Rothenberg, 1981). Hobson, Alisauskas, & Clark, 1993; Mekota, Grupe, Ufer, & Cuntz,
These organized systems broke down during the Russian Campaign, 2006; Robertson, Rowland, & Krigbaum, 2014), and cultural processes
especially amongst non-French allied regiments who were less skilled (Bogaard et al., 2013; Bogaard, Heaton, Poulton, & Merbach, 2007;
foragers (Nafziger, 1988). Commisso & Nelson, 2010; Fraser et al., 2011) may confound dietary
interpretations of d15N values in past populations.
3.1 | Stable isotope trends in historic Europe
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of archaeological bone colla- Most of Europe is characterized by a temperate climate with C3 plants
gen is an established method of ascertaining diet in past populations dominating edible vegetation (van Klinken, Richards, & Hedges, 2000).

Wheat and barley consumed in various foodstuffs are staple C3 plants A team of French and Lithuanian anthropologists conducted osteo-
€ ldner & Richards, 2005). Millets are the dominant
in European diets (Mu logical and paleopathological analyses of this skeletal population. Pelvic
C4 plant consumed in Europe historically and prehistorically (Tafuri, and skull morphology was assessed to estimate sex, and standard
Craig, & Canci, 2009), and were most often consumed in the form of methods (e.g., epiphyseal fusion, cranial suture closure, etc.) were
porridge and unleavened bread. Millet consumption has been associ- employed to determine age at death, all following Buikstra and Ube-
ated with low social status in Medieval Italy (Reitsema & Vercellotti, laker (1994). The total number of individuals identified as female was
2012) and as an alternative to certain C3 grains in southern Europe 29 (18 probable females, 11 definite females), 1,883 males (22 proba-
(Andrews, 2000). Consumption of terrestrial animal protein also varied ble males, 1,861 definite males), and 1,317 individuals of indeterminate
in historic Europe, largely in relation to socioeconomic class (Knapp, sex (Signoli et al., 2004). Based on osteological evidence, a majority of
1997). Increases in fish consumption in Medieval and post-Medieval the individuals excavated were estimated to be between 20 and 30
Europe resulted from improvements in technology and the commoditi- years of age at the time of death.
zation of fish, although access was generally a privilege of religious and Previous bioarchaeological studies with this sample provide insight
upper classes (Hoffmann, 2004; Pitcher & Lam, 2015). Given the varia- into childhood stress, adult diet, and infectious disease experienced by
tion in distribution of vegetal and aquatic resources across Europe, diet Napoleon’s Army. Low rates of dental attrition, antemortem tooth loss,
varied both within and among regions across the continent. and low prevalence of calculus and abscesses indicated good dental
health in Napoleon’s young soldiers (Palubeckaite_ et al., 2006). A
3.2 | Diet in Napoleon’s Army: majority of individuals analyzed had one-to-two hypoplasias of mild to
Stable isotope hypotheses moderate degree, occurring between the third and fourth years of life
(Palubeckaite_ et al., 2006). Although the overall rate of carious lesions
Historic information on the provisioning of Napoleon’s army and sub-
was low, the location (i.e., pulp caries) and number of carious lesions in
sistence in historic Europe aid in the establishment of hypotheses
various individuals indicates an increased susceptibility to dental dis-
regarding diet and stable isotope ratios of soldiers and camp followers.
ease and points to high carbohydrate diet, consistent with war rations
A wide range of carbon and nitrogen isotope values was expected for
(Palubeckaite_ et al., 2006). Ancient DNA analysis of lice discovered in
individuals associated with Napoleon’s army. While a majority of indi-
the mass grave and dental pulp of Napoleonic soldiers confirmed his-
viduals were expected to exhibit d13C values characteristic of C3-based
toric accounts of the presence of trench fever (Bartonella quintana) and
diet, conscripts with low social status and individuals from southern
epidemic typhus (Rickettsia prowazekii) (Raoult et al., 2006).
Europe were expected to exhibit d13C values characteristic of a C4-
based or mixed diet. Similarly, d15N values were expected to vary rela-
tive to geographic origin, social status prior to service, and military 5 | MATERIALS AND METHODS
rank. The expected difference is based on unequal access to animal
protein and types of animal protein locally available (e.g., terrestrial, Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis was performed on the fem-

