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Role of the adjudicator
Critically appreciating an artistic work on stage. He is a
privileged member of the audience.
Awarding marks and ranking performers.
Must be fully conversant and updated with, and strictly adhere
to the festival rules and regulations as set in the KMF festival
Give authority for the performance to start.
May stop performance for a re-start if there is sufficient cause
for it e.g. distracting noise from the audience.
Give comments on performance.
Announces results.
Transmit the official results to festival officials.
Write a report and submit to the festival Secretary.


Have a successful festival year - 2024

It has been noted that very few scripts are usually written by women. I warmly welcome all thespians, poets and trainers with a bias for
This leaves the men to propagate female ideas on behalf of the women English elocution to interact with this document as we aspire to enrich
folk. The problem here is that the female issues are then seen from a our artistic realm and prepare our students for the upcoming festivals.
male perspective. The females are therefore advised to write more so The aim of this document is to provide an insight into handling the
that female issues could be seen from their perspective. KMF verses at all levels in both interpretation, presentation and
adjudication as well as own and special compositions. The analysis is
ADJUDICATION GUIDELINES: done in line with the 2024Kenya Music festival guidelines. The
An adjudicator’s role is to make correct judgment on how effective following are captured in this document:
each performer communicates the contents of the items presented;
 All KMF English set verses 2024 analysis (Primary, J.S and
Qualities of a good adjudicator Secondary level)
1. Knowledgeable , experienced and competent  Own Original compositions (2016 and 2020) H, J.A & K
2. Objective and credible  Public speaking (2017/2018 H,J.A and K)
3. Must be well versed with the festival guidelines i.e. new classes,  Special compositions - 2024 Partners 2030-2044 (H/J/K)
rules, time, classifications etc.  Tips on Performance of the verses and training.
4. Must acquaint himself/herself with the set verses for the current  Adjudication guidelines with new Rubrics-2024
year.  Emerging issues in KMF.
5. Good and effective communicator; always giving encouraging and
educative comments/remarks. Must be confident
6. Uphold professionalism in dispensing the noble task.
7. Should be smart and confident, neat and presentable (well
8. Time conscious
9. Uphold the ethics of KMF as well as TSC and MOE.
10. Must be sensitive o and appreciative of performers’ talents and
11. Fair and just
12. Must be incorruptible and full of integrity.
13. Be open minded and ready to consult.
14. FOR THE YEAR 2024 He /She must be conversant with the NEW
adjudication RUBRICS / Sheets.

