A321 KSV 2

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what's the configuration of K Answer - 20FC/170MC=190

what's the configuration of E? Answer - 20/176=196

what's the configuration of R? Answer - 20FC 170 MC =190

what's the configuration of T? Answer - 102 total, 10 FC, 20 BC

which configurations are over-water equipped? Answer - E and R

what're the exit rows on K Answer - 11, 24

what're the exit rows on E? Answer - 17, 27, 28

what're the exit rows on R? Answer - 11, 24

what're the exit rows on T? Answer - 11

which slides ARE and are NOT detachable? Answer - 1L/R and 4L/R ARE
2L/R and 3L/R are NOT detachable

which configurations have slide/liferaft on them? Answer - E, R

which configurations have direct view jumpseats? Answer - E

which models have video monitors? Answer - T

what FAs must do a manual demo on the T? Answer - none because video PRAM
at all seats

where are wheelchairs stored on K Answer - FWD Entry closet

where are the lifelines stored in E? Answer - row 17

what must be preflighted on the FAP? Answer - light main ON/OFF and PED power

where are AAPs on the T? Answer - at 2L and 4L

all other models is just 4L

where are AIPs? Answer - by all jumpseats

(attendant indicator panel)

what do AIPs do? Answer - like a caller-ID for the ACP (area control panel)

who's responsible for operating the OWE on E? Answer - passengers

on the door exit, when does the Cabin Pressure Warning Light illuminate? Answer -
door disarmed, engined off, and cabin still pressurized

what color does the Cabin Pressure Warning Light illuminate? Answer - red

what's the purpose of the slide armed warning light? Answer - tells FA door is about
to be opened in armed mode

what color does the slide warning light illuminate? Answer - white

what hard button under LED FAP turns on the emergency signaling system?
Answer - EVAC CMD

what hard button under non-LED FAP turns on the emergency signaling system?
Answer - CMD

what hard button turns on the emergency light switch? Answer - EMER

what all is activated by the emergency light switch? Answer - exit lights, escape
path illuminated, and cabin emergency lights on

in evacuation, what do you do is slide pack falls into cabin? Answer - push/kick
outside ac

how many survival kits are on the E & R? Answer - 4

what does MRT stand for and do? Answer - manual release tool
manually opens O2 compartments

if aural/visual indicators of smoke in lav is no longer needed, how are they turned off?
Answer - press SMOKE RESET on FAP, AAP, and outside lavs

how many lavs are on the A321? Answer - 4

how are lavs labeled on the K, E, R T? Answer - Lav A, Lav L, Lav D, Lav E

On the 321E who is assigned to sit at the 1L JS? Answer - FA1/FA3

On the 321T there is a second AAP, where is it? Answer - 2L

On the 321Kthere is a second AAP, where is it? Answer - 2R

Which Jumpseat does FA4 sit in on the A321T? Answer - 3R

On A321K where is the AED? Answer - Last LH OHB MC

What is FA3s exit respondsibility on the 321K & 321R? Answer - 2Rprimary 2L

What is FA3s exit respondsibility on the A321E? Answer - 1R

On A321T PBE location closest to AFT Lav? Answer - RH sidewall AFT LAV E

Where is the manual inflation handle located on the A321L, A321OA, A321S, and
A321T at 2L/R and 3L/R? Answer - Behind clear protective cover on the upper right
corner of the door frame

Signs smoke has been detected in the LAV? Answer - ACP Flash Amber, AIP
flashing red light with location of smoke, light outside lav amber

How do FAs make a routine call to the Flight Deck? Answer - Press CAPT button
on interphone twice

When smoke is detected in the LAV what is the specific chime heard in the cabin?
Answer - 3 low chimes heard every 30secs

Where is FA2s Jumpseat on A321R? Answer - Direct View or 4L depending on


Where is FA3s JS on A321K and A321R? Answer - 2R

Where is FA4s Jumpseat on the A321R? Answer - 3L

Where is FA3s Jumpseat on A321T? Answer - 2L

What Row(s) on the A321T have airbelts? Answer - All of FC (rows1-5)

