Pile, Pilecap & Pier For Pier P1 To P8, P9 To P14

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PIER P1 TO P8, P9 TO P14






(i) Span c/c of pier/expansion joint: Span 1............... 24.000 m
Span 2............. 24.000 m
(ii) Effective span: Span 1............... 22.360 m
Span 2............. 22.360 m
(iii) Overall width…………………………. Span 1............... 10.900 m
Span 2............. 10.900 m
(iv) Carriageway………………………… Span 1............... 10.000 m
Span 2............. 10.000 m
(v) Type of sub structure………...………
R.C.C. wall type pier having width…. 1200 mm
Straight length of pier = 4800 mm
Equivalent length of pier = 5742.48 mm
Ht. of pier …….. 6.100 m
Type of foundation…………………..
(vi) Pile foundation………………
Length of pilecap …………………… 8.700 m
Width of pilecap ……………………. 5.100 m
Depth of pilecap……………………. 1.800 m
No. of pile………………………….. 6
Dia. of pile……………. 1.200 m
(vii) Length of piercap …………………. 8.500 m
Width of piercap…………………… 3.200 m
Straight depth of piercap………….. 0.500 m
Varying depth of piercap………….. 0.700 m
(viii) Formation level ……………… 111.640
Bearing level ………………. Span 1............... 109.315
Span 2............. 109.315
Piercap top level…………… 108.900
Piercap bottom level………. 107.700
Pier bottom level ………….. 101.600
Pile cap bottom level………… 99.800
Ground level ………………. 102.100
Founding level ……………… 76.800
Skew angle…………………. 0.000 °

1.2.1 Live Load:
(i) Class A three lane or single lane class 70 R wheeled vehicle + single lane of class A vehicle whichever governs
The Bridge is also checked for IRC Class SV Loading.
(ii) Footpath live load:-
Footpath loading as per clause 209 of IRC 6 with basic intensity of 500 Kg/m²

1.2.2 Wind force:
As per IRC - 6 clause

1.2.3 Seismic force:

Site is located in seismic zone III.
As per IRC - 6 clause
Zone factor ………………
………………….. 0.16
Importance factor……………………. 1.20
Response reduction factor………………. 3.00

(a) IRC - 6 section II
(b) IRC - 112
(c) IRC - 78 section VII

1.4 Permissible Stresses: -

Concrete grade-------------------- M: 35 for pile
M: 35 for pilecap
M: 35 for pier
Grade of steel--------------------- Fe 500 D
Modulus of Elasticity of concrete (Ecm)---------- 32308.25 N/mm² for M: 35 (Annexure-A2) of
32308.25 N/mm² for M: 35 IRC: 112
32308.25 N/mm² for M: 35
Ultimate compressive strain in concrete (ε cu3)------- 0.0035 (Table 6.5 of IRC: 112)
Partial safety factor for concrete (γ m) ----------- 1.5 for basic and seismic combination
(Cl. IRC: 112)
Coefficient to consider influence of concrete strength (α)------ 0.670
Design value of concrete compressive strength fcd = (α * fck/γ m) = 15.633 N/mm² for M: 35
15.633 N/mm² for M: 35
15.633 N/mm² for M: 35
Modulus of elasticity of reinforcing steel (Es) ----- 200000 N/mm² cl. 6.2.2 of IRC: 112
Partial safety factor for steel (γs) ----------- 1.15 for basic and seismic combination
Ultimate tensile strain in steel (εs)------------- 0.002174
Modular ratio = (Es/Ecm) = 6.190 for M: 35 for pile
6.190 for M: 35 for pilecap
6.190 for M: 35 for pier


DL + SIDL except surfacing:
Refer appendix - A
For 24.000m span reaction on pier = 260.000 t
For 24.000m span reaction on pier = 260.000 t
Total dead load reaction = (260.000 + 260.000) = 520.000 t
Moment in longitudinal direction = (260.000 x 0.820 - 260.000 x 0.820) = 0.000 tm
Component perpendicular to pier = 0.000 x cos 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Component parellel to pier = 0.000 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm
For one span dislodged condition:
Moment in longitudinal direction = (260.000 x 0.820) = 213.200 tm
Component perpendicular to pier = 213.200 x cos 0.000 = 213.200 tm
Component parellel to pier = 213.200 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Total dead load reaction on pile = 520.000 t

Surfacing load (wearing coat):

Refer appendix - A
For 24.000m span reaction on pier = 25.000 t
For 24.000m span reaction on pier = 25.000 t
Total dead load reaction on pier = (25.000 + 25.000) = 50.000 t
Moment in longitudinal direction = (25.000 x 0.820 - 25.000 x 0.820) = 0.000 tm
Component perpendicular to pier = 0.000 x cos 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Component parellel to pier = 0.000 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm
For one span dislodged condition:
Moment in longitudinal direction = (25.000 x 0.820) = 20.500 tm
Component perpendicular to pier = 20.500 x cos 0.000 = 20.500 tm
Component parellel to pier = 20.500 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Total dead load reaction on pile = 50.000 t

(i) Pedestal:
Load = 3 x 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.415 x 2.5 + 3 x 1.00 x 1.00 x 0.415 x 2.5
= 6.225 t
(ii) Pier-cap:
Volume = 8.500 x 3.200 x 0.500 + 3.200 x (8.500 + 6.200)/2 x 0.700 = 30.064 m³
Load = 30.064 x 2.50 = 75.160 t
Total Reaction on Pier = (6.225 + 75.160) = 81.385 t
Reaction on pilecap = 81.385 t
(iii) Pier:
Area/Rmt = 5.742 x 1.200 = 6.891 m²
Volume = 6.891 x 6.100 = 42.035 m³
Load = 42.035 x 2.50 = 105.087 t
Reaction on pilecap = 105.087 t

(iv) Pile cap:
Volume = 8.700 x 5.100 x 1.800
= 79.866 m³
Load = 79.866 x 2.50 = 199.665 t

2.2.1 Live Load: -
(i) Single lane of Class 70 R loading: -
Case: 1 Max. reaction case gives max. logitudinal moment:
17 17 17 17 12 12 8

1.37 3.05 1.37 2.13 1.52 3.96 9.780

0.820 22.360 0.820
22.360 x Ra = 8 x 9.780 + 2 x 12 x 14.500 + 4 x 17 x 20.285
RB = 80.752 t
RC = 100 - 80.752 = 19.248 t
ML = 80.752 x 0.820 = 66.217 tm

Case 2:- Max. live load case placing vehicle such a way that c.g. of vehicles coinsides with
c.g. of pier cap.
17 17 17 17 12 12 8

18.056 1.37 3.05 1.37 2.13 1.52 3.96 14.904

22.360 1.640 22.360
RB = 43.513 T RA = 45.585 t
Total reaction = 43.513 + 45.585 = 89.098 t
ML = 45.585 x 0.820 - 43.513 x 0.820 = 1.699 tm

(ii) Two lane of Class A loading: -

Case: 1 Max. reaction case gives max. logitudinal moment:

2.7 2.7 11.4 11.4 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8

18.880 1.1 3.2 1.2 4.3 3.0 3.0 3.0 8.680

22.360 1.640 22.360
RB = 11.4 x 23.18 + 11.4 x 21.98 + 4 x 6.8 x 13.18/22.360 = 39.057 t
RA = 2 x 2.7 x 19.430/22.360 = 4.692 t
Total reaction = 39.057 + 4.692 = 43.750 t
For two lane total reaction = 43.750 x 2 = 87.499 t
ML = 39.057 x 0.820 - 4.692 x 0.820 = 28.179 tmt

Case 2:- Max. live load case placing vehicle such a way that c.g. of vehicles coinsides with c.g. of pier cap.

2.7 2.7 11.4 11.4 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8

17.680 1.1 3.2 1.2 4.3 3.0 3.0 3.0 9.880

22.360 1.640 22.360
RB = 17.493 T RA = 27.427 t
Total reaction = 17.493 + 27.427 = 44.920 t
ML = 27.427 x 0.820 - 17.493 x 0.820 = 8.146 tm
(iii) IRC SV loading: -
Case: 1 Max. reaction case gives max. logitudinal moment:
18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
0.820 22.360 0.820
RB = 16 x 18 x 11.930/22.360 = 153.660 T
ML = 153.660 x 0.820 = 126.001 tm
Case 2:- Max. live load case placing vehicle such a way that c.g. of vehicles coinsides with c.g. of pier cap
18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 9.5 9.5 6
7.550 0.351
22.360 1.640 22.360 0.820
RB = 121.861 t RA = 133.269 t
Total reaction = 121.861 + 133.269 = 255.130 t
ML = 133.269 x 0.820 - 121.861 x 0.820 = 9.355 tm

Transverse moment:
(a) Single lane of Class 70 R loading + Single lane of Class A loading:
footpath side
0.450 1.63 1.93 3.94 1.8 0.400
For class 70 R loading eccentricity e = 5.450 - 0.450 - 1.63 - 1.93/2 = 2.405 m
For class A loading eccentricity e = 5.450 - 0.450 - 1.63 - 1.93 - 3.94 - 1.8/2 = -3.400 m

(b) Three lanes of Class A loading:

0.450 0.4 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.8 0.400

For class A loading eccentricity e = 5.450 - 0.450 - 0.4 -1.8 - 1.7 - 1.8/2 = 0.200 m

Case 1: Max. reaction case gives max. longitudinal moment

(a) Single lane of Class 70 R loading + Single lane of Class A loading:
Total reaction = 80.752 + 43.750 = 124.502 t
Moment ML = 66.217 + 28.179 = 94.396 tm
Component perpendicular to pier = 94.396 tm
Component parellel to pier = 0.000 tm
Moment MT = 80.752 x 2.405 + 43.750 x -3.400 = 45.460 tm
Component perpendicular to pier = 0.000 tm
Component parellel to pier = 45.460 tm
(b) Three lanes of Class A loading:
Total reaction = (3 x 43.750) = 131.249 t
Moment ML = (3 x 28.179) = 84.538 tm
Component perpendicular to pier = 84.538 tm
Component parellel to pier = 0.000 tm
Moment MT = 131.249 x 0.200 = 26.250 tm
Component perpendicular to pier = 0.000 tm
Component parellel to pier = 26.250 tm
(c) IRC SV loading:
Total reaction = 153.660 t
Moment ML = 126.001 tm
Component perpendicular to pier = 126.001 tm
Component parellel to pier = 0.000 tm
Moment MT = 153.660 x 0.300 = 46.098 tm
Component perpendicular to pier = 0.000 tm
Component parellel to pier = 46.098 tm
Case 2:- Max. live load case placing vehicle such a way that c.g. of vehicles coinsides with c.g. of pier cap.
(a) Single lane of Class 70 R loading + Single lane of Class A loading:
Total reaction = 89.098 + 44.920 = 134.018 t
Moment ML = 1.699 + 8.146 = 9.846 tm
Component perpendicular to pier = 9.846 tm
Component parellel to pier = 0.000 tm
Moment MT = 89.098 x 2.405 + 44.920 x -3.400 = 61.554 tm
Component perpendicular to pier = 0.000 tm
Component parellel to pier = 61.554 tm
(b) Three lanes of Class A loading:
Total reaction = (3 x 44.920) = 134.759 t
Moment ML = (3 x 8.146) = 24.438 tm
Component perpendicular to pier = 24.438 tm
Component parellel to pier = 0.000 tm
Moment MT = 134.759 x 0.200 = 26.952 tm
Component perpendicular to pier = 0.000 tm
Component parellel to pier = 26.952 tm
(c) IRC SV loading:
Total reaction = 255.130 t
Moment ML = 9.355 tm
Component perpendicular to pier = 9.355 tm
Component parellel to pier = 0.000 tm
Moment MT = 255.130 x 0.300 = 76.539 tm
Component perpendicular to pier = 0.000 tm
Component parellel to pier = 76.539 tm


(i) For 24.000 m composite span:
Intensity = P' - (40 x L - 300)/9
= 500 - (40 x 22.360 - 300)/9
= 433.956 Kg/m² say 440.00 Kg/m²
Load = 24.000 x 1.500 x 0.440 x 0 = 0.000 t
Reaction = 0.000/2 = 0.000 t
(ii) For 24.000 m composite span:
Intensity = P' - (40 x L - 300)/9
= 500 - (40 x 22.360 - 300)/9
= 433.956 Kg/m² say 440.00 Kg/m²
Load = 0.440 x 24.000 x 1.500 x 0 = 0.000 t
Reaction = 0.000/2 = 0.000 t
Cases considered:
(i) One span one side loaded:
Reaction = 0.000 t
ML = 0.000 x 0.820 = 0.000 tm
Component in longitudinal direction = 0.000 x cos 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Component in transverse direction = 0.000 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm
For pier design:
MT = 0.000 x 4.500 = 0.000 tm
Component in longitudinal direction = 0.000 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Component in transverse direction = 0.000 x cos 0.000 = 0.000 tm
For foundation design:
MT = 0.000 x 4.500 = 0.000 tm
Component in longitudinal direction = 0.000 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Component in transverse direction = 0.000 x cos 0.000 = 0.000 tm

(ii) Both span one side loaded:

Reaction = (0.000 + 0.000) = 0.000 t
ML = (0.000 x 0.820 - 0.000 x 0.820) = 0.000 tmt
Component in longitudinal direction = 0.000 x cos 0.000 = 0.000 tmt
Component in transverse direction = 0.000 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tmt
For pier design:
MT = 0.000 x 4.500 = 0.000 tm
Component in longitudinal direction = 0.000 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Component in transverse direction = 0.000 x cos 0.000 = 0.000 tm
For foundation design:
MT = 0.000 x 4.500 = 0.000 tm
Component in longitudinal direction = 0.000 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Component in transverse direction = 0.000 x cos 0.000 = 0.000 tm

(iii) One span both side loaded:

Reaction = (0.000 + 0.000) = 0.000 t
ML = 0.000 x 0.820 = 0.000 tmt
Component in longitudinal direction = 0.000 x cos 0.000 = 0.000 tmt
Component in transverse direction = 0.000 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tmt

MT = 0.000 tm
Component in longitudinal direction = 0.000 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Component in transverse direction = 0.000 x cos 0.000 = 0.000 tm

(iv) both span both side loaded:

Reaction = (0.000 + 0.000) = 0.000 t
ML = (0.000 x 0.820 - 0.000 x 0.820) = 0.000 tmt
Component in longitudinal direction = 0.000 x cos 0.000 = 0.000 tmt
Component in transverse direction = 0.000 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tmt

MT = 0.000 tm
Component in longitudinal direction = 0.000 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Component in transverse direction = 0.000 x cos 0.000 = 0.000 tm
3.1 BRAKING FORCE: (Cl: 211 of IRC: 6)
The braking effect for two lane bridge shall be twenty percent of the first train load plus ten percent of the
load of the succeeding trains or part of thereof. Where the entire first train is not on the full span,
the braking force shall be taken as equal to twenty percent of the loads actually on the span.
Reduction in longitudinal effect for three lane traffic = 10 % (Ref.: IRC: 6-2016 cl. 205)
(i) Case 1: For class 70 R of single lane + single lane of class A loading
Braking force = 0.9 x (0.2 x 108.0 + 0.05 x 55.4) = 21.933 t
Reaction per pier = 21.933/2 = 10.967 t
Component perpendicular to pier = 10.967 t
Component parellel to pier = 0.000 t
Change in reaction = 21.933 x (2.325 + 1.2)/22.360 = ± 3.458 t
Moment @ bottom of pilecap = 10.967 x (109.315 - 99.800) = 104.346 tm
Component in longitudinal direction = 104.346 x cos 0.000 = 104.346 tm
Component in transverse direction = 104.346 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Moment @ base of pier = 10.967 x (109.315 - 101.600) = 84.607 tm
Component in longitudinal direction = 84.607 x cos 0.000 = 84.607 tm
Component in transverse direction = 84.607 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm

