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Section (Section Numbers are listed at the bottom the pages)

1 Connect Overview
1.1 Connect Website
1.2 Docket Search
1.3 Advanced Search
1.4 Pallet Status

2 Consignment
2.1 Consignment Entry
2.2 Consignment View
2.3 Delivery ETA’s
2.4 Collection Entry
2.5 Consignment Customs
2.6 Integration
2.7 Notes
2.8 Day End

3 Browse
3.1 Overview
3.2 Browse Common Features
3.3 Browse
3.4 Quick Browse
3.5 Browse Deleted

4 Reports
Section Section Numbers are listed at the bottom the pages

5 Installing a Printer
5.1 Windows Printer
5.2 Downloading Drivers
5.3 Downloading .NET 3.5 Framework
5.4 Connect Print Components
5.5 Printer Selection
5.6 Printer Label

6 Scanning
6.1 TPN Customer App (TAPP) Introduction
6.2 Logging In
6.3 Menu
6.4 Scan Pallets
6.5 Scanning Function
6.6 Upload Pallets
6.7 Track and Trace
6.8 Logging Out
6.9 Zebra Handheld Scanner – With Collection Depot
6.10 Zebra Handheld Scanner – In Transit to Hub
6.11 Zebra Handheld Scanner – At Hub
6.12 Zebra Handheld Scanner – In Transit to Depot
6.13 Zebra Handheld Scanner – With Delivery Depot
6.14 Zebra Handheld Scanner – Out for Delivery
TPN Connect Website

The Connect website can be found at the following website

address: or

Enter your Username & Password and click on Login or press the
Enter key

Due to the technologies used on the website, we recommend using

Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox
Once you have logged in, this is your Home Screen. For a
breakdown of the different options, see the different Sections

Docket Search - Section 1.1

Advanced Search - Section 1.2
Consignments - Section 2.0
Browse - Section 3.0
Reports - Section 4.0
Tools - Section 5.0
Support - Use this to download the Remote
Support and download User Guides
Privacy - GDPR
Log Off - Press this to Log Off
Docket Search
The Docket Search allows you to search for the Connect Docket
Number or the Old Docket Number (used in Integration)

In the Docket Search at the top of the screen type in the Docket
Number and press Enter. If you use Google Chrome, press the
Magnifier Glass as it might return an empty Search Results

The Screen shows you the most used information about the Docket.
The short code in Status is described on the next page. To open the
Consignment, double click on the row

From the dropdown list, you have the option to:

- Print Labels
- Print Notes
- Print COP Labels

Once you have selected your option, press the Go button

By selecting button from simple to advanced option can help
return specific information. As shown below you can see that
lot more filter options are available to narrow the your search.
Pallet Status
The Short Codes on the Fuzzy Search are listed below. If one of the
codes is listed with a P at the end, this means it is in a Partial status

Pallet Status Description Short Description

Awaiting Collection ACO
In Transit to Collection Depot TCD
At Collection Depot ACD
In Transit to Hub ITH
At Hub ATH
In Transit to Delivery Depot TDD
At Delivery Depot ADD
Out For Delivery OFD
Delivered DEL
Returned RET
Lost LOS
At Wrong Depot AWD
Incomplete ICC
Consignment Entry
To enter a Consignment press the Consignment Entry link on the
menu bar

We will now break down the Consignment Entry screen:-

The top section of Consignment Entry shows you Manifest Date

(change this is you want a future date) and the Request Depot

Consignor Details
By default it will add in your Customer account details. If you have
been set up with Sub-Accounts, you will get a list of your other
Accounts via the drop-down list

The Customer Ref (prints on Labels & Notes) is a required field, so

enter in your details, or a full stop if you don’t have one
Delivery Details
Enter in the Postcode and Connect will bring up a list of all existing
addresses/businesses for that given Postcode

The list to the left shows available

addresses for the B76 9EH Postcode.

