Science Respiratory System

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We eat for glucose and energy.

Left side = Reactants, Right side = Product. The waste product is product we don't

Inspiration and Expiration is breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide.

Aerobic respiration is the term for chemical reactions in cells that use oxygen to
break down nutrient molecules
to release energy.
Aerobic respiration occurs in the presence of oxygen.
Glucose + oxygen --> carbon dioxide, water and energy.

Anaerobic respiration is the type of respiration that happens in the absence of

Anaerobic happens when we are doing exercises and gives a lot less energy.
Anaerobic respiration does not use oxygen.
Glucose + Enzymes --> Lactic acid + CO2

Photosynthesis equation = Reverse of Aerobic Respiration

6C O2 + 6 H2 O > C6 H12 O6 + 6 O2

C6 H12 O6 --> C2 H5 O H + CO2 - Anaerobic Respiration

Lactic acid *can* give you cramps, controversial!

The respiratory system contains organs that help to get oxygen from the air into
the blood and get rid of carbon dioxide.

Respiratory system from start to end:

nose > mouth > larynx > trachea > then divides into one of the two bronchi(left or
right bronchus)
> bronchiole > alveoli(air sac)

The air we breathe in leaves the same way it came in.

The oxygen diffuses into the blood capillary from the air sac and carbon dioxide
diffuses into the blood into the air sac.
This is gas exchange.

Smoking causes Emphysema and lowers stamina.

Emphysema is when air sac is destroyed due to smoking. Cause is no energy.
Treatment is 100% oxygen concentration.

Vasoconstrictive effect = blood vessel gets narrower so less space to flow so heart
has to pump harder and gets worn out.
You get heart disease.

Nicotine is a very addictive drug. A drug alters our body. Nicotine makes
vasoconstrictive effect.
Carcinogen = chemical that causes cancer.
Tar = chemical in cigarettes, a carcinogen. A smoker's fingers have nicotine stains
because of tar.
Carbon Monoxide tries to kick out the oxygen in hemoglobin and takes its place.
Soots/Particulates = they deposit in the albeolis and block them.

Cells divide to form new cells. Cancer makes cells divide incontrollably. A tumor
is formed soon. Cause is smoking.
COVID inflames the air-sacs and disables the function.

BMI = mass divided by square of height

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