(ii) Case 2: For three lanes of class A wheeled vehicle

Braking force = 0.9 x (0.2 x 2 x 60.8 + 0.05 x 1 x 55.4) = 24.381 t
Reaction per pier = 24.381/2 = 12.191 t
Component perpendicular to pier = 12.191 t
Component parellel to pier = 0.000 t
Change in reaction = 24.381 x (2.325 + 1.2)/22.360 = ± 3.844 t
Moment @ bottom of pilecap = 12.191 x (109.315 - 99.800) = 115.993 tm
Component in longitudinal direction = 115.993 x cos 0.000 = 115.993 tm
Component in transverse direction = 115.993 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Moment @ base of pier = 12.191 x (109.315 - 101.600) = 94.050 tm
Component in longitudinal direction = 94.050 x cos 0.000 = 94.050 tm
Component in transverse direction = 94.050 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm

3.2 SEISMIC FORCES: (Ref.: cl. 219 of IRC: 6)

Seismic force = Feq = Ah x (Dead load + Appropriate live load)
Where, Ah = (Z/2) x (Sa/g)/(R/I)
Z = Zone factor = 0.16
I = Importance factor = 1.20
Sa/g = Average response acceleration coefficient for 5% damping depending upon
fundamental period of vibration T which is based upon the following equations:
For foundation design: R = Response reduction factor =3.00
For sub-structure designR = Response reduction factor =3.00
For rocky or hard soil sites,
Sa/g = 2.5 0.0 ≤ T ≤ 0.40
1.0/T 0.40 ≤ T ≤ 4.00
T = Fundamental period of the bridge member (in sec.) for horizontal vibrations.
= 2.0(√D/1000F)

For seismic coefficient in longitudinal direction:
D = Appropriate dead load and live of the super-structure in KN = 5700.0 KN
F = Horizontal force in KN required to be applied at the centre of mass of the superstructure for one mm hor.
deflection at the top of the pier along the considered direction of horizontal force. (stiffness of the section)
3 EI/L³ (for unit 1 mm deflection)
= 250.000 KN
T = 2 x √5700.0/(250.0 x 1000) = 0.302
For seismic coefficient in longitudinal direction: For foundation design
Sa/g = 2.500
Ah = (0.16/2) x (2.500)/(3.0/1.2) = 0.080 say 0.080
For foundation design seismic force increase by 1.35
Sr. No. Item Load Seismic 1.35 x L.A. up to bottom of pilecap Moment
t Force Seismic R.L. 99.800 tmt
0.08 G Force
1 Super structure 285.000 22.800 30.780 109.315 - 99.800 = 9.515 292.872
285.000 22.800 30.780 109.315 - 99.800 = 9.515 292.872
2 Pier cap 81.385 6.511 8.790 108.300 - 99.800 = 8.500 74.711
3 Pier 105.087 8.407 11.349 104.650 - 99.800 = 4.850 55.045
4 Pilecap 199.665 15.973 21.564 100.700 - 99.800 = 0.900 19.407
Total with super structure = 956.137 76.491 103.263 734.907
Total without super structure = 386.137 30.891 41.703 149.164

For seismic coefficient in longitudinal direction: For pier design

Sa/g = 2.500
Ah = (0.16/2) x (2.500)/(3.0/1.2) = 0.080 say 0.080
Seismic force in longitudinal direction at bottom of pier: R.L. 101.600
Sr. No. Item Load Seismic L.A. up to bottom Moment
t Force of pier R.L. 101.600 tmt
0.08 G
1 Super structure 285.000 22.800 109.315 - 101.600 = 7.715 175.902
285.000 22.800 109.315 - 101.600 = 7.715 175.902
2 Pier cap 81.385 6.511 108.300 - 101.600 = 6.700 43.622
3 Pier 105.087 8.407 104.650 - 101.600 = 3.050 25.641
Total with super structure = 756.472 60.518 421.068
Total without super structure = 186.472 14.918 69.264
One span dislodged condition: Considering importance factor = 1.000
Seismic force in longitudinal direction at bottom of pier: R.L. 101.600
Sr. No. Item Load Seismic L.A. up to bottom Moment
t Force of pier R.L. 101.600 tmt
0.067 G
1 Super structure 260.000 17.333 109.315 - 101.600 = 7.715 133.727
25.000 1.667 109.315 - 101.600 = 7.715 12.858
2 Pier cap 81.385 5.426 108.300 - 101.600 = 6.700 36.352
3 Pier 105.087 7.006 104.650 - 101.600 = 3.050 21.368
Total with super structure = 471.472 31.431 204.305
Total without super structure = 186.472 14.098 70.578
Seismic force on pile: -
Seismic force/pile = 0.08 x π/4 x 1.20² x 8.054 x 2.5 x 1.35 = 2.459 t
For seismic coefficient in transverse direction:
D = Appropriate dead load and live of the super-structure in KN = 5969.5 KN
F = Horizontal force in KN required to be applied at the centre of mass of the
superstructure for one mm horizontal deflection at the top of the pier along the
considered direction of horizontal force. (stiffness of the section)
= 3 EI/L³ (for unit 1 mm deflection)
= 250.000 KN
T = 2 x √(5969.5/(250.0 x 1000) = 0.309
Sa/g = 2.500
Ah = (0.16/2) x (2.500)/(3.0/1.2) = 0.080 say 0.080
Sr. No. Item Load Seismic 1.35 x L.A. up to bottom of pilecap Moment
t Force Seismic R.L. 99.800 tmt
0.08 G Force
1 Super structure 285.000 22.800 30.780 109.315 - 99.800 = 9.515 292.872
285.000 22.800 30.780 109.315 - 99.800 = 9.515 292.872
2 Pier cap 81.385 6.511 8.790 108.300 - 99.800 = 8.500 74.711
3 Pier 105.087 8.407 11.349 104.650 - 99.800 = 4.850 55.045
4 20% live load 26.952 2.156 2.911 109.315 - 99.800 = 9.515 27.696
5 Pilecap 199.665 15.973 21.564 100.700 - 99.800 = 0.900 19.407
Total = 983.089 78.647 106.174 762.603

For seismic coefficient in transverse direction: For pier design

Sa/g = 2.500
Ah = (0.16/2) x (2.500)/(3.0/1.2) = 0.080 say 0.080
Seismic force in transverse direction at bottom of pier: R.L. 101.600
Sr. No. Item Load Seismic L.A. up to bottom Moment
t Force of pier R.L. 101.600 tmt
0.08 G
1 Super structure 285.000 22.800 109.315 - 101.600 = 7.715 175.902
285.000 22.800 109.315 - 101.600 = 7.715 175.902
2 Pier cap 81.385 6.511 108.300 - 101.600 = 6.700 43.622
3 Pier 105.087 8.407 104.650 - 101.600 = 3.050 25.641
4 20% live load 26.952 2.156 109.315 - 101.600 = 7.715 16.635
Total = 783.424 62.674 437.702

One span dislodged condition:

Seismic force in transverse direction at bottom of pier: R.L. 101.600
Sr. No. Item Load Seismic L.A. up to bottom Moment
t Force of pier R.L. 101.600 tmt
0.067 G
1 Super structure 260.000 17.333 109.315 - 101.600 = 7.715 133.727
25.000 1.667 109.315 - 101.600 = 7.715 12.858
2 Pier cap 81.385 5.426 108.300 - 101.600 = 6.700 36.352
3 Pier 105.087 7.006 104.650 - 101.600 = 3.050 21.368
Total = 471.472 31.431 204.305
Seismic force on pile: -
Seismic force/pile =0.08 x π/4 x 1.20² x 8.054 x 2.5 x 1.35 = 2.459 t

Bridge location = Plain terrain
Basic wind speed at bridge location = 47 m/s (IRC: 6-2017, Fig.-6)
Factor applied for the hourly mean speed of wind = 47/33 = 1.424 (IRC: 6-2017 cl. 209.2, note-3)
Factor applied for the horizontal wind pressure = 47²/33² = 2.028 (IRC: 6-2017 cl. 209.2, note-4)
Height of super structure frrom G.L. = 111.640 - 102.100 = 9.540 m
Design wind force on super structure:
Transverse wind force (F T) = Pz x A1 x G x CD (IRC: 6 -2017, cl. 209.3.3)
where, Pz = Hourly mean wind pressure in N/m² (IRC: 6 -2017, Table 5)
= 463.700 x 2.028
= 940.600 N/m²
Area A1 = solid area in m² (half of area from span 1 and span 2)
= 24.000 x 3.880
= 93.12 m²
G = Gust factor (IRC: 6-2017, cl. 209.3.3)
CD = Drag coefficient (IRC: 6-2017, cl. 209.3.3)
b/d ratio = 10.900/3.88 = 2.809 CD = 2.189

Transverse wind force (F T) = (940.600 x 93.120 x 2.000 x 2.189)

= 383516.44 N
= 38.352 t acting at R.L. 111.178
Moment @ bottom of pilecap = 38.352 x (111.178 - 99.800) = 436.346 tm
Moment @ bottom of pier = 38.352 x (111.178 - 101.600) = 367.313 tm

Longitudinal wind force = 25% of transverse wind force = 9.588 t

Moment @ bottom of pilecap = 9.588 x (111.178 - 99.800) = 109.086 tm
Moment @ bottom of pier = 9.588 x (111.178 - 101.600) = 91.828 tm

Vertical wind force (FT) = Pz x A3 x G x CL (IRC: 6 -2017, cl. 209.3.5)

where, Pz = Hourly mean wind pressure in N/m² (IRC: 6 -2017, Table 5)
= 463.700 x 2.028
= 940.600 N/m²
Area A3 = solid area in m² (half of area from span 1 and span 2)
= 24.000 x 10.900
= 261.6 m²
G = Gust factor (IRC: 6-2017, cl. 209.3.3)
CL = Lift coefficient (IRC: 6-2017, cl. 209.3,5)
= 0.750
Vertical wind force per pier (FT) = 940.600 x 261.600 x 2.000 x 0.750
= 369091.40 N
= 36.909 t

Wind force on live load: (Ref.: cl. 209.3.7 of IRC: 6-2017)

For wind speed above 36 m/s effect of live load not to be considered.

Design wind force on sub-structure:
(a) Piercap: Top rectangle portion
Height of piercap from G.L. = 108.900 - 102.100 = 6.800 m
Transverse wind force (F T) = Pz x A1 x G x CD (IRC: 6 -2017, cl. 209.3.3)
where, Pz = Hourly mean wind pressure in N/m² (IRC: 6 -2017, Table 4)
= 463.7 x 2.028
= 940.600 N/m²
Area A1 = solid area in m² (half of area from span 1 and span 2)
= 3.200 x 0.500
= 1.600 m²
G = Gust factor (IRC: 6-2017, cl. 209.3.3)
CD = Drag coefficient (IRC: 6-2017, cl. 209.3.3)
b/d ratio = 8.500/3.200 = 2.656 CD = 0.800
h/b ratio = 1.200/3.200 = 0.375
Transverse wind force (F T) = (940.600 x 1.600 x 2.000 x 0.800)
= 2407.936 N
= 0.241 t acting at R.L. 108.65
Moment @ bottom of pilecap = 0.241 x (108.650 - 99.800) = 2.131 tm
Moment @ bottom of pier = 0.241 x (108.650 - 101.600) = 1.698 tm

Longitudinal wind force = 25% of transverse wind force = 0.060 t

Moment @ bottom of pilecap = 0.060 x (108.650 - 99.800) = 0.533 tm
Moment @ bottom of pier = 0.060 x (108.650 - 101.600) = 0.424 tm

Bottom trapezoidal portion

Height of piercap from G.L. = 108.400 - 102.100 = 6.300 m
Transverse wind force (F T) = Pz x A1 x G x CD (IRC: 6 -2017, cl. 209.3.3)
where, Pz = Hourly mean wind pressure in N/m² (IRC: 6 -2017, Table 5)
= 463.7 x 2.028
= 940.600 N/m²
Area A1 = solid area in m² (half of area from span 1 and span 2)
= 3.200 x 0.700
= 2.240 m²
G = Gust factor (IRC: 6-2017, cl. 209.3.3)
CD = Drag coefficient (IRC: 6-2017, cl. 209.3.3)
b/d ratio = 1.200/3.200 = 0.375 CD = 0.800
h/b ratio = 1.200/3.200 = 0.375
Transverse wind force (F T) = (940.600 x 2.240 x 2.000 x 0.800)
= 3371.110 N
= 0.337 t acting at R.L. 108.05
Moment @ bottom of pilecap = 0.337 x (108.050 - 99.800) = 2.781 tm
Moment @ bottom of pier = 0.337 x (108.050 - 101.600) = 2.174 tm

Longitudinal wind force = 25% of transverse wind force = 0.084 t

Moment @ bottom of pilecap = 0.084 x (108.050 - 99.800) = 0.695 tm
Moment @ bottom of pier = 0.084 x (108.050 - 101.600) = 0.544 tm
Height of pier from G.L. = 107.700 - 102.100 = 5.600 m
Transverse wind force (F T) = Pz x A1 x G x CD (IRC: 6 -2017, cl. 209.3.3)
where, Pz = Hourly mean wind pressure in N/m² (IRC: 6 -2017, Table 5)
= 463.7 x 2.028
= 940.600 N/m²
Area A1 = solid area in m² (half of area from span 1 and span 2)
= 1.200 x 5.600
= 6.720 m²
G = Gust factor (IRC: 6-2017, cl. 209.3.3)
CD = Drag coefficient (IRC: 6-2017, cl. 209.3.3)
b/d ratio = 1.200/1.200 = 1.000 CD = 0.500
h/b ratio = 5.083
Transverse wind force (F T) = 940.600 x 6.720 x 2.000 x 0.500
= 6320.831 N
= 0.632 t acting at R.L. 104.900
Moment @ bottom of pilecap = 0.632 x (104.900 - 99.800) = 3.224 tm
Moment @ bottom of pier = 0.632 x (104.900 - 101.600) = 2.086 tm

Longitudinal wind force = 25% of transverse wind force = 0.158 t

Moment @ bottom of pilecap = 0.158 x (104.900 - 99.800) = 0.806 tm
Moment @ bottom of pier = 0.158 x (104.900 - 101.600) = 0.521 tm

Summary of wind force without live load:

Vertical force = 36.909 t
Horizontal force in transverse direction = 38.352 + 0.241 + 0.337 + 0.632 = 39.562 t
Horizontal force in longitudinal direction = 9.588 + 0.060 + 0.084 + 0.158 = 9.890 t

Moment at base of pier:

Moment in transverse direction = 367.313 + 2.131 + 2.174 + 2.086 = 373.704 tm
Moment in longitudinal direction = 91.828 + 0.424 + 0.544 + 0.521 = 93.318 tm

Moment at bottom of pilecap:

Moment in transverse direction = 436.346 + 2.131 + 2.781 + 3.224 = 444.482 tm
Moment in longitudinal direction = 109.086 + 0.533 + 0.695 + 0.806 = 111.120 tm

One span dislodged condition:

Vertical force = 18.455 t
Horizontal force in transverse direction = 38.352/2 + 0.241 + 0.337 + 0.632 = 20.386 t
Horizontal force in longitudinal direction = 9.588/2 + 0.060 + 0.084 + 0.158 = 5.096 t

Moment at base of pier:

Moment in transverse direction = 367.313/2 + 2.131 + 2.174 + 2.086 = 190.048 tm
Moment in longitudinal direction = 91.828/2 + 0.424 + 0.544 + 0.521 = 47.404 tm

Normal condition: With live load
Fixed bearing = Fh/2 + μ(Rg + Rq) or Fh - μ(Rg + Rq)
= 24.381/2 + 0.05 x (260.000 + 25.000 + 134.759) 24.381 - 0.03 x (260.000 + 25.000 + 134.759)
= 0.000 t 0.000 t

Free bearing = μ(Rg + Rq)

= 0.03 x (260.000 + 25.000)
= 0.000 t

Net horizontal force = (0.000 - 0.000) = 0.000 t

Horizontal force for foundation design = 0.000 t
Component in longitudinal direction = 0.000 x cos 0.000 = 0.000 t
Component in transverse direction = 0.000 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 t

Moment @ bottom of pilecap = 0.000 x (109.315 - 99.800) - 0.000 x (109.315 - 99.800)

= 0.000 tm
Component in longitudinal direction =0.000 x cos 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Component in transverse direction = 0.000 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm

Moment @ base of pier = 0.000 x (109.315 - 101.600) - 0.000 x (109.315 - 101.600)

= 0.000 tm
Component in longitudinal direction =0.000 x cos 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Component in transverse direction = 0.000 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm

Normal condition: Without live load

Fixed bearing = Fh/2 + μ(Rg + Rq) or Fh - μ(Rg + Rq)
= 0/2 + 0.05 x (260.000 + 25.000) 0 - 0.03 x (260.000 + 25.000)
= 0.000 t 0.000 t

Free bearing = μ(Rg + Rq)

= 0.03 x (260.000 + 25.000)
= 0.000 t

Net horizontal force = (0.000 - 0.000) = 0.000 t

Horizontal force for foundation design = 0.000 t
Component in longitudinal direction =0.000 x cos 0.000 = 0.000 t
Component in transverse direction = 0.000 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 t

Moment @ bottom of pilecap = 0.000 x (109.315 - 99.800) - 0.000 x (109.315 - 99.800)

= 0.000 tm
Component in longitudinal direction =0.000 x cos 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Component in transverse direction = 0.000 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm

Moment @ base of pier = 0.000 x (109.315 - 101.600) - 0.000 x (109.315 - 101.600)

= 0.000 tm
Component in longitudinal direction =0.000 x cos 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Component in transverse direction = 0.000 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Seimic condition:
For pier design:
Fixed bearing = 22.800 x 2 + 0.2 x 24.381 = 50.476 t or
= ((22.800 x 2 + 24.381 x 0.2)/2) + 0.05 x (260.000 + 25.000 + 0.2 x 134.759 )
= 40.836 t whichever is greater.

Horizontal force for design = 0.000 t

Moment @ bottom of pier = 0.000 x (109.315 - 101.600) = 0.000 tm

Component in longitudinal direction = 0.000 x cos 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Component in transverse direction = 0.000 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm

For foundation design:

Fixed bearing = 30.780 x 2 + 0.2 x 24.381 = 66.436 t or
= ((30.780 x 2 + 24.381 x 0.2)/2) + 0.05 x (260.000 + 25.000 + 0.2 x 134.759)
= 48.816 t whichever is greater.

Horizontal force for design = 0.000 t

Component in longitudinal direction = 0.000 x cos 0.000 = 0.000 t
Component in transverse direction = 0.000 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 t

Moment @ bottom of foundation = 0.000 x (109.315 - 99.800) = 0.000 tm

Component in longitudinal direction = 0.000 x cos 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Component in transverse direction = 0.000 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm

One span dislodged condition:

Normal condition:
Fixed bearing = Fh/2 + μ(Rg + Rq) or Fh - μ(Rg + Rq)
= 0.05 x (260.000 + 25.000) 0 - 0.03 x (260.000 + 25.000)
= 14.250 t -8.550 t

Net horizontal force = 0.000 t

Moment @ base of pier = 0.000 x (109.315 - 101.600) = 0.000 tm

Component in longitudinal direction = 0.000 x cos 0.000 = 0.000 tm.
Component in transverse direction = 0.000 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm.

Seimic condition:
Fixed bearing = 19.000 x 2 = 38.000 t or
= ((19.000 x 2)/2) + 0.05 x (260.000 + 25.000) = 33.250 t whichever is greater.

Horizontal force for design = 0.000 t

Moment @ bottom of pier = 0.000 x (109.315 - 101.600) = 0.000 tm

Component in longitudinal direction = 0.000 x cos 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Component in transverse direction = 0.000 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm

(i) For 24.000 m span:
(a) Due to temperature: (Ref: para 214.3 of IRC: 6)
t = l x  x t
= 2236.0/2 x 120 x 10-7 x 25.0 = 0.335 cm
(b) Due to shrinkage:
s = l x s
= 2236.0/2 x 2.0 x 10-4 = 0.224 cm
(c) Due to creep of concrete:
Av. Stress = 80.000 Kg/cm²
@ 90% strength creep strain = 4.4 x 10-4 per 10 Mpa
c = 80.0/100 x 22360.0/2 x 4.4 x 10-4 = 0.394 cm
(d) Due to Elastic shortening of concrete:
Av. Stress = 80.000 Kg/cm²
Strength @ 7 days = 80%
E= 323082.50 Kg/cm²
Deformation due to Elastic shortening =80.0/323082.5 x 2236.0/2 = 0.277 cm

Total deformation = 0.335 + 0.224 + 0.394 + 0.277 = 1.229 cm

Assuming size of bearing = 65 cm x 30 cm x 7.8 cm
Horizontal force =  x A x G/T
= 1.229 x 65 x 30 x 10/(6.0 x 1000)
= 3.995 t
For 3 bearings = 3 x 3.995 = 11.986 t

(ii) For 24.000 m span:

(a) Due to temperature: (Ref: para 214.3 of IRC: 6)
t = l x  x t
= 2236.0/2 x 120 x 10-7 x 25.0 = 0.335 cm
(b) Due to shrinkage:
s = l x s
= 2236.0/2 x 2.0 x 10-4 = 0.224 cm
(c) Due to creep of concrete:
Av. Stress = 80.000 Kg/cm²
@ 90% strength creep strain = 4.4 x 10-4 per 10 Mpa
c = 80.0/100 x 22360.0/2 x 4.4 x 10-4 = 0.394 cm
(d) Due to Elastic shortening of concrete:
Av. Stress = 80.000 Kg/cm²
Strength @ 7 days = 80%
E= 323082.50 Kg/cm²
Deformation due to Elastic shortening =80.0/323082.5 x 2236.0/2 = 0.277 cm

Total deformation = 0.335 + 0.224 + 0.394 + 0.277 = 1.229 cm

Assuming size of bearing = 65 cm x 30 cm x 7.8 cm
Horizontal force =  x A x G/T
= 1.229 x 65 x 30 x 10/(6.0 x 1000)
= 3.995 t
For 3 bearings = 3 x 3.995 = 11.986 t
Net Horizontal Force = 11.986 - 11.986 = 0.000 t
Component in longitudinal direction = 0.000 x cos 0.000 = 0.000 t
Component in transverse direction = 0.000 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 t

Moment @ base of pier = 0.000 x (109.315 - 101.600) = 0.000 tm

Component in longitudinal direction = 0.000 x cos 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Component in transverse direction = 0.000 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm

Moment @ bottom of pilecap = 0.000 x (109.315 - 99.800) = 0.000 tm

Component in longitudinal direction = 0.000 x cos 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Component in transverse direction = 0.000 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm

For 24.000 m span: For One Span Dislodge Condition

(a) Due to temperature: (Ref: para 214.3 of IRC: 6)
t = l x  x t
= 2236.0/2 x 120 x 10-7 x 25.0 = 0.335 cm
(b) Due to shrinkage:
s = l x s
= 2236.0/2 x 2.0 x 10-4 = 0.224 cm
(c) Due to creep of concrete:
Av. Stress = 80.000 Kg/cm²
@ 90% strength creep strain = 4.4 x 10-4 per 10 Mpa
c = 80.0/100 x 22360.0/2 x 4.4 x 10-4 = 0.394 cm
(d) Due to Elastic shortening of concrete:
Av. Stress = 80.000 Kg/cm²
Strength @ 7 days = 80%
E= 323082.50 Kg/cm²
Deformation due to Elastic shortening =80.0/323082.5 x 2236.0/2 = 0.277 cm

Total deformation = 0.335 + 0.224 + 0.394 + 0.277 = 1.229 cm

Assuming size of bearing = 65 cm x 30 cm x 7.8 cm

Horizontal force =  x A x G/T
= 1.229 x 65 x 30 x 10/(6.0 x 1000)
= 3.995 t
For 3 bearings = 3 x 3.995 = 11.986 t

Net Horizontal Force = 11.986 t

Component in longitudinal direction = 11.986 x cos 0.000 = 11.986 t
Component in transverse direction = 11.986 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 t

Moment @ base of pier = 11.986 x (109.315 - 101.600) = 92.475 tm

Component in longitudinal direction = 92.475 x cos 0.000 = 92.475 tm
Component in transverse direction = 92.475 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm

3.6 CENTRIFUGAL FORCES: For 24.000 m span:
(i) Case 1: For class 70 R of single lane + Class A of single lane
WV² C = Centrifugal Force
127R W = Live Load = 155.4 t
155.4 x 50² V = Design Speed = 50 km/h
127 x 125 R = Radius = 125 m
= 24.472 t
Reaction per pier = 12.236 t
Component perpendicular to pier = 0.000 t
Component parellel to pier = 12.236 t
Moment @ bottom of pile cap = 12.236 x (112.840 - 99.800) = 159.560 tm
Component in longitudinal direction =159.560 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Component in transverse direction = 159.560 x cos 0.000 = 159.560 tm
Moment @ base of pier = 12.236 x (112.840 - 101.600) = 137.535 tm
Component in longitudinal direction =137.535 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Component in transverse direction = 137.535 x cos 0.000 = 137.535 tm

(ii) Case 2: For Three lanes of class A wheeled vehicle

WV² C = Centrifugal Force
127R W = Live Load = 166.2 t
166.2 x 50² V = Design Speed = 50 km/h
127 x 125 R = Radius = 125 m
= 26.173 t
Reaction per pier = 13.087 t
Component perpendicular to pier = 0.000 t
Component parellel to pier = 13.087 t
Moment @ bottom of pilecap = 13.087 x (112.840 - 99.800) = 170.649 tm
Component in longitudinal direction =170.649 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Component in transverse direction = 170.649 x cos 0.000 = 170.649 tm
Moment @ base of pier = 13.087 x (112.840 - 101.600) = 147.094 tm
Component in longitudinal direction =147.094 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Component in transverse direction = 147.094 x cos 0.000 = 147.094 tm

(iii) Case 3: For IRC class SV wheeled vehicle

WV² C = Centrifugal Force
127R W = Live Load = 385 t
385.0 x 5² V = Design Speed = 5 km/h
127 x 125 R = Radius = 125 m
= 0.606 t
Reaction per pier = 0.303 t
Component perpendicular to pier = 0.000 t
Component parellel to pier = 0.303 t
Moment @ bottom of pilecap = 0.303 x (112.840 - 99.800) = 3.953 tm
Component in longitudinal direction =3.953 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Component in transverse direction = 3.953 x cos 0.000 = 3.953 tm
Moment @ base of pier = 0.303 x (112.840 - 101.600) = 3.407 tm
Component in longitudinal direction =3.407 x sin 0.000 = 0.000 tm
Component in transverse direction = 3.407 x cos 0.000 = 3.407 tm
For seismic condition live load is 20% considered. i.e. R.L. 101.600
Sr. No. Description Direct Moment in tmt
Load (t) In longi. In trans.
1 Direct load
a Super-structure load without surfacing 520.000 0.000 0.000
b Surfacing load (wearing coat) 50.000 0.000 0.000
c Pier-cap & Pedestal 81.385
d Pier 105.087
e Buoyancy force 0.000
2 Live load
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Single Class A loading 124.502 94.396 0.000
0.000 45.460
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading 131.249 84.538 0.000
0.000 26.250
(iii) IRC SV loading 153.660 126.001 0.000
0.000 46.098
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Single Class A loading 134.018 9.846 0.000
0.000 61.554
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading 134.759 24.438 0.000
0.000 26.952
(iii) IRC SV loading 255.130 9.355 0.000
0.000 76.539
3 Footpath live load
a One span one side loaded 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
b Both span one side loaded 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
c One span both side loaded 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
d Both span both side loaded 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
4 Braking force
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Single Class A loading 3.458 84.607 0.000
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading 3.844 94.050 0.000
5 Seismic force
a In longitudinal direction 421.068 131.311
b In transverse direction 126.320 437.702
6 Longitudinal force
Normal condition With live load 0.000 0.000
Without live load 0.000 0.000
Seismic condition 0.000 0.000
7 Wind force -36.909 93.318 373.704
8 Centrifugal force Class 70 R loading 0.000 137.535
Class A loading 0.000 147.094
SV loading 0.000 3.407
Sr. No. Description Direct Moment in tmt Resultant
Load (t) In longi. In trans. Moment
9 Deformation of bearing 0.000 0.000
Cases considered
Partial safety factor for verification of serviceability limit state:
Rare combination Quasi permanent
Dead load, Super structure load without surfacing = 1.00 1.00
Surfacing load (wearing coat) = 1.20 1.20
Live load, Footpath live load, Braking force = 1.00 0.00
Buoyancy force = 0.15 0.15
Water current force = 1.00 0.00
Deformation of bearing = 0.60 0.50
Rare combination
1 Normal condition
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Single Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 894.432 179.003 182.995 255.987
Both span one side footpath live load 894.432 179.003 182.995 255.987
One span both side footpath live load 894.432 179.003 182.995 255.987
Both span both side footpath live load 894.432 179.003 182.995 255.987
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 901.565 178.587 173.343 248.880
Both span one side footpath live load 901.565 178.587 173.343 248.880
One span both side footpath live load 901.565 178.587 173.343 248.880
Both span both side footpath live load 901.565 178.587 173.343 248.880
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 920.132 126.001 49.505 135.378
Both span one side footpath live load 920.132 126.001 49.505 135.378
One span both side footpath live load 920.132 126.001 49.505 135.378
Both span both side footpath live load 920.132 126.001 49.505 135.378
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Single Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 903.948 94.452 199.089 220.358
Both span one side footpath live load 903.948 94.452 199.089 220.358
One span both side footpath live load 903.948 94.452 199.089 220.358
Both span both side footpath live load 903.948 94.452 199.089 220.358
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 905.075 118.488 164.487 202.720
Both span one side footpath live load 905.075 118.488 164.487 202.720
One span both side footpath live load 905.075 118.488 164.487 202.720
Both span both side footpath live load 905.075 118.488 164.487 202.720
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 1021.602 9.355 79.946 80.492
Both span one side footpath live load 1021.602 9.355 79.946 80.492
One span both side footpath live load 1021.602 9.355 79.946 80.492
Both span both side footpath live load 1021.602 9.355 79.946 80.492
Quasi permanent combination
1 DL only 766.472 0.000 0.000
Sr. No. Description Direct Moment in tmt Resultant
Load (t) In longi. In trans. Moment
Partial safety factor for verification of structural strength: Basic combination Seismic combination
Dead load, Super structure load without surfacing = 1.35 1.35
Surfacing load (wearing coat) = 1.75 1.75
Live load, Footpath live load, Braking force = 1.50 0.20
IRC SV loading = 1.15
Seismic effect = During service 1.50
During construction 0.75
Buoyancy force = 0.15 1.00
Deformation of bearing = 0.90 0.50
Water current force = 1.00 1.00
Wind load: Leading load 1.50
Accompanying load 0.90
Cases considered
Basic combination
1 Normal condition
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Single Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1233.177 268.504 274.493 383.980
Both span one side footpath live load 1233.177 268.504 274.493 383.980
One span both side footpath live load 1233.177 268.504 274.493 383.980
Both span both side footpath live load 1233.177 268.504 274.493 383.980
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1243.876 267.881 260.015 373.320
Both span one side footpath live load 1243.876 267.881 260.015 373.320
One span both side footpath live load 1243.876 267.881 260.015 373.320
Both span both side footpath live load 1243.876 267.881 260.015 373.320
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 1217.947 144.901 58.124 156.124
Both span one side footpath live load 1217.947 144.901 58.124 156.124
One span both side footpath live load 1217.947 144.901 58.124 156.124
Both span both side footpath live load 1217.947 144.901 58.124 156.124
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Single Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1247.451 141.678 298.634 330.537
Both span one side footpath live load 1247.451 141.678 298.634 330.537
One span both side footpath live load 1247.451 141.678 298.634 330.537
Both span both side footpath live load 1247.451 141.678 298.634 330.537
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1249.141 177.732 261.068 315.825
Both span one side footpath live load 1249.141 177.732 261.068 315.825
One span both side footpath live load 1249.141 177.732 261.068 315.825
Both span both side footpath live load 1249.141 177.732 261.068 315.825
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 1334.637 10.758 93.131 93.750
Both span one side footpath live load 1334.637 10.758 93.131 93.750
One span both side footpath live load 1334.637 10.758 93.131 93.750
Both span both side footpath livS 1334.637 10.758 93.131 93.750
Sr. No. Description Direct Moment in tmt Resultant
Load (t) In longi. In trans. Moment
2 Seismic in longi. direction
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Single Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1066.830 667.402 233.565 707.091
Both span one side footpath live load 1066.830 667.402 233.565 707.091
One span both side footpath live load 1066.830 667.402 233.565 707.091
Both span both side footpath live load 1066.830 667.402 233.565 707.091
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1068.256 667.319 231.635 706.378
Both span one side footpath live load 1068.256 667.319 231.635 706.378
One span both side footpath live load 1068.256 667.319 231.635 706.378
Both span both side footpath live load 1068.256 667.319 231.635 706.378
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Single Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1068.733 650.492 236.784 692.247
Both span one side footpath live load 1068.733 650.492 236.784 692.247
One span both side footpath live load 1068.733 650.492 236.784 692.247
Both span both side footpath live load 1068.733 650.492 236.784 692.247
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1068.958 655.299 231.775 695.080
Both span one side footpath live load 1068.958 655.299 231.775 695.080
One span both side footpath live load 1068.958 655.299 231.775 695.080
Both span both side footpath live load 1068.958 655.299 231.775 695.080
3 Seismic in trans. direction
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Single Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1066.830 225.281 693.153 728.843
Both span one side footpath live load 1066.830 225.281 693.153 728.843
One span both side footpath live load 1066.830 225.281 693.153 728.843
Both span both side footpath live load 1066.830 225.281 693.153 728.843
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1068.256 225.198 691.222 726.981
Both span one side footpath live load 1068.256 225.198 691.222 726.981
One span both side footpath live load 1068.256 225.198 691.222 726.981
Both span both side footpath live load 1068.256 225.198 691.222 726.981
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Single Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1068.733 208.371 696.371 726.878
Both span one side footpath live load 1068.733 208.371 696.371 726.878
One span both side footpath live load 1068.733 208.371 696.371 726.878
Both span both side footpath live load 1068.733 208.371 696.371 726.878
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1068.958 213.178 691.363 723.483
Both span one side footpath live load 1068.958 213.178 691.363 723.483
One span both side footpath live load 1068.958 213.178 691.363 723.483
Both span both side footpath live load 1068.958 213.178 691.363 723.483
4 Normal condition with wind direction
a Wind (upward) + No LL 985.874 139.977 560.556 577.769