The addresses with the Green Dots are

Learnt Addresses, these are Addresses
that you have used previously but
amended a line on the Address

The addresses with the blue house are

RDC, these are addresses that have
restricted services.

Once you have selected your Address, choose your Service from the
drop-down list. Your local depot will provide you with these services.

Note: Some services will require a Contact & Telephone Number

Pallet Details
Choose the Pallet Size from the Pallet Type drop down list, enter
the Quantity & Weight, then press the TAB key to enter the Pallet.
This will put you back at entering another Pallet, you can then add
another pallet if required. If you want to complete the entry press
the Finish button. You can also use the keyboard shortcut CTRL +

If you want to add any Special Instructions (prints on Notes) click in

the box and type in your message. If you have Limited Quantity
Freight – tick the box (circled above)

If you want to enter FVC Insurance, click on the Full Value Cover
(Set FVC) button and enter the required information on the pop-up
dialogue box
Consignment View
When you enter a Consignment you will have up until Day End on
the night to amend the following:
• Customer Account
• Delivery Service
• References
• Delivery Address
• Pallet Sizes & Weights
• Delete the Consignment

Once Day End has passed , you wont be able to amend the
above. Day End time is agreed with your local depot.
On a Consignment - press the View ETA button (circled below) to
display the information.

You will need to speak with your local Depot to enable this
feature in Customer Account. Currently only available if the
delivery depot has sent out the delivery on EPOD device.
Implant Customers can now have the ability to raise collection
requests on behalf of the Depot. The Depot can oversee these
particular consignments and manage the authorisation of them.
Consignment Authorisation and Automatic Authorisation can be
granted to the Depot and Customer.

Implant Customers with the settings checked will have the

Collection Request screen appear, where they can enter a
collection request as the depot normally can.

Upon Save, if you have been granted the Auto Authorisation

permission, Collection Requests will be automatically authorised
and the Collection Depot will receive a message to accept or
decline the request. If Auto Authorisation has not been granted,
the request will be set to awaiting authorisation.
Collection Details
Enter in the Postcode and Connect will bring up a list of all existing
addresses/businesses for that given Postcode

The list to the left shows available

addresses for the B76 9EH Postcode

The addresses with the Green Dots

are Learnt Addresses, these are
Addresses that you have used
previously but amended a line on
the Address.
Delivery Details
Enter in the Postcode and Connect will bring up a list of all existing
addresses/businesses for that given Postcode

The list to the left shows available

addresses for the B76 9EH Postcode.

The addresses with the Green Dots are

Learnt Addresses, these are Addresses
that you have used previously but
amended a line on the Address

The addresses with the blue house are

RDC, these are addresses that have
restricted services.

Once you have selected your Address, choose your Service from the
drop-down list. Your local depot will provide you with these services.

Note: Some services will require a Contact & Telephone Number

Pallet Details
Choose the Pallet Size from the Pallet Type drop down list, enter
the Quantity & Weight, then press the TAB key to enter the Pallet.
This will put you back at entering another Pallet, you can then add
another pallet if required. If you want to complete the entry press
the Finish button. You can also use the keyboard shortcut CTRL +

If you want to add any Special Instructions (prints on Notes) click in

the box and type in your message. If you have Limited Quantity
Freight – tick the box (circled above)

If you want to enter FVC Insurance, click on the Full Value Cover
(Set FVC) button and enter the required information on the pop-up
dialogue box
For any consignment requiring export the custom form
will open up during consignment entry stage. Ensure
correct information and documents are added as it could
affect delays. Refer to Brexit Guide for further

- Importer
- Flexible Account System
- Not Applicable
- Cost, Insurance & Freight
- Delivered at Place
- Delivered Duty Paid
- Ex Works
- Free on Board
Ensure Correct EORI information is added. Also, If the
consignment is going to Northern Ireland you will need to keep
left side of the EORI information as it is. Ensure direct
representation forms are completed if you are using TPN for
Custom clearance form.
TPN offer number of ways to input consignment(s) on the TPN
System as well as manual entry.

