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Writing task 1

The supplied two pie charts provide the detailed information about
the finding of a scientific research about the principle contributors
which the general public belong to various age baskets state things
trigger delighted feelings. Overall, the most noticeable feature is
that reaches achievement in career and pastime activity are the
most important driving factors of happiness. Additionally, the
remaining contributor of satisfaction is different between young-
aged citizens and the elderly.

With respect to the similar element that brings happiness to people

of all age brackets, the success of the professional field is considered
as the most influential factor, at 31% for the young and more than
1% for senior citizens. Similarly, the chance which pursues leisure
activity is also recorded as the significant driver of excitement in
both the youngsters and the old-aged citizens, with the former
being 22% and the latter being 24%.
Turning to discrepancies, while nearly 18% of the youth state that
attractive outer appearance brings them satisfaction, the relative
figure for the elderly prioritize the stability in financial capacity. The
proportion of junior citizens who show more preference towards
tourist attractions is exactly 15%. By contrast, the old attach more
importance to the quality time for close relatives, accounting for

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