oral bone collagen of 78 of the 3,269 individuals excavated at Siaur _
marine, freshwater).
miestelis to reconstruct diet. The sample size is limited by circum-
stance; only a limited number of femora were retained for further
O F SI _ MIESTELIS investigation during this salvage excavation (Signoli et al., 2004), while
the remaining skeletons were interred in a large mass grave in the
A mass gravesite was exposed in the Fall of 2001 during a construction local Antakalnis military cemetery. A majority of the individuals were
project in the location of a former Soviet Army barracks positioned selected due to perceived macroscopic preservation and skeletal com-

north of downtown Vilnius at the site of Siaur _ miestelis (Signoli et al.,
es pleteness that enabled sex and age diagnostics. Seventy-two individu-
2004) (See Figure 1). An examination of buttons from uniform frag- als were identified as male, three as female, one as a probable male,
ments indicated the presence of at least 40 regiments, signifying pre- and two were of unknown sex. Due to the small female sample, inter-
dominantly infantry and cavalry (Signoli et al., 2004). Although there pretations of females are subsumed into the general discussion of this
may be others, buttons and uniforms from French, Italian, Polish, and sample and not addressed separately. Estimated age at death ranged in
Bavarian regiments were represented in the mass grave. this sample from 16 to 50 years, and the age of each individual was
Anthropologists conducted a salvage excavation to clear the site reported using age ranges (Supporting Information Table S2).
for construction. The mass grave was situated in a L-shaped trench During initial sampling, up to 20 g of cortical bone was removed
approximately 10 m wide and 40 m long (Jankauskas, 2012). Anthro- from each left femoral diaphysis using a hand-held rotary tool with
pologists excavated a minimum number of 3,269 individuals (based fiberglass reinforced cutoff wheels; 4–6 g were extracted and crushed
upon the number of left femoral diaphyses), with a concentration of into small pieces for this analysis. Each sample was cleaned, dried,
seven corpses/m . The high density of corpses within the burial trench weighed, and recorded prior to undergoing collagen extraction. Bone
indicated a single burial event, and the positioning of the bodies led to collagen preparation for isotopic analysis was completed in UCF’s Lab-
the conclusion that the individuals were buried shortly after death, pos- oratory for Bioarchaeological Sciences following a modified version of
sibly prior to rigor mortis (Jankauskas, 2012; Raoult et al., 2006). Longin’s collagen extraction protocol (1971). Although archaeological

Map of the location of Lithuania (inset) with the study site of Siaur _ miestelis noted by a red circle

Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of bone collagen from the Siaur _ miestelis mass gravesite separated by sex

samples rarely contain lipids, lipid extraction (after Jim, Ambrose, & and no spread of epidemics that would increase mortality among locals
Evershed, 2004) was performed due to the relatively recent age of the (Frank, 2001). The period of turmoil related to the retreat lasted less
sample (ca. 200 years), and the presumed high level of preservation. than a week with Russian troops quickly overtaking Vilnius without
Approximately 15 mL of 2:1 chloroform:methanol was added to each major combat and quickly reestablishing civil order. A well-organized
sample, stored in the fume hood for 20 min, and then spun down in removal of corpses from the town took place under the auspices of a
the centrifuge. Next, the inorganic portion of the bone was dissolved professor of “medical police,” again making it highly unlikely that locals
using 0.5 M HCl for 4–6 weeks, followed by the removal of soil con- were inhumed into mass graves with foreign soldiers (Frank, 2001;
taminating acids (e.g., humic and fulvic) through multiple 20 min Pugačiauskas, 2004).
rinses in 0.1 M NaOH. The collagen-containing liquid was placed back Further support for the assumption that the mass grave does not
in the oven at 908C in an uncapped glass dram vial for 2–4 days to contain local Lithuanians can be found in Figure 3, displaying d13C and
break down collagen bonds. After, the vial was removed and weighed, 
d15N values from the Siaur _ miestelis sample, townspeople from Aly-
and collagen yields were calculated. All samples were placed into 3.5 3 tus (Whitmore, 2014), and elite burials from four churches in Vilnius
5 mm tin capsules with weights ranging from 0.4 to 0.7 mg. (Reitsema, Kozłowski, Jankauskas, Drąz_ kowska, & Krajewska, 2015).
All samples were sent to the Colorado Plateau Stable Isotope Lab- While there is considerable overlap in d15N values among these groups,

the Siaur _ miestelis sample overlaps with only one of the 72 d13C val-
oratory (CPSIL) at Northern Arizona University for stable isotope ratio
analysis. Stable isotopes were measured through isotope ratio mass ues from the other Lithuanian sites. It is clear that historic Lithuanian
spectrometry using a Delta V Advantage Mass Spectrometer with a populations consumed more of a C3-based diet than individuals associ-
Carlo Erba NC2100 Elemental Analyzer. CPSIL reported d C (&) and ated with Napoleon’s Army. Dietary differences between these groups,
d15N (&) values, %C and %N values, and C:N. C:N was then converted as reflected in d13C values, support the claim that the mass grave at

