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Fakultas Sastra Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Abstract—Ever since its publication in 1949, Keywords—critical discourse analysis; Death

Death of a Salesman has attracted much attention of a Salesman; pragmatic analysis; speech acts;
for its tragic theme and vivid characterization. turn-control strategies
Reviews on Death of a Salesman have been
numerous and various in approaches. The present
study mainly adopts pragmatic theories as its
analytic approaches and analyzes the dialogues Ever since its publication in 1949, Death
in The Death of a Salesman. It intends to find of a Salesman has attracted much attention
out how characters achieve their communicative for its tragic theme and vivid characterization.
purposes when they produce their utterances. Reviews on Death of a Salesman have been
Moreover, it is expected that this study may help numerous and various in approaches. The present
shed some light on the pragmatic approach to study mainly adopts pragmatic theories as its
the interpretation of drama. In this study, 16 analytic approaches and analyzes the dialogues
fragments of dialogues are taken as the data in Death of a Salesman. It intends to find out
for analysis. This study applies the Speech how characters achieve their communicative
Acts Theory, the turn-control strategies, the purposes when they produce their utterances.
Cooperative Principle, the Politeness Principle Moreover, it is expected that this thesis may help
and the methods of Critical Discourse Analysis shed some light on the pragmatic approach to the
in data analysis. The turn-control strategies interpretation of drama. The term “pragmatics”
could help us learn how and why the character was first introduced in Foundation of the Theory
yields or claims a turn, and help us understand of Signs by Morris (1938: 6), who contrasts
the communicative strategies of the participants. pragmatics with semantics and syntax. For
In a drama, dialogues between the characters
Morris, pragmatics is the branch of linguistics
are important ways of completing certain speech
that deals with the relation of signs to interpreters
acts. The analysis of the dialogues may help us
and users. It reflects the relationship between
understand the real intentions of the characters.
speech and context, and accounts for what syntax
The present study carries implications for
and semantics cannot account for. Other linguists
English teaching, the appreciation of drama
and daily communication. Teaching turn- offer definitions which are more or less different
control strategies to students can help them from the one given by Morris.
communicate more successfully. The study of Stalnaker (1972, p. 383) takes pragmatics
the theories and methods of Critical Discourse as “the study of linguistic acts and the contexts
Analysis may improve students’ critical language in which they are performed”. Leech (1983,
awareness. The application of pragmatic theories p. 1) defines pragmatics as “the study of how
to the appreciation of drama contributes to the utterances have meanings in situations”. Mey
revelation of the real intentions of characters, and (1993, p. 42) has the idea that “pragmatics is
helps us understand how the playwright displays the study of the conditions of human language
the story, portrays the characters and expresses uses as these are determined by the context of
his /her intentions through various language society”. Levinson (1983, pp. 9-27) lists a series
skills. of definitions in the first chapter of his Pragmatics,

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Pragmatic Analysis of the Dialogues In Arthur Miller’s Drama “Death of a Salesman”

however, he himself finds none of his definitions Besides, as a written form, dialogues in
satisfying. One issue over the pragmatic studies drama are different from that in daily life. It is
is whether the pragmatic mechanisms have any necessary to offer substantial reasons for why
explanatory power over literary text. Mey (1993, exactly pragmatics can be adopted to study the
p. 236) in his Pragmatics: An Introduction puts conversations in literary works and to present
forward such questions as what is the significance the similarities between dramatic dialogues and
of pragmatics for the study of written text? naturally occurring conversations. It is no doubt
How does literature relate to pragmatics? It is that spoken and written communication has their
commonly agreed that pragmatics studies the role own distinctive features. However, the similarities
played by language users. Literary language users between them cannot be ignored.
use language to convey meanings. They also In literary works, characters, like people in
obey rules of language use just as other language daily life, also have their different personalities,
users do. Cook (1994, p. 46) states it clearly thoughts, psychological activities and so on.
that literature can be studied as conversations The kinds of speech acts which are performed
in his insightful book Discourse and Literature. by characters should be proper to the specific
Therefore, pragmatic factors which are closely situations as people do in daily life. Leech and
associated with conversations should be paid Short (1981, p. 151) have pointed out that one
attention to when studying literary language. cannot understand the nature of fictional language
As we all known, a discourse, no matter without seeing it as a special case of the ordinary
what genre it has, is a part of communication referential, truth-reporting function of language,
which naturally involves the language user’s which should be pay attention to when analyzing
intention in certain context. Taking a method dramatic dialogues. We may get the conclusion
without considering how or why the language that pragmatic theories and principles, such as the
is used, the meanings obtained will be only on Cooperative Principle, the Politeness Principle
the surface level, and the implied meanings and the Speech Act Theory, which are based
will be overlooked. Alongside with the rapid on oral communication, can also guide written
development and achievement in the field of communication.
pragmatics, more and more scholars hold that This study chooses drama as the research
meaning is not a stable and absolute thing, but object, because drama as one of three major types
depends on the dynamic process of interpretation of literature, that is novel, drama, and poem, has
by language users. Verschueren (1995, p. 514), been the least studied in either literary criticism
“literary stylistics rests on the assumption that or stylistics. For one thing, while drama is an
the theories and methods developed within important literary genre, it is very often not taken
linguistics can be appropriately and fruitfully as literature, since it is one of the most complex
applied to the study of literature”. Pragmatics, as forms of art. For another, drama poses the greatest
a branch of linguistics, functions as a useful tool challenge to literary criticism and dramatic text
in the analysis of literature. analysis. While theatrical critics deliberately
This study will adopt a pragmatic approach neglect the literary aspects of dramatic text,
to study the dialogues in Death of a Salesman. The literary critics do not normally think that it is
dramatic dialogue, as the art that uses language, their business to comment on drama. Thus, drama
is unique on the one hand, and is similar to daily has become a borderline area to which neither of
life dialogue on the other hand. As the refined and the neighbors along the fence has paid enough
polished imitation of everyday speech, dramatic attention. It is only in recent years that dramatic
dialogue should be studied in the context. study has seen happy moments in stylistics. Some
Thus, the analysis of dramatic dialogues cannot stylisticians, equipped with theories of pragmatics
exclude pragmatic theories and principles which and discourse analysis, have been trying to change
are originally employed to investigate real life the situation Short (1989, p. 152). Because of the
communication. limited space, we cannot deal with all dramas,
in this study, we prefer Death of a Salesman for

Theme The Current Issues of Language and Literature in Industry 4.0 123

the following reasons. In the first place, Arthur II. CHAPTER ONE LITERATURE
Miller is one of the most influential playwrights REVIEW
in America; moreover, Death of a Salesman is his This chapter will review the previous studies
best contribution to American drama. Meanwhile in the relevant fields. A brief introduction to the
it has aroused heated debates in the critic circle Speech Act Theory will be made first, including
both at home and abroad. In the second place, Austin’s classification of Illocutionary Acts and
most previous studies of the play pay attention Lu Fei’s model of Infelicities. Then, Conversation
to creative skills, dramatic techniques and tragic Analysis and Critical Discourse Analysis will be
themes, compared with which the dialogues in it illuminated. At last, a brief introduction will be
have been paid little attention to, let alone a study made to the relevant studies of pragmatic analysis
of it from the pragmatic perspective. To sum up, of literature and Death of a Salesman both abroad
Death of a Salesman is a good one to choose as and at home.
the object of the present research.
Therefore, the pragmatic approach to A. SPEECH ACT THEORY
dramatic dialogues is not only valid but also
Speech Act Theory is the first major theory
of great practical and theoretical significance.
in pragmatics, initially proposed in the 50s and
It analyses texts related to context rather than
widely discussed in the 60s and 70s (Jiang,
an absolute aesthetic artifact. An interpretation
2000: 197). The basic thing advocated by Speech
or analysis of literary works without taking
Act Theory is that to say something is to do
pragmatic elements into consideration is not
something. In recent years, Speech Act Theory
complete. The pragmatic approach makes clearer
has also been applied to the study of literary
the historical, cultural, social and mental states
works. In the following part, the classification
of the particular phase when author wrote the
of illocutionary acts proposed by Austin and the
play. The pragmatic analysis of drama will be
model of infelicities modified by Lu Fei will be
more satisfactory. Pragmatic theories are very
important in literature analysis, and scholars have
been making researches in this field.
This thesis is composed of three parts 1) Austin’s Classification of Illocutionary Acts
besides the Introduction and the Conclusion. The Austin (1962) suggests that there are three
Introduction mainly includes a brief introduction senses in which saying something may be
of the topic, the orientation of the current research understood as doing something. The first sense
and the organization of the thesis. Chapter 1 is is an ordinary one. That is, when we speak, we
to review the previous studies of the pragmatic move our vocal organs and produce a number
analysis of literature, the Speech Act Theory, of sounds, organized in a certain way and with a
Conversation Analysis, Critical Discourse certain meaning. In this sense, when somebody
Analysis and Death of a Salesman both abroad says “Morning!”, we can ask a question like
and at home. Chapter 2 is to illuminate how the “What did he do?” instead of “What did he say?”
data is collected and selected and the methods and the answer could be that he produced a sound,
used in this thesis. Chapter 3 is to analyze the word or sentence—”Morning!”.
dialogues in Death of a Salesman by making use The act performed in this sense in called
of the turn-control strategies, illocutionary speech Locutionary Act. The locutionary act can be
acts, the Cooperative Principle and the Politeness subdivided into three parts. The first part is “to
Principle. The implications, limitations and perform the act of uttering certain noises” Austin
further research are presented in the Conclusion. (1962,p. 96). This is the phonetic act. The second
part is the phatic act of “uttering certain vocables
or words” (p, 96). The third, or rhetic act, is
“to perform the act of using the phoneme or its
constituents with a certain more or less definite

