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iy Designation: F 3 - 95 Standard Specification for Nickel Strip for Electron Tubes" “This tancad is issue uncer te aed designation F: the number immediately flowing te designation indicates the year of trig adoption cr, ete eae of eit the ea ofa en, A number prealheies ects the es weappoval. A ‘Sensi eps e)adeaey a clio change ence th ast evi or eaproval. ‘ore Tatle wat cored etry aed the yard was change to Jae 15,185 1. Scope 1.1 This specification covers nickel strip for use as cath- ‘odes or other elements in electron tubes. 1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. The metric equivalents of inch- pound units may be approximate, 2. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: B 162 Specification for Nickel Plate, Sheet, and Strip? E 39 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Nickel” E 107 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Electronic Nickel? E129 Test Method for Spectrographic Analysis of ‘Thermionie Nickel Alloys by the Powder Technique* F 1 Specification for Nickel-Clad and Nickel-Piated Steel Strip for Electron Tubes! F 16 Test Methods for Measuring Diameter or Thickness of Wire and Ribbon for Electronic Devices and Lamps* F 155 Test Method for Temper of Strip and Sheet Metals for Electronic Devices (Spring-Back Method)® F 239 Specification for Nickel Alloy Cathode Sleeves for Electron Devices? 3. Chemical Requirements 3.1 The chemical composition of nickel strip used for cathodes shall be as prescribed in Specification F 239. For approved test methods, see 7.5. 3.2 Nickel strip used for elements other than cathodes shall conform to the requirements of Table | as to chemical ‘composition, or as specified in Specification F 239, if desired 13.3. The choice of grade for specific applications shall be agreed upon between the producer and consumer. 4. Physical Requirements 4.1 Temper—The temper shall conform «o limits agreed upon by the producer and consumer when determined in accordance with Test Method F 155. "This speciation is unde: the erudition of ASTM Commitee Fon learnt and isthe crest esponsibility of Suheormiuse FO'.03 cn Mee Mates ‘Cureat edition approved Jan. 13, 1995. Published March 1935, Originally paliied as F357, Las previous ation F3~ 94 Annual Book of ASTM Standart, Vol 02.04 > annual Book af ASTM Standards, Vol 0305. ‘Ansa! Boa of 4STM Standards, Vol 0306, 3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 1004 ‘Disontnued 1995, se 198) al Book of ASTM Standards, Vel 10.08, " Discontinued 1992, se 1981 Arua! Book of ASTM Standards, VO 10.04 42 Finish—The surface shall be as smooth and free of oxide, pits, scratches, seams, slivers, streaks, stains, scale, blisters, edge cracks, trimming burrs, and other defects or ‘contaminants, as best commercial practice will permit when examined under 10x magnification. 5. Dimensions, Mass and Permissible Variations 5.1 Strip up to and including 0.020 in, (0.51 mm) is covered by this specification, 2 Strip over 0.020 in. (0.51 mm) is covered by Specifi- cation B 162. 5.3 Thickness—The thickness shall conform to the toler ances of Table 2 5.4 Width—The width, as slit, shall conform to the tolerances of Table 3. 5.8 Edgewise Bow—The exgewise bow shall be no more than 0.5 in (13 mm) in 8 £1 (2.4 m). 5.6 Edge—The edge shall be such as would result fro standard slitting operation, 5.7 Burr—The burr shall not exceed one half the strip thickness or 0.0025 in. (0.064 mm), whichever is smaller. 6. Sampling 6.1 Unwind required sample strip from cach coit selected for inspection im such a manner that bending, twisting, and any other distortion is prevented. 6.2 If coil construction will permit, it is recommended ‘that samples from coils of material be taken from both ends. 7, Test Methods 7.1 Thickness—On material 0,004 in, (0.10 mm) and under in thickness, make six measurements at least 1m apart in accordance with Test Methods F 16 or with any ‘equivalent method directly readable and accurate to 40.5 % of strip thickness. On J-in, (25-mm) or wider strip, or at any point on narrower strip, make all measurements about 0.4 in, (10 mm) from the edge. Nore 1—An alternative method of determining stip thickness by ‘weighing is sugested in Appendix XI, 7.2 Width—Determine width by removing a length of approximately 5 in, (130 mm) and forming it into a loop by bringing the ends together and measuring directly across bottom of loop with a screw micrometer. 