Siaur _ miestelis did not contain local townspeople.
to atomic C:N. Precision of 60.2& for d13C and 60.08& for d15N is
reported based on 25 peach leaves standards analyzed during bone The isotopic variation exhibited in Napoleon’s Army can be

collagen sample analysis. Accuracy is better than 60.1& for both d C 13 explained by a number of factors. First, Napoleon’s Army was multieth-

and d15N based on duplicate measurements of eight individual bone nic, with soldiers originating from all over Europe (Esdaile, 2008; Gould,

collagen samples. 1995; Oliver & Partridge, 2002; Signoli et al., 2004). Given that femoral
bone collagen reflects the average diet over the past 110 years
(Hedges, Clement, Thomas, & O’connell, 2007), the range of isotope
values is partially explained by differences in diet prior to military serv-
ice. Second, French and allied military campaigns took place in Italy and
Isotopic data collected for each individual sampled are presented in
13 15 Egypt during the late 1700s and throughout Europe during the early
Figure 2 and Supporting Information Table S2; both d C and d N val-
1800s (Esdaile, 2008; Gates, 1997). Foraging and resource requisition
ues show a wide range of variation. The d13C values range from
is well documented throughout these campaigns (Riehn, 1990; Riley,
219.2& to 211.8& with a mean of 217.2& 6 1.5& (1r). The d15N
2007). Therefore, where individuals served further contribute to the
values range from 7.1& to 13.6& with a mean of 10.5& 6 1.4& (1r).
high degree of isotopic variation. Third, rank and status differences
There is no linear relationship between d13C and d15N for this sample
may also contribute to dietary variation through unequal access to
(R2 5 0.0156). All 78 samples fall within the range of well-preserved C:
resources, such as terrestrial animal protein. For example, Imperial
N range of 2.9 to 3.6 (DeNiro, 1985).
guardsmen had the only permanent supply train in the French army
resulting in better and more consistent rations than their counterparts
(Rothenberg, 1981). Additionally, officers drew larger rations than the
average French soldier (Elting, 1988). Lastly, nondietary factors could
The interpretations presented here are predicated on the assumption
be contributing to the variation in d15N values in this sample. Nutri-
that all of the male individuals in the mass grave were soldiers, but it
tional stress experienced prior to military service in low-status individu-
should be noted that nonsoldiers may be represented in the mass
als (Knapp, 1988; Komlos, 1998), and throughout military service
grave. Although historical and archaeological evidence demonstrates
associated with food shortage issues during military campaigns
that this mass grave contains the skeletal remains of soldiers from
(Nafziger, 1988; Rothenberg, 1981), could lead to elevated d15N values
Napoleon’s Grand Army (Signoli et al., 2004), reports indicate that con-
in some of these individuals.
voys of nonsoldiers (e.g., foreigners formerly living in Moscow, officer’s
wives) followed the Grand Army during their retreat from Moscow
7.1 | Interpretation of isotopic trends
(Everatt, 2011; Nicolson, 1985) and may have also been buried in this
in Napoleon’s Army
mass grave. This is supported by the presence of females in the mass
grave, who most likely were civilians that provided services to the sol- Stable carbon isotope values for human bone collagen in a temperate
diers (Cardoza, 2010; Elting, 1988). Presence of local individuals in the environment with little to no marine or C4 resources are typically
mass grave is unlikely given the associated artifacts (Signoli et al., between 219& and 222& (van Klinken, 1999). Only two individuals
2004), only a brief disruption of social life and food supply to Vilnius, in this sample exhibit d13C values within that range. Higher d13C values

Comparative stable isotope data for three Lithuanian sites: Siaur _ miestelis, Alytus (Whitmore, 2014), and elite burials from
four churches (Church of Our Lady of Assumption, Church of St. Francis and St. Bernard, The Cathedral of Vilnius, and Church of St.
Catherine) in Vilnius (Reitsema et al., 2015)

in the remainder of the sample indicate varying amounts of marine lotti, 2012). Therefore, C4 protein consumed directly, and possibly indi-
and/or C4 protein input. Ten individuals exhibit d C values greater rectly through animal protein foddered on C4 vegetation, was likely a
than 216& (see Supporting Information Table S2). A significant marine major source of dietary protein and the cause of C-enrichment in
dietary component can likely be eliminated because d N values are these individuals. Individuals with C4-based diets may have originated

relatively low (Lightfoot, Slaus, & O’Connell, 2012; Reitsema & Vercel- from Italy or Poland. Stable isotope evidence from archaeological