We have three options in terms of how you will integrate your

jobs as listed below

1. You will have an Integration setting enabled on your account,

which when you export your jobs out of your system and upload
to our system, our system will advise you if the jobs have passed
or failed.

2. There is also the option of a file drop, where you will have a
folder set up on your pc where the files will be dropped into, you
will then see on our system if these jobs have failed or not.

3. Third Party web services.

You can add Notes to your Consignment at any time. To add a Note
in Consignment View click on the Add a Note button

You will then get the following pop up box

Private - Visible to you, the collection depot and the TPN Hub.

Enter your Note into the text box provided, then click on the Save
button. If you need the delivery depot to see the notes, you will
need to speak with your local depot.
Day End
When you have added all the freight that you have for the day, you
can now Day End. This procedure closes your Manifesting for today
and rolls it forward by 1 day. Your Day End Time is agreed with you
and your local depot

To perform a Day End:

- Go to Consignment Entry
- Press the Day End button
- Press OK, to Day End

Press the Cancel button if you don’t want to Day End

If you have accidentally pressed the Day End button, you will need
to contact your collecting Depot to undo it
Browse has different options:
• Browse – This is to view information including POD and COP
• Quick Browse – This allows you to search longer date ranges but
has less information
• Browse Deleted – This shows any Deleted Consignments for
today (or a given date range)

To open a Consignment, simply Double Click anywhere on the Row

At the very bottom of any Browse screen, it shows your Total

Number of Consignments, Pallets and Weight

To see the most common features on the different Browse screens,

see the following pages
Common Features
The different screens all have different purposes, but the grid layout
they use:- have common features

On each of the Column Headers there is a little Funnel icon, click on
it and you will get a drop-down box.

The drop-down list gives you various options,

choose your option and enter the Value in the text
box below it, then click Filter

* If you want to filter a large amount of data, apply

your Filters first then click the Browse button

Group by
If you want to group certain columns together e.g. group all of your
accounts together, Left-click drag on the Column Header to the bar above
it (see image below). To undo click on the X next to the new button above
the Column Headers
Using the column headers you can sort by column. By default, the
grid is ordered by Docket. If you wanted to order by Service – click
on the column header

Default Order

Service Order

Click the column header once, it sorts it A-Z. Click it twice it sorts it Z-A

Date Ranges
By default the Browse screens will show you todays freight, if you want
to change the Date Range – select the Calendar icon (circled) and
choose from the date picker or manually type in the date. Do this for
the Date From and the Date To, once you have the dates set – press
the Browse button
The Browse screen shows you any freight of yours that you have
input today (by default). On top of the general Browse features
mentioning in the preceding pages, listed below are the extras that
you can use

Tool Tips
On the page there are several little icons (circled). If you hover your
mouse over the icon it will give you a Tool Tip

Highlighted are:
• Printer – Shows whether it has been printed or not
• Clock – Shows the Time for a Timed Delivery
• Notes – Shows you any Notes against the Consignment

Other Tool Tips

If you hover over the Docket number, it shows you any Reference
Numbers, if you hover over the Post Code it shows you the Full
Address. All of these save you time by not opening the
Right-Click Menu
If you Left-Click a Row, to highlight it, then Right-Click it – you will
get the Quick-Option Menu. From here you can quickly Print, Hold
and view the Pallet Movement

Multiple Select
If you Hold Down the CTRL Key and Left-Click several Consignments
then Right-Click on one of them you will get a smaller set of options

You can also select the options from the top Drop Down Menu List
and then press Go
Range Select
If you want to select a whole block of Consignments, Left-Click on
the First Consignment, hold the SHIFT Key and then Left-Click on
the Last Consignment – Connect will highlight all of the
Consignments in between. Use this for bulk Printing of Labels

Full Reference Search

This can be found in the top right of Browse. The Fuzzy Search only
searches for Consignment Numbers (Connect Docket Numbers and
3rd Party Docket Numbers). This looks at Customer Ref, Depot Ref
and Consignment Numbers, due to it’s searching more data, this
may take a little longer to bring back results

