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Academic year (2022- 2023)
Semester I

Laboratory: - Gas Turbine Virtual Lab

Experiment No -1

Title: - Ideal Cycle Gas Turbine

Submitted by:

Name: _______________________

Roll No.: _______________________

Date: _______________________

Checked by: _____________

Gas Turbine Virtual Laboratory
1. Objective
The objective of this practical exercise is to know the Ideal Cycle Simple
Gas Turbine in virtual Lab.

2. Appreatus
GSP 12 Software

3. Theory
The three main components are a compressor, combustion chamber and turbine,
connected together as show in Figure.

Ideal Assumption of Simple Gas Turbine

a) Compression and expansion processes are reversible and adiabatic, i.e. isentropic.
b) The change of kinetic energy of the working fluid between the inlet and outlet of each
component is negligible.
c) There are no pressure losses in the inlet ducting, combustion chambers, heat
exchangers, intercoolers, exhaust ducting and ducts connecting the components.
d) The working fluid has the same composition throughout the cycle and is a perfect gas
with constant specific heats.
e) The mass flow of gas is constant throughout the cycle.
f) Heat transfer in a heat-exchanger (assumed counterflow) is ‘complete’, so that in
conjunction with (d) and (e) the temperature rise on the cold side is the maximum
possible and exactly equal to the temperature drop on the hot side.

4. Procederes
1. GSP 12 Software have run on the computer.
2. Create new Project.
3. Drag Comp, comb, turb icon from Gas Path to new Project file.
4. Define Inlet and exhaust conditions in Design box.
4. Define compressor, combustion chamber and turbine conditions in Design
5. Mark results of compressor, combustion chamber and turbine in output box.
6. Add case to node from Project file and select design case.
7. Run and Check the results of simple Gas Turbine.

5. Results
No. Name Results 1 Results 2
1 Mass Flow
2 Compressor Inlet Pressure
3 Compressor Outlet Pressure
4 Turbine Inlet Pressure
5 Turbine Outlet Pressure
6 Shaft Rotation Speed
7 Shaft Power

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