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Unit 3 Sample test

I Write three sentences in Past Continuous Tense (positive, negative, question) and give short answers.
Kay/ sleep yesterday at 4 a.m. _____/5
1. ____________________________________. √
2. ____________________________________. x
3. ____________________________________? Yes, ________________.
No, ________________.

II Put the verbs in Past Simple or Past Continuous Tense. _____/10

1. While I ____________ (cross) the street I_____________ (see) an accident.
2. The phone ___________ (ring) while my mum _____________ (read) a book.
3. We ________________ (cycle) through the town when it ___________ (start) to rain.
4. Helen _____________ (send) a text message when she ___________ (drop) her phone in the river.
5. When my parents _____________ (arrive) I _______________ (do) my homework.
6. They _______________ (have) an accident while they ______________ (drive) to work.
7. The boys _______________ (play) in the park when they ___________ (hear) the explosion.
8. I ________________ (write) an e-mail when my computer _______________ (crash).
9. Jane’s racquet _______________ (break) while she _________________ (play) tennis.
10. My parents ___________________(get) married while they _________________(study) at the

III Put the words in the correct order: Past Continuous _____/6

1. wasn’t-for-John-ready-getting-bed.
2. at-sitting-Were-a computer-you?
3. doing-they-yesterday-What- afternoon-were?
4. pyjamas-Ben-on-his-putting-was.
5. They-exam-for-studying-were-an.
6. listening-me-you-to-Were?

IV Write short answers. _____/6

1. Were the children sleeping? Yes, ____________.
2. Were you watching TV yesterday at 5 o’clock? No, ___________.
3. Did your dad go to work yesterday? Yes, ___________.
4. Was the concert good? No, ____________.
5. Did Carl live in New Zealand? Yes, ___________.
6. Were you and your friends at the cinema yesterday? No, ____________.

V Put the verbs in the correct form (past simple, present simple, future with going to) _____/6
Jake _______________________ (1.like) football very much and he usually _______________________
(2.play) football after school, but tomorrow he ____________________________ (3.not play), because he
_________________________ (4.fall) two days ago and he hurt his leg. He ___________________ (5.not go)
to school yesterday. His friends ________________________ (6.visit) him tomorrow.
VI Label the objects. _____/7

1._________________________________ (20)
2._________________________________ (28)
3._________________________________ (21)
4._________________________________ (22)
5._________________________________ (23)
6._________________________________ (26)
7._________________________________ (24)
VII Complete with these words. _____/10

tornado damaged soap virtual oil lie

send joking throw dangerous

1. You use _____________________for cooking.

2. _____________________ me the ball.
3. A_____________________ is a very strong wind.
4. I don’t like watching _____________________operas. They’re boring.
5. A lion is a _____________________animal.
6. The flood _____________________a lot of houses.
7. He didn’t _____________________an e-mail to his friend.
8. Something that isn’t real is _____________________.
9. Don’t _____________________on the floor. It’s cold.
10. You must be_____________________! I’m not going out with Sam.

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