23 1
What is elocution? SUMMARY (2016/2020)(H/J.A & K)
 Elocution is the skill of clear and expressive speech, especially This must be an original composition that hasn’t been performed in the
of distinct pronunciation and articulation. It involves delivery festival before.
of verse, the use of facial expressions and body movements to It should not be an adaptation of an existing work.
enhance the performance as well as the use of It must not be a published piece.
gestures( meaningful and motivated) Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
The major KMF objectives of elocution include; The text must be poetic; avoid prose. Rhyme is an aspect of poetry;
 Develop performers’ communicative skills. however, trainers should note that poetry is not fully limited to rhyme.
 Develop the performers’ confidence in the use of the language. They are therefore devised to employ a variety in choice of poetic
 To nurture poetic skills style/language.
 To enhance appreciation of poetry The piece shall be judged on performers’ interpretation, delivery and
 Develop appropriate delivery skills overall achievement based on the elocution guidelines already outlined
 To develop logical thought processes above.
 Trainers are urged to consult the updated syllabus for each year For the choral verse, the emphasis is on choral blending/harmony.
of performance.
Categories; SCRIPTING
SOLO SET VERSES The choice of words used when scripting an own composed verse
 Interpretation; be keen on the stage presence and poise of the should consider the age of the participants. Every style used should not
performer. be above the comprehension of the participants. The imagery and
 Controlled and appropriate use of gestures and facial symbolism used should be at the level of performers. All aspects of
expressions. scripting must consider the age and class of the performer. Avoid
 Ability of performer to identify and demonstrate the various scripting lines that are too long which make the performers basically
moods depending on the text. run through them. The script writers should consider the sizes of lines,
 Delivery; fluency i.e. the ability to articulate words clearly and given that these poems were meant to be recited, and in not more than
correctly to bring out the meaning of the poem; enunciation, 4 minutes. Avoid plagiarism and recycling of other people’s work
pronunciation and eloquence. without their permission or consent. You can decide to script metered
 Emotion, tone and intonation. poems or free verse. However, when writing metered poems, do not
 Voice projection concentrate so much on rhythm and rhyme at the expense of the
 Pitch; i.e. voice range. message. It also could have been suggesting fear of their poems being
 Phrasing, pauses and punctuation. said to be prosaic if they ventured into free verse. This may stifle other
 Overall achievement; this is the impact; does the performer aspects of poetry.
effectively communicate the intended message?
How is the arrangement? Can all the participants be seen? Are they too CHORAL SET VERSES.
close together or so far apart that we can hear solo voices? Let them Interpretation; be keen on the stage arrangement, presence and poise
adopt good stage arrangement; avoid masking. of the performers.
How does the verse start? Are there false starts that need to be further Controlled and appropriate use of gestures and facial expressions.
rehearsed? Is there an offshoot of a voice that is not in conformity to Ability of performer to identify and demonstrate the various moods
the rest? depending on the text.
Are there voice variations that define the subject matter of the verse or Delivery; choral fluency; the ability to articulate words clearly and
the voice variations are enforced with no bearing to the verse? correctly to bring out the meaning of the poem; enunciation,
How are the gestures and facial expressions? Are they employed to pronunciation and eloquence.
give the deeper meaning of the verse or they are used without purpose? Emotion, tone and intonation.
Are they credible or leaning towards dramatization? Unnecessary Voice projection
movement should be avoided. Pitch; i.e. voice range.
Why eye contact? Is the performer just gazing at the audience or there Phrasing, pauses and punctuation.
is a reason to look at the audience? Does the performer see the Synchronized/ harmonized/blended use of voices, tempo/pace.
audience or throws glances at the audience? Why do the performers Overall achievement; this is the impact to the audience; do the
loo above the heads of the audience? Is there a reason in the verse that performers effectively communicate the intended message as a team?
calls for such looking? Trainers should note that there is a difference between solo voices and
a well synchronized choral rendition. The latter is what is encouraged
Is there dynamism and variety that makes the verse stand out above the in the music festival.
rest? This can happen if the poem is well composed, there is proper
interpretation of the verse, the pronunciation and articulation of words, MAJOR CHANGES IN THE 2024 KMF GUIDELINES
the phrasing, use of gestures, voice variation and synchronization etc. (ENG ELOCUTION)
Is the rendition static and staccato? Is the message developing or There are three major changes this year in the guidelines affecting
getting in circles? The message needs to develop from the beginning to English Elocution i.e.
the end. During the performance, can we feel the poetry rendition or 1) The code for English is now (2) and the alphabet letter is (K)
the performance degenerate into a public speech? e.g. 2011K this is a drastic change from the traditional (1) and
What is the tempo? Is it a fast moving verse that calls for action words (J) this has been occasioned by the incorporation of junior
or a slow meditating verse with a number of flashbacks? How are the school as an independent level in the festival.
different voices rendered? The personae/character, the narrator; is it a 2) The special composition classes have a total overhaul from last
dialogue or a monologue? year 2023 for instance the following partners have withdrawn
Synchronize the voice, the harmony, the facial expression from the festival: NSSF, NHIF, KERRA, NPC, KENYA
(mood/feeling), eye contact, the bodily gestures etc. RAILWAYS Etc. for a complete update check page 10-11 of
our guidelines, there’s a full table of the sponsored classes this