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Pragmatic Analysis of the Dialogues In Arthur Miller’s Drama “Death of a Salesman”

‘sense’ and a more or less definite ‘reference’” (p. Verdictives are concerned with the delivery of a
100). verdict, a finding, a judgement, or an assessment,
In fact, when we speak, we not only produce official or unofficial, upon evidence or reasons
some units of language with certain meanings, but about value or fact (p. 153). Verdictives can be
also make clear our purpose in producing them, judged by true or false, sound or unsound, and
the way we intend them to be understand, or they fair and unfair.
also have certain forces as Austin prefers to say. An exercitive is the exercising of power,
In the example “Morning!”, we can say it has the right or influence and the giving of a decision
force of a greeting. This is the second sense in in favor of or against a certain course of action
which to say something is to do something, and the or advocacy of it (p. 151). It is a decision that
act performed is known as an Illocutionary Act. something is to be so rather than a judgment that
The Illocutionary act is related to the speaker’s it is so. A commissive is typified by promising or
intention. To determine what the illocutionary otherwise undertaking; they not only commit you
act of the utterance is, one should know what the doing something, but also include declarations
speaker intends to achieve or bring about by the or announcements of intention (pp. 151-152). A
utterance. An illocutionary act is not performed, commissive is to commit the speaker to a certain
in Austin’s view, unless the hearer recognizes course of action.
the speaker’s intention to perform this act. He A behabitive includes the notion of reaction
says that “the performance of an illocutionary to other people’s behavior and of attitudes to
act involves the securing of uptake” (ibid, 117). someone else’s past conduct or imminent conduct
Uptake occurs when the hearer understands the (p. 152). It is a statement of feelings and a
illocutionary force of the utterance. description of attitudes and social behaviors.
The third sense in which to say something can In the case of behabitives, besides the usual
mean to do something concerns the consequential liability to infelicities, there is a possibility for
effects of a locution upon the hearer. By telling insincerity (p. 161). An expositive is used in
somebody something, the speaker may change acts of exposition involving the expounding
the opinion of the hearer on something, mislead of views, the conducting of arguments, and the
him, surprise him, or induce him to do something, clarifying of usages and of references (p. 152). It
etc.. Whether or not these effects are intended by manifests how our utterances fit into an argument
the speaker, they can be regarded as part of the act or conversation.
that the speaker has performed. This act is called Austin (p. 152) thinks that the last two
a Perlocutionary Act which depends not only on types of illocutionary acts are troublesome. The
the speaker but also on the hearer. It is concerned behabitives is a very miscellaneous category, and
with the result of the utterance. the expositives is difficult to define. He does not
Austin attempts a preliminary classification deny that his classification is not clear enough,
of illocutionary act. Under the notion of the and that maybe some types are cross-classified.
illocutionary forces of utterances, which in turn Along with the development of Speech Act
are made clear by explicit performative verbs in Theory, scholars have successfully applied this
the utterance, he classifies illocutionary acts into theory to the fields of philosophy, psychology,
five types: verdictives, exercitives, commissives, anthropology, literary criticism, etc. Scholars both
behabitives and expositives. It should be pointed at home and abroad have made a lot of researches
out that Austin himself is “far from equally happy on the feasibility of the application of Speech
about all of them” and he is “not putting any of Act theory to the analysis of literary works. Pratt
this forward as in the very least definitive” (p. (1977, p. 25) believes that “literary language” is
151). no other than “ordinary language”, so theories
A verdictive is essentially giving a finding which are used to study “ordinary language” can
as to something—fact or value—which is for also be used in literary criticism. As one of the
different reasons hard to be certain about (p. 151). most important theories in pragmatics, Speech

Theme The Current Issues of Language and Literature in Industry 4.0 125

Act Theory has been put into actual use by many in this study.
researchers. The detailed information will be Francis and Hunston (1992, p. 383) analyze
illuminated in the last two parts of this chapter. everyday conversation by adapting Sinclair-
Coulthard model put forward in 1975. The two
B. CONVERSATION ANALYSIS analysts discuss a complete telephone conversation
between two native speakers of English from the
Conversation Analysis is interdisciplinary,
concepts of acts, moves, exchanges, transactions
and it is used to study conversations in a wide
and interactions. The above elements form a
range from institutional talks (such as those in
rank with acts at the lowest and with integration
courts, clinics and classrooms) to literary works.
at the highest of the discourse level of language
According to a summary made by Wood and
patterning. Their exploring of the structure and
Kroger (2000, p. 172), there is now a lot of such
function of moves, exchanges, transactions,
researches. For example, Heritage and Greatbatch
interactions provide useful hints for part of the
have considered the distinctive turn-taking
present study. In the literary field, Coulthard
procedures in news interviews (1986, pp. 110-
(1985), starting from conversational analysis,
157); Akinson and Drew considered features of
studies in detail the questions and answers of
turn organization and design in court, including
one text, Othello, and he reaches the conclusion
the production of accusations and of defenses
that Othello’s suspicion is roused by a sequence
(1979, pp.1006-1022).
of unanswered questions, not simply because the
While reviewing conversation analysis, questions are unanswered, but because they are
a term should be paid close attention to, that is avoided clumsily and deliberately.
“turn”. It is proposed by Sacks, Schegloff and
Coulthard carries out the study with
Jefferson (1974: 702) who think that a “turn”
an attempt to apply insights derived from
is everything one speaker says before another
conversational analysis to illuminate techniques
speaker begins to speak. Harris (1951, p.14)
in simulated interaction. He disagrees with those
defines turn as “a stretch of talk, by one person,
who work on written discourses as monologue
before and after which there is silence on the part
because he thinks they “ignore the fact that as he
of that person”.
reads, the reader interacts with the text, and thus
Goodwin (1977, pp. 41-42) defines the an interactive model might also be appropriate for
“turn” as “a static unit with fixed boundaries”. written discourse” Coulthard (1985, p. 192).
He does not accurately describe its structure and
regards the “turn” as “a time-bound process”.
Levinson (1983, pp. 295-296) gives the definition C. CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS
of “turn”, that is, “a turn is a time during which a Critical Linguistics was first proposed by
single participant speaks, within a typical, orderly Fowler et al in the book of Language and Control in
arrangement in which participants speak with 1979. According to Van Dijk (1998:143), Critical
minimal overlap and gap between them”. Discourse Analysis (commonly abbreviated as
All in all, researchers have different views CDA) is a field that is concerned with studying
on “turn”, and sometimes they even describe turn and analyzing written and spoken texts to reveal
for their own sake. Every conversation consists the discursive sources of bias, power, dominance,
of turns and is characterized by turn-taking: one discrimination and inequality.
participant talks and stops; another participant After many years’ development CDA has
starts, talks and stops. Sacks, Schegloff and gained recognition in the field of linguistics. In
Jefferson (1974, pp. 696-735) suggest that the the following part, a review of the contributions
mechanism that governs turn-taking is a set of of the major CDA researchers will be conducted.
rules which ordered options on a turn-by-turn Fowler (1991: cited in Li, 2007, p. 15) expounds
basis. They also build a turn-taking system for the framework of CDA and applies it to the
casual conversations. Due to the limited space, analysis of specific news in the book Language
the author is not to explain the system in detail in the News: Discourse and Ideology in the Press.

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Pragmatic Analysis of the Dialogues In Arthur Miller’s Drama “Death of a Salesman”

