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Nama : M.

NPM :202245500230
Kelas : S3C Arsitektur
Matkul : UAS Bahasa Inggris

A. Read the text and answer the following questions! (Score 20)
1. What does the text above talk about?
ANSWER : The text discusses the importance of self-management in a
job, emphasizing its role in achieving self-realization and self-
determination. It touches upon the skills and behaviors involved in self-
management and how it contributes to both individual and organizational
2. How does self-management work in a job?
ANSWER : Self-management in a job involves the ability to manage
oneself in relation to others and the organizational context. Mastering this
skill leads to high autonomy, combining autonomy, competence, and
relatedness, which results in a high degree of self-determination. It
emphasizes professionalism, grounded in competence and contribution to
3. Please explain your opinion on how to build good self-management!
ANSWER : Opinions may vary, but building good self-management
could involve setting clear goals, prioritizing tasks, improving time
management, continuous learning, effective communication, collaboration
with others, and being adaptable. It also includes maintaining a balance
between autonomy and professionalism.
4. For success, self-management skill is very important. Why? Explain!
ANSWER : Self-management is crucial for success because it allows
individuals to take control of their actions, make informed decisions, and
work efficiently. It helps in setting and achieving goals, maintaining
discipline, and adapting to changing circumstances. Without effective
self-management, one may struggle to navigate challenges, collaborate
with others, and contribute meaningfully to organizational objectives.
5. Please describe the relation of Professionalism and self-management!
ANSWER : Professionalism and self-management are closely related as
professionalism involves behaviors that contribute to organizational
purposes. Self- management, grounded in competence and contribution to
others, is essential for maintaining professionalism. Professional conduct
often goes beyond formal rules and includes aspects such as good manners,
collaboration, and working effectively with others.

B. Change into Passive Form! (Score 20)

1. Most of the Earth's surface is covered by water.
2. This house should be cleaned.
3. Rice was cooked by my mother in the kitchen.
4. Three games have been played by my sister.
5. English is being studied by me now.
6. A song was sung so passionately by the singer.
7. Grandma is going to be visited by Budi.
8. A delicious cake will be eaten by my father at the restaurant.
9. The Math project was completed by us yesterday.
10. Many stamps are being collected by them.

C. Put the correct modal verb into the blank space with can,
couldn’t, have to, might, must, will, shouldn’t, and was able! (Score
1. After the accident, he couldn't walk for a few weeks.
2. You must be careful when handling the delicate equipment.
3. We have to wait for the official announcement before making any
4. He must find his passport; otherwise, he'll miss his flight.
5. They should have finished the task by now; it was a simple assignment.
6. Despite the difficulties, they were able to overcome the challenges.
7. I couldn't believe what he said; it sounded too unbelievable.
8. Children have to be accompanied by an adult in the swimming pool.
9. After the repair, the car will run smoothly again.
10. You shouldn't forget to turn off the lights before leaving the room.
D. Please make a paragraph using degree of comparison based
on the picture below! (Score 20)
In the realm of digital communication, individuals engage in diverse ways, each
showcasing different degrees of interaction and emotion. Some people, armed
with electronic devices in hand, engage in lively and animated conversations,
creating an atmosphere that is both vibrant and dynamic. Their discussions
resonate with the comparative energy of a bustling marketplace, where ideas flow
freely. Meanwhile, others find joy in more traditional forms of interaction,
sharing laughter without the aid of electronic items. This laughter, unfiltered and
pure, creates a comparative sense of warmth and authenticity.
Amidst this spectrum of emotions, there are those who radiate happiness, their
conversations filled with the superlative joy of shared moments. On the flip side,
some individuals adopt a more serious demeanor in their digital exchanges,
conveying thoughts and opinions with a degree of contemplation that adds a layer
of depth to the virtual conversations. The variety of expressions and interactions
in the digital realm mirrors the rich tapestry of human emotions and
communication styles.

E. Complete the clauses below with suitable statement! (Score 20)

1. If my answer is not correct, I will review the material and seek clarification
to ensure a better understanding.
2. If I were still young, I would pursue new adventures and explore different
opportunities without hesitation.
3. If I had gone to London, I would have visited iconic landmarks like the
Tower of London and Buckingham Palace, immersing myself in the
rich history and culture of the city.
4. I know all about you. I wish our interactions had been more open and
honest, fostering a deeper connection between us.
5. If my headache did not disappear, I would consider seeking medical
advice to address any underlying issues causing the discomfort.

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