21 3
year. N.B: In addition there are three corrigenda annexed for Discuss the various moods and mood shifts depicted, and how they
example ALUPE CLASS 2043K, POPULATION CLASS may be portrayed using the relevant, natural facial expressions.
2044 H/J.A& K and MOH /AMREF (TB) CLASS 2039 H/K
STEP THREE; read with the performers line by line until the best
3) For the 2020K CLASS Formerly 1020H/J only position one
way of articulation has been mastered. Repeat severally to get the best
will proceed from regionals to nationals. For the junior school modulation and synchronization of the voices inconformity to the
participants in all their classes’ only position one will qualify to facial expressions and the subject matter. Once a stanza has been
the nationals from the regionals. internalized as the best form of rendition, consider the length of the
N.B: pause or phrases of the interlude to the next stanza. Run-on lines
 For those handling JS learners, in the special compositions they are not should be discussed as well as the effect they give. This should go on
competing independently and upper primary on their own. and on up to the last stanza where the trainer needs to explain the
 You can either enter upper primary learners or JS leaners separately in a catharsis or conclusion, whether it is a rising action or/etc.
special composition choral to represent the comprehensive school or you STEP FOUR; practice line by line, then stanza to stanza and then the
can combine upper primary and JS In one choral. final poem. Listen to the rhythm of the verse and get its tempo.
 However there is only one special class that JS will compete
Interpret the various moods and the tonal effect. How is the rendition
affected by the delivery of words? Is the deeper meaning of the verse
independently i.e. National population class 2044 JA (corrigenda)
attained and articulated? Listen to the general shape of the verse by
closing the eyes. Let the performers listen to their partners next to
SPECIAL COMPOSITIONS: them as they close their eyes.
These are classes from partners of the KMF whose messages will be STEP FIVE; before any rehearsals, there should be some warming up
guided by the thematic concerns of the various partners. They were in relation to the breathing practice and audibility. Practice on the best
initially referred to as sponsored classes. formation or arrangement that is artistic on stage. Try out the various
The special compositions for 2024 are contained in the 2024 festival arrangements to get the most appealing to the eye and the subject
guidelines and the annexed Corrigenda from the ministry of education, matter of the verse. Ensure that all participants are clearly seen by the
Kenya music festival Executive secretary. audience from all angles.
The corrigenda are for AMREF, NSSF, KWS and SEPU
In the special composition classes, there is need to capture the specific After observing all the steps discussed above, the performers will be
message of the partner. ready to perform on stage. The trainer can request a colleague or
Do not concentrate so much on the poetic structure/ poetic devices at colleagues to listen to the verse then and do amendments. The
the expense of the sponsor’s message then end up preaching in the last requirements of good performance are;
stanzas in order to prove a point, trying to qualify their message. How the performers stand on stage, see if they are relaxed, confident
Again, let poetry be poetry and remain distinct from other forms of and ready to go.
advertisements that preach and mention the sponsor and their products performer in memorizing and relating with the subject matter. The
rather too directly. language should be poetic with poetic devices employed. The title
Most of the trainers and performers who take time to watch and needs to be short and captivating. If one has to use a symbol, then it
appreciate others during the performances in the festivals usually grow needs to conform to the message in the verse.
as opposed to the perennial complainants.

