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Duisenbay Aruzhan Askarkyzy

Student of Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin
Scientific supervisor: Asel Sapargalikyzy

Annotation: The article is devoted to the use of the project method for the
development of monological skills. The characteristics of a monologue as an
activity are considered. The advantages of using the project method for the
development of monological skills in English lessons are described. The project of
using the project method at the middle stage of training is proposed.
Keywords: project method, monologue, middle stage of training.

In the modern world, due to the globalization of society and the possibility of
intercultural communication, high demands are placed on language
acquisition .One of the means of developing communicative competence is
monologue speech, which implies the ability to independently and logically build a
statement in a foreign language, which allows the student to confidently come into
contact with a native speaker and is an indicator of a high level of knowledge of a
foreign language. The object of study is monologue speech, which has
psychological and linguistic characteristics, such as mental completeness,
consistency, consistency, continuity. In addition, focus, organization, coherence,
contextuality and expressiveness are highlighted. The purpose of teaching
monological speech in secondary school is to develop students' monological skills,
such as the ability to build coherent statements, express and argue their opinions,
logically and comprehensively build statements and use emotionally expressive
means to express their opinions [1, p.384]. When teaching monologue speech, two
ways are distinguished in the methodology: inductive and deductive, work on
which involves certain stages. In the deductive path, the student works with a
sample text, going through several stages, assigns the content of the text through
various exercises and uses the text as a support for his own statement and
transforms it into his own statement, the inductive path implies the deployment and
addition of the initial monologue to the finished monologue [2,
p. 34-39]. One of the effective ways to teach monologue utterance at the middle
stage of training is the project method, which presents great opportunities for
practical use. This method of teaching is becoming increasingly popular and is
included in the basic plan of many educational and methodical complexes.
The project method is a set of techniques for mastering a certain area of
knowledge or activity in order to achieve a goal or solve a problem. The project
method is designed to teach students to think independently, establish cause-effect
relationships and solve problems, using knowledge from different fields for this
purpose [3, p. 3-10]. The project method has a number of advantages. First of all,
this method has a communicative orientation, which is the purpose of teaching
foreign languages in general. In addition, this method increases in children
motivation to learn a foreign language, the student reveals his creative potential, is
active in the educational process and has the opportunity to apply his/her
knowledge, which meets the requirements of personality-oriented learning. The
project method also allows students to develop research skills, develop cognitive
skills of students, critical and creative thinking and creativity. This method is
useful not only for the student, but also for the teacher, since the latter has the
opportunity to evaluate the student in the process of activity. It promotes close
cooperation between the teacher and the students and makes the learning process
interesting and effective. In addition, in project activities, the student integrates
knowledge from different fields and subjects, which contributes to the
development of the child and expands his horizons. An example of work on the use
of the project method can be work on a project developed for grade 9 on the topic
of "Charity" called "A Good Deed" within the framework of the topic "Leaders and
followers" in the educational and methodological complex in English for 9 The
"Forward" class edited by Verbitskaya M.V. The purpose of this project is to teach
monologue speech, namely, teaching monologue reasoning with elements of
description [4, p. 224]. The project is a short -term one, it is offered within 4-5
lessons. The proposed project can be considered as an interdisciplinary one, since
during the implementation of the project, connections are established with such a
school subject as social studies. In addition, the proposed project is a group project,
since all work is carried out in groups, students discuss and develop their own
projects in groups. By the predominant activity of the project can be defined as a
search one, since in the process of completing the project, students do tasks that
require searching for information. The work on the project is proposed to be
carried out in stages in accordance with the recommendations developed within the
framework of the project methodology. The first stage has the task of setting a
problem that will be solved in the process of working on the project. The work
begins with introducing students to a communication situation through collective
discussion and exchange of opinions. It is suggested to look at the pictures and
think about the theme of the project. To reveal the concept and a deeper
understanding of the essence of charity, students are asked the following questions:
What is charity? What is the aim of it? What are the benefits of charity? What
charity organization do we know? What are the most valuable types of charitable
donations? How many kinds of charity are there? Why do people give money to
charities? Which charities are the most popular in your country? What charity
organization do we know? Visualization and generalization of information
obtained during the discussion these issues occur using visual aids such as the
cluster: What do we associate charity with? Create a mind map of the main points.
After compiling the cluster, the teacher suggests thinking about the meaning of
Moliere's statement: "Every good act is charity. A man's true wealth hereafter is the
good that he does in this world to his fellows." and also about why charity is called
the true wealth of mankind. With the help of this quote and the teacher's questions
about the meaning of the quote, the problem of the project is formulated, which
consists in the fact that everyone can engage in charity and helping other people,
which leads students to the idea of creating a charitable organization. The problem
of this project is the answer to the question of whether it is necessary to help
others, and the goal of the project will be to create our own charity. Then, with
leading questions and discussion, the teacher helps the students make a plan to
create their own charity organization:
• king of the charity
• target
• money
• organization
At the next stage, the information necessary for solving the project tasks is selected
from various text sources, accumulated language and speech material, lexical and
grammatical skills are formed that allow using this material for monologue speech.
Obtaining information and understanding it is offered on the basis of an authentic
the text "Types of charities", describing and characterizing different types of
charity. At the pre-text stage, the first task is to select the appropriate types of
charity and specific examples of their implementation, which prepares students for
the perception of the text. To do this, students are offered cards with various types
of charity and examples of their implementation. So, the category of "Helping
Children and Schools" includes such activities as tutoring children during or after
school, organizing games and activities for children in hospitals. Students need to
combine the types and specific actions that people can do within the framework of
charity.The next type of work at the pre-text stage is to discuss the information
received in pairs or groups and express their opinions about the type of charity that
students would like to engage in and those actions that they could do within this
type or the benefits
that they could bring within the framework of charity. At the text stage, students
extract the necessary information and summarize this information in the form of a
table in which it is necessary to briefly describe each type of charity according to
the following criteria: type of the charity, target audience, what kind of help, who
helps (organization), the aim of the charity. Another source of information for
students is the text "Charity", which is an example of a specific person's charitable
activities[5, p. 160]. To assimilate the content and linguistic features of the text,
students are offered tasks such as question-and-answer exercises, determining
correct and incorrect facts and lexically targeted exercises that help we learn the
stable phrases used to describe charitable activities. The task of this task is to
isolate the necessary phrases from the text for your own statement.
At the final stage, the information received by 13 about charitable activities is
summarized and their own project is created according to the previously
formulated plan. At this stage, students are invited to express and justify their own
opinion about the type of charity they want to do, substantiate their own opinion.
After that, group work is expected to create their own charity. This stage ends with
the presentation
of the students' projects. During the presentation, students are asked to evaluate
projects of each other according to several criteria (Table 1).