On A321 K/R what seats have air belts? Answer - FC Seats 1AC and Row 8

Supp Oxygen flows automatically for how long? Answer - 12-15mins

Which doors have slides on the A321K, and T? Answer - 1l/R, 2L/R, 3L/R, 4L/R

Which A321 has OWEs? Answer - A321E

How many door exits are on the 321 K, R & T? Answer - 8

Where is the FAP found? Answer - Above 1L FA Jumpseat

On the A321 E which FA sits in the Direct View JS? Answer - FA2

Preflight for FAP Answer - LIGHT MAIN ON/OFF


When turning off the water in the Lav, what else must be turned off? Answer - The
water heater

What Galleys are present on the A321K Answer - G1 & G5

True or False the Door LOCKING indicator informs FAs that the door has been armed?
Answer - FALSE

On the doors when does the viewing window need to be open? Answer - T,T,L
(Taxi, takeoff and landing)

How are the survival kits attached? Answer - Before operating the exit, attach the
hook to the cloth loop

What important Key does the FAP have that the AAP doesnt have? Answer -
Emergency Light Switch

What will occur during a decompression? Answer - Fasten SB sign illuminates

PRAM Plays
Powerports automatically turn off
one low chime heard in cabin
Masks drops

What is minimum crew on A321s Answer - 4

Where is FA1s Jumpseat? Answer - 1L aisle side

how many LAVs on A321? Answer - 4

What is at all Jumpseats on A321? Answer - Flashlight/Crew Lifevest/ MRT

How many firebags on A321? Answer - 2

How many door exits on the A321? Except E Answer - 8

How many door exits on A321E? Answer - 6

How many OWE on A321E? Answer - 2

Is there an ELT on A321T? Answer - NOOOOOOO

Who is responsible for ELT on A321 K, E, R? Answer - FA2

True or False exit equipped with slides should be used as a last resort in a ditching?
Answer - TRUE

How many survival kits on A321T & A321E? Answer - 4

As FA2 where do you stand for Demo? Answer - @ 3L/R moving AFT @ least twice

When do you distribute lifevests to lap children in planned ditching? Answer - After
the demo

Who commands Slide/Liferafts at 1L? Answer - FA1

Who commands slide/liferafts at 4L? Answer - FA2

Which 2 variations have slide/Liferafts? Answer - A321R A321E

what's the configuration of L? Answer - 16/171 = 187

what's the configuration of NX? Answer - 20/176=196

what's the configuration of S? Answer - 16/165 = 181

what's the configuration of OA? Answer - 20/170 = 190

what's the configuration of T? Answer - 102 total, 10 FC, 20 BC

which configurations are over-water equipped? Answer - NX and S

what're the exit rows on L? Answer - 9, 10, 22, 23

what're the exit rows on NX? Answer - 17, 27, 28

what're the exit rows on S? Answer - 11, 12, 24, 25

what're the exit rows on T? Answer - 11

what're the exit rows on OA? Answer - 11, 24

which slides ARE and are NOT detachable? Answer - 1L/R and 4L/R ARE
2L/R and 3L/R are NOT detachable

which configurations have slide/liferaft on them? Answer - NX and S

which configurations have direct view jumpseats? Answer - L and NX

which models have video monitors? Answer - S and T

what FAs must do a manual demo on the T? Answer - none because video PRAM at
all seats

which FAs must do a manual demo on the S? Answer - FA3 and FA4

where are wheelchairs stored on L? Answer - last row of MC

where are the lifelines stored in NX? Answer - row 17

what must be preflighted on the FAP? Answer - light main ON/OFF and PED power

where are AAPs on the T? Answer - at 2L and 4L

all other models is just 4L

where are AIPs? Answer - by all jumpseats

(attendant indicator panel)

what do AIPs do? Answer - like a caller-ID for the ACP (area control panel)

who's responsible for operating the OWE on NX? Answer - passengers

on the door exit, when does the Cabin Pressure Warning Light illuminate? Answer -
door disarmed, engined off, and cabin still pressurized

what color does the Cabin Pressure Warning Light illuminate? Answer - red

what's the purpose of the slide armed warning light? Answer - tells FA door is about
to be opened in armed mode

what color does the slide warning light illuminate? Answer - white

what hard button under LED FAP turns on the emergency signaling system? Answer

what hard button under non-LED FAP turns on the emergency signaling system?
Answer - CMD

what hard button turns on the emergency light switch? Answer - EMER
what all is activated by the emergency light switch? Answer - exit lights, escape path
illuminated, and cabin emergency lights on

in evacuation, what do you do is slide pack falls into cabin? Answer - push/kick
outside ac

