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Admission Essay

Mark Andrei Lapitan Gubac

My infatuation with working in government rather came late in my career. Being

involve in government made me realize that being a public servant is such a
noble cause. This intellectual curiosity for public service now drives me to
consider it as a profession. At 41 years of age being involve in the private sector
for almost half of it made me grasp the competitive work culture that I treasure
and it would be fulfilling for me in bringing my experience in this sector as I
dabble myself in public service.
In my short stint working for the Local Government of Lian Batangas I
comprehend my calling for public service. To develop and capacitate myself I
enrolled myself to the graduate program of Masters in Management in Public
Administration which I finish this year at Philippine Christian University. Taking
up my master’s degree opened my eyes that there are lots of things that I need
to learn and improve to better serve our community. I aim to be a transformative
leader, and to do this I need to further capacitate myself through various training
and available educational program that would enable me as an effective leader.
As I am now involved in the development of our Municipality’s Comprehensive
Land Use Plan (CLUP), assisting different department of our municipality
specifically our Municipal Planning and Development office, I found myself
lacking in this field. I lack the technical understanding of the said undertaking
and to surpass this deficiency I need to arm myself by looking for a way to
overcome this. I search the internet high and low to weigh my option on how can
I capacitate myself in the field of Land Use Planning and I came across your
program for a graduate Diploma in the said field.
After much of introspection and contemplation I came to realize that I am
interested in pursuing a career in Land Use Planning. As an environmental
advocate myself, I believe that the orderly development of land in a way that
protects our environment, conserves resources, promotes social gathering,
enhances a community, and provides for transportation, industry, and economic
needs. Without a proper land-use plan, cities and communities would be in
disarray. Transportation would not run efficiently. Industrial plants would
pollute residences, waterways and reduce air quality. Cities would be
unwalkable. Communities would be unsafe. Economies would stall. The
environment would be damaged and resources wasted, which would leave the
area unusable for future generations. I believed in that being involve in
developing our CLUP made me passionate to learn more about land use planning
and its importance in our community. I also have confidence that being able to
enter this program and learn from one of the best institutions in the Philippines
would develop myself further to be an asset in our municipality.
In this regard I am writing this admission essay that your well-respected
institution would consider my application to be one of your chosen candidates
for enrollment and be part of your Diploma on Land Use Planning program. It
would be my honor to be part of this program and to be part your illustrious
Institution is my pleasure and privilege.

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