4 20
The length; a good verse as stipulated by the KMF should not go
beyond 4mins. However, a 2mins verse may be good but lacks the 2011K: SECONDARY FORM 1 ENGLISH SOLO SET VERSE
depth required to sustain the message through. BIRD ON MY WINDOW……………….. By: Marren Akong’o
Nature at daybreak excites the bird at the persona's tint
TRAINING pecking at its reflection on the glass animated in the
Once the trainer has set upon the verse to be trained, the next step is to alliteration:
train performers on the same verse; the following are the steps; 'perches and pecks'and idiophone
'Tk tk tk. This 'auditory disruption' in 'scatters scenes of .…sweet
STEP ONE; since this is a choral class, uniformity and synchrony is dream'creates a'mental distraction',.
very vital. The trainer should therefore consider trying out an audition but awakens a new 'visual experience',the flight of the bird
to select the 14 to 16 participants who will be involved in the up a 'tall tree'then pursuit of a'dragon fly….back.
presentation. During the auditions, the writer appoints performers with
a wide voice range, audibility, pitch and breath. This will eventually Not far/It flies to a tall tree but does not perch'
assist in articulation and enunciation. Other factors to consider are; the
pronunciation or English words and idioms, colour range and
complexion of performers; this helps in austerity and aesthetic choice, ·The simile in stanza 2 line 9-10'…bleeds/like my heart…'clothed
body mass- the well-built bodies should be close to each other just like in metaphor'heart bleeds for the morning sleep' arouses empathy on
the taller performers. This helps in pitch and voice frequency ranges the bird and yearning of the persona for '….the morning
that are not so distant apart. A close check should be on boys with a sleep'in falling intensity.
baritone sound as a result of adolescence. A lot of training should be
emphasized especially and girls are selected to perform the same verse ·Theapostrophe in stanza 3 symbolically advising the 'bird'and
in order to avoid the discordant voices. proposing'nutrition'sounds a voice of reason on choices and
purpose. This is firmly rendered.Consider rising intonation
STEP TWO; read to the participants the verse then give an at'…yourself?'and falling intonation at '…nutrition?'
interpretation. Explain a simple rationale or reason as to why the verse
was written, the moral and why it is important for the students to Presentation:
perform the verse. Show why the verse is interesting and how it Punctuation; The apostrophe in stanza 3 symbolically advising
appeals to the current society. Explain the not-so-common words or the 'bird'and proposing' nutrition'sounds a voice of reason on
vocabulary that may be a hindrance to their comprehension. Discuss choices and purpose. This is firmly rendered. Consider rising
the use of punctuations and why the poet has chosen it. Discuss the intonation at'…yourself?' and falling intonation at '…nutrition?'
pauses and the length of the words and lines from stanza to stanza Pace: The pace of delivery is moderate to depict the mood and
communicate the intended message
The pronounciation of the following words might be a challenge to
Pecks,Tk tk tk, perches.
19 9
challenges met by trainers and performers of a verse. This document will
The verse is heavily punctuated so the presenter must endeavor to discuss the tips on interpretation, rationale, difficulty and performance of a
observe them as they affect intonation and pronunciation e.g. The verse
question marks in stanza 3 Presentation:
Must be rendered with rising intonation.
Pace: The advisable pace of delivery for the verse is moderate in order to
communicate the intended message effectively.
2012K: SECONDARY FORM 2 ENGLISH SOLO SET Tone: At the refrain the presenter must capture the falling intonation typical
VERSE of WH Questions as well as vary the tone at GOOD MORNING in stanza 1
PAIN ENDS ………………..BY Katy A. Brown line 3.
The refrain should be varied creatively to avoid monotony in presentation. In
Interpretation: The verse is about a straight forward counsel addition to the repeated phrases at the beginning of each stanza e.g. WHEN
given to encourage someone who is discouraged and at his/her YOU…
lowest to overcome challenges and turn over a new leaf.Focus Expected Challenges:
and tenacity is called for and a reassurance,all these The first challenge is the numerous run-on lines in the poem for example
stanza 1 lines 2-3, stanza 2 lines 2-3, stanza 4 lines 1-2 and The last stanza
summed up in the last stanza.'Focus…/Never lose.…/lt's
lines 1-2
time…/Everything will be …
The second challenge is that the poem is heavily punctuated especially the
In Stanza 5 and 6 ,there is a deliberate determination to shed- question marks at the end of every stanza and the quotation marks in stanza
off sadness and value self-worth and self-love one. The presenter should capture the correct tone.