Export to Excel
If you want to export your data out, you can click on the Export to
Excel button and it will download your current Grid in an Excel
Browse Quick
By default, Browse Quick will display no data at all, this is designed
this way

As before, you can add as many filters as you like or none at all, the
only difference this time:- is that you can use the top line of field
entry boxes. If you want all freight that you dealt with yesterday,
just change the From and To dates and press the Browse button

Browse Quick allows you to search greater amounts of data, the

only difference between this and Browse is:- you don’t get POD or
COP information. This allows for the results to come back quicker

If you use Browse, you will pick up this screen very easily
Browse Deleted
This screen shows you all of your freight that you have Deleted
today. As before you can change the Date Ranges and press Browse

If you accidentally deleted a consignment, you can re-instate it, just

click on the Undelete button (circled)

As with the other Browse screens, you can use the Filters to narrow
down your results
To view your Outbound Manifest, click on the link in the left hand
pane, the Report will open up in the middle pane

Report Options
If you want to view another day’s Outbound Manifest, select the
date from the date picker (see circled above). The report will
automatically refresh
Exporting Reports
Now that you have the data you want, what can you do with it ?

At the top of every Report you have a Details bar. If you want to
Export the detail to another format, hover over the Cloud button

Here you can export to PDF, Excel

and more

You can also directly Print the Report by pressing the printer icon
next to the Export button

To Page through any Report use the Navigation buttons

Beginning Page Number End

Back a Page Forward a Page
(Windows & Connect Guide)
Installing a Windows Printer
Whether it is a GK421D or any other types
of printer the process to install them on a
Windows PC is the same

First unpack your printer, plug in the Power Cable and USB Cable,
attach to a powered wall socket and your PC. Switch on your Printer
and it should start to recognise it and then install a driver for it

By default, Windows will install a ZDesigner Print Driver, these

are ok, but the Zebra Print Drivers have more functionality than
the standard ones

So first we need to download the drivers from the Zebra website

and install them onto the PC (You will need to be logged in with an
Administrator account to do this). See the next page on how to do

As implant customer you can print label on A4 Label printer.

As long as you have print components installed on your
Computer and Adobe Reader set as default for PDF file.
Downloading Printer Drivers
With a new printer, you will need to download the Zebra printer
drivers from the web

Go to the Seagull Website or go to and search for

Seagull Zebra Driver,

You should get the following website,

click on the Blue Download Button

Save the file to your PC. Once

downloaded, Run… the file

Accept the Licence Agreement and click Next

Leave the Installation

• and click Next

Untick the 2 Boxes and

select Finish
Downloading .NET 3.5 Framework

Click the Start Menu/Search Bar and type in Turn Windows Features On or

You will then be presented with the below window.

Click to add text

Ensure that .NET 3.5 framework is ticked. If not, tick the box next to it and click
OK. It will then go through the install of .NET framework and will ask you to
restart once complete.
Printer Components
Now that you have your printer installed and setup, we need to
install a couple of Components to get the Connect website talking
to your printers

From the Connect website go to: Tools  Printer Settings

From there, press Print Component Setup

Then click Install Print Components

When it prompts you, press Run… On the above screen (TPN

Printing Installer V1) press the Install button. You will need to install
2 components, just keep pressing the Next button and at the end
Finish. When you return to the above screen press Close
Printer Selection
Now that we have installed the Print Components, you can close
the Print Setup tab

On the Printer Setting tab, press the Load Installed printers…

button (if you use Chrome it will give you a pop up box,
tick the tick box and press the Launch button)

If you get an error - see next page

This will give you a list of your printers installed. Select your Note
printer from the dropdown and press the Add Notes Printer button,
do the same for the other 2 printers

Label Printers – Print Language

If you have a LP2844 select EPL (circled above), if you have a
GK420d select the ZPL, if you have normal Office Printer select A4.
Then finally press the Save Printer Settings button
Manually setting printers
Sometimes the Load Installed Printers… doesn’t work