Concrete mix : M: 35
Grade of reinforcement Fe : 500
Permissible stress in steel = 434.783 Mpa
Width b = 1200.0 mm
Depth D = 5742.48 mm
Area of concrete = 6890973 mm²
Clear cover = 40 mm
Dia. of stirrups = 16 mm
Effective cover d' = 68.50 mm
Reinforcement details:
Bars alongn minor direction 'b' Bars along major direction 'D'
No. Dia. No. Dia.
10 25 32 25
Proposed steel Ast = 41233 mm²
Proposed percentage steel = 0.598
Sr. Condition Ultimate Transverse Longi. Resistance load Biaxial Bending
No. Direct load Moment Moment PuR MuTR MuLR αn Ratio
KN (Pu) (MuT) KNm (MuL) KNm KN KNm KNm
1 Normal condition 12331.77 2744.93 2685.04 82429 45026 13264 1.04 0.408
12438.76 2600.15 2678.81 82394 45144 13302 1.04 0.405
12179.47 581.24 1449.01 45183 44860 13209 1.13 0.309
2 Seismic in longitudinal direction 10668.30 2335.65 6674.02 78791 43144 12653 1.02 0.558
10682.56 2316.35 6673.19 78793 43160 12658 1.03 0.557
3 Seismic in transverse direction 10668.30 6931.53 2252.81 83639 43144 12653 1.02 0.486
10682.56 6912.22 2251.98 83634 43160 12658 1.02 0.485
4 Wind condition 9858.74 5605.56 1399.77 84332 42182 12344 1.01 0.449

Minimum reinforcement: (Cl. 16.2.2 of IRC 112: 2011)

1) As min = 0.002 x Ac
= 0.002 x 68909.734
= 137.819 cm² < 412.334 cm² OK
As min = 0.10 NED/fyd
NED = Design axial force = 1334.637 t
fyd = Design yield strength of reinforcement = 4347.826 Kg/cm²
As min = 30.697 cm² < 412.334 cm² OK

2) Maximum reinforcement: (Cl. 16.3.1 of IRC: 112-2011)

As max = 0.04 x Ac
= 0.04 x 68909.734
= 2756.389 cm² > 412.334 cm² OK

4.2 DESIGN OF PIER: One span dislodged condition


Sr. No. Description Direct Moment in tmt Resultant
Load (t) In longi. In trans. Moment
1 Direct load
a Super-structure load without surfacing 260.000 213.200 0.000
b Surfacing load (wearing coat) 25.000 20.500 0.000
c Pier-cap & Pedestal 81.385
d Pier 105.087
e Buoyancy force 0.000
2 Seismic force
a In longitudinal direction 204.305 61.291
b In transverse direction 61.291 204.305
3 Deformation of Bearing
Normal condition 92.475 0.000
Seismic condition 92.475 0.000
4 Wind force -18.455 47.404 190.048
5 Force due to gradient
Dead load 0.000 0.000
Surfacing load 0.000 0.000
Cases considered (Ultimate limit state condition)
1 Normal condition 646.488 406.922 0.000 406.922

2 Seismic in longi. direction 646.488 523.161 45.969 525.177

3 Seismic in trans. Direction 646.488 415.901 153.229 443.230

4 Wind condition 618.806 478.028 285.072 556.575


Concrete mix : M: 35
Grade of reinforcement Fe : 500
Permissible stress in steel = 434.783 Mpa
Width b = 1200 mm
Depth D = 5742.48 mm
Area of concrete = 6890973 mm²
Clear cover = 40 mm
Dia. of stirrups = 16 mm
Effective cover d' = 68.50 mm
Reinforcement details:
Bars alongn minor direction 'b' Bars along major direction 'D'
No. Dia. No. Dia.
10 25 32 25
Proposed steel Ast = 41233 mm²
Proposed percentage steel = 0.598
Sr. Condition Ultimate Transverse Longi. Resistance load Biaxial bending
No. Direct load Moment Moment PuR MuTR MuLR αn Ratio
KN (Pu) (MuT) KNm (MuL) KNm KN KNm KNm
1 Normal condition 6464.88 0.00 4069.22 84142.5 37831.8 10943.2 1.00 0.416

2 Seismic in longitudinal direction 6464.88 459.69 5231.61 84142.5 37831.8 10943.2 1.00 0.485

3 Seismic in transverse direction 6464.88 1532.29 4159.01 84142.5 37831.8 10943.2 1.00 0.418

4 Wind condition 6188.06 2850.72 4780.28 84142.5 37453.4 10820.8 1.00 0.518

Minimum reinforcement: (Cl. 16.2.2 of IRC 112: 2011)

1) As min = 0.002 x Ac
= 0.002 x 6890973.355
= 137.819 cm² < 412.334 cm² OK

As min = 0.10 NED/fyd

NED = Design axial force = 1334.637 t
fyd = Design yield strength of reinforcement = 4347.826 Kg/cm²
As min = 30.697 cm² < 412.334 cm² OK

Maximum reinforcement: (Cl. 16.3.1 of IRC: 112-2011)

2) As max = 0.04 x Ac
= 0.04 x 6890973.355
= 2756.389 cm² > 412.334 cm² OK

Transverse reinforcement: (Cl. 16.2.3 of IRC: 112- 2011)

Min. dia. of transverse reinforcement = 8 mm

Spacing of transverse reinforcement:
i. 12 times min. dia. of long. Bar = 12 x 25
= 300 mm
ii. Least lateral dimension of column = 1200.0 mm
iii. = 200 mm

Provide 16 mm dia. @ 125 mm c/c OK

Confining reinforcement: (Cl. 17.2.1 of IRC: 112-2011)

Area of longitudinal steel = 41233.40 mm²
Area of concrete section = 6890973 mm²
Longitudinal reinforcement ratio = ρL = 0.006
Clear cover to reinforcement = 40 mm
Design axial load NED = 1334.637 t
fyd = Design yield strength of reinforcement = 434.783 Mpa
fcd = 15.633 Mpa
Dia. of hoop/ties = 16 mm Asp = 201.062 mm²
Proposed spacing of hoop/spiral = S L = 125 mm
Length of hoop/spiral Dsp = 5646 mm Width of hoop/spiral Dsp = 1104 mm
Normalised axial force nk = (NED/(Ac x fck)) = 0.055 < 0.064 (Eq. 17.1 of IRC: 112-2011)
Confinement reinforcement not required.
Gross area of concrete section = Ac = 6890973.4 mm²
Gross area of confined concrete Acc = 5646.478 x 1104.000 = 6233711 mm²

Volumetric ratio of transverse reinforcement = ρw = Asp/(b x SL)

(Eq. 17.3 of IRC: 112-2011) = 201.062/(1104.000 x 125.000)
= 0.0058

Min. Confining reinforcement ratio (provided) = ωwd = ρw x fyd/fcd

(Eq. 17.2 of IRC: 112-2011) = 0.006 x 434.783/15.633
= 0.1621

Confining reinforcement ratio (required): (Eq. 17.6 of IRC: 112-2011)

ωw req = 0.37 x Ac/Acc x nk + 0.13 x fyd/fcd x (ρL - 0.01)
= 0.37 x 6890973.355/6233711.487 x 0.055 + 0.13 x 434.783/15.633 x (0.006 - 0.01)
= 0.008

Min. Confining reinforcement ratio (required): (Eq. 17.5 of IRC: 112-2011)

Max. of (i) 0.12
(ii) ωw req = 0.008

ωw min = 0.120 < 0.162 OK

Spacing of confinement reinforcement: (Cl. of IRC: 112-2011)

The spacing of confinement in the longitudinal direction S L shall satisfy both of the following conditions:
(1) SL ≤ 5 times dia. of smallest longitudinal bar = 5 x 25 = 125 mm
≤ 1/5th of the dia. of confined concrete core = 1/5 x 1104.0 = 221 mm

Extent of confinement: (cl. of IRC: 112-2011)

When nk ≤ 0.3 the design length Lh of potential plasic hinges shall be estimated as the larger of the
following values:
- The depth of the pier section within the plane of bending = 1200 mm
- The distance from the point of maximum design moment to the point where the design
moment is 80% of the value of the max. moment = 1543 mm

Governing value = 1543 mm

Check for slenderness: (cl. 11.2.1 of IRC: 112-2011)

Sr. No. NED (t) Meqp Med Φef A B C n λlim λxx Slenderness check
1 1233.18 0.000 268.504 0.000 1.000 1.154 0.7 0.114 47.771 26.414 Design as short column
2 1217.95 0.000 144.901 0.000 1.000 1.154 0.7 0.113 48.069 26.414 Design as short column
3 1066.83 0.000 667.402 0.000 1.000 1.154 0.7 0.099 51.361 26.414 Design as short column
4 1066.83 0.000 225.281 0.000 1.000 1.154 0.7 0.099 51.361 26.414 Design as short column
5 985.87 0.000 139.977 0.000 1.000 1.154 0.7 0.092 53.428 26.414 Design as short column

ω = Mechanical reinforcement ratio = As. fyd/Ac. fcd = 0.166

rm = Moment ratio = 1
Le = 9.150 m
I= 0.827 m4
r= 0.346 m

Sr. No. Description Direct Moment in tmt Hori. Force in t
Load (t) In longi. In trans. In longi. In trans.
1 Direct load
a Super-structure load without surfacing 520.000 0.000 0.000
b Surfacing load (wearing coat) 50.000 0.000 0.000
c Pier-cap & Pedestal 81.385
d Pier 105.087
e Pilecap 199.665
f Buoyancy force
2 Live load
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading 124.502 94.396 0.000
0.000 45.460
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading 131.249 84.538 0.000
0.000 26.250
(iii) IRC SV loading 153.660 126.001 0.000
0.000 46.098
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading 134.018 9.846 0.000
0.000 61.554
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading 134.759 24.438 0.000
0.000 26.952
(iii) IRC SV loading 255.130 9.355 0.000
0.000 76.539
3 Footpath live load
a One span one side loaded 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
b Both span one side loaded 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
c One span both side loaded 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
d Both span both side loaded 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
4 Braking force
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading 3.458 104.346 0.000 10.967 0.000
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading 3.844 115.993 0.000 12.191 0.000
5 Seismic force
a In longitudinal direction 734.907 228.781 103.263 31.852
b In transverse direction 220.472 762.603 30.979 106.174
6 Longitudinal force
Normal condition With live load 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Without live load 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Seismic condition 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
7 Centrifugal force
Single lane of class 70R loading 0.000 159.560 0.000 12.236
Two lanes of class A loading 0.000 170.649 0.000 13.087
IRC SV loading 0.000 3.953 0.000 0.303
Sr. No. Description Direct Moment in tmt Hori. Force in t
Load (t) In longi. In trans. In longi. In trans.
8 Wind force -36.909 111.120 444.482 9.890 39.562
9 Water current
a Normal H.F.L. condition
(i) In transverse direction
(ii) For 20° variation
b Seismic H.F.L. condition
(i) In transverse direction
(ii) For 20° variation
10 Deformation of bearing 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Cases considered (Unfactored load for checking pile capacity)
1 Normal H.F.L. condition with
water current in trans. direction
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1084.097 198.742 205.021 10.967 12.236
Both span one side footpath live load 1084.097 198.742 205.021 10.967 12.236
One span both side footpath live load 1084.097 198.742 205.021 10.967 12.236
Both span both side footpath live load 1084.097 198.742 205.021 10.967 12.236
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1091.230 200.530 196.899 12.191 13.087
Both span one side footpath live load 1091.230 200.530 196.899 12.191 13.087
One span both side footpath live load 1091.230 200.530 196.899 12.191 13.087
Both span both side footpath live load 1091.230 200.530 196.899 12.191 13.087
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 1109.797 126.001 50.051 0.000 0.303
Both span one side footpath live load 1109.797 126.001 50.051 0.000 0.303
One span both side footpath live load 1109.797 126.001 50.051 0.000 0.303
Both span both side footpath live load 1109.797 126.001 50.051 0.000 0.303
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1093.613 114.192 221.114 10.967 12.236
Both span one side footpath live load 1093.613 114.192 221.114 10.967 12.236
One span both side footpath live load 1093.613 114.192 221.114 10.967 12.236
Both span both side footpath live load 1093.613 114.192 221.114 10.967 12.236
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1094.740 140.431 197.601 12.191 13.087
Both span one side footpath live load 1094.740 140.431 197.601 12.191 13.087
One span both side footpath live load 1094.740 140.431 197.601 12.191 13.087
Both span both side footpath live load 1094.740 140.431 197.601 12.191 13.087
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 1211.267 9.355 80.492 0.000 0.303
Both span one side footpath live load 1211.267 9.355 80.492 0.000 0.303
One span both side footpath live load 1211.267 9.355 80.492 0.000 0.303
Both span both side footpath live load 1211.267 9.355 80.492 0.000 0.303