Fowler holds that language use is not neutral. Any Ohmann (1971, pp. 1-19) starts the study
form of language choice incorporates ideological in this field by defining literature as a type
meanings. In his point of view, CDA is an of discourse where normal conventions for
exercise in “instrumental linguistics” (Fowler, illocutionary value of utterances are suspended,
1991: 85). He also shows how tools provided so that literary sentences convey pretended
by standard linguistic theories can be used to rather than genuine speech acts. In another
uncover linguistic structures of power in texts. article, Ohmann (1973, pp. 47-63) emphasizes
Drawing on functional linguistics, he studies the important role that illocutionary acts play in
transitivity, transformation, modality, lexical literature, although literary works are discourses
classification and coherence in news discourse. with usual illocutionary rules suspended.
Fowler illustrates that systematic grammatical Besides, many other scholars have
devices function in establishing, manipulating contributed a lot to the pragmatic study of literary
and naturalizing social hierarchies. works from different perspectives. Van Dijk
Fairclough (1989, p. 116) put forward the (1976, pp. 44-49) defines “literature” as discourse
social theories underpinning CDA, as in other that systematically subverts Grice’s Cooperative
early critical linguistic works. A variety of textual Principle and all its maxims. According to
examples are analyzed to illustrate, its aims and Pratt (1977, p. 78), literature is a particular
methods of analysis. Later in his Discourse and speech context which involves a specific set of
Social Change (1992) he explains and elaborates conventions and expectations concerning the
some advances in CDA, showing not only how the relationship between the author and the audience,
analytical framework for investigating language in the preparation and selection of texts. Pratt applies
relation to power and ideology develops, but also the Cooperative Principle to some literary texts,
how CDA is useful in disclosing the discursive and it is only when the maxims are intentionally
nature of much contemporary social and cultural flouted that we can get the implicature.
change. Particularly the language of the mass Fowler (1986, p. 95) argues that the theory
media is scrutinized as a site of power and as a of implicature enriches our view of how discourse
site where language is apparently transparent. He works, and provides numerous insights for
contributes a lot to the development of CDA. linguistic criticism. He explains that implicature
is central to dialogic structure in a good deal
D. RELATED STUDIES ABROAD of modern drama and to dialogue in witty and
ironic or stylized novels. In literary works, the
Since the 1970s, linguistics has witnessed a
maxims are applauded as producing aesthetically
number of interdisciplinary approaches: language
or conceptually agreeable verbal effects. He then
as act (the Speech Act Theory), language as
explores the use of the Cooperative Principle in
interaction (conversation and discourse analysis),
an excerpt of a play.
language and context (pragmatics, and Halliday’s
functional linguistics and socio-semiotic theory), However, other scholars have conducted
anthropological linguistics, psycholinguistics and their researches from the perspectives of the
sociolinguistics. The pragmatic study of literature Politeness Principle, deixis and presupposition.
has experienced a short history, and it also can be When the Politeness Principle is involved in
traced back to the 1970s. literature, the result becomes more complicated.
Because the three determining factors which are
Although Morris claims that there is a close
social distance, power and rank of imposition
relationship between pragmatics and rhetoric
for the choice of politeness are vital to the
when he proposes the definition of pragmatics
development of theme and character in literature.
in 1938, the term “literary pragmatics” is first
Hardy (1991, pp. 343-362) finds out that the
proposed by Van Dijk (1976). Levinson (1983,
framework of politeness strategy is especially
p. 36) believes that pragmatics has potential
well suited for literary interpretation. He also
applicability in all fields including the study of
proves this through his analysis of Hemingway’s
rhetoric and literature.

Theme The Current Issues of Language and Literature in Industry 4.0 127

The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber. that his heroes are not genuinely human enough
Nevertheless, Culpeper (1996, pp. 349- to qualify as tragic figures at all. Gassner holds
367) considers the notions of inherent and mock a cautious attitude to Miller’s tragic character.
impoliteness, and discusses contextual factors He speaks of Willy Loman as a hero of “low
associated with impoliteness. He attempts to tragedy” who raises pity but does not rise to
build an impoliteness framework which is parallel tragic exaltation, which is different from the
but opposite to Brown and Levinson’s theory of “high tragedy” of earlier ages (1960, p. 23,cited
politeness (1987). He further demonstrates that in Hu, 2007).
in some contexts of army training and literary The employment of techniques in Death
drama, impoliteness is not a marginal activity, and of a Salesman is another important subject for
we need an appropriate descriptive framework in critics. In her book Arthur Miller: as a Critic of
order to account for it. Drama, Dutta (2004:37) stresses the importance
As far as presupposition is concerned, of technical means in Death of a Salesman. She
Chapman (1999, pp. 159-178) confirms that says that Miller takes pains to find the technical
presuppositions operating between characters in means to let the conflict develop properly. Dutta
the novel, and between the novel and the reader, takes the hallucinatory interludes in Death of a
are reliable to failure, without catastrophic effect Salesman as an example. These hallucinatory
on the discourse. interludes are not short cuts to a dramatic design,
The aforementioned studies have made great but are a necessary device to get the audience to
contributions to the development of pragmatic see the outside world from the protagonist’s point
analysis of literature. Since the present study of view.
takes Death of a Salesman as its research object, Wyatt praises Miller’s creative expression,
it is necessary to review previous studies of this and says that the closest parallel to Ibsen’s The
famous play by Arthur Miller. Generally speaking, Wild Duck is Death of a Salesman, where every
critics at home and abroad deal with this play from action in the present works towards revelation of
the following aspects, e.g. the theme, tragedy and the past (cited in Welland, 1961: 6-7).
the employment of techniques. The above are the relevant studies of Death
Wilson studies Miller’s theory of social of a Salesman made by western scholars, the
drama in Death of a Salesman, and he considers studies at home will be illuminated also in this
that “a playwright like Arthur Miller can say order in the last section of this chapter.
as much about American society in Death of
a Salesman as Reisman or Whyte can say in III. Research Method
carefully documented social studies” (1959:53).
In this chapter, the author will first explain
McMichael in his Concise Anthology of American
how the data are collected and how the samples
Literature notes that Miller writes of ordinary
are selected. Then the analytical tools of the
people who cannot fully understand their fate,
present study will be introduced, that is, the Turn-
who are stricken by events that are mundane yet
control Strategies, the Cooperative Principle and
overwhelming (1998:58).
the Politeness Principle. CDA methods shall be
Blumberg concludes in Arthur Miller: New introduced in the final section.
Perspectives that in this play, “Arthur Miller gives
the audience his powerful, definitive portrait of
the prototype of the alienated white-collar man in A. DATA COLLECTION AND SAMPLE
the character of Willy Loman” (1982:55). SELECTION
After the performance of Death of a The present study aims to investigate how
Salesman, some critics blame Miller for having the pragmatic theories are used to analyze literary
a narrow vision of tragedy in this play. They say texts, and find out the meanings implied in the
that Miller’s “common man” heroes are “little” dialogues between the characters of the play. The
and in the worst case, just common people, and data for the study are extracted from Death of a

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Pragmatic Analysis of the Dialogues In Arthur Miller’s Drama “Death of a Salesman”

salesman, and the samples are chosen from the first speaker gaining rights to the
dialogues in this play. The author chooses the data next turn;
which can best represent the theories used in this (c) If C has not select N, and no other
thesis. For the length of the study, 23 examples are party self-selects under option
selected as samples. Various pragmatic theories (b), then C may (but need not)
have been used by stylisticians to analyze literary continue (i.e. claim rights to a
works written in English or Chinese. As one further turn-constructional unit).
of the classics in Western literature, Death of a Rule 2 —applies at all subsequent TRP.”
Salesman is really a great play which deserves
(Sacks et al, 1974: 704)
more attention from both readers and critics. As
a representative of tragic drama, this play, with
its profound social significance and incomparable The Turn-control Strategies is made up of
artistic charm, has a strong appeal to the readers, turn yielding, holding the turn, turn claiming, and
audience and critics. feedback. There are different ways and signals
Death of a Salesman was first introduced to for the current speaker and the next speaker to
the author of this study in the American Literature yield the turn, hold the turn or claim the turn. The
course in 2003. Overwhelmed by the tragic life of present study will apply some turn yielding and
Loman, the author chooses some of the dialogues turn claiming methods, that is, “nomination”,
in Death of a Salesmanas data for the present “self-selection”, “insertion”, “overlap” and
study. “interruption”, to the analysis of the dialogues
in Death of a Salesman. The methods will be
introduced in the following passages.
Nomination means that the current speaker
The turn-taking model, proposed by Sacks, nominates the next speaker, and sets the topic for
Schegloff and Jefferson (1974, pp. 696- 735) has discussion. For example,
been applied in the study of naturally occurring
Tom : What do you think of Mr.
conversations, and can be described in terms
Smith, Jane?
of two components, that is, turn-construction
component and turn-allocation component, and a Jane : He is a good teacher, but …
set of rules. Turn-construction component means
“a turn can be made up of sentences, clauses, Self-selection means that the current speaker
phrases or words” (p. 702). Turn-allocation sets the topic for discussion by requesting or
component means “the current speaker may asking questions, but the listeners self-select
allocate the turn to the selected next speaker, or to be the next speaker. For instances: in class,
the participant self-selects to be the next speaker” the teacher may ask, “who would like to say
(p. 703). The simplest system for the organization something about it?”, then the students may self-
of turn-taking in conversation, proposed by Sacks, select and answer the question.
Schegloff and Jefferson (1974), is as follows. Insertion means that the next speaker begins
Here C means the current speaker, N means the to speak at the possible ending of the current
next speaker, and TRP means the recognizable speaker’s utterance. Insertion happens when
end of a turn-constructional unit: the current speaker has expressed a complete
“Rule 1 —applies initially at the meaning. If the nest speaker begins to speak in
first TRP of any turns. the middle of the current speaker’s utterance, this
(a) If C selects N in current turn, then C phenomenon is called interruption rather than
must stop speaking, and N must insertion.
speak next, transition occurring Overlap refers to simultaneous speeches,
at the first TRP N —selection; caused by a speaker who begins to speak at the
(b) If C does not select N, then any very close to a possible transition place in the
(other) party may self-select, current speaker’s utterance. Overlaps may be