Siaur _ miestelis and previously published continental European terrestrial fauna, marine fish, and freshwater fish stable isotope
€ldner, Van Neer, Ervynck, and Richards, 2012; Herrscher et al., 2001; Quintelier
data (Alexander et al., 2015; Barrett et al., 2011; Fuller, Mu
et al., 2014; Reitsema et al., 2010)

FIGURE 5 Femoral isotope data for Royal Navy servicemen from the site of Haslar, Gosport, UK published in Roberts et al. (2012) and

Napoleonic soldiers and camp followers from the site of Siaur _ miestelis

samples with evidence of C4 plant consumption from Italy and Poland ing access to protein prior to and during their time travelling with
(Killgrove & Tykot, 2013; Reitsema & Kozlowski, 2013; Reitsema & Napoleon’s Army. Because faunal remains used to create an isotopic
Vercellotti, 2012; Reitsema, Kozlowski, & Makowiecki, 2012; Tafuri 
food web were lacking for this sample, individuals from Siaur _ mieste-
et al., 2009), historic documentation of regiments from these regions in lis were compared to faunal stable isotope data from other sites and
the Grand Army (Esdaile, 2008; Gould, 1995; Oliver & Partridge, 2002; time periods in Europe (see Figure 4). If a tissue–tissue spacing of 1&
Schneid, 1995), and the presence Italian and Polish regiment buttons in for carbon and of 3–6& for nitrogen is added to the terrestrial faunal
the mass grave support this interpretation (Signoli et al., 2004). rrez, & Millard, 2015;
values in Figure 4 (Alexander, Gerrard, Gutie
Three individuals exhibit d13C values between 219& and 217& Herrscher, Bocherens, Valentin, & Colardelle, 2001; Quintelier et al.,
and d15N values greater than 13& (see Supporting Information Table 2014; Reitsema, Crews, & Polcyn, 2010), these values overlap with the
S2). There are a number of plausible explanations for these values, Napoleonic sample, demonstrating that terrestrial animal protein pro-
which include: high terrestrial protein consumption, freshwater fish vided a major dietary contribution to this group and likely accounts for
consumption, heavy manuring of crops, and nutritional stress. Determi- some of the variation.
nation of the most likely cause(s) of these elevated d15N values in these
individuals will be the subject of future research.
7.2 | Isotopic comparison with other
Seventy-five individuals exhibit d13C values between 215& and
European populations
220&, forming two visually distinct clusters based on their d15N val-
ues: 7–10& (n 5 20) and 10–13& (n 5 45) (see Figure 2). The first For comparison, stable isotope data from a contemporaneous military
cluster (i.e., 7–10&) likely consumed a C3-based vegetal diet with population are displayed in Figure 5. Stable isotope values of individu-
some C4 inputs and limited amounts of terrestrial animal protein. These als in Napoleon’s Grand Army (including females) were compared with
individuals may have been lower ranking individuals or conscripts that servicemen in Britain’s Royal Navy from a cemetery linked to the
had limited access to meat protein prior to and during military service Royal Hospital at Haslar, Gosport (1753–1826), published by Roberts
(Elting, 1988; Knapp, 1988, 1997). The second cluster of individuals et al. (2012) (see Figure 5). Napoleon’s army and the British Royal
also likely consumed a C3-based vegetal diet with some C4 inputs but Navy share characteristics that make comparison amenable: both
with more contribution of d15N values from terrestrial animal protein. were mobile military populations that participated in campaigns inside
This latter group may reflect high-ranking soldiers and/or individuals and outside of Europe, both were composed of individuals from vary-
with higher status and greater access to animal protein prior to and ing geographic and dietary origins, and both were prescribed rations
during military service. Individuals serving in the Imperial Guard, cav- that were supplemented with local resources (Roberts et al., 2012).
alry, and high-ranking officers may fall into this latter group (Elting, Dietary variation was compared using Levene’s test for equality of
1988; Rothenberg, 1981). All three females fall into this group, indicat- variances, with individuals from Gosport randomly resampled via