Sr. No. Description Direct Moment in tmt Hori. Force in t
Load (t) In longi. In trans. In longi. In trans.
2 Normal H.F.L. condition with water current in 20° variation
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1084.097 198.742 205.021 10.967 12.236
Both span one side footpath live load 1084.097 198.742 205.021 10.967 12.236
One span both side footpath live load 1084.097 198.742 205.021 10.967 12.236
Both span both side footpath live load 1084.097 198.742 205.021 10.967 12.236
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1091.230 200.530 196.899 12.191 13.087
Both span one side footpath live load 1091.230 200.530 196.899 12.191 13.087
One span both side footpath live load 1091.230 200.530 196.899 12.191 13.087
Both span both side footpath live load 1091.230 200.530 196.899 12.191 13.087
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 1109.797 126.001 50.051 0.000 0.303
Both span one side footpath live load 1109.797 126.001 50.051 0.000 0.303
One span both side footpath live load 1109.797 126.001 50.051 0.000 0.303
Both span both side footpath live load 1109.797 126.001 50.051 0.000 0.303
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1093.613 114.192 221.114 10.967 12.236
Both span one side footpath live load 1093.613 114.192 221.114 10.967 12.236
One span both side footpath live load 1093.613 114.192 221.114 10.967 12.236
Both span both side footpath live load 1093.613 114.192 221.114 10.967 12.236
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1094.740 140.431 197.601 12.191 13.087
Both span one side footpath live load 1094.740 140.431 197.601 12.191 13.087
One span both side footpath live load 1094.740 140.431 197.601 12.191 13.087
Both span both side footpath live load 1094.740 140.431 197.601 12.191 13.087
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 1211.267 9.355 80.492 0.000 0.303
Both span one side footpath live load 1211.267 9.355 80.492 0.000 0.303
One span both side footpath live load 1211.267 9.355 80.492 0.000 0.303
Both span both side footpath live load 1211.267 9.355 80.492 0.000 0.303
3 Seismic in longi. direction with
water current in trans. direction
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 981.729 774.655 269.785 105.456 34.299
Both span one side footpath live load 981.729 774.655 269.785 105.456 34.299
One span both side footpath live load 981.729 774.655 269.785 105.456 34.299
Both span both side footpath live load 981.729 774.655 269.785 105.456 34.299
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 983.156 775.013 268.161 105.701 34.469
Both span one side footpath live load 983.156 775.013 268.161 105.701 34.469
One span both side footpath live load 983.156 775.013 268.161 105.701 34.469
Both span both side footpath live load 983.156 775.013 268.161 105.701 34.469
Sr. No. Description Direct Moment in tmt Hori. Force in t
Load (t) In longi. In trans. In longi. In trans.
Cases considered
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 983.632 757.745 273.004 105.456 34.299
Both span one side footpath live load 983.632 757.745 273.004 105.456 34.299
One span both side footpath live load 983.632 757.745 273.004 105.456 34.299
Both span both side footpath live load 983.632 757.745 273.004 105.456 34.299
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 983.858 762.993 268.301 105.701 34.469
Both span one side footpath live load 983.858 762.993 268.301 105.701 34.469
One span both side footpath live load 983.858 762.993 268.301 105.701 34.469
Both span both side footpath live load 983.858 762.993 268.301 105.701 34.469
4 Seismic in longi. direction with
water current 20° variation
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 981.729 774.655 269.785 105.456 34.299
Both span one side footpath live load 981.729 774.655 269.785 105.456 34.299
One span both side footpath live load 981.729 774.655 269.785 105.456 34.299
Both span both side footpath live load 981.729 774.655 269.785 105.456 34.299
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 983.156 775.013 268.161 105.701 34.469
Both span one side footpath live load 983.156 775.013 268.161 105.701 34.469
One span both side footpath live load 983.156 775.013 268.161 105.701 34.469
Both span both side footpath live load 983.156 775.013 268.161 105.701 34.469
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 983.632 757.745 273.004 105.456 34.299
Both span one side footpath live load 983.632 757.745 273.004 105.456 34.299
One span both side footpath live load 983.632 757.745 273.004 105.456 34.299
Both span both side footpath live load 983.632 757.745 273.004 105.456 34.299
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 983.858 762.993 268.301 105.701 34.469
Both span one side footpath live load 983.858 762.993 268.301 105.701 34.469
One span both side footpath live load 983.858 762.993 268.301 105.701 34.469
Both span both side footpath live load 983.858 762.993 268.301 105.701 34.469
5 Seismic in trans. direction with
water current in trans. direction
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 981.729 260.221 803.607 33.172 108.621
Both span one side footpath live load 981.729 260.221 803.607 33.172 108.621
One span both side footpath live load 981.729 260.221 803.607 33.172 108.621
Both span both side footpath live load 981.729 260.221 803.607 33.172 108.621

Sr. No. Description Direct Moment in tmt Hori. Force in t
Load (t) In longi. In trans. In longi. In trans.
Cases considered
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 983.156 260.578 801.983 33.417 108.791
Both span one side footpath live load 983.156 260.578 801.983 33.417 108.791
One span both side footpath live load 983.156 260.578 801.983 33.417 108.791
Both span both side footpath live load 983.156 260.578 801.983 33.417 108.791
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 983.632 243.310 806.826 33.172 108.621
Both span one side footpath live load 983.632 243.310 806.826 33.172 108.621
One span both side footpath live load 983.632 243.310 806.826 33.172 108.621
Both span both side footpath live load 983.632 243.310 806.826 33.172 108.621
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 983.858 248.558 802.123 33.417 108.791
Both span one side footpath live load 983.858 248.558 802.123 33.417 108.791
One span both side footpath live load 983.858 248.558 802.123 33.417 108.791
Both span both side footpath live load 983.858 248.558 802.123 33.417 108.791
6 Seismic in trans. direction with
water current 20° variation
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 981.729 260.221 803.607 33.172 108.621
Both span one side footpath live load 981.729 260.221 803.607 33.172 108.621
One span both side footpath live load 981.729 260.221 803.607 33.172 108.621
Both span both side footpath live load 981.729 260.221 803.607 33.172 108.621
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 983.156 260.578 801.983 33.417 108.791
Both span one side footpath live load 983.156 260.578 801.983 33.417 108.791
One span both side footpath live load 983.156 260.578 801.983 33.417 108.791
Both span both side footpath live load 983.156 260.578 801.983 33.417 108.791
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 983.632 243.310 806.826 33.172 108.621
Both span one side footpath live load 983.632 243.310 806.826 33.172 108.621
One span both side footpath live load 983.632 243.310 806.826 33.172 108.621
Both span both side footpath live load 983.632 243.310 806.826 33.172 108.621
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 983.858 248.558 802.123 33.417 108.791
Both span one side footpath live load 983.858 248.558 802.123 33.417 108.791
One span both side footpath live load 983.858 248.558 802.123 33.417 108.791
Both span both side footpath live load 983.858 248.558 802.123 33.417 108.791
7 Normal H.F.L. condition with water current in trans. direction
a Wind (upward) + No LL 919.228 111.120 444.482 9.890 39.562
8 Normal H.F.L. condition with
water current in 20° variation
a Wind (upward) + No LL 919.228 111.120 444.482 9.890 39.562
Partial safety factor for verification of serviceability limit state: Rare combination Quasi permanent
Dead load, Super structure load without surfacing = 1.00 1.00
Surfacing load (wearing coat) = 1.20 1.20
Live load, Footpath live load, Braking force = 1.00 0.00
Buoyancy force = 0.15 0.15
Water current force = 1.00 0.00
Deformation of bearing = 0.60 0.50
Sr. No. Description Direct Moment in tmt Hori. Force in t
Load (t) In longi. In trans. In longi. In trans.
Rare combination
Cases considered
1 Normal H.F.L. condition with
water current in trans. direction
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1094.097 198.742 205.021 10.967 12.236
Both span one side footpath live load 1094.097 198.742 205.021 10.967 12.236
One span both side footpath live load 1094.097 198.742 205.021 10.967 12.236
Both span both side footpath live load 1094.097 198.742 205.021 10.967 12.236
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1101.230 200.530 196.899 12.191 13.087
Both span one side footpath live load 1101.230 200.530 196.899 12.191 13.087
One span both side footpath live load 1101.230 200.530 196.899 12.191 13.087
Both span both side footpath live load 1101.230 200.530 196.899 12.191 13.087
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 1119.797 126.001 50.051 0.000 0.303
Both span one side footpath live load 1119.797 126.001 50.051 0.000 0.303
One span both side footpath live load 1119.797 126.001 50.051 0.000 0.303
Both span both side footpath live load 1119.797 126.001 50.051 0.000 0.303
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1103.613 114.192 221.114 10.967 12.236
Both span one side footpath live load 1103.613 114.192 221.114 10.967 12.236
One span both side footpath live load 1103.613 114.192 221.114 10.967 12.236
Both span both side footpath live load 1103.613 114.192 221.114 10.967 12.236
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1104.740 140.431 197.601 12.191 13.087
Both span one side footpath live load 1104.740 140.431 197.601 12.191 13.087
One span both side footpath live load 1104.740 140.431 197.601 12.191 13.087
Both span both side footpath live load 1104.740 140.431 197.601 12.191 13.087
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 1221.267 9.355 80.492 0.000 0.303
Both span one side footpath live load 1221.267 9.355 80.492 0.000 0.303
One span both side footpath live load 1221.267 9.355 80.492 0.000 0.303
Both span both side footpath live load 1221.267 9.355 80.492 0.000 0.303