Theme The Current Issues of Language and Literature in Industry 4.0 129

resolved in two ways. First, one speaker may Communication will be carried out most
insist on the completion of the turn leading to efficiently by following the maxims. But
the other speaker’s withdrawal. Second, both different from the grammatical rules, the above-
utterances may be completed with neither speaker mentioned maxims are not always fulfilled
withdrawing or with both speakers withdrawing in communication. According to Grice, the
Itakura (2000, p. 1870). maxims can be: “1) observed: in this case no
implicature is generated; 2) Violated: in this case,
no implicature is generated and the utterance is
potentially misleading; 3) Flouted: in this case, an
It is Grice who first proposes the Cooperative implicature is generated.”
Principle at the William James Lectures at
As one of the most important ideas in
Harvard University in 1967. According to him,
pragmatics, conversational implicature may
communication is guided by a set of universal
mean more than what is literally expressed by the
principles and sub-principles (called Maxims)
conventional sense of the linguistic expressions
which systematize the process of inferencing
uttered. As we will see in the next chapter,
and ensure the success of communication. All
flouting the maxims is very important for the
communications are based on the general tacit
analysis in present study, because it is quite
assumption of cooperation: all participants will
common in the dialogues of the drama. Flouting
make their contribution “such as required, at the
the conversational maxims is used to convey
stage where it occurs, by the accepted purpose or
meanings indirectly.
direction of the talk exchange” (Grice, 2002:33).
Within the Cooperative Principle, Grice
distinguishes four maxims: Quality, Quantity, D. THE POLITENESS PRINCIPLE
Relation and Manner, which play a guiding role The Cooperative Principle cannot explain
in conversation: why people flout its maxims and indirectly
“1) The maxims of QUALITY: convey what they really mean. It is for these
reasons that Leech (1983) proposes the Politeness
a) Do not say what you believe to
Principle. Since the Politeness Principle deals
be false.
with the relationship between participants, “self”
b) Do not say that for which you refers to the speaker, while “other” refers to
lack adequate evidence. hearer, including the addressees and the people
2) The maxims of QUANTITY: designated by third-person pronouns. Thus the
a) Make your contribution as maxims of the Politeness Principle go in pairs as
informative as is required (for the follows:
current purpose of the exchange). “1) TACT MAXIM
b) Do not make your contribution a) Minimize cost to other
more informative than is b) Maximize benefit to other
3) The maxims of RELATION:
a) Minimize benefit to self
Be relevant.
b) Maximize cost to self
4) The maxims of MANNER:
a) Avoid obscuring of expression.
a) Minimize dispraise of other
b) Avoid ambiguity.
b) Maximize praise of other
c) Be brief (avoid unnecessary
a) Minimize praise of self
d) Be orderly.”
b) Maximize dispraise of self
(Grice, 2002: 26-27)

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Pragmatic Analysis of the Dialogues In Arthur Miller’s Drama “Death of a Salesman”

5) AGREEMENT MAXIM of communication tend to damage and threaten

a) Minimize disagreement another person’s face. Such acts are called “face-
between self and other threatening acts” (shorted as FTAs). The degree
of politeness depends on the weightiness of the
b) Maximize agreement between
face loss involved which is in turn determined by
self and other
the size of the FTA.
a) Minimize antipathy between
self and other
In the Literature Review, the author has
b) Maximize sympathy between
introduced the origin and development of CDA.
self and other”
Now the author will briefly introduce the analytic
(Leech, 1983:132) devices of CDA, which are mainly based on
systemic-functional linguistics developed by M.
Compared with the Cooperative Principle, the A. K. Halliday (1985). In present study, only
Politeness Principle is more useful in explaining some effective analytic devices, such as lexical
why speakers often breach the conversational classification and modality will be adopted. In
maxims and convey indirectly the force of their the next part, these methods will be introduced
utterance in certain case. However, with this in detail. What kind of words the speaker use
approach, it is not likely to assess the scale of reflects his/her thoughts or ideas consciously or
politeness required in a given situation. The unconsciously. Vocabulary is the representation
problem is settled by Brown and Levinson (1987) of the world.
who go a step further by arguing that politeness It is an elementary task for the critical
in context is determined by the configuration of analysts to note just what terms habitually
three contextual variables: the social distance (D) occur in the discourse he/she is studying. In
between the speaker and the hearer, in effect their Halliday’s linguistic theory, the system of lexical
degree of familiarity; the relationship power (P) classification is simply a choice of vocabulary
of the speaker and the hearer; and the absolute when words are used to describe the happenings
ranking (R) of the various impositions in the in the world Halliday, (1971, pp. 332-334).
given culture (Blum-Kulka, 1997). Just two further lexical processes will
The central concept to Brown and Levinson’s be mentioned briefly in the sense of lexical
politeness theory is face. “When individuals classification. First, “re-lexicalization” means
interact, they are concerned with presenting and the promotion of a new term where it is claimed
maintaining a public image of themselves, that is, that a new concept is at issue. Fairclough (1992,
‘face’. It refers to that emotional and social sense p. 194) says that “re-lexicalization is generating
of self that everyone has and expects everyone new wordings which are set up as alternatives
else to recognize” (Yule, 1996: 60). Brown and to, and in opposition to, existing ones”. A typical
Levinson claim that maintaining face is a basic example of re-lexicalization is that “Black”,
motivation of human interaction and that face has “person of color” and “African-American”
two dimensions: “positive face” and “negative become the substitutions of “negro”.
face”. The former means the desire to be liked, Second, “over-lexicalization” means “the
approved, respected and appreciated by others, existence of an excess of quasi-synonymous
and the latter means the desire not to be imposed terms for entities and ideas that are a particular
on and to have freedom of action. Both positive preoccupation or problem in the culture’s
face and negative face may be maintained, discourse” Fowler, (1991, p. 85).
damaged or enhanced through interaction with
Over-lexicalization uses the synonyms or
others. A person should balance the satisfaction
quasi-synonyms such as “euphemisms, affective
of their own positive and negative face needs
terms, appreciative terms, pejorative terms, and
with the face needs of others. The need to balance
neutral terms” for the same entities or concepts.
face needs derives from the fact that most acts

Theme The Current Issues of Language and Literature in Industry 4.0 131

Modality refers to the area of meaning that the characters have dialogues, they are facing the
lies between yes and no-the intermediate ground problem of how to maintain or give up the right
between positive and negative polarity Halliday to speak. In the present study, specific attention
(1985: 356). It has to do with the different ways will be paid to turn-control strategies, including
in which a language user can intrude on his/her nomination, self-selection, overlap, insertion and
message, expressing attitudes and judgments of interruption. In the follow passages, how speakers
various kinds Suzanne, (1994, p. 179). claim or yield the turn and what kind of turn-
Modality is commonly realized through control strategies they adopt will be illuminated.
modal auxiliary verbs (“must”, “may”, “will”, 1) Nomination
“can”, “should”, “ought to”, etc.); adjectives If the current speaker wants to yield turns, he/
(“likely”, “possible”, “obvious”, etc.), and she will use nomination. Among the turn-yielding
adverbs (“possibly”, “probably”, “certainly”, methods, nomination is the most powerful one. In
“definitely” and soon). In addition to modal the present study, we attempt to use nomination
auxiliary verbs, adjectives and adverbs, personal to analyze the dramatic dialogues which are very
pronouns and verbs like “hope”, “think”, “feel”, similar to daily conversations. More often than
“want”, “like”, “seem”, “wish”, and “try” etc. not, every nomination is followed by a question,
can also realize modality. Modality represents the
which is also applicable to the example selected
speaker’s belief, commitment or attitude towards
by the author.
a certain issue.
(1) Linda :Willy, he was just saying—
In this chapter, the author has introduced the
data collection and sample selection procedure Willy : I heard what he said!
as well as the analytical methods used in this Happy, trying to quiet Willy: Hey,
thesis: including the Turn-control Strategies, the Pop, come on now…
Cooperative Principle, the Politeness Principle Willy, continuing over Happy’s
and CDA methods. In the following chapter, line: They laugh at me,
these analytical devices shall be applied to the heh? Go to Filene’s, go to
pragmatic analysis of dialogues in Death of a the Hub, go to Slattery’s,
Salesman. Boston. Call out the name
Willy Loman and see what
This chapter is the main part of the whole Biff : All right, Pop.
thesis. Based on the relevant theories and an Willy : Big!
introduction to the drama which will be made in Biff : All right!
the first part of this chapter, the author is to carry
Willy : Why do you always insult
out the pragmatic analysis of some dialogues in
Death of a Salesman, with the application of Turn- me?
control Strategies and the Speech Act Theory. Biff : I didn’t say a word. To
In the last part of this chapter, specific attention Linda: Did I say a word?
is to be paid to the violation of the Cooperative Linda : He didn’t say anything,
Principle and Politeness Principle in the dialogues Willy.
among the characters of the play. Besides, CDA (Miller, 1949: 62)
methods, such as lexical classification and
modality are applied as analytical tools in this
study. This dialogue takes place after Willy comes
back home and hears Biff’s talk with Linda.
Infuriated, Willy blames Biff for being a worker
on a farm. Biff doesn’t have confidence in his
One of the characteristics of drama language father after he discovers his father’s clandestine
is that the characters speak alternatively. When love affair with The Woman. Biff isn’t willing to

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Pragmatic Analysis of the Dialogues In Arthur Miller’s Drama “Death of a Salesman”

quarrel with Willy, so he adopts a turn-yielding for me to bring them home!

method—nomination. Nominating his mother Willy, directly to Biff: You vengeful,
with the question: “Did I say a word?”, Biff gives spiteful mut!
up the turn.
Biff breaks from Happy. Willy, in
Thus, the head-on clash between father and fright, starts up the stairs.
son is avoided. From this, we can see that the Biff grabs him.
relations between Biff and Willy are strained. The
Biff, at the peak of his fury: Pop, I’m
example proves that nomination is an effective
nothing! I’m nothing, Pop.
method to yield a turn in dramatic dialogues,
Can’t you understand that?
which are similar to day-to-day communication.
There’s no spite in it any
Biff’s attitude toward Willy reflects one theme
more. I’m just what I am,
of the play, namely, betrayal. In Willy’s eye, Biff
that’s all.
used to be a perfect son, and likes to do anything
to please him. However, the reality is so cruel that Biff’s fury has spent itself, and he
it breaks Biff’s idol. Biff finds out that Willy is breaks down, sobbing,
not so powerful and successful as he imagines holding on to Willy, who
before, then he chooses to betray his father as dumbly fumbles for Biff’s
well as his ambition. face.