Tone: The verse to be rendered firm advisory tone  Theme
 Language
Pace: The pace of delivery of the verse is moderate to bring out
 The plot
the advisory tone and to depict the desired mood.  The mood
Challenges:The length of theverse might be a challenge to the  The length
presenters.  The presence
Rendition of the following words ; Toxic, fade ,a jar and Self-  The persona.
hatred CLASS 2020 (H/JA/K)
2013K: SECONDARY FORM 3 ENGLISH SOLO SET VERSE This is a large class of 14- 16 participants. The minimum number of
WHAT DO YO STAND FOR?.........................BY: Steven Teng’o participants is 14 while the maximum is 16, and therefore the trainers and the
participants are advised from the onset, they should try to train more than 16
Message: The persona in the poem is an observer who engages the participants just in case any of the participants indisposed or absent from
audience in the poem's title and refrain on their putpose for the school. This is an own composition class where the trainer or poet composes
things they do or things that happen to rhem in life. In other words Why an original verse (composed for the first time I the festival) on the relevant
do you live? What drives you in life He also reflets on moments of topic or one on emerging issues.
favour or disfavour.

10 18
Points to consider; Challenges:
Composition; the verse should be poetic in terms of structure (the  Heavy punctuation in the poem should be observed for better
stanzas, the lines, the title etc.), the form, the theme, characterization, delivery.
the mood, the plot and so on, and finally the use of poetic language or  There are run on lines in the poem e.g. Where we have BUT
style through the use of elements such as rhyme, rhythm, repetition, the next line is a run on i.e. stanza 1 lines 3-4, 7-8 and second
similes, metaphors etc. last and last lines.
Entertainment; the entertainment level and value should be
considered. The verse should be entertaining and not only to the 2014K: SECONDARY FORM 4 ENGLISH SOLO SET VERSE
performers but also to the audience. Magic in Me………….Anonymous
The structure; consider the plot of the verse; how the verse begins, its The poem is majorly about resilience in life and self belief, hence
middle and conclusion. Lines should be short enough for the believing in oneselff despite what others think. Identifying the potential
performers to easily master and manage it. and ability in oneself and keeping the eye on the ball.
The language; the language should be simple to the level of the Its extremely suitable for the class goven that the seniors (form fours)
participants so that they can enjoy. Avoid heavy level of vocabulary need this encouragement the most as they endeavour to exell despute
that does not assist the performer to unravel the deeper insight of the enormous obstacles and challenges on the way. The poem should be
read along Maya Angelou's poem 'And Still I Rise'.The message is
verse. Avoid huge words (bombastic words) that do not add to the
content much to the content. Diction or well-chosen words assist the
The last stanza is so inspirational ans encouraging i.e even if
Remember to choose your topic very carefully with the target learner you fall in whatever you do in life pick up the pieces and start
in mind. Preferably choose current issues top of the agenda and issues over again and you will make it .
affecting the learners directly. For solos preferably use the first person .
narration. Presentation:
Considerations include among others; Pace: the pace is considerately moderate but it shifts depending on the
 Scripting, message for instance at stanza 2 it can shift to a bit fast then back to
 Length of the verse, moderate in the last stanza
 Appropriateness of the theme or the message captured,
 Level of vocabulary
 Choice of words
 The poetic value in the verse
 Edutainment value of the verse
 Performability of the verse.
It has however been noted that understanding of a verse, its
interpretation and eventual performance has been one of the greatest.

