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Assignment No.

1 Solution File (Spring 2024) 1

CS403 Database Management System

Question No. 1
Draw a Context Level Data Flow Diagram (DFD) of the given bookstore system.


Context Level Data Flow Diagram

Question No. 2

 Identify all possible entities and their attributes in the given system.
 Extract all relationships among the entities.
 Draw a comprehensive Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) of the given bookstore system.
showing all entities, their attributes, and relationships among entities that you have identified.
 Your ERD must show all minimum and maximum cardinalities clearly.


 Possible Entities and their attributes

o Customer (Customer_ID, Name, Shipping Address, Email Address), Order
(Order_ID, Order Date, Total Price), Order Details (OrderDetails_ID, Total
Quantity, Price at Purchase), Book (ISBN, Title, Publication Year), Author
(Author_ID, Name, Biography), Genere (Genere_ID, Name).
 Relationships
o Book - Author: Many-to-Many

Virtual university of Pakistan 1

Assignment No. 1 Solution File (Spring 2024) 2

o Book - Genre: Many-to-Many

o Customer - Order: One-to-Many
o Order - Order Detail: One-to-Many
o Order – Book: One-to-Many

ER Diagram:

Entity Relationship Diagram

Virtual university of Pakistan 2

Assignment No. 1 Solution File (Spring 2024) 3

2nd Way

Virtual university of Pakistan 3

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