Table 1
Project evaluation table
Title Creativity Effectiveness Design Presentation

To summarize, this article shows we can organize a discussion with the

expression of our opinion about the presentations of other participants, their value,
originality. The final discussion can be organized in the form of a reflection on
what results the students came to, whether they liked creating types of charity,
whether they consider them feasible, useful, and would like to continue doing this.
Thus, the proposed example of project activity can be used in English lessons at
the middle stage of education to develop students' monological skills, to increase
their independence in the educational process, and to develop moral education.

1. Trubitsina, O. I. Methods of teaching a foreign language: textbook and workshop for
academic undergraduate studies / O. I. Trubitsina. – M.:Yurayt Publishing House, 2018.
– 384 p.
2. Rogova, G. V. Methods of teaching foreign languages in secondary school/ G. V. Rogova,
F. M. Rabinovich, T. E. Sakharova. – M.: Enlightenment, 1991. – pp. 34-39, 127-129.
3. Polat, E. S. Method of projects in foreign language lessons / E. S. Polat// Foreign
languages in school -2000. – No. 2. – pp. 3-10
4. Vinogradov V. S. Introduction to translation studies (general and lexical issues). –
Moscow : PAO, 2001. - 224 p.
5. Latyshev L. K. Translation: problems of theory, practice and teaching methods. – M. :
Prosveshchenie, 1988. - 160 p.

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