That is what Willy cannot dispel from his Willy, astonished: What’re you
bosom throughout the play. Another linguistic doing? What’re you
phenomenon in Example (1) that we should pay doing? To Linda: Why is
attention to is Willy’s choice of words to describe he crying?
himself. He maintains that he is a “big shot” in the Linda: He loves you, Willy!
sales world, and repeats the word “big”. This kind (Miller, 1949: 132-133)
of selection of words has its special meaning, that
is Willy strives perseveringly for success in the
This dialogue takes place in the house after
business world. In the following paragraphs, the
they come back from Frank’s Chop House. At
author will analyze another example, which is a
the moment, Biff has acknowledged that he is
little different from the above one.
nothing, and neither is Willy. However, Willy
(2) Biff starts for Willy, but is blocked cannot accept the fact, and turns out to be helpless
by Happy. In his fury, Biff seems on and threatening. At last, Willy asks Linda for help.
the verge of attacking his father.
He nominates Linda with a question: “Why is
Biff : I am not a leader of men, he crying?” Actually, what Biff has done and said
Willy, and neither are you. is unexpected. Here, we can take the nomination
You were never anything as a means of seeking help.
but a hard-working
Willy repeats “What’re you doing?”. From
drummer who landed in
the repetition, we also can see how astonished and
the ash can like all the rest
helpless Willy is. Furthermore, from his choice of
of them! I’m one dollar an
words, such as, “vengeful” and “spiteful”, we can
hour, Willy! I tried seven
image how disappointed Willy is at that moment.
states and couldn’t raise
Actually, Willy always believes that he has the
it. A buck an hour! Do
right to expect Biff to realize the expectations
you gather my meaning?
that he places on him. When Biff abandons
I’m not bringing home
his promise to Willy’s ambitious hope for him,
any prizes any more,
Willy takes this rejection as a personal offence. It
and you’re going to stop
ultimately reflects Willy’s inability to realize the
American Dream—the product in which Willy
himself believes most faithfully. Willy assumes

Theme The Current Issues of Language and Literature in Industry 4.0 133

that Biff’s betrayal stems from his discovery Reading over the whole play, we can see
of Willy’s amorous affair with The Woman—a that between his two sons Willy obviously
betrayal of Linda’s love. Whereas Willy feels shows favoritism to Biff. Happy tries to get his
that Biff has betrayed him, Biff feels that Willy father’s attention and approval several times in
has betrayed him with his unending lies. Biff’s the play, but fails. Actually, Willy’s favoritism
sentence “We never told the truth for ten minutes to Biff shows that he is unable to let go of his
in this house” (Miller, 1949: 131) reflects his kind commitment to the American Dream, so he places
of tremendous pressure on Biff to fulfill it for him.
feeling properly. Through the description of the disruption of the
family connections, we come to one theme, that
To sum up, as a method of yielding the
is, the delusion of the American Dream, since
turn, nomination is effective and powerful.
one prominent element of the American Dream is
In the present study, Biff uses nomination to
the solid family. Though Willy intends to build a
avoid conflicting with Willy, while Willy uses
harmonious family, his way of doing things is not
nomination to ask for help or an answer. It
implicates that we should learn the motivations successful. In the example below, the
if a nomination occurs when appreciating literary motivations and functions of self-selection is not
works. the same as that in Example (3).
(4) Linda : Where were you?
2) Self-selection Happy, trying to laugh it off: We met
two girls, Mom, very fine
Self-selection is done with a question
types. Here, we brought
without nomination under the situation that some
you some flowers. Offering
information about the topic has been given. In
them to her: Put them in
other words, the current speaker asks questions
your room, Ma.
and the listener self-select to be the next speaker.
She knocks them to the floor at Biff’s
(3) Willy : That’s because he likes you.
feet. He has now come
If somebody else took that
inside and closed the door
ball there’d be an uproar.
behind him. She stares at
So what’s the report, boys,
Biff, silent.
what’s the report?
Happy : Now what’d you do that
Biff : Where’d you go this time,
for? Mom, I want you to
Dad? Gee we were lonesome
have some flowers—
for you.
Linda, cutting Happy off, violently to
(Miller, 1949: 30)
Biff: Don’t you care whether
he lives or dies?
Example (3) takes place when Willy goes Happy, going to the stairs: Come
home after a sell-traveling. At that time, Biff and upstairs, Biff.
Happy were in their high school, and the Lomans
(Miller, 1949: 123)
live a delightful life. In the example, Willy puts
forward a question without nominating Biff or
Happy to answer it. Biff self-selects to answer it. The above dialogue takes place after Biff
Totally different from Example (1), here and Happy come back home. According to
Biff takes his father as an idol and willing to the play, Biff, Happy and Willy get through an
talk with him. Due to the respect and love, Biff awful night at Frank’s Chop House. Apparently,
answers Willy’s question voluntarily. Under these Linda asks where they are instead of blaming
circumstances, we can take the self-selection them. By her utterance, we can know that she
as cooperation with the previous speaker, and does not select the next speaker between Biff and
reflection of attitude to the previous speaker. Happy. However, Happy self-selects and fudges

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Pragmatic Analysis of the Dialogues In Arthur Miller’s Drama “Death of a Salesman”

the answer. He wants to divert Linda’s attention. The dialogue takes place in the boy’s
Moreover, Miller portrays the character of Happy room, and the Loman brothers talk to each other
as a peacemaker in the family. Here he tries to before sleeping. Happy puts a question to Biff
calm down Linda through self-selection. Self- by predicting the possible endings of Biff’s
selection is a polite way to start a turn. From utterances. The second time Happy gets the floor
the above examples, we can see that, if a person in the transitional relevance place by means of
adopts self-selection, then he/she shows respect concluding Biff’s utterances. Therefore, through
to the previous speaker. In English teaching questions and evaluations, the speakers can insert
class, in order to lighten the students’ pressure, utterances and claim the turn.
teachers could encourage self-selection instead of We notice that Biff uses the word “measly”
nomination. to describe his life. The choice of word reflects
that in those days he seems less self-assured.
Biff uses several parallel structures here, and he
3) Insertion
repeats that he wastes his life. He hops form job
Generally speaking, insertion means that to job after high school and is disappointed in
people are capable of predicting the possible himself.
endings of the current speaker’s utterance, and
However, from the choice of the words,
insert utterances in the transitional relevance place
“poet” and “idealist” we know that, in Happy’s
(TRP) to claim the floor, evaluating the former
eyes, Biff is still an idol and Happy recognizes
speaker’s ideas, expressing their own opinions
him as a “poet”. Next example is a dialogue
or answering the former speaker’s questions. In between Willy and Biff.
the following passages, the author will analyze
(6) Willy : He was sitting in the hotel
insertions in the selected examples.
(5) Biff : Well, I spent six or seven
Biff : What’d he say?
years after high school trying
to work myself up. Shipping Willy : He said, “Morning!” and
clerk, salesman, business of I said “You got a fine city
one kind or another. And it’s here, Mayor.” And then he
measly manner of existence. had coffee with me. And
To get on that subway on the then… and on to Portland
and Bangor and straight
hot mornings in summer. To
devote your whole life to
keeping stock, or making Biff : Gee, I’d love to go with you
phone sometime, Dad.
Happy : Well, you really enjoy it on (Miller, 1949: 30-31)
a farm? Are you content out
here? The above dialogue happens when Willy goes
Biff, with rising agitation : Hap, I’ve back home after a journey. Willy tells his sons his
has twenty or thirty different experiences in Providence. In this dialogue, Biff
kinds of jobs since I left expresses his opinions by insertion at the possible
home before the war, and it ends of Willy’s utterances. When Biff is still a
always turns out the same. I child, he considers Willy as an omnipotent father.
just realized it lately. He seldom interrupts when Willy talks to him,
and it is totally different from what happens later.
Happy : You’re a poet, you know
In Biff’s eyes, at that time, Willy is a successful
that, Biff? You’re a—you’re
salesman in the business world, and he is admired
an idealist.
and respected by the family members. We can find
(Miller, 1949: 22-23) out that insertion may be a polite form. According
to the above examples, people adopt insertion

Theme The Current Issues of Language and Literature in Industry 4.0 135

frequently to show friendliness and respect to the Woman who has some amorous affairs with
counterpart in conversation. Willy immediately flashes across Biff’s mind.
He cannot help saying “what woman”. Overlap
4) Overlap occurs at a possible transitional place. Though
Linda doesn’t complete her expressions, Biff
One of the most important discoveries made
begins to speak when Linda has a slight pause,
by Sacks is that people take turns at talking: in
which is considered as a stop by Biff. Then this
a given conversation, there is only one person
overlap is resolved in the way that Linda insists
talking at a time, only when he stops will another
on her turn, and Biff withdraws. After hearing
begin to talk. In Sack’s words, “at least and no
Linda’s explanation, Biff makes a response as
more than one party talks at a time” (1992: 59).
“he probably just fell asleep again”. The modal
However, people notice that for various adverb “probably”, has its special meaning, and
reasons, overlaps occur frequently in with an implication that Biff cares for his father.
conversations. Although drama language is very Though Biff doesn’t like his father, and cannot
similar to words and expressions in everyday get along with him very well, from his bottom
use, it is conceived seriously by the playwright. of heart, he cannot accept the fact that his father
Thus, overlap is not a common phenomenon in wants to commit suicide. He would rather take it
the script. The example given below takes place as an accident. From the example below we can
when Linda explains to Biff that Willy has been see that Biff still loves his father.
trying to kill himself.
(8) Willy : Loves me. Wonderingly:
(7) Linda : It seems there’s a woman… Always loved me. Isn’t that
She takes a breath as Biff, sharply but a remarkable thing? Ben,
contained: What woman? he’ll worship me for it!
Linda, simultaneously: … and this Ben, with promise: It’s dark
woman … there, but full of diamonds.
Linda : What? Linda : Willy?
Biff : Nothing. Go ahead. There is no answer. …
Linda : What did you say? Linda, with real fear: Willy, answer
me! Willy!