2019K: SECONDARY ENGLISH CHORAL SET VERSE message in the speech? Was the audience entertained? Was the
TO THE TEACHER……………… By John Wangwe audience persuaded?
Message: CLASS 2017 and 2018- SOLO PUBLIC SPEAKING:
In this verse the teacher is called upon to see and tap unique These classes involve performers delivering a direct speech to a live
potentials in learners despite their strengths and weaknesses
The last stanza rouses empathy for the down trodden learners who
It is an extrapolation of the learning process since it assesses the
equally deserve the loving kindness of a teacher, this emphasizes the
oratory skills of the learners and their grasp of knowledge in the
fact that all learners should be treated specially and equally by a
prescribed subject matter.
teacher for the teacher has a long lasting impact in the learners lives
Interest and respect; as stated above, the performer must be able to
Pace:. The pace of the verse is moderate to bring out the intended
message inform, to persuade and entertain the audience in an interesting way.
Tone: While doing this, the performer must not embarrass some members of
content words to ne stressed: the audience. That can be done through application of a gender
For instance sensitive language, euphemism and generally being friendly.
.' …gem,special,different ways,unseen Performers must stick to the KMF objectives. Sideshows must also be
potential/influence,words,love,'my avoided.
child/build,hope,guide, Manage; the performer must be able to manage the audience through
qoodness…last,through generations/land
reading it. For example, a tired audience should be entertained while a
the last stanza as a whole)'
rowdy audience can be managed through being friendly.
There is heavy repetion of AND in the poem hence the tone to be Quality of Execution;
varied to break monotony in theenunciation. Confidence; a good performer should be confident while speaking.
Challenges: Fidgeting and nervousness should be eliminated. This can be practiced
In stanza 1 line 2...He is special, Stanza 5 line 5(the second KNOW) at school through giving performers different audiences to speak to
and stanza 2 line 1 Lasts Long to be carefully rendered to avoid and just being relaxed during actual performances.
Joining them erroneously in the pronunciation
Authority; a performer must command authority. This is in terms of
The bright mood in the last stanza lines 5-6 to be captured for
having content, exhibiting a command in the language, managing the
Emphasis of the intended message. audience and executing the subject matter with ease.
Run on lines in stanza 1 lines 5-6, stanza 3 lines 5-6 and stanza 4 Impact; at the end of the performance, the speech should leave an
Lines 1-3 up to the semi colon impact in the audience. can the audience resonate or relate to the
Words such as ARE, SPECIAL, KNOW And NOR are likely to be
Challenging to most presenters.

CLASSES (Primary and secondary) Secure and maintain attention; a performer should be able to capture
This includes Choral CLASSES 2020G/HA/HB/JA/K the attention of the audience through good use of paralinguistic
Solos CLASSES 2016HB/JA/K features discussed above. The performer should read the audience and
What is an original composition? employ tactics in speech delivery that will attract the audience.
This is an original composition being presented in the festival for the Connect and interact; this can be done through creating a rapport
very first time. It is a verse that is not yet published anywhere, neither with the audience. The most common way of achieving this is through
has it been performed anywhere. Originality is key in this class. the use rhetoric questions
Good delivery and the message will sink in the audience. Remember Therefore, public speaking is structured and deliberate with three
that bit is public speaking and not recitation. The performers must cardinal objectives;
therefore be as natural as possible in articulation. To inform
Vocal projection/tone and pitch- performers must be audible enough To persuade
by projecting their voices appropriately as determined by the size of To entertain
the auditorium and audience. Caution must be taken to avoid shouting. The classes are divided as follows:
Pace; in order to have a good performance, performers should not 2017 HA/K –Lower Pri and Secondary (F 1-2)
rush. The pace adopted in delivery should be one that ensures the 2018 HB/JA/K – Upper Pri,JS and Secondary (F 3-4)
message reaches the audience adequately. Very slow performance is Trainers are therefore advised to strictly present only legitimate
rather boring when elongated. performers in the aforementioned classes. Cheating in these classes
Stance; this is the posture or standing position of the performer. The may lead to automatic disqualification.
performer must adopt a stance that is comfortable to maintain and A topic is given to the performer 30 mins before the performance.
exude confidence. A straight standing position is advisable. The speech should be delivered in not more than 4 mins.
Gesticulation; the performer should use meaningful and purposeful TOPIC OF SELECTION
gestures during the performance. It is advisable that gestures should be Sources of topics.
used for purposes of emphasizing and dot demonstrating. There is no prescribed source of topics. However, most topics are
Eye contact; the performer must maintain eye contact with the sourced from the following;
audience for maximum concentration. a. Personal experiences or observations and recommendations
Movement; if any movements are to be made, they must be minimal from friends, enemies, relatives and others.
and aid the performance rather than being artificial b. Classwork
c. Current happenings e.g. music festivals, church festivals etc
d. Current affairs and other emerging issues e.g politics and sports
e. Imagination
f. Public outcry
g. Media outcry
13 14
Performers therefore must be well versed with knowledge from all
scopes of life. Use of non-English words is highly discouraged, not
unless the words are globally recognized e.g ugali, chama, harambee
Similarly, adjudicators must be versatile with a wide scope and
understanding of different subject matters and consider the level of
Content and structure;