Sr. No. Description Direct Moment in tmt Hori. Force in t
Load (t) In longi. In trans. In longi. In trans.
2 Normal H.F.L. condition with
water current in 20° variation
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1094.097 198.742 205.021 10.967 12.236
Both span one side footpath live load 1094.097 198.742 205.021 10.967 12.236
One span both side footpath live load 1094.097 198.742 205.021 10.967 12.236
Both span both side footpath live load 1094.097 198.742 205.021 10.967 12.236
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1101.230 200.530 196.899 12.191 13.087
Both span one side footpath live load 1101.230 200.530 196.899 12.191 13.087
One span both side footpath live load 1101.230 200.530 196.899 12.191 13.087
Both span both side footpath live load 1101.230 200.530 196.899 12.191 13.087
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 1119.797 126.001 50.051 0.000 0.303
Both span one side footpath live load 1119.797 126.001 50.051 0.000 0.303
One span both side footpath live load 1119.797 126.001 50.051 0.000 0.303
Both span both side footpath live load 1119.797 126.001 50.051 0.000 0.303
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1103.613 114.192 221.114 10.967 12.236
Both span one side footpath live load 1103.613 114.192 221.114 10.967 12.236
One span both side footpath live load 1103.613 114.192 221.114 10.967 12.236
Both span both side footpath live load 1103.613 114.192 221.114 10.967 12.236
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1104.740 140.431 197.601 12.191 13.087
Both span one side footpath live load 1104.740 140.431 197.601 12.191 13.087
One span both side footpath live load 1104.740 140.431 197.601 12.191 13.087
Both span both side footpath live load 1104.740 140.431 197.601 12.191 13.087
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 1221.267 9.355 80.492 0.000 0.303
Both span one side footpath live load 1221.267 9.355 80.492 0.000 0.303
One span both side footpath live load 1221.267 9.355 80.492 0.000 0.303
Both span both side footpath live load 1221.267 9.355 80.492 0.000 0.303
Quasi permanent combination
1 DL only 966.137 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Partial safety factor for verification of structural strength: Basic combination Seismic combination
Dead load, Super structure load without surfacing = 1.35 1.35
Surfacing load (wearing coat) = 1.75 1.75
Live load, Footpath live load, Braking force = 1.50 0.20
IRC SV loading = 1.15
Seismic effect = 1.50
Buoyancy force = 0.15 1.00
Deformation of Bearing = 0.90 0.60
Water current force = 1.00 1.00
Wind load: Leading load 1.50
Accompanying load 0.90
Sr. No. Description Direct Moment in tmt Hori. Force in t
Load (t) In longi. In trans. In longi. In trans.
Cases considered Basic combination
1 Normal H.F.L. condition with
water current in trans. direction
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1502.725 298.113 307.531 16.450 18.354
Both span one side footpath live load 1502.725 298.113 307.531 16.450 18.354
One span both side footpath live load 1502.725 298.113 307.531 16.450 18.354
Both span both side footpath live load 1502.725 298.113 307.531 16.450 18.354
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1513.424 300.795 295.349 18.286 19.630
Both span one side footpath live load 1513.424 300.795 295.349 18.286 19.630
One span both side footpath live load 1513.424 300.795 295.349 18.286 19.630
Both span both side footpath live load 1513.424 300.795 295.349 18.286 19.630
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 1487.495 144.901 58.942 0.000 0.455
Both span one side footpath live load 1487.495 144.901 58.942 0.000 0.455
One span both side footpath live load 1487.495 144.901 58.942 0.000 0.455
Both span both side footpath live load 1487.495 144.901 58.942 0.000 0.455
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1516.998 171.288 331.672 16.450 18.354
Both span one side footpath live load 1516.998 171.288 331.672 16.450 18.354
One span both side footpath live load 1516.998 171.288 331.672 16.450 18.354
Both span both side footpath live load 1516.998 171.288 331.672 16.450 18.354
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1518.689 210.646 296.402 18.286 19.630
Both span one side footpath live load 1518.689 210.646 296.402 18.286 19.630
One span both side footpath live load 1518.689 210.646 296.402 18.286 19.630
Both span both side footpath live load 1518.689 210.646 296.402 18.286 19.630
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 1604.185 10.758 93.950 0.000 0.455
Both span one side footpath live load 1604.185 10.758 93.950 0.000 0.455
One span both side footpath live load 1604.185 10.758 93.950 0.000 0.455
Both span both side footpath live load 1604.185 10.758 93.950 0.000 0.455
Sr. No. Description Direct Moment in tmt Hori. Force in t
Load (t) In longi. In trans. In longi. In trans.
2 Normal H.F.L. condition with water current in 20° variation
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1502.725 298.113 307.531 16.450 18.354
Both span one side footpath live load 1502.725 298.113 307.531 16.450 18.354
One span both side footpath live load 1502.725 298.113 307.531 16.450 18.354
Both span both side footpath live load 1502.725 298.113 307.531 16.450 18.354
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1513.424 300.795 295.349 18.286 19.630
Both span one side footpath live load 1513.424 300.795 295.349 18.286 19.630
One span both side footpath live load 1513.424 300.795 295.349 18.286 19.630
Both span both side footpath live load 1513.424 300.795 295.349 18.286 19.630
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 1487.495 144.901 58.942 0.000 0.455
Both span one side footpath live load 1487.495 144.901 58.942 0.000 0.455
One span both side footpath live load 1487.495 144.901 58.942 0.000 0.455
Both span both side footpath live load 1487.495 144.901 58.942 0.000 0.455
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1516.998 171.288 331.672 16.450 18.354
Both span one side footpath live load 1516.998 171.288 331.672 16.450 18.354
One span both side footpath live load 1516.998 171.288 331.672 16.450 18.354
Both span both side footpath live load 1516.998 171.288 331.672 16.450 18.354
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1518.689 210.646 296.402 18.286 19.630
Both span one side footpath live load 1518.689 210.646 296.402 18.286 19.630
One span both side footpath live load 1518.689 210.646 296.402 18.286 19.630
Both span both side footpath live load 1518.689 210.646 296.402 18.286 19.630
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 1604.185 10.758 93.950 0.000 0.455
Both span one side footpath live load 1604.185 10.758 93.950 0.000 0.455
One span both side footpath live load 1604.185 10.758 93.950 0.000 0.455
Both span both side footpath live load 1604.185 10.758 93.950 0.000 0.455
3 Seismic in longi. direction with
water current in trans. direction
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1336.377 1142.109 384.176 157.088 50.225
Both span one side footpath live load 1336.377 1142.109 384.176 157.088 50.225
One span both side footpath live load 1336.377 1142.109 384.176 157.088 50.225
Both span both side footpath live load 1336.377 1142.109 384.176 157.088 50.225
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1337.804 1142.467 382.551 157.332 50.395
Both span one side footpath live load 1337.804 1142.467 382.551 157.332 50.395
One span both side footpath live load 1337.804 1142.467 382.551 157.332 50.395
Both span both side footpath live load 1337.804 1142.467 382.551 157.332 50.395
Sr. No. Description Direct Moment in tmt Hori. Force in t
Load (t) In longi. In trans. In longi. In trans.
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1338.280 1125.199 387.394 157.088 50.225
Both span one side footpath live load 1338.280 1125.199 387.394 157.088 50.225
One span both side footpath live load 1338.280 1125.199 387.394 157.088 50.225
Both span both side footpath live load 1338.280 1125.199 387.394 157.088 50.225
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1338.506 1130.447 382.692 157.332 50.395
Both span one side footpath live load 1338.506 1130.447 382.692 157.332 50.395
One span both side footpath live load 1338.506 1130.447 382.692 157.332 50.395
Both span both side footpath live load 1338.506 1130.447 382.692 157.332 50.395
4 Seismic in longi. direction with water current 20° variation
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1336.377 1142.109 384.176 157.088 50.225
Both span one side footpath live load 1336.377 1142.109 384.176 157.088 50.225
One span both side footpath live load 1336.377 1142.109 384.176 157.088 50.225
Both span both side footpath live load 1336.377 1142.109 384.176 157.088 50.225
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1337.804 1142.467 382.551 157.332 50.395
Both span one side footpath live load 1337.804 1142.467 382.551 157.332 50.395
One span both side footpath live load 1337.804 1142.467 382.551 157.332 50.395
Both span both side footpath live load 1337.804 1142.467 382.551 157.332 50.395
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1338.280 1125.199 387.394 157.088 50.225
Both span one side footpath live load 1338.280 1125.199 387.394 157.088 50.225
One span both side footpath live load 1338.280 1125.199 387.394 157.088 50.225
Both span both side footpath live load 1338.280 1125.199 387.394 157.088 50.225
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1338.506 1130.447 382.692 157.332 50.395
Both span one side footpath live load 1338.506 1130.447 382.692 157.332 50.395
One span both side footpath live load 1338.506 1130.447 382.692 157.332 50.395
Both span both side footpath live load 1338.506 1130.447 382.692 157.332 50.395
5 Seismic in trans. direction with water current in trans. direction
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1336.377 370.457 1184.909 48.662 161.708
Both span one side footpath live load 1336.377 370.457 1184.909 48.662 161.708
One span both side footpath live load 1336.377 370.457 1184.909 48.662 161.708
Both span both side footpath live load 1336.377 370.457 1184.909 48.662 161.708
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1337.804 370.814 1183.285 48.906 161.878
Both span one side footpath live load 1337.804 370.814 1183.285 48.906 161.878
One span both side footpath live load 1337.804 370.814 1183.285 48.906 161.878
Both span both side footpath live load 1337.804 370.814 1183.285 48.906 161.878
Sr. No. Description Direct Moment in tmt Hori. Force in t
Load (t) In longi. In trans. In longi. In trans.
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1338.280 353.547 1188.128 48.662 161.708
Both span one side footpath live load 1338.280 353.547 1188.128 48.662 161.708
One span both side footpath live load 1338.280 353.547 1188.128 48.662 161.708
Both span both side footpath live load 1338.280 353.547 1188.128 48.662 161.708
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1338.506 358.794 1183.425 48.906 161.878
Both span one side footpath live load 1338.506 358.794 1183.425 48.906 161.878
One span both side footpath live load 1338.506 358.794 1183.425 48.906 161.878
Both span both side footpath live load 1338.506 358.794 1183.425 48.906 161.878
6 Seismic in trans. direction with
water current 20° variation
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1336.377 370.457 1184.909 48.662 161.708
Both span one side footpath live load 1336.377 370.457 1184.909 48.662 161.708
One span both side footpath live load 1336.377 370.457 1184.909 48.662 161.708
Both span both side footpath live load 1336.377 370.457 1184.909 48.662 161.708
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1337.804 370.814 1183.285 48.906 161.878
Both span one side footpath live load 1337.804 370.814 1183.285 48.906 161.878
One span both side footpath live load 1337.804 370.814 1183.285 48.906 161.878
Both span both side footpath live load 1337.804 370.814 1183.285 48.906 161.878
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1338.280 353.547 1188.128 48.662 161.708
Both span one side footpath live load 1338.280 353.547 1188.128 48.662 161.708
One span both side footpath live load 1338.280 353.547 1188.128 48.662 161.708
Both span both side footpath live load 1338.280 353.547 1188.128 48.662 161.708
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1338.506 358.794 1183.425 48.906 161.878
Both span one side footpath live load 1338.506 358.794 1183.425 48.906 161.878
One span both side footpath live load 1338.506 358.794 1183.425 48.906 161.878
Both span both side footpath live load 1338.506 358.794 1183.425 48.906 161.878
7 Normal H.F.L. condition with
water current in trans. direction
a Wind (upward) + No LL 1255.422 166.681 666.722 14.836 59.342
8 Normal H.F.L. condition with
water current in 20° variation
a Wind (upward) + No LL 1255.422 166.681 666.722 14.836 59.342

5.1 Change in reaction due to moment:
In longitudinal direction:
∑r² = 3 x 2 x 1.80² = 19.440
Change in reaction = Moment x 1.80/19.440
= 0.0926 x Moment
In transverse direction:
∑r² = 2 x 2 x 3.60² = 51.840
Change in reaction = Moment x 3.60/51.840
= 0.0694 x Moment
For SLS condition:
Self wt. of pile upto fixity for normal condition = π/4 x 1.2² x 8.054 x 2.5 = 22.773 t
for seismic condition = π/4 x 1.2² x 8.054 x 2.5 = 22.773 t

For ULS condition:

Self wt. of pile upto fixity for normal condition = 22.773 x 1.350 = 30.744 t
for seismic condition = 22.773 x 1.350 = 30.744 t

Change in reaction due to moment and total reaction on pile:

Sr. Condition Moment (tmt) Change Direct load Reaction
No. Ml Mt in react. per pile incl. Pmax Pmin
0.093 Ml + self wt. of pile
0.069 Mt up to fixity
Cases considered (Unfactored load for checking pile capacity)
1 Normal H.F.L. condition with
water current in trans. direction
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 198.742 205.021 32.640 203.456 236.096 170.816
Both span one side footpath live load 198.742 205.021 32.640 203.456 236.096 170.816
One span both side footpath live load 198.742 205.021 32.640 203.456 236.096 170.816
Both span both side footpath live load 198.742 205.021 32.640 203.456 236.096 170.816
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 200.530 196.899 32.241 204.645 236.886 172.404
Both span one side footpath live load 200.530 196.899 32.241 204.645 236.886 172.404
One span both side footpath live load 200.530 196.899 32.241 204.645 236.886 172.404
Both span both side footpath live load 200.530 196.899 32.241 204.645 236.886 172.404
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 126.001 50.051 15.143 207.739 222.882 192.597
Both span one side footpath live load 126.001 50.051 15.143 207.739 222.882 192.597
One span both side footpath live load 126.001 50.051 15.143 207.739 222.882 192.597
Both span both side footpath live load 126.001 50.051 15.143 207.739 222.882 192.597
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 114.192 221.114 25.928 205.042 230.970 179.113
Both span one side footpath live load 114.192 221.114 25.928 205.042 230.970 179.113
One span both side footpath live load 114.192 221.114 25.928 205.042 230.970 179.113
Both span both side footpath live load 114.192 221.114 25.928 205.042 230.970 179.113

Sr. Condition Moment (tmt) Change Direct load Reaction
No. Ml Mt in react. per pile incl. Pmax Pmin
0.093 Ml + self wt. of pile
0.069 Mt up to fixity
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 140.431 197.601 26.725 205.230 231.955 178.505
Both span one side footpath live load 140.431 197.601 26.725 205.230 231.955 178.505
One span both side footpath live load 140.431 197.601 26.725 205.230 231.955 178.505
Both span both side footpath live load 140.431 197.601 26.725 205.230 231.955 178.505
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 9.355 80.492 6.456 224.651 231.107 218.195
Both span one side footpath live load 9.355 80.492 6.456 224.651 231.107 218.195
One span both side footpath live load 9.355 80.492 6.456 224.651 231.107 218.195
Both span both side footpath live load 9.355 80.492 6.456 224.651 231.107 218.195
2 Normal H.F.L. condition with
water current in 20° variation
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 198.742 205.021 32.640 203.456 236.096 170.816
Both span one side footpath live load 198.742 205.021 32.640 203.456 236.096 170.816
One span both side footpath live load 198.742 205.021 32.640 203.456 236.096 170.816
Both span both side footpath live load 198.742 205.021 32.640 203.456 236.096 170.816
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 200.530 196.899 32.241 204.645 236.886 172.404
Both span one side footpath live load 200.530 196.899 32.241 204.645 236.886 172.404
One span both side footpath live load 200.530 196.899 32.241 204.645 236.886 172.404
Both span both side footpath live load 200.530 196.899 32.241 204.645 236.886 172.404
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 126.001 50.051 15.143 207.739 222.882 192.597
Both span one side footpath live load 126.001 50.051 15.143 207.739 222.882 192.597
One span both side footpath live load 126.001 50.051 15.143 207.739 222.882 192.597
Both span both side footpath live load 126.001 50.051 15.143 207.739 222.882 192.597
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 114.192 221.114 25.928 205.042 230.970 179.113
Both span one side footpath live load 114.192 221.114 25.928 205.042 230.970 179.113
One span both side footpath live load 114.192 221.114 25.928 205.042 230.970 179.113
Both span both side footpath live load 114.192 221.114 25.928 205.042 230.970 179.113
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 140.431 197.601 26.725 205.230 231.955 178.505
Both span one side footpath live load 140.431 197.601 26.725 205.230 231.955 178.505
One span both side footpath live load 140.431 197.601 26.725 205.230 231.955 178.505
Both span both side footpath live load 140.431 197.601 26.725 205.230 231.955 178.505
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 9.355 80.492 6.456 224.651 231.107 218.195
Both span one side footpath live load 9.355 80.492 6.456 224.651 231.107 218.195
One span both side footpath live load 9.355 80.492 6.456 224.651 231.107 218.195
Both span both side footpath live load 9.355 80.492 6.456 224.651 231.107 218.195
Sr. Condition Moment (tmt) Change Direct load Reaction
No. Ml Mt in react. per pile incl. Pmax Pmin
0.093 Ml + self wt. of pile
0.069 Mt up to fixity
3 Seismic in longi. direction with
water current in trans. direction
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 774.655 269.785 90.462 186.395 276.857 95.932
Both span one side footpath live load 774.655 269.785 90.462 186.395 276.857 95.932
One span both side footpath live load 774.655 269.785 90.462 186.395 276.857 95.932
Both span both side footpath live load 774.655 269.785 90.462 186.395 276.857 95.932
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 775.013 268.161 90.383 186.632 277.015 96.250
Both span one side footpath live load 775.013 268.161 90.383 186.632 277.015 96.250
One span both side footpath live load 775.013 268.161 90.383 186.632 277.015 96.250
Both span both side footpath live load 775.013 268.161 90.383 186.632 277.015 96.250
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 757.745 273.004 89.120 186.712 275.832 97.592
Both span one side footpath live load 757.745 273.004 89.120 186.712 275.832 97.592
One span both side footpath live load 757.745 273.004 89.120 186.712 275.832 97.592
Both span both side footpath live load 757.745 273.004 89.120 186.712 275.832 97.592
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 762.993 268.301 89.280 186.749 276.029 97.470
Both span one side footpath live load 762.993 268.301 89.280 186.749 276.029 97.470
One span both side footpath live load 762.993 268.301 89.280 186.749 276.029 97.470
Both span both side footpath live load 762.993 268.301 89.280 186.749 276.029 97.470
4 Seismic in longi. direction with
water current 20° variation
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 774.655 269.785 90.462 186.395 276.857 95.932
Both span one side footpath live load 774.655 269.785 90.462 186.395 276.857 95.932
One span both side footpath live load 774.655 269.785 90.462 186.395 276.857 95.932
Both span both side footpath live load 774.655 269.785 90.462 186.395 276.857 95.932
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 775.013 268.161 90.383 186.632 277.015 96.250
Both span one side footpath live load 775.013 268.161 90.383 186.632 277.015 96.250
One span both side footpath live load 775.013 268.161 90.383 186.632 277.015 96.250
Both span both side footpath live load 775.013 268.161 90.383 186.632 277.015 96.250
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 757.745 273.004 89.120 186.712 275.832 97.592
Both span one side footpath live load 757.745 273.004 89.120 186.712 275.832 97.592
One span both side footpath live load 757.745 273.004 89.120 186.712 275.832 97.592
Both span both side footpath live load 757.745 273.004 89.120 186.712 275.832 97.592

