Colloids and Plant Nutrition

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Colloids and Plant Nutrition

Agricultural Chemistry
Agricultural Chemistry can be defined as the science of chemistry and biochemistry
about agriculture and agricultural practices to improve the quality of soil and plant
nutrition, increase yield, and preserve the environment.
It also addresses several other ways to increase yield, such as herbicides and stimulants
for growth, and serves as the scientific basis for the introduction of chemical processes
into agriculture.
To achieve the goals mentioned above, agricultural chemistry takes up
many techniques. Some of them are:
• Improving the quality of soil: Agricultural chemists work on preserving
and improving the quality of the soil.
• Developing effective materials such as fungicides, insecticides,
herbicides, and other pesticides. Also, certain chemical materials such as
animal feed supplements, fertilizers, and plant growth regulators.
• Sustainability of our needs: Agricultural chemists also look to sustain
our resources to ensure we don’t use up all of our resources but replenish
them for future generations as well.
▪ In simple terms, we can define colloids as a mixture where one of the substances is
split into very minute particles that are dispersed throughout a second substance.
The minute particles are known as colloidal particles.
❑Alternatively, we can also say that colloids are basically solutions in which solute particle size
ranges from 1nm – 1000 nm. Colloids are heterogeneous in nature.
❑A colloid is a mixture in which one substance of microscopically dispersed insoluble particles is
suspended throughout another substance. Sometimes the dispersed substance alone is called the
colloid. The colloid consists of a dispersed phase and a continuous phase.
Colloids Examples In Daily Life
➢Mayonnaise, milk, butter, gelatin, and jelly are examples of colloids.
Classification of Colloids
❖Classification of Colloids
Colloids are classified into many types.
1. Classification Based on Physical State
(a) Solid Solution: In this, the dispersed phase and the dispersion medium are solids.
Example: Gemstones.
(b) Aerosol: These colloids consist of air as the dispersion medium.
Example 1: Cloud. This contains air as a dispersion medium and water drops as the dispersed phase.
Example 2: Dust. This contains air as a dispersion medium and dust particles as the dispersed phase.
Example 3: Smoke. This contains carbon particles in the air.
Classification of Colloids
(c) Gels: These contain solid dispersion medium and liquid dispersed phase.
Example: Cheese, butter.
(d) Emulsion: These are liquid-liquid solutions in which the dispersed phase and the dispersed
medium are liquids. Emulsions are mainly of two types.
Oil in water type:
Oil is the dispersed phase, and water is the dispersion medium
Example: Milk
Water in oil type:
Water is the dispersed phase, and oil/fat is the dispersion medium.
Example: Vanishing cream
Sols and gels are reversible and interconvertible. This is known as thixotropy.
Classification of Colloids
2. Based on the Nature of Interaction Between Dispersed Phase and Dispersion
a) Hydrophilic colloids: These are water-loving colloids. The colloid particles are attracted to the
water. They are also known as reversible sols. Examples include Agar, gelatin, pectin, etc

b) Hydrophobic colloids: These are the opposite in nature to hydrophilic colloids. The colloid
particles are repelled by water. They are also called irreversible sols. Examples include Gold sols,
clay particles, etc
Application of Colloids
Colloids are widely useful in industries, medical, and domestic applications.
• As food items: Syrup, Halwa, and Soup belong to a colloidal type of system.
• Medicine: Medicines in colloidal form are easily absorbed by the body tissues and
hence are more effective.
• Cleansing action of soap: Soap solution is colloidal in nature. It removes the dirt
particles either by adsorption or by emulsifying the greasy matter sticking to the
• Rubber industry: Latex is a colloidal solution of negatively charged rubber
particles. From latex, rubber can be obtained by coagulation. Rubber-plated
articles are prepared by depositing negatively charged rubber particles over the
article to be rubber-plated by making that article an anode in a rubber-plating bath
Application of Colloids
• In the purification of air by Cottrell precipitator: This process involves
the coagulation of solution particles. Dust or smoke is passed through the
inlet of an electrified chamber which has a central electrical plate that is
provided with the opposite charge of the dust or smoke particles. When dust
passes, the particles are coagulated, and pure air is passed through another
• Tanning of leather: Animal skins are very soft. When they are immersed in
the solution of tannin, which has the opposite charge of animal skin,
particles are coagulated, and the skin becomes hard. This is known as
tanning of leather.