F I G U R E 6 Stable isotope ratios from Siaur _ miestelis compared to four continental European populations from previously published
dietary studies: Kaldus, Poland (Reitsema et al., 2012), Koksiide, Belgium (Polet and Katzenberg, 2003), Grenoble, France (Herrscher et al.,
2001), and Benipeixcar, Spain (Alexander et al., 2015)

bootstrapping to establish equal sample sizes for these two groups. tein, isotopic analysis of bone apatite provides insight into whole diet
Results from Levene’s test indicate that there are statistically signifi- (Ambrose & Norr, 1993; Jim et al., 2004; Tieszen & Fagre, 1993). Sta-
cant differences in variance for both d C (p < .001) and d N
13 15
tistical models that use stable isotope data from bone collagen and apa-
(p < .001) values between these two military samples. The significantly tite for dietary reconstruction offer an avenue to refine current dietary
greater variance in stable isotope values of individuals from the site of interpretations (Fernandes, Millard, Brabec, Nardeau, & Grootes, 2014;

Siaur _ miestelis compared to Gosport attests to the high degree of
es Froehle, Kellner, & Schoeninger, 2012). The analysis of compound spe-
dietary variation in Napoleon’s Grand Army. cific amino acids may be useful in disentangling potential causes of ele-
Comparative continental European populations are displayed in vated d15N values discovered in three individuals in the current study
Figure 6. The absence of a predominantly C3-based diet in Napoleon’s (Hare, Fogel, Stafford, Mitchell, & Hoering, 1991; Naito, Chikaraishi,
army is underscored by comparison with a sample from the Medieval Ohkouchi, Drucker, & Bocherens, 2013; Styring et al., 2015; Styring,
French Alps (Herrscher et al., 2001) that exhibits d13C values indica- Fraser, Bogaard, & Evershed, 2014). Lastly, a life history approach to

tive of a C3 diet. The overlap of individuals from Siaur _ miestelis with
es diet reconstruction, which incorporates the analysis of multiple skeletal
three European populations demonstrates the dietary breadth of elements with different collagen turnover times (e.g., femora and ribs),
Napoleonic soldiers and camp followers: Medieval Spanish Mude offers the opportunity to explore changes in diet associated with mili-
that consumed a mixed C3 and C4 diet with some marine consumption tary service (Beaumont & Montgomery, 2016; Jørkov, Heinemeier, &
(Alexander et al., 2015), a Medieval Polish sample that consumed vari- Lynnerup, 2009; Lamb, Evans, Buckley, & Appleby, 2014; Pollard et al.,
able amounts of C4 plants (Reitsema et al., 2012), and a Medieval Bel- 2012; Sealy, Armstrong, & Schrire, 1995).
gian sample that consumed a predominantly terrestrial diet with a
minor contribution of marine protein (Polet & Katzenberg, 2003). The
overlap with Medieval populations also suggests that marine resour-
ces may have served as a minor dietary component for many individu-
This research provides insight into dietary variation of individuals exca-
als in this study. Comparison with other European populations has  _ miestelis. The considerable variation in
vated from the site of Siaur es
reaffirmed and expanded our interpretations for Napoleon’s Army in
d13C and d15N values in Napoleonic soldiers and camp followers is
regards to significant dietary variation and marine contribution.
indicative of dietary variation associated with a multiethnic and socially
stratified military population. Dietary variation was significantly higher
7.3 | Future research
in this sample compared to a contemporaneous military population
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sample collection. We thank Dr. J. Marla Toyne for her valuable com- Cardoza, T. (2010). Intrepid women: Cantinières and vivandières of the
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unpublished data with the authors. We also thank the editor, Dr. Peter Cartwright, F. F. (1972). Disease and history. New York: Crowell.
T. Ellison, and the anonymous reviewers whose suggestions made this Commisso, R. G., & Nelson, D. E. (2010). Stable nitrogen isotopic exami-
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How to cite this article: Holder S, Dupras TL, Jankauskas R,
Schoeninger, M. J., & DeNiro, M. J. (1984). Nitrogen and carbon isotopic
William L, Schultz J. Reconstructing diet in Napoleon’s Grand
composition of bone collagen from marine and terrestrial animals.
Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 48, 625–639. Army using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis. Am J
Phys Anthropol. 2017;00:1–11. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajpa.
Schoeninger, M. J., DeNiro, M. J., & Tauber, H. (1983). Stable nitrogen
isotope ratios of bone collagen reflect marine and terrestrial compo- 23184
nents of prehistoric diets. Science, 220, 1381–1383.

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