Sr. Condition Moment (tmt) Change Direct load Reaction
No. Ml Mt in react. per pile incl. Pmax Pmin
0.093 Ml + self wt. of pile
0.069 Mt up to fixity
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 762.993 268.301 89.280 186.749 276.029 97.470
Both span one side footpath live load 762.993 268.301 89.280 186.749 276.029 97.470
One span both side footpath live load 762.993 268.301 89.280 186.749 276.029 97.470
Both span both side footpath live load 762.993 268.301 89.280 186.749 276.029 97.470
5 Seismic in trans. direction with
water current in trans. direction
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 260.221 803.607 79.901 186.395 266.295 106.494
Both span one side footpath live load 260.221 803.607 79.901 186.395 266.295 106.494
One span both side footpath live load 260.221 803.607 79.901 186.395 266.295 106.494
Both span both side footpath live load 260.221 803.607 79.901 186.395 266.295 106.494
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 260.578 801.983 79.821 186.632 266.453 106.812
Both span one side footpath live load 260.578 801.983 79.821 186.632 266.453 106.812
One span both side footpath live load 260.578 801.983 79.821 186.632 266.453 106.812
Both span both side footpath live load 260.578 801.983 79.821 186.632 266.453 106.812
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 243.310 806.826 78.558 186.712 265.270 108.154
Both span one side footpath live load 243.310 806.826 78.558 186.712 265.270 108.154
One span both side footpath live load 243.310 806.826 78.558 186.712 265.270 108.154
Both span both side footpath live load 243.310 806.826 78.558 186.712 265.270 108.154
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 248.558 802.123 78.718 186.749 265.467 108.032
Both span one side footpath live load 248.558 802.123 78.718 186.749 265.467 108.032
One span both side footpath live load 248.558 802.123 78.718 186.749 265.467 108.032
Both span both side footpath live load 248.558 802.123 78.718 186.749 265.467 108.032
6 Seismic in trans. direction with
water current 20° variation
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 260.221 803.607 79.901 186.395 266.295 106.494
Both span one side footpath live load 260.221 803.607 79.901 186.395 266.295 106.494
One span both side footpath live load 260.221 803.607 79.901 186.395 266.295 106.494
Both span both side footpath live load 260.221 803.607 79.901 186.395 266.295 106.494
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 260.578 801.983 79.821 186.632 266.453 106.812
Both span one side footpath live load 260.578 801.983 79.821 186.632 266.453 106.812
One span both side footpath live load 260.578 801.983 79.821 186.632 266.453 106.812
Both span both side footpath live load 260.578 801.983 79.821 186.632 266.453 106.812

Sr. Condition Moment (tmt) Change Direct load Reaction
No. Ml Mt in react. per pile incl. Pmax Pmin
0.093 Ml + self wt. of pile
0.069 Mt up to fixity
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 243.310 806.826 78.558 186.712 265.270 108.154
Both span one side footpath live load 243.310 806.826 78.558 186.712 265.270 108.154
One span both side footpath live load 243.310 806.826 78.558 186.712 265.270 108.154
Both span both side footpath live load 243.310 806.826 78.558 186.712 265.270 108.154
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 248.558 802.123 78.718 186.749 265.467 108.032
Both span one side footpath live load 248.558 802.123 78.718 186.749 265.467 108.032
One span both side footpath live load 248.558 802.123 78.718 186.749 265.467 108.032
Both span both side footpath live load 248.558 802.123 78.718 186.749 265.467 108.032
7 Normal H.F.L. condition with
water current in trans. direction
a Wind (upward) + No LL 111.120 444.482 41.156 175.978 217.134 134.822
8 Normal H.F.L. condition with
water current in 20° variation
a Wind (upward) + No LL 111.120 444.482 41.156 175.978 217.134 134.822
Rare combination
Cases considered
1 Normal H.F.L. condition with
water current in trans. direction
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 198.742 205.021 32.640 205.123 237.762 172.483
Both span one side footpath live load 198.742 205.021 32.640 205.123 237.762 172.483
One span both side footpath live load 198.742 205.021 32.640 205.123 237.762 172.483
Both span both side footpath live load 198.742 205.021 32.640 205.123 237.762 172.483
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 200.530 196.899 32.241 206.311 238.553 174.070
Both span one side footpath live load 200.530 196.899 32.241 206.311 238.553 174.070
One span both side footpath live load 200.530 196.899 32.241 206.311 238.553 174.070
Both span both side footpath live load 200.530 196.899 32.241 206.311 238.553 174.070
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 126.001 50.051 15.143 209.406 224.549 194.263
Both span one side footpath live load 126.001 50.051 15.143 209.406 224.549 194.263
One span both side footpath live load 126.001 50.051 15.143 209.406 224.549 194.263
Both span both side footpath live load 126.001 50.051 15.143 209.406 224.549 194.263
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 114.192 221.114 25.928 206.709 232.637 180.780
Both span one side footpath live load 114.192 221.114 25.928 206.709 232.637 180.780
One span both side footpath live load 114.192 221.114 25.928 206.709 232.637 180.780
Both span both side footpath live load 114.192 221.114 25.928 206.709 232.637 180.780

Sr. Condition Moment (tmt) Change Direct load Reaction
No. Ml Mt in react. per pile incl. Pmax Pmin
0.093 Ml + self wt. of pile
0.069 Mt up to fixity
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 140.431 197.601 26.725 206.896 233.622 180.171
Both span one side footpath live load 140.431 197.601 26.725 206.896 233.622 180.171
One span both side footpath live load 140.431 197.601 26.725 206.896 233.622 180.171
Both span both side footpath live load 140.431 197.601 26.725 206.896 233.622 180.171
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 9.355 80.492 6.456 226.318 232.774 219.862
Both span one side footpath live load 9.355 80.492 6.456 226.318 232.774 219.862
One span both side footpath live load 9.355 80.492 6.456 226.318 232.774 219.862
Both span both side footpath live load 9.355 80.492 6.456 226.318 232.774 219.862
2 Normal H.F.L. condition with
water current in 20° variation
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 198.742 205.021 32.640 205.123 237.762 172.483
Both span one side footpath live load 198.742 205.021 32.640 205.123 237.762 172.483
One span both side footpath live load 198.742 205.021 32.640 205.123 237.762 172.483
Both span both side footpath live load 198.742 205.021 32.640 205.123 237.762 172.483
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 200.530 196.899 32.241 206.311 238.553 174.070
Both span one side footpath live load 200.530 196.899 32.241 206.311 238.553 174.070
One span both side footpath live load 200.530 196.899 32.241 206.311 238.553 174.070
Both span both side footpath live load 200.530 196.899 32.241 206.311 238.553 174.070
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 126.001 50.051 15.143 209.406 224.549 194.263
Both span one side footpath live load 126.001 50.051 15.143 209.406 224.549 194.263
One span both side footpath live load 126.001 50.051 15.143 209.406 224.549 194.263
Both span both side footpath live load 126.001 50.051 15.143 209.406 224.549 194.263
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 114.192 221.114 25.928 206.709 232.637 180.780
Both span one side footpath live load 114.192 221.114 25.928 206.709 232.637 180.780
One span both side footpath live load 114.192 221.114 25.928 206.709 232.637 180.780
Both span both side footpath live load 114.192 221.114 25.928 206.709 232.637 180.780
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 140.431 197.601 26.725 206.896 233.622 180.171
Both span one side footpath live load 140.431 197.601 26.725 206.896 233.622 180.171
One span both side footpath live load 140.431 197.601 26.725 206.896 233.622 180.171
Both span both side footpath live load 140.431 197.601 26.725 206.896 233.622 180.171
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 9.355 80.492 6.456 226.318 232.774 219.862
Both span one side footpath live load 9.355 80.492 6.456 226.318 232.774 219.862
One span both side footpath live load 9.355 80.492 6.456 226.318 232.774 219.862
Both span both side footpath live load 9.355 80.492 6.456 226.318 232.774 219.862
Sr. Condition Moment (tmt) Change Direct load Reaction
No. Ml Mt in react. per pile incl. Pmax Pmin
0.093 Ml + self wt. of pile
0.069 Mt up to fixity
Quasi permanent combination
1 DL only 0.000 0.000 0.000 183.796 183.796 183.796
Ultimate load condition Basic combination
Cases considered
1 Normal H.F.L. condition with water current in trans. direction
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 298.113 307.531 48.959 281.198 330.157 232.238
Both span one side footpath live load 298.113 307.531 48.959 281.198 330.157 232.238
One span both side footpath live load 298.113 307.531 48.959 281.198 330.157 232.238
Both span both side footpath live load 298.113 307.531 48.959 281.198 330.157 232.238
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 300.795 295.349 48.362 282.981 331.343 234.619
Both span one side footpath live load 300.795 295.349 48.362 282.981 331.343 234.619
One span both side footpath live load 300.795 295.349 48.362 282.981 331.343 234.619
Both span both side footpath live load 300.795 295.349 48.362 282.981 331.343 234.619
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 144.901 58.942 17.510 278.659 296.170 261.149
Both span one side footpath live load 144.901 58.942 17.510 278.659 296.170 261.149
One span both side footpath live load 144.901 58.942 17.510 278.659 296.170 261.149
Both span both side footpath live load 144.901 58.942 17.510 278.659 296.170 261.149
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 171.288 331.672 38.893 283.577 322.470 244.684
Both span one side footpath live load 171.288 331.672 38.893 283.577 322.470 244.684
One span both side footpath live load 171.288 331.672 38.893 283.577 322.470 244.684
Both span both side footpath live load 171.288 331.672 38.893 283.577 322.470 244.684
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 210.646 296.402 40.088 283.859 323.946 243.771
Both span one side footpath live load 210.646 296.402 40.088 283.859 323.946 243.771
One span both side footpath live load 210.646 296.402 40.088 283.859 323.946 243.771
Both span both side footpath live load 210.646 296.402 40.088 283.859 323.946 243.771
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 10.758 93.950 7.520 298.108 305.628 290.588
Both span one side footpath live load 10.758 93.950 7.520 298.108 305.628 290.588
One span both side footpath live load 10.758 93.950 7.520 298.108 305.628 290.588
Both span both side footpath live load 10.758 93.950 7.520 298.108 305.628 290.588
2 Normal H.F.L. condition with water current in 20° variation
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 298.113 307.531 48.959 281.198 330.157 232.238
Both span one side footpath live load 298.113 307.531 48.959 281.198 330.157 232.238
One span both side footpath live load 298.113 307.531 48.959 281.198 330.157 232.238
Both span both side footpath live load 298.113 307.531 48.959 281.198 330.157 232.238
Sr. Condition Moment (tmt) Change Direct load Reaction
No. Ml Mt in react. per pile incl. Pmax Pmin
0.093 Ml + self wt. of pile
0.069 Mt up to fixity
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 300.795 295.349 48.362 282.981 331.343 234.619
Both span one side footpath live load 300.795 295.349 48.362 282.981 331.343 234.619
One span both side footpath live load 300.795 295.349 48.362 282.981 331.343 234.619
Both span both side footpath live load 300.795 295.349 48.362 282.981 331.343 234.619
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 144.901 58.942 17.510 278.659 296.170 261.149
Both span one side footpath live load 144.901 58.942 17.510 278.659 296.170 261.149
One span both side footpath live load 144.901 58.942 17.510 278.659 296.170 261.149
Both span both side footpath live load 144.901 58.942 17.510 278.659 296.170 261.149
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 171.288 331.672 38.893 283.577 322.470 244.684
Both span one side footpath live load 171.288 331.672 38.893 283.577 322.470 244.684
One span both side footpath live load 171.288 331.672 38.893 283.577 322.470 244.684
Both span both side footpath live load 171.288 331.672 38.893 283.577 322.470 244.684
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 210.646 296.402 40.088 283.859 323.946 243.771
Both span one side footpath live load 210.646 296.402 40.088 283.859 323.946 243.771
One span both side footpath live load 210.646 296.402 40.088 283.859 323.946 243.771
Both span both side footpath live load 210.646 296.402 40.088 283.859 323.946 243.771
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 10.758 93.950 7.520 298.108 305.628 290.588
Both span one side footpath live load 10.758 93.950 7.520 298.108 305.628 290.588
One span both side footpath live load 10.758 93.950 7.520 298.108 305.628 290.588
Both span both side footpath live load 10.758 93.950 7.520 298.108 305.628 290.588
3 Seismic in longi. direction with water current in trans. direction
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1142.109 384.176 132.430 253.473 385.903 121.044
Both span one side footpath live load 1142.109 384.176 132.430 253.473 385.903 121.044
One span both side footpath live load 1142.109 384.176 132.430 253.473 385.903 121.044
Both span both side footpath live load 1142.109 384.176 132.430 253.473 385.903 121.044
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1142.467 382.551 132.350 253.711 386.061 121.361
Both span one side footpath live load 1142.467 382.551 132.350 253.711 386.061 121.361
One span both side footpath live load 1142.467 382.551 132.350 253.711 386.061 121.361
Both span both side footpath live load 1142.467 382.551 132.350 253.711 386.061 121.361
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1125.199 387.394 131.087 253.790 384.878 122.703
Both span one side footpath live load 1125.199 387.394 131.087 253.790 384.878 122.703
One span both side footpath live load 1125.199 387.394 131.087 253.790 384.878 122.703
Both span both side footpath live load 1125.199 387.394 131.087 253.790 384.878 122.703
Sr. Condition Moment (tmt) Change Direct load Reaction
No. Ml Mt in react. per pile incl. Pmax Pmin
0.093 Ml + self wt. of pile
0.069 Mt up to fixity
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1130.447 382.692 131.247 253.828 385.075 122.581
Both span one side footpath live load 1130.447 382.692 131.247 253.828 385.075 122.581
One span both side footpath live load 1130.447 382.692 131.247 253.828 385.075 122.581
Both span both side footpath live load 1130.447 382.692 131.247 253.828 385.075 122.581
4 Seismic in longi. direction with
water current 20° variation
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1142.109 384.176 132.430 253.473 385.903 121.044
Both span one side footpath live load 1142.109 384.176 132.430 253.473 385.903 121.044
One span both side footpath live load 1142.109 384.176 132.430 253.473 385.903 121.044
Both span both side footpath live load 1142.109 384.176 132.430 253.473 385.903 121.044
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1142.467 382.551 132.350 253.711 386.061 121.361
Both span one side footpath live load 1142.467 382.551 132.350 253.711 386.061 121.361
One span both side footpath live load 1142.467 382.551 132.350 253.711 386.061 121.361
Both span both side footpath live load 1142.467 382.551 132.350 253.711 386.061 121.361
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1125.199 387.394 131.087 253.790 384.878 122.703
Both span one side footpath live load 1125.199 387.394 131.087 253.790 384.878 122.703
One span both side footpath live load 1125.199 387.394 131.087 253.790 384.878 122.703
Both span both side footpath live load 1125.199 387.394 131.087 253.790 384.878 122.703
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 1130.447 382.692 131.247 253.828 385.075 122.581
Both span one side footpath live load 1130.447 382.692 131.247 253.828 385.075 122.581
One span both side footpath live load 1130.447 382.692 131.247 253.828 385.075 122.581
Both span both side footpath live load 1130.447 382.692 131.247 253.828 385.075 122.581
5 Seismic in trans. direction with
water current in trans. direction
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 370.457 1184.909 116.587 253.473 370.060 136.886
Both span one side footpath live load 370.457 1184.909 116.587 253.473 370.060 136.886
One span both side footpath live load 370.457 1184.909 116.587 253.473 370.060 136.886
Both span both side footpath live load 370.457 1184.909 116.587 253.473 370.060 136.886
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 370.814 1183.285 116.507 253.711 370.218 137.204
Both span one side footpath live load 370.814 1183.285 116.507 253.711 370.218 137.204
One span both side footpath live load 370.814 1183.285 116.507 253.711 370.218 137.204
Both span both side footpath live load 370.814 1183.285 116.507 253.711 370.218 137.204

