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In this video, we are going to study the

kinematics of the particles. Before we start, let's
differentiate how kinematics and kinetics
are different. Kinematics though describes
the motion of the body without considering the
forces involved with it. So we only are interested in how those are related
between the position, speed, and the acceleration. So simply a calculus problem,
take a derivative of
the potential to obtain the velocity and to take the derivative of the velocity
to get the acceleration. On the other hand, the
kinetics are handling the motion and the
corresponding forces that generates the motion. So we are basically working on the
second law, F equals MA, so forces are involved to
generate the motion and it's a variety of form
of using the integral, like a time integral to obtain the impulse and
momentum relationship, and integral of the displacement to obtain the work and
energy. So if you're looking
at the table of contents for the most of
the dynamics textbook, the first part is dynamics of the particle and the second
part is handling the rigid bodies. If you're looking at
the sub-chapters, usually the kinematics chapters precedes the kinetics chapter
for the particle case, rigid body case, and the 3D dynamics of the
rigid body as well. The ultimate now
is that we want to deliver throughout the dynamics causes the kinetics chapter,
which is the force and
motion relationship. The reason the kinematics
chapter precedes to this kinetic chapter
is because sometimes, binding the acceleration, you are supposed to know
how you can find, or define, or formulate
the acceleration. So for example, in Chapter 2, we are going to practice how we can
the acceleration, and rotation, or coordinate
and for the rigid body, we are going to learn how we can formulate the acceleration
for multiple links or the rigid body having the rotation
and the translation. For the 3D motion, we also want to know
how we can formulate the acceleration for multiple
rotation or coordinates. So this is how the dynamics
textbook is consist of. So in Chapter 2, let's
first learn how we can formulate the acceleration in different coordinate systems.
So first, we are going to briefly review the
rectangular coordinate, which most of you
are familiar with, your high school physics or university physics, and second, we
are going to briefly
overview how we can formulate the acceleration in the rotation in a
coordinate form. So for the rectangular
coordinate, the cartesian coordinate, this is a typical polycystic
motion of the ball. So ball has been shot with
the velocity v magnitude v_0, with the direction Theta
from the horizontal, and I want to shoot the ball
to the center of the rim. So the formula that
you're supposed to use, yes, you have a
kinematic relationship for x and y direction, and x direction it's a constant
because there's no forces, and the y direction is a
constant acceleration motion because there's only gravity
applies to the ball. So these are the formulation
kinematic formula that you must
remember this already and we can say that the acceleration is
zero if you plug that in and if you are setting the coordinate from the
initial position for the ball, this x_0 also turns
out to be zero. So what you are aiming is, your constant velocity in the
horizontal direction over time t has actually reached
the point center of the rim, which is s. So this equation is what you can get from
the x directional
kinematic relationship, and for the y direction, it's a constant acceleration
motion and you are going to have it reach to
the height H over time t. So what you can have is another function
of time equation, and then if you can solve
this systems of equation, you can ultimately either obtain the time t or obtain
the magnitude of the Theta that actually make this ball fall in into the shot.
That's the quick summary, quick review for the rectangular coordinate kinematics
problem and in next chapter, we are going to learn how we can formulate it in a
rotational coordinate.

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