Preparation; once a performer is given the topic, he/she must analyze

the topic and develop a strategy of executing it.
Organization; the performer should organize the topic in point form
on how the topic will be executed by considering the
definition/introduction of the topic, the body/gist/explanation and
lastly the conclusion/closing remarks/recommendations.
Narrative; if the topic is a narrative, then the unfolding of events must
flow logically and chronologically where deemed fit.
Framing; the lead ideas should be framed down for purposes of
referring whenever needed.
Language; performers must stick to the English language. Simple
language should be used for better understanding by the audience. This
should be spiced up with various forms of language like figurative
expressions. Caution must be taken by performers not to overuse one
style since it creates monotony. Obscene and inflammatory language
must be avoided at all cost. In the same wave length, personal vendetta
should not be employed.

Performance/ voice and body language;

Articulation; this is the action of putting into words, an idea or feeling
of a specified type. Performers must pronounce words properly with
appropriate stress and intonations. This will enhance

Interpretation: SWEET MANGO……………….. By: Anastasia Kigondu
Interpretation: The poem is about a fruit ‘mango’ which the persona a
The persona invites you to appreciate using polite words of courtesy.
child, Loves so much. The child is excited after mum arrives homewith her
E.g. …Hello…sorry…thank you…goodbye'as espoused in the poem. basket that contais his/her favourite fruit she is so excited when mum tells
We are invited to avoid hate/anger/arrogance and employ coutesy as it costs him/her to take one although mum reminds the child to ensure the mango is
nothing. washed before eating it.
Tone: The verse requires an advisory and polite tone to articulate the Presentation:
Intended message on polite language/coutesy words. Mood The underlying mood is bright ,the child is elated and very happy
because the mother has brought his favourite fruit (mango) and has allowed
him/her to take one and eat it. The highlight of this mood is the last three
moments of contrast are evident in the verse hence lines of the poem.
this might be a challenge as tone has to be varied to capture it.
Carefully study the phrasing,lineation,rhythm and punctuation Pace: The tempo of delivery is moderate to bring out the child’s excitement
to avoid traps and happy mood.
Challenges: The pronunciation of the following words Basket, Favorite
Fruit, Said and Juice.
2001JA: JUNIOR SCHOOL ENGLISH CHORAL SET VERSE The tonal variation of the ‘I’ in the poem is necessarily, it’s heavily used in
LISTEN TO THAT VOICE………By: Gladys Njai the verse.
Interpretation: The point of view in the verse calls introspection at
values in our societye.g. ' …what is right,…what is spite….something you
MY BOTTLE TOPS ………………By: George Mulama
should never hear again (caution)
Interpretation: The poem is about a kid (pupil) at school who is Worried
because he has lost his bottle tops. He’s however Relieved when he finds
Tone: A steady advisory tone will suffice.Intensity can build with a firm them in his pocket and the dust bin. The child continues to draw excitedly
Rhythm rather than shout eg in stanza 3 . using the bottle tops.
Mood: The poem has two varying moods e.g. at the beginning it’s Sad when
Challenges: Theres a consistent refrain at the beginning of every stanza e.g
the child has lost the bottle tops but it shifts to happy/jovial at stanza 2 line 1
listen to the voce…..that requres tonal variation to thwart monotony in the and the last stanza after The child finds the bottle tops and continues to draw.
The poem is heavily punctuated so take note and render the verse Pace: The tempo is moderate
appropriately paying attendtion to punctuation
Challenges: The intonation of WH questions eg ‘where are
My bottle tops’which should be rendered with a falling intonation.
The punctuation eg ‘?’ will be a challenge.