7.3 Edgewise Bow—-With material laid out on a fat surface, place an 8-f(2.4-m) straightedge against one edge of ‘the material. Measure any deviation from straightness atthe maximum distance of the material from the straightedge by ‘means of a scale graduated in Vis in, or | mm and read to the nearest scale division 7.4. Burr—Measure burr in accordance with the Appendix of Specification F 1 qb 3 ‘TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements TABLE 2 Thicknoss Tolerances on Tia Teen Taos RL ome “GEWEEe weno UNS MAES TSMR Tiber OT, EEG ovr a es, bts a "Sent? “unt” “oemoe “Gemt Tes (a) roe oo Nao B80. 0 wi wear Mrerraoin slow tse nee bead — oo oo Over 0.004 100.10 £0.0005 (0.013) Genre 3% 8 Oar om wr a4 080 ee oe fe tm « Mpokn Bota Baron 8ibsmex Biot max Om S080 a 2200075 0.020 Maw, O50 ose pmo cam Oaswostes = 7 tual 000 a) sn we’ Hoa, pond We silmme 0:0 roams oat arn 9 Ses Ker ne Warten ap Sa ad Som GRR Sp OLA Me ar scr apeiocporton Sitter Beetmex 00s | Saismax Sapte ow oem Sa Oe ea ee at So ae foes Soor * Dupszates Gers of cade Grade 10 Spectcaton F298. * Duptoates chery of care Grade 23 Specteaion F238, ‘ror revoung, 0.75 rnc carter aot 0.028 ourbon avaate on request + Eatery corecte, 7.5 Chemical Analysis—Analyze in accordance with the following ASTM methods. Methods E39 (wet method), E 107 (photometric method), or E 129. 8. Coiling and Spooling 8.1, Each coil or spool shall have only one continuous length of strip, free from joints of any kind, unless otherwise agreed upon 8.2 Unless otherwise specified, the strip sball be so coiled that the normal curvature is not reversed. 9. Rejection 8.1 Any spools or coils not conforming to the specified requirements may be rejected. If 15 % of the spools or coils in any shipment do not conform to the specified require- ‘ments, the entire shipment may be rejected. 10. Product Marking 10.1 Each coil or spool shall be marked plainly, desig- TABLE 3 With Tolerances Spected Wit. Thnees, ic in) ‘tomy nen Grew 7886) ‘wer 0.00 80) 20008 0.13) £80 (1580) and over ‘reer 0.020 (0.50) 30.008 (020) Foreatode nel ory uta 0.004 (010) 20003 0.08) 10.1.1 Name of material, 10.1.2 Name of manufacturer, 10.1.3 Lot of manufacturer's identification number, 10.1.4 Gross, tare, and net weight, 10.1.5 Thickness and width of strip, 10.1.6 Shipping date, and 10.1.7 Inspector's number or designation, 11, Packaging 11.1 Packaging shall be adequate to protect the spools or ‘oils from contamination and damage during shipment. Ifa protective coating is used, it shall be completely removable by trichloroethylene degreasing. 12, Keywords 12.1 electron tubes; nickel strip; UNS N02233; UNS N02205; UNS NO2253; UNS N02270 APPENDIX (Noamandatory Information) X1. Method of Determining Thickness of Nickel Strip by Weighing X11 The thickness of nickel strip may be determined indirectly by weighing a blank punched from the strip. The blank size has been calculated so that the thickness may be found by moving the decimal point in the milligram weight four places to the left, X12 The following apparatus is required for making this | A die having a tungsten carbide ring and punch designed to punch a clean blank of 0.2951 + 0.0007-in. (7.495 + 0.018-mm) diameter. X1.22 A double-arm torsion balance with a range from 0 10 50 mg, equipped with a small weighing pan for holding the ‘blank and a pan counterweight. X13 Determining Thickness: X1.3.1 Punch blanks from the strip at the same places ‘where measurements would be normally made by a direct ‘measuring method. X1.3.2 Weight each blank separately on the torsion bal- ance and record the weight to the nearest 0.1 mg. X1.3.3 Move the decimal point in the recorded milligram weight four decimal places 1o the left. This gives the corresponding thickness to five decimal places. Note—For example, a slug cat ffom a section of stip having a ‘normal thickness of 0.002 is. (0051 mm) and weighing 20'3 mg would fave a thickness of 0.00203 in. (0.08156 mm) @ers The Amorcan Sct for Testing ard Mutat aes ro pasion rqpacing the ey fan pet rights sera conracton wen ny hens recone 098 sander. Uses of sarcard are exresty adveed thet COPPA oe Vy fw Buh ate tes, ade ako ringer f wach a, 8 aiely tr own repost ‘Th standard saute fo rev at ny tn bythe espana! comnts and mut bs reed ear he year ans ‘Yoo revaed, ata reapprevedo ican out carmen ar meted eter fo revsion ois slancrde fr edna! wanderat {tnd thud be acted 1 ASTM Hoadgvatora. Your commonts wi rece cara cantare at «meting othe eaperse {ecmca! carte, WO Yor May etna ou Fel tet your Corrente have Rt roclved «fa eerng you SMXAd Pate Yoo! ‘ew brown ote ASTM Commitee on Stendercs, 1918 Race St, Pinaepni PA 70103,

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