There is the sound of a car starting
Linda : Well, it seems she was
and moving away at full
walking down the road and
saw his car. She says that
he wasn’t driving fast at all, Linda : No!
and that he didn’t skid. She Biff, rushing down the stairs: Pop!
says he came to that little (Miller, 1949: 136)
bridge, and then deliberately
smashed into the railing, and
it was only the shallowness Example (8) takes place before Willy
of the water that saved him. commits suicide. Overlap occurs when Linda and
Biff hear “the sound of a car starting and moving
Biff : Oh, no, he probably just fell
away at full speed”. Here, we can see a revelation
asleep again.
of Biff’s true feelings. Despite his aversion to
(Miller, 1949:59) Willy’s unreal dream, Biff still loves his father in
his heart of hearts. And this overlap proves Biff’s
In this dialogue, the use of “sharply” reveals feeling to Willy. Moreover, Ben’s description of
Biff’s feelings exactly. Biff cannot refrain from the jungle (“It’s dark there, but full of diamonds”)
thinking of his father’s betrayal of his mother’s is metaphorical.
love. Hearing “a woman”, the image of the

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Pragmatic Analysis of the Dialogues In Arthur Miller’s Drama “Death of a Salesman”

This sentence turns Willy’s suicide into a of his “Florida idea”. Biff wishes to leave behind
moral struggle. Committing suicide, for Willy, the façade of the Loman family tradition so that he
represents both a final ambition to realize the and his father can begin treat each other honestly.
Dream and the ultimate selfless act for his Willy, on the other hand, wants his sons to aid him
sons. According to the analysis in the present in rebuilding the elaborate fantasies, and denies
study, overlap always occurs without planning. being defeated man. Willy forces Biff to produce
Sometimes, overlap can be taken as the revelation a falsely positive report of his interview with
of the speakers’ feelings. Oliver, and Happy is all too willing to comply.
When Biff fails to produce the expected
5) Interruption glowing report, Happy, who has not had the same
Interruption has been seen as “not a thing revelation as Biff, chimes in with false information
that people are supposed to do in conversation” about the interview. Though both Biff and Happy
(Sacks et al, 1974: 68) and a “violation” of want to help their father, their ways of thinking
the current speaker’s right to complete a turn. are entirely different. Biff is determined to let his
Thus, it is the least polite form and exhibits the father know who he is, and urges Willy to accept
strongest power.With different purposes, people their own commonness. However, Happy resolves
use interruption in their dialogues, let us see the to carry out his father’s dream by becoming a
examples below: top businessman. Sometimes, interruption is
considered to be impolite. Example (10) will
(9) Willy, to Biff: Is that where you had
show how rude Howard is when he talks to Willy.
the drinks?
Biff : Yeah, he gave me a couple
of —no, no! (10) Willy : That is lifelike, isn’t it?
Happy, cutting in: He told him my Howard: Seven years old. Get that
Florida idea. tone.
Willy : Don’t interrupt. To Biff: Willy : Ts, ts. Like to ask a little
How’d he react to the favor if you …
Florida idea? The whistling breaks off, and the
(Miller, 1949: 108) voice of Howard’s daughter
is heard.
His Daughter: “Now you, Daddy.”
Example (9), Happy interrupts to conceal
the facts. Happy gets the floor not very naturally Howard: She’s crazy for me! Again
in transitional relevance place, and he plans to the same song is whistled.
transfer Biff’s topic. Example (9) happens in That’s me! Ha!
Frank’s Chop House. Biff explains to Happy He winks.
that he has waited for six hours to see Oliver, (Miller, 1949: 77-78)
Oliver not even remember him. Happy advises
Biff to tell Willy that Oliver is thinking over his
This example is taken from ActⅡ, in which
business proposition, claiming that eventually the
Willy goes to Howard’s office for getting an office
whole situation will fade away from their father’s
job instead of traveling as a salesman. Willy tries
memory. When Willy arrives, he reveals that he
to express his intention at the very beginning,
has been fired, and states that he wants some good
but Howard turns a deaf ear and plays with his
news to tell Linda.
recorder. So Willy is forced to talk with him about
Despite this pressure, Biff attempts to tell the the recorder. In the process of their talking, Willy
truth. When Biff is determined to tell the truth, attempts to interrupt Howard in order to show his
Happy cuts in telling a lie to Willy. Applying purpose of coming, but fails each time.
interruption, Happy achieves his primary purpose,
and temporarily cheats Willy with into the belief

Theme The Current Issues of Language and Literature in Industry 4.0 137

On the contrary, every time Howard be adopted when the speaker wants to withhold
succeeds in interrupting him in a rather impolite the truth.
way. In this dialogue, Howard interrupts Willy
for 5 times, and he controls the topic all the time.
Besides, we notice that Willy uses modal adverbs
several times, such as “very”, “certainly” and A speaker, in making an utterance, must
“really”. However, Howard even doesn’t let him satisfy three main conditions, that is (1) the
complete an utterance. Through Willy’s choice of speaker must observe a certain convention, and
words, we can infer how urgently Willy wants to the speaker should be qualified for performing a
get help from Howard. At the same time, we can certain speech act; (2) the speaker must harbors
see clearly how merciless Howard is. sincerity for speech acts proclaimed to carry out;
(3) the speaker shouldn’t go back on his words
Through the above analysis, we can see the
(Lu, 2004: 25).
unbridgeable gap between the two men as far
as social status is concerned. By describing the In Death of a Salesman, in order to convey
dialogue between Willy and Howard, Miller fully their intention or to realize their goals, the
reveals their contrasting features of personality characters often violate the felicity conditions.
to us. Willy goes to Howard full of hopes, and As a matter of fact, disobeying felicity conditions
naively thinks that for the mere sake of his hard forms the necessary condition for a successful
working and contribution for the company in the performance of conveying their intentions. The
past decades, his demand should be satisfied. following passages will focus on the dialogues
from Death of a Salesman, in order to analyze the
However, Howard shows little notice to him,
illocutionary acts.
let alone friendliness or respect. He is a stone-
hearted, cold-blooded creature, and looks down
upon any person who is inferior to himself in C. VOID
social status. By his frequent interruption, we Void is thought to be a disallowed act. In
can conclude that he is egocentric, focusing on producing of an utterance, the speaker violates
himself and having others focus on him. the social conventions shared by people, or the
Standing in a sharp contrast, Willy is so speaker cannot speak appropriately in suitable
cautious and meticulous that he has to stoop to circumstances, including time, place, etc. The
compromise. His coward personality completely author will analyze void in the following passages.
fails him to challenge authority. He would (11) Willy, stopping the incipient
sacrifice his own interest and dignity just to cater argument, to Happy: Sure,
to his superior’s taste. he’s gotta practice with a
Dialogues in plays have all the pragmatic regulation ball, doesn’t he?
functions, which can be found in real-life To Biff: Coach’ll probably
conversations. The playwright always uses kinds congratulate you on your
of turn-control strategies to design the characters initiative!
more vividly in the play. Biff : Oh, he keeps congratulating
In the section 3.1, the author analyzes 10 my initiative all the time,
examples by adopting turn-control strategies and Pop.
finds out that: (1) Nomination is a powerful way Willy : That’s because he likes you.
of taking turns; (2) when speakers self-select, If somebody else took that
he/she wants to show respect or a cooperative ball there’d be an uproar.
attitude to the former speaker; (3) Insertion has So what’s the report, boys,
the same function as self-selection. It is a polite what’s the report?
way to take turns and show respect to the previous (Miller, 1949: 30)
speaker; (4) Overlap occurs without planning. It
is a revelation of feelings; (5) Interruption may

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Pragmatic Analysis of the Dialogues In Arthur Miller’s Drama “Death of a Salesman”

In this dialogue, when Willy knows that Biff : He never knew who he was.
Biff steels a football from the locker-room, (Miller, 1949: 138)
instead of blaming him, Willy brags about Biff’s
behavior. Obviously, what Willy says doesn’t
suit the prevailing conventions, because as a bad This dialogue takes place at Willy’s funeral.
conduct, stealing should be criticized. Therefore, It is unsuitable for Biff to blame his own father at
Willy’s word is void for its violating the social the funeral. Thus, Biff’s speech act is void, which
conventions. One reason for Willy’s reluctance indicates that he is deeply disappointed with his
to criticize Biff for his theft seems to be that he father. Meanwhile, Biff considers Willy’s life as
fears doing damage to Biff’s ego. Thus, he offers a failure, because he thinks that Willy has wrong
endless praise, hoping that Biff will fulfill the dreams. He spends too much time convincing
promise of that praise in his adulthood. It is also himself that he could be a successful salesman.
likely that Willy refuses to criticize Biff because If he had followed the right dreams, and used his
he fears that, if he does so, Biff will not like him. abilities in a realistic and honest way, he might
We find out that Willy does nothing to discourage not have been a failure, and his life might not
Biff’s compulsive thieving habit. have ended this way.

