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Assessment on the Progress to Professionalism for Module 2 of MOOC:

Done for:
Dr. Lokeswar Patnaik
Assistmt ProfCSSOT
Department of ·Mechanical and Manufacturing
National Institute of Advaneed Manufacturing
Technology (Formerly NIFF I), Hatia, Ranchi-
834 003, Jharkhand, India I

Assessment on teaching:

• Engaging Lectures: Delivers clear, engaging, and well-structured lectures~

• Innovative Methods: Utilizes innovative teac.hing methods and technology.
• Ac~ibility: Readily available for student consultation and support.

Assessment on resear-ch capability:

• Innovative Research: Conducts pioneering and impactful research.

• Publication Record: Consistently publishes in high-quality joumalsM
• Collaborative Worlc Excels in collaborative research ·projects..
• Mentorship: Effectively mentors research students.
• Conference Participation: Regularly presents at academic conferences.

Assessment on keen to grow professio11a/ly:

• ·continuous Leaming: Pursues ongoing education and training.
• Professional Development Actively engages in workshops and seminars..
• Certifications: Obtains relevant certifications regularly.
• Networking: Builds and maintains professional networks.
• Feedback Utilization: Incorporates feedback for improvement.


• Continuous Learning: Pursues ongaing education and training.

• Certifications: Obtains relevant certifications regularly.
• Feedback Utilization~ Incorporates feedback for improvement.
• Mentorship: Seeks guidance from senior colleagues.

Do11e by:
Dr. Umesh Khandcy
Assistant Professor,
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing
NationaJ Institute of Advanced Manufacturing
Technology (Formerly NIFFT), Hatia, Ranchi-
834 003~ Jharkhand, India
M: +91-99909 23260 I

Email: umesh.khaodey(a}

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