If your Notes printer is your normal Windows Default Printer, you

can tick the Use Default Printer tick box

Otherwise you need to type in the name, directly into

the printer text boxes. The best way to do this is to copy
the printer name, to do this: - Right-Click on your printer
choose Printer Properties (Windows XP – Properties)
click on the General tab, highlight the Name at the top,
Right-Click on it and select Copy

Then Right-Click – Paste into the Connect printer

boxes. If your printer says printer on pc (see
image on right), you need to put to type

Then finally press the Save Printer Settings button

Additional Requirements
Connect uses Adobe Reader to print the Notes. This needs to be
installed on your PC and be the default application for PDF
Documents. To do this you will need to open Default Applications
in Control Panel and click Choose defaults by file type.

You can download Adobe Reader from the following


Label Printers
The Label Printer that you enter into Connect, needs to be installed
fully onto your Windows PC. If it isn't, you will get a Win32 error

Auto Printing & Testing Prints

When you make any changes, press the Save Printer Settings
button before you do anything else

If you want to print automatically after you’ve entered a

Consignment, tick the auto print label.

To print a single Note or Label to test everything works, press the

circled buttons
Warehouse Location
Customer Reference Consignee
Pallet Number Collection Depot Manifest Date

Collection Postcode

Pallet Type Service Pallet Number

Consignment Number Delivery Address
Delivery Depot Customer Reference (Max 20 Character)
Depending on the volumes of the pallet scanning your local depot will
provide you with either a handheld scanner or advise you to use TAPP.
Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple
Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
The Pallet Network’s customer app (TAPP) allows customers to scan
and track their freight. This new feature will allow the end user to
conduct the following three imperative scans through the ease of a
mobile phone device:

• Ready for collection (RFC)

• Scan onto trunk vehicle
• Hold consignment (Subject to permission)

In addition the app also has the ability to provide Track and Trace
information about your consignments.

The application is available through the Google play store for

android devices, and the App store for devices operating on iOS.
Please search “the pallet network” and download the app.

This guide will help recipients of the application through each

feature available, if any issues occur or any discrepancies, please
contact a member of the IT Support team on 0121 313 4000 option
3 for further assistance.


The options available will be depend on the local TPN depot who
manages your account and resources available.

Upon entering the
application, you’ll be
prompted to sign into your
account. The username and
password will be the same
credentials you use to login

If you have issues with

logging in, please contact
your local depot who will be
able to assist.
After successfully logging in,
the TAPP applications menu
will appear. From here the
follow features are available

• Scan Pallets
• Upload Pallets
• Track & Trace
• Logout

Please proceed to page 4 for

an introduction on the Scan
pallets feature.
After selecting the “Scan
Pallets” function, a new
screen will open and
depending on the resources 1. Trunk 2
and options made available
from your depot a list will 2. JA 1
appear. 3. JUST APPS 01

This list will include any 4. JUST APPS 01 OTHER

trunks that travel direct to
5. Ready for Collection
the TPN hub, a ready for
Collection option and very 6. Place on Hold
rarely a hub option.

Selecting an item from the

list will open the mobile
device’s camera ready for

Please note, if only one

scanning option is available,
this list will not appear and
the device’s camera will
open automatically.
As per the below image, please scan your barcodes placing the
barcode inside the viewfinder.

*****Please note, the iOS version does not have the red line. *****
Once the camera has found a
suitable barcode, the screen on the
right will appear to confirm your
Pressing the “Scan” button will
reopen the device’s camera ready
for the next scan. Please repeat this
process until all of your scans are
From the screen shot on the right,
you can see the following details

• Barcodes – This will show you

the barcode you’ve scanned.
• Trunk – You’ll be able to see
which scan you’ve selected.
• Action – This will allow you to
delete scans by pressing the
trash can icon.
• Scan Button– This will reopen
the camera.