8 5
IF TEACHER WAS A SMALL GIRL …ByGeorginaWere MY SHADOW ….By: Peter Wolveridge
Interpretation: The poem is about a kid (pupil) at school Who admires how Interpretation: The shadow,its presence, imitation muteness,disappearance
her teacher is teaching She is imagining a situation where He/she could be the
and reappearance is observed by the persona in affection in stanza 1.…!
teacher and his/her the imagination of reversed roles in role play depicts the
teacher in stanza 1line 12 and 3 an instructor, and line 4 to 6 a little child as a like…',reassurance in stanza 2 'But I know it's always quite
disciplinarian. near…For later…',impression in stanza 3 Ive noticed…',wonder in stanza
In addition thr refrain …But,I would not know what to teach her!’ emphasises 4 ...bedtime….switch off the light...wonder,introspection in stanza 5
the fact that the persona apppreciates the teachers critical role in his/her Pace: The tempo is moderate/Stately pace of delivery
learning experience at school. Challenges:There is repetition of ‘I’ In stanza 1 hence calling for its
Presentation; Tonal Variation to thwart monotony.
Mood: The mood in the verse is exciting for instance the child’s imagining of
Contracted forms e.g. I’ve, shadow’s and I’m will be
him/her as a teacher and how the teacher will be doing the things that the
child does now. challenging thus calling for close attention.
Pace: The tempo is moderate to bring out the role playing imagined by the
Challenges: The verse is heavily punctuated e.g. commas, fullstops and THE COLOURFUL BUTTERFLIES ….By: Eddah Kamau
exclamation marks. The performer who will observe the Will rank highly. Interpretation: The persona , a pupil describes the arrival of five Beautiful
butterflies into their classroom causing excitement they chase them and try
WHAT YOU CAN DO ….By: Shannen Wright to catch them in vain, one of them crushes one butterfly making them sad.
Interpretation: Environmenta conservation is appraised calling Eventually Suzy opens the winndow and they fly back to the field.
…to conserve solid waste,air,water,forests and blue spaces.Recycle
waste,learn and share interventions summed up in apostrophe in the Mood: The undelying mood is a playful and jovial one as thepupils Play
penultimate and ultimate lines of the poem 'So take time…To show the Earth with the butterflies trying to catch them but at stanza four Lines 4-5 when
you care’ John crashes one butterfly’s wings it shifts to sad and gloomy.
Pace: the pace is moderate to aid in passing the message thus advising the
public on the need for enviromr tal conservation. Pace: The tempo is moderate but shifts to moderately fast in stanza
Four when they play around Catching the butterflies
Tone: Pursuasive tone with convition needed to deliver the intended message. .
It can as wel las be advisory to speak the public to. Challenges: The verse is heavily punctuated hence when rendering it
Challenges: Attention to be put on observing the punctuation
 Repetition of ‘WHEN’ and ‘TO’ in the verse hence the tone need
The shift in mood especially at stanza 2 line 6 to show
tovaried to avoid monotony.
 Phrasing is equally key as the verse is scantly punctuated so creativity The dissapointment and stanza 4 lines 4-5 to show sadness
is needed while phrasing topass the message effectively. Will be key and those teams that capture it will rank highly.

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