how many survival kits are on the NX and S? Answer - 4

what does MRT stand for and do? Answer - manual release tool
manually opens O2 compartments

if aural/visual indicators of smoke in lav is no longer needed, how are they turned off?
Answer - press SMOKE RESET on FAP, AAP, and outside lavs

how many lavs are on the A321? Answer - 4

how are lavs labeled on the L/NX/OA/S? Answer - Lav A, Lav L, Lav D, Lav E

On the 321NX who is assigned to sit at the 1L JS? Answer - FA1/FA3

On the 321T there is a second AAP, where is it? Answer - 2L

On the 321S there is a second AAP, where is it? Answer - 2R

Which Jumpseat does FA4 sit in on the A321T? Answer - 3R

On A321L where is the AED? Answer - LH OHB AFT MC

What is FA3s exit respondsibility on the 321L & 321S? Answer - 2Rprimary 2L

What is FA3s exit respondsibility on the A321NX? Answer - 1R

On A321T PBE location closest to AFT Lav? Answer - RH sidewall AFT LAV E

Where is the manual inflation handle located on the A321L, A321OA, A321S, and
A321T at 2L/R and 3L/R? Answer - Behind clear protective cover on the upper right
corner of the door frame

Signs smoke has been detected in the LAV? Answer - ACP Flash Amber, AIP
flashing red light with location of smoke, light outside lav amber

How do FAs make a routine call to the Flight Deck? Answer - Press CAPT button on
interphone twice
When smoke is detected in the LAV what is the specific chime heard in the cabin?
Answer - 3 low chimes heard every 30secs

Where is FA2s Jumpseat on A321s? Answer - Direct View or 4L depending on config

Where is FA3s JS on A321s and A321L? Answer - 2R

Where is FA4s Jumpseat on the A321OA? Answer - 3L

Where is FA3s Jumpseat on A321T? Answer - 2L

What Row(s) on the A321T have airbelts? Answer - All of FC (rows1-5)

On A321L where are airbelts located? Answer - Rows 1&5, 10F, 23A, 23F

Supp Oxygen flows automatically for how long? Answer - 12-15mins

Which doors have slides on the A321L, OA and T? Answer - 1l/R, 2L/R, 3L/R, 4L/R

Which A321 has OWEs? Answer - A321NX

How many door exits are on the 321L,OA,S, & T? Answer - 8

Where is the FAP found? Answer - Above 1L FA Jumpseat

On the A321L&NX which FA sits in the Direct View JS? Answer - FA2

Preflight for FAP Answer - LIGHT MAIN ON/OFF


When turning off the water in the Lav, what else must be turned off? Answer - The
water heater

What Galleys are present on the A321L? Answer - G1 & G5

True or False the Door LOCKING indicator informs FAs that the door has been armed?
Answer - FALSE

On the doors when does the viewing window need to be open? Answer - T,T,L (Taxi,
takeoff and landing)

How are the survival kits attached? Answer - Before operating the exit, attach the
hook to the cloth loop

What important Key does the FAP have that the AAP doesnt have? Answer -
Emergency Light Switch
What will occur during a decompression? Answer - Fasten SB sign illuminates
PRAM Plays
Powerports automatically turn off
one low chime heard in cabin
Masks drops

What is minimum crew on A321s Answer - 4

Where is FA1s Jumpseat? Answer - 1L aisle side

how many LAVs on A321? Answer - 4

What is at all Jumpseats on A321s Answer - Flashlight/Crew Lifevest/ MRT

How many firebags on A321s? Answer - 2

How many door exits on the A321? Answer - 8

How many door exits on A321NX? Answer - 6

How many OWE on A321NX Answer - 2

Is there an ELT on A321T? Answer - NOOOOOOO

Who is responsible for ELT on A321S,L,OA? Answer - FA2

True or False exit equipped with slides should be used as a last resort in a ditching?
Answer - TRUE

How many survival kits on A321S & A321NX? Answer - 4

As FA2 where do you stand for Demo? Answer - @ 3L/R moving AFT @ least twice

When do you distribute lifevests to lap children in planned ditching? Answer - After
the demo

Who commands Slide/Liferafts at 1L? Answer - FA1

Who commands slide/liferafts at 4L? Answer - FA2

Which 2 variations have slide/Liferafts? Answer - A321S, A321NX (think nemo and

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