The model verb “will” in Willy’s words Though what Biff says is quiet reasonable,
shows the assurance of the coach’s attitudes we cannot totally agree with him. We know
toward Biff’s “borrowing” the ball from the that Willy commits suicide to get the insurance
locker-room. Willy’s words convince Biff that he money that he thinks would finally allow Biff
is favored, and that no matter what he does, other “to be magnificent”. He is motivated to buy back
people will not blame him. Biff’s respect and earn his worship. Therefore,
we have to say Biff is too merciless to blame his
Moreover, we notice that Willy uses the
father at the funeral. In creating the character of
word “initiative” to describe Biff’s theft. Choice
Willy, Miller characterizes the ordinary man and
of words is always regarded as the reflection
his actions. The audience may sympathize with
of one’s attitudes towards the relevant object
Willy, largely because he is an ordinary man who
or affair. Cited from Longman Dictionary of
is subject to the same temptations as the rest of
Contemporary English (2002, p. 785), “initiative”
us. Willy’s plan fails because his life insurance
originally means “the ability to make decisions
policy doesn’t cover suicide.
and take action without asking for help or advice
of others”. Obviously, it is inappropriate for Willy Willy always convinces himself and his
to use a commendatory term to depict the action sons that success is a product of being favored.
of stealing. As a father, Willy imbues his sons However, let’s see how he treats the neighbor’s
with distorted values. He encourages competition boy. In Act One, when Bernard asks Biff to study
and even unlawful behavior. Petty thievery and with him, Willy comments on this in this way:
cheating are justified as a means to get ahead. (13) Bernard: Biff, where are you?
As a consequence of his improper education, his You’re supposed to study
sons, though love him, lack respect for him. The with me today.
dialogue below is a good example to illustrate Willy : Hey, looka Bernard. What’re
Biff’s attitude to his father. you looin’ so anemic about,
(12) Charley : Yeah. He was a happy Bernard?
man with a batch of cement. …
Linda : He was so wonderful with Bernard: But I heard Mr.
his hands. Birnbaum say —
Biff : He has the wrong dreams. Willy : Don’t be a pest, Bernard! To
All, all, wrong. his boys: What an anemic!
Happy, almost ready to fight Biff: (Miller, 1949: 32-33)
Don’t say that!

Theme The Current Issues of Language and Literature in Industry 4.0 139

For such a person as Willy who has a talent thing? He goes out.
for speaking in the suitable environment to please (Miller, 1949: 98)
every person, such comment on a boy is clearly
inappropriate. By reading this void speech act
here, a clever reader may infer how jealous Willy It is obvious that Willy goes back on his
is of his neighbors, thus he even cannot let off a previous words. Willy’s breach reveals that
child. Moreover, according to the choice of words, he achieves part of self-realization or self-
for example, “pest” and “anemic”, we can reach knowledge at the end. Originally, he envies
the same conclusion that what Willy says here is Charley for his success in both family and
inappropriate. Bernard wears glasses and studies business. Later, he regards Charley as his only
hard, but they think he is not favored. Being friend, since it is Charley who helps him when he
instilled with distorted values, Biff and Happy is in need. Meanwhile, the modal adverb “only”
turn out to be nothing for good in their adulthood. indicates Willy’s embarrassment appropriately. A
In the above passages, the author analyzes void person who claims to be favored for his whole
from three perspectives individually, that is, the life should have lots of friends; on the contrary,
speaker does not follow the widely acknowledged the only friend for him is the person whom he is
conventions, the speaker speaks in the wrong disgusted with for his life time.
time or place, or the speaker is not in the position Through the analysis, we see there are
to produce such utterances. discrepancies between what Willy says and what
1) Breaches he does. Through the breaches committed by
Willy, Miller portrays this petty man who is full
Breaches mean “one’s doing contrasts with
of contradictions.
what he said previously” (Leech, 1981: 236).
It refers to the fact that a speaker doesn’t keep
his words, but goes back on his words. Miller 2) Insincerities
creates his hero Willy as a person who is full Sincerity forms a necessary condition
of contradictions. The following 2 examples in committing any speech act. However, in
illustrate that he contradicts what he has already communication, people sometimes say something
said. that is against their real intentions. An insincere
(14) Willy : A man who can’t handle speech act indicates that the speaker promises or
tools is not a man. You’re declares a speech act, but in fact, he or she has no
disgusting. intention to keep it or conduct it (Lu, 2004: 27).
Charley : Don’t call me disgusting, For example,
Willy. (16) Howard: I don’t want you to
(Miller, 1949: 44) represent us. I’ve been
meaning to tell you for a
long time now.
Reading through the whole play, we learn
Willy : Howard, are you firing me?
that great changes have taken place in Willy’s
attitude toward Charley. In the above example, Howard: I think you need a good
Willy directly says that Charley is “disgusting”, long rest, Willy.
moreover, things like this often happen between Willy : Howard—
them. But let’s have a look at his later speech act Howard: And when you feel
at the near end of the play. After Howard fires better, come back, and we’ll
him, Willy goes to Charley to ask for help. Willy see if we can work
said that Charley is the only friend he gets. something out.
(15) Willy, on the verge of tears: Charley, Willy : But I gotta earn money,
you’re the only friend I Howard. I’m in no
got. Isn’t that a remarkable position—

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Pragmatic Analysis of the Dialogues In Arthur Miller’s Drama “Death of a Salesman”

(Miller, 1949: 83) one hand, through the speech act of insincerities,
After refusing Willy’s request, Howard even we know what vanity Willy has, even confronts
does not want Willy to represent his company his own son. On the other hand, Willy is moved
anymore. Willy Keeps lowering his salary request, and excited by his sons’ dinner invitation.
explaining his financial situation, but Howard Different persons may not speak out their
still fires him, with the vague implication of real intentions in different circumstances. We
reemployment after a period of “rest”. Obviously, should pay attention to what the utterances really
Howard’s promise will turn out to be empty, and mean. In this section, the author discusses the
he just makes a speech act of insincerities. illocutionary acts in the play; specific attention
He just wants to forsake Willy who cannot is paid to the disobeying of felicity conditions.
make benefit for him. As a typical capitalist, In the next section, violation of the Cooperative
he preys on his subordinates both physically Principle and Politeness Principle will be
and mentally, remaining indifferent with an illustrated.
overbearing air. Actually, the company betrays
Willy. Howard’s treatment to Willy is a big satire D. VIOLATION OF THE CP AND PP
to Willy’s dream as well as to the American
In section 1.3 and 1.4, the author has
Dream. He does not become successful, but is
already elaborated the Cooperative Principle
neither known nor welcomed.
and Politeness Principle in detail. In this section,
Different from Howard, Willy says insincere through the analysis of the selected dialogues of
utterances, which reveals his vanity and his Death of a Salesman, the author wants to find
expectations of Biff. In the following passage, the out why and how the characters violate these
author will show you another example. principles. This has some implications for English
(17) Linda, suddenly remembering: Oh, teaching and the appreciation of drama.
I forgot! You’re supposed to 1) Violation of the Cooperative Principle
meet them for dinner.
As mentioned in section 2.3, Grice’s
Willy : Me? Cooperative Principle consists of four maxims:
Linda : At Frank’s Chop House maxim of quality, maxim of quantity, maxim
on Forty-eighth near Sixth of relation and maxim of manner. Actually,
Avenue. when having conversations, people sometimes
Willy : Is that so! How about you? deliberately violate or flout the maxims to
Linda : No, just the three of you. various degrees, thereby creating conversational
They’re gonna blow you a implicature. The following examples show how
big meal! the characters violate the Cooperative Principle.
Willy : Don’t say! Who thought of For Willy goes to Howard to ask for another
that? job so that he doesn’t need to travel, and Biff
who goes to his former boss to ask for a loan, but
(Miller, 1949: 74)
fails. Happy is waiting for them, and he is flirting
with a pretty girl named Miss Forsythe when Biff
This dialogue takes place in the next arrives.
morning. When Willy awakes, Biff and Happy (18) Biff : Isn’t Dad coming?
have already left, Biff to see Oliver and Happy
Happy: You want her?
to go to work. Linda informs Willy that Biff and
Happy want to take him to dinner. Then, Willy Biff : Oh, I could never make that.
makes a speech act of insincerities. Actually Willy Happy: I remember the time that
wants to know who thinks of this idea, however, idea would never come into
he says “Don’t say! Who thought of that?”. To your head. Where’s the old
some extent, Willy wants to know who thinks the confidence, Biff?
idea, and expects the answer is “Biff”. On the Biff : I just saw Oliver—

