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Character grid: Macbeth

Quotation Context Analysis

“noble Macbeth” Act 1, scene 3. King Initially in the play,

Duncan speaking of Macbeth is seen as a
Macbeth. strong, loyal warrior. He is
respected and stead-fast in
his intentions. Just a few
scenes later, he murders
Act 2, scene 1.
“Is this a dagger which I Macbeth speaking in At this point in the play,
soliloquy. Macbeth starts to
see before me, hallucinate. He imagines a
The handle toward my


“ you can behold such Act 3, scene 4. Here, Macbeth has seen
sights/ And keep the Macbeth, speaking to Lady Banquo’s ghost- he is
natural ruby of your Macbeth. highly disturbed by this.
cheeks,/ When mine is His mental health is
blanch’d with fear.” starting to deteriorate. In
contrast, Lady Macbeth is
not as moved or affected
and has not seen the ghost.
“blanch’d”= his cheeks are
white with fear.
“natural ruby of your
cheeks”= Lady Macbeth
still has colour in her face;
she is not frightened like
“It will have blood they Act 3, scene 4. Macbeth One of the main symbols
say: blood will have speaking to his court. in Macbeth is blood. The
blood.” play is seen as one of
Shakespeare’s bloodiest.
Here we see the idea that
blood has been shed, the
natural order broken (by
Duncan’s murder) and
more blood will follow.

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