Once you’ve finished scanning,

please press the back arrow to
return to the main menu. (The
location of the arrow will depend on
your device)
Navigating to the “Upload bring you to
option will a Pallets” screen detailing
all the scans currently stored on the

This screen will confirm which

barcodes have been scanned and
what they are scanned to (trunk,
hold or ready for collection). In
addition the screen has the option
to delete the scan (using the red bin
option) if was incorrect.

If all the scans seem to be in order

then pressing the “Upload” button
will send these scans to TPN Connect.

The different scan types have

the following actions:
• Trunk Scan – The trunk scan
will move the pallet to in transit
to hub state
• Ready For Collection – This will
mark the consignment ready for
• Hold consignment – This will
change the manifest date
of the consignment to the next
working day

Please note, if holding a consignment,

please do this on the date of original manifest and before day end

Once you’ve finished uploading, please press the back arrow to return to
the main
Navigating to the “Track and
Trace” option will open the
tracking function screen. There
are two options for tracking

• By Date: Selecting a date will

bring up a list of
consignments manifested on
that date. (Page 9)

• By Individual Consignment:
Enter the consignment
number to get the details of
that individual consignment.
(Page 10)
Searching by date will bring up a
list of your consignments
manifested on that date.

The list will contain the


• Consignment number and

delivery postcode
• Status of pallet
• Date Selected

Pressing on the arrow within the

green circle will select the
individual consignment and
open up a further screen with
more details. (Page 10)
Searching by docket number or by
pressing the green circle (On date
search) will open the consignment
details screen (below). This screen
will detail the tracking events on
the selected consignment.

To return to the previous screen

press the back arrow.
Once you have finished with the
application. The logout function
will return you to the login

If any issues, please either

contact your local depot or
contact TPN IT Support on:
0121 313 4000 and select
option 3 for IT.
Warehouse > Select Pallet Location > Scan Barcode/Enter Manually > Done >
Exit > Upload

Scan Warehouse Select Pallet Location

Scan Barcode/Enter
Exit Done Manually
Continue to next slide to see next steps…
Warehouse > Select Pallet Location > Scan Barcode/Enter Manually > Done >
Exit > Upload

Upload Upload
Load > Send to Hub > Select Trunk > Scan Barcode/Enter Manually > Done >
Exit > Upload

Scan Load Send to Hub

Scan Barcode/Enter Select Trunk

Continue to next slide to see next steps…
Load > Send to Hub > Select Trunk > Scan Barcode/Enter Manually > Done >
Exit > Upload

Exit Upload Upload

Unload > Unload From Depot > Enter Depot Number > Select Vehicle > Scan
Barcode/Enter Manually > Done > Exit > Upload

Scan Unload Unload From Depot

Scan Barcode/Enter Select Vehicle Enter Depot Number

Manually Scan
Continue to next slide to see next steps…
Unload > Unload From Depot > Enter Depot Number > Select Vehicle > Scan
Barcode/Enter Manually > Done > Exit > Upload

Upload Upload

Load > Send to Depot > Enter Depot Number > Select Vehicle > Scan
Barcode/Enter Manually > Done > Exit > Upload

Scan Load Send to Depot

Enter Depot Number

Exit Done

Continue to next slide to see next steps…

Load > Send to Depot > Enter Depot Number > Select Vehicle > Scan
Barcode/Enter Manually > Done > Exit > Upload

Upload Upload
Unload > Unload from Hub > Select Trunk > Barcode/Enter Manually > Done >
Exit > Upload

Scan Unload Select Pallet Location

Scan Barcode/Enter
Exit Done Manually
Continue to next slide to see next steps…
Unload > Unload from Hub > Select Trunk > Barcode/Enter Manually > Done >
Exit > Upload

Upload Upload
Load > Delivery > Select Vehicle > Barcode/Enter Manually > Done > Exit >

Scan Load Select Pallet Location

Scan Barcode/Enter
Exit Done Manually
Continue to next slide to see next steps…
Load > Delivery > Select Vehicle > Barcode/Enter Manually > Done > Exit >

Upload Upload

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