• Formation of delta: It involves the coagulation of clay particles of the river
with an electrolyte of seawater.
History Of Plant Nutrition
The history of plant nutrition can be traced back to the early 19th
century when the concept of plant nutrition was first proposed. Before this
time, it was believed that plants grew by absorbing nutrients from the soil in
which they were planted.
In 1840, the German chemist Julius von Sachs conducted experiments that
showed that plants required nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium for their
growth. He also discovered that plants could absorb nutrients through their
In 1850, the English chemist John Bennet Lawes and his
collaborator Joseph Henry Gilbert established the world's first agricultural
research station at Rothamsted in England. They conducted experiments that
showed the importance of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium for crop
growth. They also developed the first commercial fertilizer, known as
superphosphate, which was made by treating bones with sulfuric acid.
History of plant nutrition
In the early 20th century, soil scientist Sir Albert Howard developed the
concept of organic farming, which emphasized the importance of
maintaining soil health through the use of organic materials such as
compost and green manure.
Today, plant nutrition is an important area of research, and scientists
continue to study the complex interactions between plants and their
environment. Plant nutrition is critical for the production of healthy
crops, and the development of new fertilizers and nutrient management
strategies is essential for sustainable agriculture.
Plant nutrients
• Plant nutrients are essential elements that plants use for growth,
development, and reproduction. Plants need a balanced source of
nutrients to support growth.
• Plant nutrients are the chemical elements that are essential to the
nourishment of plant health.
Classification Of Plant Nutrients
There are different on basis of the classification of Plant nutrients:
1. Quantity of nutrients required
2. Mobility of nutrients in soil
3. Mobility of nutrients within the plant
4. Functions in plant
Based on the quantity of nutrients required:
a) Basic Nutrients:
These constitute 96% of the dry matter of plant
➢ Carbon
➢ Hydrogen
➢ Oxygen
Among these, carbon and oxygen constitute 45% each and hydrogen is 6%.
Classification of Plant Nutrients
2. Macronutrients: The nutrients that are required by plants in large
quantities are called macro or major nutrients. These are six in number.
➢ Nitrogen (N)
➢ Phosphorus (P)
➢ Potassium (K)
➢ Calcium (Ca)
➢ Magnesium (Mg)
➢ Sulphur (S)
Classification of Plant Nutrients
Macronutrients have again two categories:
• Primary Nutrients
Among macronutrients, Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium are
known as primary nutrients which are required in a proper ratio for a
successful crop.
• Secondary Nutrients
Next to primary nutrients, there are three elements as Calcium,
Magnesium, and Sulphur which are known as secondary nutrients.
Classification of Plant Nutrients
3. Micronutrients
These nutrients are required by plants in small quantities and are also known as minor or trace
elements. These are eight in number
Name of Micronutrients:
• Manganese
• Iron
• Zinc
• Copper
• Boron
• Molybdenum
• Chlorine
• Cobalt
Classification of Plant Nutrients
Classification of Plant Nutrients
Classification based on Mobility of Nutrient in the Soil
1. Mobile Nutrients:
The nutrients are highly soluble and these are not adsorbed on clay complexes.
Example: NO3–, SO₄²⁻, Cl- and Mn+2
2. Less Mobile Nutrients:
They are soluble, but they are adsorbed on clay complex, so their mobility is
Example: NH4+, K+, Ca+, Mg2+, Cu2+
3. Immobile Nutrients:
Nutrient ions are highly reactive and get fixed in the soil.
Example: H2PO4, HPO42-, Zn2+
Classification of Plant Nutrients
Classification based on Mobility within the Plant
• Highly mobile: N, P, and K.
• Moderately mobile: Zn
• Less mobile: S, Fe, Mn, CI, Mo and Cu
• Immobile: Ca and B
Classification of Plant Nutrients
Classification on the basis of Functions in the Plant
1. Elements that provide basic structure to plants
Example: Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
2. Elements useful in energy storage, transfer, and bonding: These are
accessory structural elements that are more active and vital for living tissues.
Example: N, S, and P.
3. Elements necessary for charge balance.
Example: K, Ca and Mg.
4. Elements involved in enzyme activation and electron transfer.
Example: Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, B, Mo and Cl.