Theme The Current Issues of Language and Literature in Industry 4.0 141

Happy: wait a minute. I’ve got to see Let’s look at another example.
that old confidence again. (19) Charley: What’re you doin’ home?
Do you want her? She is on
Willy: A little trouble with the car.
Charley: Oh. Pause. I’d like to take a
(Miller, 1949: 102)
trip to California.
Willy : Don’t say.
Biff asks Happy “Isn’t Dad coming?”,
Charley: You want a job?
which shows that Biff is concerned about his
father Willy; however, instead of answering his Willy : I got a job, I told you that.
question, Happy asks a question in reply. Happy After a slight pause: What
flouts the maxim of relation in CP —”Be relevant”, the hell are you offering me
then creating the conversational implicature that a job for?
Happy never cares about others, even his own Charley: Don’t get insulted.
father, and that the only thing he wants to do is Willy : Don’t insult me.
satisfy the needs of himself. Biff abides by the Charley : I don’t see no sense in it.
maxim of relation, answering “I could never make You don’t have to go on this
that”. And then Happy still asks Biff a question way.
in reply, he says “Where’s the old confidence,
Willy : I got a good job. Slight
Biff?”. Biff follows the maxim of quality —”say
pause. What do you keep
what you believe to be true”, he tries to explain
comin’ in here for?
that his plan of asking loan from Oliver fails and
wants some help and consolation from Happy. (Miller, 1949: 43)
Nevertheless, Happy interrupts him and violates
the maxim of relation again, and changes the topic In the above example, Willy is obviously
of dialogue to the girl. This example once again violating the maxim of Quality in order to spare
illustrates that Happy doesn’t show solicitude for his own feelings. Actually he has already lost
others, and that he just follows after the matters his salary and works only on commission. Willy
of his own interest. Through the analysis of borrows fifty dollars a week from Charley, and
Happy’s violation of the maxim of relation, pretends that it is his salary. It is the reason that
we conclude that Happy is the incarnation of why Willy becomes mentally unbalanced. Under
Willy’s worst traits and the embodiment of the this circumstance, Willy still tells a lie that he
lie of the happy American Dream. He is one- gets a good job. Miller portrays the common hero
dimensional and static throughout the play. His as a man who is bogged down in a quagmire of
empty vow to avenge Willy’s death by finally lies, delusions and self-receptions. Despite his
“beating the racket” provides evidence for his desperate searching through his past, Willy does
critical condition: for Happy, who has lived in not achieve the self-realization or self-knowledge
the shadow of the inflated expectations of his typical of the tragic hero. He is too driven by his
brother, there is no escape from the Dream’s own type of thinking to recognize the slanted
indoctrinated lies. Happy’s diseased condition reality that his desperate mind has forged. Willy
is irreparable —he lacks even the tiniest spark believes wholeheartedly in the American Dream
of self-knowledge or capacity for self-analysis. of easy success and wealth, but he never achieves
He does share Willy’s capacity for self-delusion, it.
pretending to be the assistant buyer at his store,
when, in reality, he is only an assistant to the
2) Violation of the Politeness Principle
assistant buyer. He does not possess a hint of the
latent thirst for knowledge that proves to be Biff’s In this section, through the application of
salvation. Happy is a doomed figure, destined to the Politeness Principle, why the characters
be swallowed up by the force of blind ambition. deliberately violate those maxims of the
Cooperative Principle will be interpreted. Brown

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Pragmatic Analysis of the Dialogues In Arthur Miller’s Drama “Death of a Salesman”

and Levinson (1987) illustrate the issue of polite They are the implications for English teaching,
language in detail, and the core concepts used by the implications for the appreciation of drama,
them are “face” and face-threatening acts. In the and the implications for communication.
following, the author takes the dialogues between
Willy and Charley as examples to illustrate how
1) Implications for English Teaching
Willy violates the Politeness Principle.
Due to the great importance of mastering
(21) Willy : What’re you doing up?
English, a new task facing English teachers
Charley: Couldn’t sleep good. I had now is how to enhance learners’ communicative
a heartburn. ability. In the effort of conducting an analysis
Willy : Well, you don’t know how of dialogues in the drama, the thesis provides a
to eat. possibility of developing a more harmonious
Charley: I eat with my mouth. and effective way of teaching. In classroom,
the teachers should avoid frequently adopting
Willy : No, you’re ignorant. You
nomination as their means of questioning. The
gotta know about vitamins
teachers can encourage students to self-select
and things like that.
when they intend to answer questions.
Charley: Come on, let’s shoot. Tire
Compared with nomination, self-selection
you out a little.
can bring less pressure to students. Then, the
(Miller, 1949: 42) students will become more active in classroom.
Moreover, clarifying the transitional places of the
After knowing that Willy doesn’t want to students’ utterances, the teachers should avoid
follow his brother Ben to Alaska to make a fortune, interrupting students. They can insert utterances
Charley comes to Willy’s home in order to comfort if necessary. Interruption makes the students feel
him. Instead of welcoming Charley, Willy raises a less self-confident. However, when the student
question—”what’re you doing up?”. Questioning has difficulty in answering questions, the teacher
itself is a Face Threatening Act, since it imposes can resolve the embarrassment by inserting some
restrictions on the freedom of thr listener’s Speech utterances to make them relaxed. Besides, if an
Acts; therefore it threatens the negative face of overlap happens, the teachers would apply some
the listener. This kind of expression indicates that methods to resolve it. At that moment, nomination
Willy is agitated and depressed and not willing to can be taken as one of the methods. In this thesis,
see Charley at that moment. Charley observes the the author has interpreted turn-control strategies
Cooperative Principle by saying “Couldn’t sleep in dialogues in Death of a Salesman.
good. I had a heartburn.” After that, Willy flouts In addition to the turn-control strategies,
the approbation maxim —”Minimize dispraise of some other linguistic theories, such as the Speech
other” by saying that Charley doesn’t know how Act Theory, the Cooperative Principle and the
to eat, which deeply threatens Charley’s positive Politeness Principle are examined. In order to
face. express themselves politely or appropriately
Through the analysis of the examples above, in various situations, students should try to
we find out that the way in which one character identify the illocutionary forces of speakers in
addresses another is a revealing indicator of tone. communication. With the help of interpreting the
Whether the speakers stick to the Politeness violation of the maxims and illocutionary acts, the
Principle or not depends on the relations between students’ communicative competence could be
them. improved. The careful analysis of the dialogues by
applying these theories will definitely contribute
a lot to improve the quality and effectiveness of
English teaching and learning.
In this section, the author discusses the
implications of this study from three aspects.

Theme The Current Issues of Language and Literature in Industry 4.0 143

V. CONCLUSION improve students’ critical language awareness

In the previous chapters, the thesis has and make them become sensitive to the implicit
conducted a pragmatic analysis of dialogues in meanings of dialogues.
Death of a Salesman. This chapter aims to draw Pragmatic analysis of literary works empties
a conclusion of the whole study by summarizing fresh blood into the appreciation of literature.
the study, providing implications, pointing out In other words, it provides a new perspective
its limitations and suggesting areas for further to approach literary works. The present study
research. combines linguistic studies and literary studies,
A lot of work has been done by literary especially applying pragmatic theories to there
critics and stylisticians in the analysis of this play. search of dramatic dialogues. The pragmatic
However, drama, as one of the most important explanation of the dramatic dialogues will result
literary genre, has not attracted enough attention in a more systematic, more explicit and more
of linguists. In this thesis, by applying the turn- convincing interpretations to the works. This
control strategies, the Cooperative Principle, the kind of analysis can reveal the psychological
Politeness Principle, the Speech Act Theory and states, social environment and physical contexts
CDA methods, the author analyzes 20 fragments of characters.
of dialogues in this play. Besides, it helps literature appreciation
The study has tried to demonstrate how develop toward a more profound direction.
pragmatic analysis can reveal the implied The present study broadens the research scope
meanings of dialogues by studying how characters of pragmatics, which originally takes spoken
adopt turn-control strategies to claim or yield language as its object, to literary language and
turns, and by analyzing how characters violate written conversation. Moreover, it benefits
the pragmatic principles and their concomitant conversational analysis in that it studies literary
maxims. text in context. It enriches the researches of
The thesis begins with the reviews of stylistics and stylisticians begin to pay more
pragmatic theories and their application to attention to contextual factors.
literary works. It shows the need to apply these Although the present study offers a new
theories to study drama. Written language in perspective of appreciating Death of a salesman,
dramatic dialogues has a lot of similarities with it is not free from limitations. For one thing,
naturally occurring conversations, and literary because of differences in cultural backgrounds and
communication resembles real life interaction ways of thinking, it is inevitable that the author’s
very much. This is why pragmatic theories can be interpretation of the play and its dialogues may
applied to the analysis of literature. not be what Arthur Miller originally intended,
Following the review of previous studies is which might be a setback to an adequate analysis
methodology and data analysis. The dialogues are of the subject matter.
interpreted in detail mainly from the turn-control Besides, due to the limitation of the
strategies, the Speech Act Theory, the Cooperative insufficiency of relevant literature and the
Principle and the Politeness Principle assisted by pressure of research time, the author may not
the application of CDA methods. It conduct a profound and comprehensive analysis
expounds how the characters use the of the data. So the analyst should be more
communicative strategies, and what the implied sensitive to literature, and be equipped with
meanings are in certain contexts. literary knowledge in the further research.
This study has some implications for English In addition, the thesis mainly focuses on the
teaching and learning, the appreciation of drama contexts related to characters in the drama and,
and communication. In the English classes, to some extent, does not give due consideration
teaching turn-control strategies to students can to the contexts related to the playwright. The
help them communicate more effectively. The author suggests that further research still needs
learning of Critical Discourse Analysis may to be done. As a great masterpiece, Death of a

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