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Hi everyone.

we are going to study about the brief concept
of what's dynamics. Principles of dynamics
are pretty simple, its Newton's law like
most of you know. It's about how forces are back to generate the motion such
as force F equals ma. Actually this concept
has been covered through your high school years or
even middle school years, and then your first freshmen university
physics courses as well. So why do we learn again this principle of Newton's
law, again in dynamics, mostly targeting for
sophomore students, university students
who is majoring in mechanical engineering
or related topics? So I would say the
reason the dynamics are different from
what we have covered in high schools or the
university physics is it has a little bit more
intensive combinations between the university
physics and the calculus, what you have learned
in the first year. So what I mean by
the combinations of physics and calculus
is like calculus, you have covered the
derivatives, integrals, or the skills about how you're handling the vector,
vector products. So for example, when we learn simple concept of the
Newton's law, F equals ma. When you are calculating the acceleration
or even velocity, you have to take a derivative of the position vector actually,
and the second
derivative of positions, or the first derivative velocity
to get an acceleration. When we are looking at
the rotational motion, like a torque or a moment
equals I Alpha kind of stuff, this is actually came
from Newton's law, F equals ma and then do the
cross-product of the r, both left and right hand side. So when we are handling the
rotating bodies motion, we have to do some calculus under Newton's law of physics.
So when you're taking the
derivative of the position, it's a little bit
more complicated than the rotational motion, including this Omega cross x term and
same for the acceleration. When you're handling
the acceleration by taking a derivative
of the velocity, it's not simply just
as x-double-dot, it also possess the term
like Omega cross x dot, and the other terms like
angular acceleration, cross repetitions and so on. So that's what we are going
to cover in Chapter 2. Also, we can also do the
integral for the Newton's law, like when we can
do a time integral for the F equals
ma on both sides, we can end it up
having impulse is going to be the change for
the mv, the linear momentum. So this is how we can get impulse momentum equations
by integrating Newton's
law over time. Similarly, when we can take the integral of the Newton's
law over the displacement, what we can get is dmv dt and dx. Then if you take this
term as v, we can have mv squared, which is a kinetic energy. So this is how we can
work-energy relationship. So when we are
combining derivatives, integrals skills and the
vector product concept, that's actually whole contents for the dynamics, what
we're going to cover. So using this principle, I would like to add
one more things about the importance of the
practice for the dynamics. So the principles are pretty
simple and interesting, like suppose you have
a two balls coming towards each other and
then make a collision, what's going to be the velocity after collision like a
momentum? How those momentum conserved, in this case is energy conserved? Those are
the concept or the principles we're going
to cover during the class, which is fun and easy. However, when you are
actually facing to solve the problem through
the homework or an exam, sometime you will feel like, "I know the principle, but
where should I start?" The kind of feeling
that I have also had tens of years ago. So that's because you
lack of practices. So when you actually
really solve the problem, that's a really important
skill that actually make the firm foundations of your
principle understanding. So between the
principles and practice, I would strongly recommend
you to make a balance. So not only just invest
in the principal, also keep practice of
the problems solving. So maybe some of you have several lack of principle
understandings. Like you are really good
at getting the answer, getting the numbers, however, you are not really intuitively
understood why this is happening and how those
are happening and your answers are pretty understandable
intuited by herself. So in this case, this is going to be a really
good chance for you to think about why
this is happening, what are the force source
making those motions and so on. Ask by yourself, discuss with your peers and ask
your TAs or the professors to understand the firm foundation
about the principle. Also keep working
on the practice. Then I'd like to give you a tip, like instead of just solving all
the example problems
in your textbook, of course you don't have time, I would just pick
the similar problems that you have covered, just with either through the class or
the sample examples. So what I mean by solve
similar problems, that is, suppose you are solving
the problem like a disc connected by the stream through the pulley to the other
object. So you have two objects of
the mass and then there is a pulley connecting these two objects
through the keyboard. So what's it going
to be the motion? So this is Chapter
6 level problems, but I'm just going to briefly go over the step-by-step
how you can solve it, details will be covered in later. The problem first
step is you have to set the coordinate and then draw the free body
diagram and then draw all the forces
exerted on it. Of course, there is
the normal forces, I just focusing on the
horizontal force part. Then you can obtain the
equations of motion for linear motion and
rotational motion, and then there are some unknowns. Then sometimes you can
easily eliminate them by subtracting two equations and sometimes you need
more information. So in this case, there is a rolling without slipping
kind of condition, so that you can implement that. You can actually
connect this Alpha, the angular acceleration,
and then a, the linear acceleration together, so that you can actually ended up
solving the acceleration term. Details will be
covered in Chapter 6. So once you actually
solve this problem either through the class or through
the sample examples session, then just look at the textbook
example problem session. Then you combine
the similar setup, such as there are two masses
connected by the pulley. This one is just a single mass, but instead of
having other object, there is an external
force P exerted. So it's pretty similar setup, same for this one. There is a one
mass and then
through the string there's a external force T
exerted by this person. So of course a little bit
of details different, but once you have solved
the previous problems that, you can actually practice
through the similar problem, so that you can get
your own way of solving the problems in your own way of solution methodology to set
it up and that could
actually help you back to get the physical
principle understandings. So before I end up, I'd like to briefly
go over the table of contents of the textbook. There are two big parts, one covers
particle dynamics and the other covers the
rigid body dynamics. This pretty much covers
the topics before the mid term exam and then rigid body for the
rest of the semester. So there are three
chapters mainly, other than the
introduction chapter, there's a particle
kinematics and kinetics and between the bridges from the particle
to the rigid body, there is a systems
of particle chapter. For the second half, there's going to be a kinematics and
kinetics of rigid bodies and then last most
complicated part, not difficult but
complicated part, it's a 3D dynamics
of a rigid body. So it also covers kinematics
and kinetics as well. Can you see some patterns
of the table of contents? Yes. The kinematics chapter precedes the kinetics
chapter. Kinematics of the
rigid body precedes the kinetics of the rigid
body, same for the 3D. So what is the
relationship between the kinematics and kinetics? So basically what we
want to teach you through this dynamic
course is the kinetics, which is the relationship between the force and the motion.
That's what it means,
kinetics similar to dynamics. However, sometimes
calculating the a or formulating the a is a little bit challenging
or not that simple. So we have to do some preview or the how you can
actually formulate the a in the previous
chapter for the kinetic. So that's why you
have a kinematics chapters ahead of kinetics
for the particles, rigid bodies and 3D as well. So that's what we're
going to cover next time. So first we're going
to learn how we can describe the acceleration
of the particle, especially the rotational
coordinate and then we're going to learn
the kinetics and same for the rigid
bodies and so on. This is how the
whole world contents of dynamics look like. Okay. This is it for today. So I hope
you have a chance
to just briefly review your textbook Chapter
1 by yourself and I'll see you next time
for Chapter 2. Thank you.

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