Classification of Plant Nutrients
• Beneficial elements– In addition to the 17 essential nutrients,
higher plants require some beneficial elements as well as
micro and macronutrients. For example- Sodium, silicon, and
Nitrogen (N)
Function :
– Promotes rapid vegetative growth.
– Gives plants healthy green colour.
Deficiency Symptoms :
– Stimulated growth, pale yellowish colour.
– burning tips and margins of leaves starting at the bottom of the plant.
Toxicity symptoms:
– Excessive vegetative growth, delayed maturity, reduced yield.
Phosphorus (P)
Function :
– Stimulates early growth and root formation.
– Hastens maturity.
– Promotes seed production.
– Makes plants hardy.
Deficiency Symptoms :
– Small root growth, Spindly stalk, Delayed maturity.
– Purplish discoloration of leaves.
– Dying of tips of older leaves, Poor fruit & and seed development.
Toxicity symptoms:
Reduced growth and yield, root damage, decreased micronutrient uptake.
Potassium (K)
Function :
– Involved in the regulation of water balance, enzyme activation, and protein
– Improves plant ability to resist disease and cold.
– Aids in the production of carbohydrates.
Deficiency Symptoms:
– Slow growth
– Margins on leaves develop a scorched effect on the older leaves.
– Weak stalk, shrivelled seed & and fruits.
Toxicity symptoms:
– Reduced growth and yield, reduced nutrient uptake, salt injury.
Calcium (Ca)
Function :
– Aids in the movement of carbohydrates in plants
– Essential to healthy cell walls and root structure
Deficiency symptoms :
– Terminal bud dies under severe deficiency
– Margins of younger leaves scalloped
– Blossoms shed prematurely
– Weak stalk and stem structure
Magnesium (Mg)
Function :
– An ingredient of chlorophyll.
– Aids in the translocation of starch within the plant.
– Essential for the formation of oils & fats.
Deficiency symptoms :
– Yellowing of leaves between veins starting with lower leaves.
– Leaves abnormally thin.
– Tissue may dry & die.
– Leaves have tendency to curve upward.
Sulfur (S)
Function :
– Aids in the formation of oils and parts of protein molecules.
Deficiency symptoms :
– Young leaves light green to yellowish in colour.
– In some plants, older tissue may be affected also.
– Small spindly plants.
– Retarded growth and delayed maturity.
– Interveinal chlorosis on corn leaves.
Zinc (Zn)
Function :
– An essential constituent of several enzymes.
– Controls synthesis of indole acetic acid (IAA) an important growth
– Zinc is most often needed by crops like Grapes, Citrus, Pomegranate, Apple,
Beans, Tomato, Onion, Cotton and Rice
Deficiency symptoms:
– Decreased stem length and resetting of terminal leaves
– Reduced fruit bud formation
– Mottled leaves and stripping of corn leaves
Iron (Fe)
Function :
– Essential for formation of chlorophyll.
– releases energy from sugars & starches.
Deficiency Symptoms :
– Leaves yellowish or white. (young leaves first)
– Veins green, affected leaves curl up.
Copper (Cu)
Function :
– Promotes formation of vitamin A, excess is very toxic
Deficiency symptoms :
– Started growth, die back of terminal shoots in trees
– Poor pigmentation, wilting and eventual death of leaf tips.
– Formation of gum pockets around central pith in oranges
Manganese (Mn)
Function :
– Serves as an activator for enzymes in growth processes.
– Assist iron in chlorophyll formation.
– Generally required with zinc in foliar spraying of Citrus.
Deficiency symptoms :
– Interveinal chlorosis of young leaves.
– Gradation of pale color next to veins.
– Development of gray specks (oats).
– Interveinal white streaks (wheat) or Interveinal brown spots (barley).
Molybdenum (Mo)
Function :
– Required for N Utilization.
– Needed to transform NPN into amino acids. – & legumes can not fix
atmospheric N symbiotically without Mb.
Deficiency Symptoms :
– Stunting & lack of vigor. Very similar to N deficiency due to the key
role of Mb plays in N utilization.
– Whiptail in cauliflower and yellow spotting in citrus.
Boron (B)
Function :
– Aids in assimilation of calcium, the amount required is extremely
Deficiency Symptoms :
– Death of terminal growth causing lateral buds to develop and
produce "witches broom" effect.
– Thickened, curled, wilted & chlorotic leaves.
– Soft & neurotic spots in fruit & tubers.
– Reduced flowering or improper pollination.

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