9humblewood Index

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Aerial Expert (feat)............................................47 Elevated Sight (spell)........................................ 49 Neconomicon Ex Corvis.................................211
Alderheart................................................ 76, 104 Eliza Pennygleam........................................... 196 Nest Charm................................................... 212
Amaranthine.................................................... 54 Emberbat....................................................... 182 Night Domain................................................. 40
Altus............................................................58 NPCs...................................................... 190-210
Ardea............................................................56 F
Cairith.........................................................63 Feathered Helm..............................................211 O
Chluran.......................................................59 Feathered Reach (spell)..................................... 50 Oakheart........................................................ 203
Gaspard........................................................64 Feats..................................................................47 Odwald Ebonhart.......................................... 196
Gesme..........................................................60 Figory Figgins................................................ 196 Opportunistic Thief (feat).................................47
Hanera......................................................... 61 Forest Prowler................................................ 183
Hath......................................................65, 72 Fray Merridan.................................................207 P
Perfect Landing (feat)........................................47
Kren............................................................. 67 Gabe Windsworth...........................................201 R
Gallus...................................................... 14, 208 Raptor...................................................... 18, 209
Tyton........................................................... 57
Gallus Druid.................................................. 196 Raptor Explorer............................................. 203
Ambush Prey (spell)......................................... 49
Gallus Monk.................................................. 196 Raptor Ranger................................................ 203
Ardywn, Elder of Meadowfen......................... 190
Glinda Nightseed........................................... 195 Red-Feather Bow............................................ 212
Ashbarrow........................................................ 78
Globe of Twilight (spell)................................... 50 Rhys Birchwalker........................................... 203
Gods. See under Amaranthine Riffin, the Ash-Knight.................................... 205
Aspect of Fire................................................. 179
Gregor Thornspur, Magistrate of Alderheart... 196
Avium, The.............................................. 78, 138
Grounded (background).................................. 44 S
Saltar’s Port.......................................................81
Gust Barrier (spell)........................................... 50
B Scofflaw............................................................41
Backgrounds............................................... 43-46 H Scorched Grove.................................................81
Bandit Cunning (feat).......................................47 Havel of the Autumn Moon........................... 196 Shape Plants (spell)...........................................51
Bandit Defector (background).......................... 43 Heavy Glider (feat)...........................................47 Shifting Slime.................................................187
Benna Seridan................................................ 194 Hedge...................................................... 24, 210 Shyla Denn.................................................... 205
Birdfolk.................................................... 10, 208 Hedge Bard.................................................... 199 Slimes..................................................... 186-188
Birdfolk Dockmaster...................................... 190 Hedge Witch.................................................. 199 Speech of the Ancient
Birdfolk Farmer.............................................. 190 Humblefolk............................................. 11, 209 Beasts (feat)...................................................47
Birdfolk Guard................................................191 Humblescratch...................................................... Spells........................................................... 48-52
Birdfolk Militia...............................................191 Spiny Shield (spell)...........................................51
Birdfolk Sailor.................................................191 I Stellar Bodies (spell)......................................... 52
Birdfolk Skeleton........................................... 180 Invoke the Amaranthine (spell).........................51 Sticky Slime................................................... 188
Birdfolk Skirmisher.........................................191 Strig......................................................... 20, 209
Bita, Council Speaker..................................... 193 J Strig Knight................................................... 205
Blade of the Wood..........................................211 Jell Platena..................................................... 200 Strig Tracker................................................... 205
Borealus, The..................................................211 Jerbeen..................................................... 27, 210 Susan of the Swamp....................................... 200
Brackenmill...................................................... 79 Jerbeen Thief.................................................. 200
Jerbeen Swashbuckler..................................... 200 T
C Tales of the Amaranthine............................. 68-71
Cara Stormsinger........................................... 193 K Talongrip Coast................................................ 82
Caustic Slime................................................. 186 Kenna Brightspark..........................................201 Tenders, The................................................... 206
Cervan..................................................... 22, 209 Krall, the Scavenger King............................... 194 Tevor of the Spring Path................................. 193
Cervan Bandit General................................... 194
Cervan Priest.................................................. 195 L V
Languages........................................................ 34 Veil of Dusk (spell)........................................... 52
Class Options.............................................. 36-42
Lesser Demon................................................ 184 Vulpin...................................................... 30, 210
Cobblefright.................................................. 180
Luma....................................................... 16, 209 Vulpin Captain................................................207
College of the Road.......................................... 36
Luma Cleric of Ardea......................................201 Vulpin Noble...................................................207
Community Domain....................................... 39
Luma Wizard..................................................201
Corvax Revayne............................................. 195
Corvum................................................... 12, 208
Corvum Assassin............................................ 195
M Walden Krane,
Mapach.................................................... 28, 210 Magistrate of Winnowing Reach.................207
Corvum Necromancer................................... 195 Mapach Bandit.............................................. 202 Wakewyrm..................................................... 188
Crest, The........................................................ 79 Mapach Tinkerer............................................ 202 Wind-Touched (background)........................... 45
D Marshview....................................................... 79
Meadowfen...................................................... 79
Wing Crest Shield.......................................... 212
Deities. See under Amaranthine Winnowing Reach...................................... 82, 90
Mokk Fields......................................................81 Woodwise (feat)................................................47
Mordane Swiftgale......................................... 202 World Map....................................................... 74
Mountain Lion.............................................. 184

Index 217

218 Notes

Notes 219

220 Notes

Notes 221

222 Notes

Notes 223
The terms of the Open Gaming License Version 1.0a are as follows:


The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to
Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark
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Reference Document 5.1 2 or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement.
15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice Coast, LLC.
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System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors
this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use.
Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James
No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by
Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on
the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game
original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Content distributed using this License.
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your Humblewood Campaign Setting, Copyright 2019, Hit Point Press Inc. Authors: Jordan
acceptance of the terms of this License. Richer, Christopher Pinch, Andrea Bruce, TR Rowe and Matthew Gravelyn.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the
Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, nonexclusive license with PRODUCT IDENTITY
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