Sr. Condition Moment (tmt) Change Direct load Reaction
No. Ml Mt in react. per pile incl. Pmax Pmin
0.093 Ml + self wt. of pile
0.069 Mt up to fixity
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 353.547 1188.128 115.245 253.790 369.035 138.546
Both span one side footpath live load 353.547 1188.128 115.245 253.790 369.035 138.546
One span both side footpath live load 353.547 1188.128 115.245 253.790 369.035 138.546
Both span both side footpath live load 353.547 1188.128 115.245 253.790 369.035 138.546
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 358.794 1183.425 115.404 253.828 369.232 138.424
Both span one side footpath live load 358.794 1183.425 115.404 253.828 369.232 138.424
One span both side footpath live load 358.794 1183.425 115.404 253.828 369.232 138.424
Both span both side footpath live load 358.794 1183.425 115.404 253.828 369.232 138.424
6 Seismic in trans. direction with
water current 20° variation
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 370.457 1184.909 116.587 253.473 370.060 136.886
Both span one side footpath live load 370.457 1184.909 116.587 253.473 370.060 136.886
One span both side footpath live load 370.457 1184.909 116.587 253.473 370.060 136.886
Both span both side footpath live load 370.457 1184.909 116.587 253.473 370.060 136.886
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 370.814 1183.285 116.507 253.711 370.218 137.204
Both span one side footpath live load 370.814 1183.285 116.507 253.711 370.218 137.204
One span both side footpath live load 370.814 1183.285 116.507 253.711 370.218 137.204
Both span both side footpath live load 370.814 1183.285 116.507 253.711 370.218 137.204
b Max. live load with c.g. coinsides with piercap
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 353.547 1188.128 115.245 253.790 369.035 138.546
Both span one side footpath live load 353.547 1188.128 115.245 253.790 369.035 138.546
One span both side footpath live load 353.547 1188.128 115.245 253.790 369.035 138.546
Both span both side footpath live load 353.547 1188.128 115.245 253.790 369.035 138.546
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 358.794 1183.425 115.404 253.828 369.232 138.424
Both span one side footpath live load 358.794 1183.425 115.404 253.828 369.232 138.424
One span both side footpath live load 358.794 1183.425 115.404 253.828 369.232 138.424
Both span both side footpath live load 358.794 1183.425 115.404 253.828 369.232 138.424
7 Normal H.F.L. condition with
water current in trans. direction
a Wind (upward) + No LL 166.681 666.722 61.734 239.981 301.714 178.247
8 Normal H.F.L. condition with
water current in 20° variation
a Wind (upward) + No LL 166.681 666.722 61.734 239.981 301.714 178.247
Single lane of Class 70 R wheeled vehicle with max. live load R case which gives
max. long. moment with footpath both span one side loaded condition with water current 20° variation will
govern. Hence, same is considered.
5.3 Determination of depth of fixity: Normal condition
Ref.: Annex 'C' of IS: 2911 Part I - Sect II
Pile diameter = 120.0 cm
Concrete mix = M: 35
Stiffness factor T = 5√EI/ηh
E = Young's modulus
= 32308.2 MN/m² (Ref.: Annexure-A2 of IRC: 112)
I = Moment of Inertia
= π/64 x 1.200^4
= 0.1018 m4
ηh = 5.0 MN/m³ for medium sand (Table-3 of Annex - C)

T = (32308.250 x 0.102/5.000)^0.2
= 3.661 m
From fig. 4 Lf/T = 2.20 for L1/T = 0.000/3.661 = 0.000
Lf = 2.200 x 3.661
= 8.054 m Or rock level whichever higher hence fixity R.L. 91.746
Mf = 8.054 x Q/2 = 4.027 x Q
The actual maximum moment:
M = m x Mf
= 0.82 x Mf (from graph 3 B)
= 0.82 x 4.027 x Q = 3.302 Q

5.3 Determination of depth of fixity: Seismic condition

Ref.: Appendix 'C' of IS: 2911 Part I - Sect II Ammendment no. 3.
Pile diameter = 120.0 cm
Concrete mix = M: 35
Stiffness factor T = 5√EI/ηh
E = Young's modulus
= 32308.2 MN/m² (Ref.: Annexure-A2 of IRC: 112)
I = Moment of Inertia
= π/64 x 1.200^4
= 0.102 m4
ηh = 5.0 MN/m³ for medium sand
T = (32308.250 x 0.102/5.000)^0.2
= 3.661 m
From fig. 4 Lf/T = 2.20 for L1/T = 0.000/3.661 = 0.000
Lf = 2.200 x 3.661
= 8.054 m Or rock level whichever higher hence fixity R.L. 91.746
Mf = 8.054 x Q/2 = 4.027 x Q

The actual maximum moment:

M = m x Mf
= 0.82 x Mf (from graph 3 B)
= 0.82 x 4.027 x Q = 3.302 Q

5.3.1 Moment on pile: - ULS condition
In longitudinal direction:
1 Normal condition:
Horizontal force = 16.450 t
Force/pile = 16.450/6 = 2.742 t
Moment = 2.742 x 3.302 = 9.054 tmt
Total horizontal force/pile = 2.742 t
Total Moment = 9.054 tmt

2 Normal condition: SV Loading

Horizontal force = 0.000 t
Force/pile = 0.000/6 = 0.000 t
Moment = 0.000 x 3.302 = 0.000 tmt
Total horizontal force/pile = 0.000 t
Total Moment = 0.000 tmt

3 Seismic in longitudinal direction:

Horizontal force = 157.088 t
Force/pile = 157.088/6 = 26.181 t
Moment = 26.181 x 3.302 = 86.458 tmt

Moment due to seismic force on pile:

Force/pile = 2.459 x 1.50 = 3.689 t
Moment = 3.689 x 3.302 = 12.183 tmt
Total horizontal force/pile = 26.181 + 3.689 = 29.871 t
Total Moment = 86.458 + 12.183 = 98.641 tmt

4 Seismic in transverse direction:

Horizontal force = 48.662 t
Force/pile = 48.662/6 = 8.110 t
Moment = 8.110 x 3.302 = 26.782 tmt
Total horizontal force/pile = 8.110 t
Total Moment = 26.782 tmt

5 Wind condition:
Horizontal force = 14.836 t
Force/pile = 14.836/6 = 2.473 t
Moment = 2.473 x 3.302 = 8.165 tmt
Total horizontal force/pile = 2.473 t
Total Moment = 8.165 tmt

6 DL only condition for Quasi permanent combination:

Horizontal force = 0.000 t
Force/pile = 0.000/6 = 0.000 t
Moment = 0.000 x 3.302 = 0.000 tmt

Moment on pile: - ULS condition
In transverse direction:
1 Normal condition:
Horizontal force = 18.354 t
Force/pile = 18.354/6 = 3.059 t
Moment = 3.059 x 3.302 = 10.102 tmt
Total horizontal force/pile = 3.059 t
Total Moment = 10.102 tmt

2 Normal condition: SV Loading

Horizontal force = 0.455 t
Force/pile = 0.455/6 = 0.076 t
Moment = 0.076 x 3.302 = 0.250 tmt
Total horizontal force/pile = 0.076 t
Total Moment = 0.250 tmt

3 Seismic in longitudinal direction:

Horizontal force = 50.225 t
Force/pile = 50.225/6 = 8.371 t
Moment = 8.371 x 3.302 = 27.643 tmt
Total horizontal force/pile = 8.371 t
Total Moment = 27.643 tmt

4 Seismic in transverse direction:

Horizontal force = 161.708 t
Force/pile = 161.708/6 = 26.951 t
Moment = 26.951 x 3.302 = 89.001 tmt
Moment due to seismic force on pile:
Force/pile = 2.459 x 1.50 = 3.689 t
Moment = 3.689 x 3.302 = 12.183 tmt
Total horizontal force/pile = 26.951 + 3.689 = 30.641 t
Total Moment = 89.001 + 12.183 = 101.184 tmt

5 Wind condition:
Horizontal force = 59.342 t
Force/pile = 59.342/6 = 9.890 t
Moment = 9.890 x 3.302 = 32.661 tmt
Total horizontal force/pile = 9.890 t
Total Moment = 32.661 tmt

6 DL only condition for Quasi permanent combination:

Horizontal force = 0.000 t
Force/pile = 0.000/6 = 0.000 t
Moment = 0.000 x 3.302 = 0.000 tmt

Resultant moment on pile:
Sr. No. Condition Moment (tmt) Horizontal force/pile (t)
ULS condition
1 Normal cond. with 20° variation 9.054 10.102 13.565 2.742 3.059 4.108
2 Normal cond. with 20° variation 0.000 0.250 0.250 0.000 0.076 0.076
SV Loading
3 Seismic in longi. direction 98.641 27.643 102.441 29.871 8.371 31.021
with water current 20° variation
4 Seismic in trans. direction 26.782 101.184 104.668 8.110 30.641 31.696
with water current 20° variation
5 Wind condition 8.165 32.661 33.666 2.473 9.890 10.195
with water current 20° variation
6 Quasi permanent condition 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000


Concrete mix : - M: 35
Grade of reinforcement Fe 500
d = 120.0 cm
d' = 11.10 cm
d'/d = 0.093
Reinforcement details: No. = 24 Dia. = 20 mm
Sr. No. Condition Direct Moment NED/NRD MurR αn Ratio
Load (KN) KN.m
1 Normal condition 3301.573 135.652 0.158 2601.766 1.049 0.045
2322.384 0.111 2346.802 1.010 0.056
2 Normal condition 2961.695 2.503 0.142 2517.965 1.035 0.001
SV Loading 2611.495 0.125 2426.169 1.021 0.001
3 Seismic in longi. direction 3859.030 1024.410 0.185 2722.457 1.071 0.351
1210.436 0.058 2004.756 1.000 0.511
4 Seismic in trans. direction 3700.602 1046.682 0.178 2689.578 1.065 0.366
1368.864 0.066 2057.689 1.000 0.509
5 Wind condition 3017.142 336.661 0.145 2532.050 1.037 0.123
1782.471 0.086 2189.363 1.000 0.154

Provide 20 dia - 24 Nos. Ast = 75.398 cm²

Minimum reinforcement: (Cl. 16.2.2 of IRC 112: 2011 & cl. 709.4.4 of IRC: 78-2014)
1) As min = 0.004 x Ac
= 0.004 x 11309.734
= 45.239 cm² < 75.398 cm² OK

As min = 0.10 NED/fyd

NED = Design axial force = 386.061 t
fyd = Design yield strength of reinforcement = 4347.826 Kg/cm²
As min = 8.879 cm² < 75.398 cm² O.K.

Maximum reinforcement: (Cl. 16.3.1 of IRC: 112-2011 & cl. 709.4.4 of IRC: 78-2014)
2) As max = 0.025 x Ac
= 0.025 x 11309.734
= 282.743 cm² > 75.398 cm² OK

Transverse reinforcement: (Cl. 16.2.3 of IRC: 112- 2011)

Min. dia. of transverse reinforcement = 8 mm or 6 mm
Spacing of transverse reinforcement:
i. 12 times min. dia. of long. Bar = 12 x 20
= 240 mm
ii. Least lateral dimension of column = 1200 mm
iii. = 200 mm

Provide 16 mm dia. @ 100 mm c/c OK

Confining reinforcement: (Cl. 17.2.1 of IRC: 112-2011)

Area of longitudinal steel = 7539.822 mm²
Area of concrete section = 1130973 mm²
Longitudinal reinforcement ratio = ρL = 0.007
Clear cover to reinforcement = 75 mm
Design axial load NED = 386.061 t
fyd = Design yield strength of reinforcement = 434.783 Mpa
fcd = 15.633 Mpa
Dia. of hoop/ties = 16 mm Asp = 201.062 mm²
Proposed spacing of hoop/spiral = S L = 100 mm
Dia. of hoop/spiral Dsp = 1034 mm
Normalised axial force nk = (NED/(Ac x fck)) = 0.098 > 0.064
(Eq. 17.1 of IRC: 112-2011) Confinement reinforcement required.
Gross area of concrete section = Ac = 1130973.4 mm²
Gross area of confined concrete Acc = π/4 x (1200.0 - 2 x 75 - 2 x 16)² = 813927 mm²

Volumetric ratio of transverse reinforcement = ρw = 4. Asp/(Dsp. SL)

(Eq. 17.4 of IRC: 112-2011) = 4 x 201.062/(1034.000 x 100.000)
= 0.0078

Min. Confining reinforcement ratio (provided) = ωwd = ρw x fyd/fcd

(Eq. 17.2 of IRC: 112-2011) = 0.008 x 434.783/15.633
= 0.2163

Confining reinforcement ratio (required): (Eq. 17.6 of IRC: 112-2011)

ωw req = 0.37 x Ac/Acc x nk + 0.13 x fyd/fcd x (ρL - 0.01)
= 0.37 x 1130973.355/813926.966 x 0.098 + 0.13 x 434.783/15.633 x (0.007 - 0.01)
= 0.038

Min. Confining reinforcement ratio (required): (Eq. 17.7 of IRC: 112-2011)

Max. of (i) 0.18
(ii) 1.4 ωw req = 1.4 x 0.038 = 0.053
ωw min = 0.180 < 0.216 OK
Spacing of confinement reinforcement: (Cl. of IRC: 112-2011)

The spacing of confinement in the longitudinal direction S L shall satisfy both of the following conditions:
(1) SL ≤ 5 times dia. of smallest longitudinal bar = 5 x 20 = 100 mm
≤ 1/5th of the diameter of confined concrete core = 1/5 x 1034.000 = 206.8 mm

Extent of confinement: (cl. of IRC: 112-2011)

When nk ≤ 0.3 the design length Lh of potential plasic hinges shall be estimated as the larger of the
following values:
- The depth of the pile section within the plane of bending = 1200 mm
- The distance from the point of maximum design moment to the point where the design
moment is 80% of the value of the max. moment = 1611 mm

Governing value = 1610.9 mm

Check for slenderness: (cl. 11.2.1 of IRC: 112-2011)

Sr. No. NED (t) Meqp Med Φef A B C n λlim λxx Slenderness
1 330.157 0.00 13.565 0.000 1.000 1.171 1.7 0.187 92.121 40.272 OK
2 296.170 0.00 0.250 0.000 1.000 1.171 1.7 0.168 97.264 40.272 OK
3 385.903 0.00 102.441 0.000 1.000 1.171 1.7 0.218 85.208 40.272 OK
4 370.060 0.00 104.668 0.000 1.000 1.171 1.7 0.209 87.013 40.272 OK
5 301.714 0.00 33.666 0.000 1.000 1.171 1.7 0.171 96.366 40.272 OK

ω = Mechanical reinforcement ratio = As. fyd/Ac. fcd = 0.185

rm = Moment ratio = 0
Le = 12.082 m
I= 0.102 m4
r= 0.300 m

Check for deflection:
SLS condition:
Max. Horizontal force per pile in normal condition:
Longitudinal direction = 12.191/6.000 = 2.032 t
Transverse direction = 13.087/6.000 = 2.181 t

H = Resultant lateral force per pile = 2.981 t = 29.230 KN

Ref.: cl. Annex - C-4.2 of IS: 2911- (Part 1/sec 2): 2010
The pile head deflection for fixed head pile,
Deflection, y = H (e + Zf)³/12 EI x 10³
e = L1 = 0.000 m
Zf = 8.054 m
E= 32308249.7 KN/m²
I= 0.102 m4

Deflection, y = 0.387 mm

Deflection at distance x from free end = H x (e + Zf - x)² x (L + 2 x)/12 EI x 10³

Deflection at scour level ( x = 0.000 m) = 0.387 mm < 12 mm
(Ref.: cl. 709 of IRC: 78 - 2014)

6.1 (i) Reaction on pile:
(a) For normal condition = 236.886 t
(b) For seismic condition = 277.015 t
(c) For wind condition = 217.134 t
(ii) Self load of pile: From fixity level to founding level
Normal and wind condition:
Depth = 14.946 m
Pile dia. = 1200 mm
Load = π/4 x 1.2² x 14.946 x 2.5 = 42.258 t
Total load: (a) For normal condition = 236.886 + 42.258 = 279.144 t
Seismic condition:
Depth = 14.946 m
Pile dia. = 1200 mm
Load = π/4 x 1.2² x 14.946 x 2.5 = 42.258 t
(b) For seismic condition = 277.015 + 42.258 = 319.273 t < 1.25 x 279.144 t
Max. reaction on pile = 279.144 t say 280.00 t
Hence, normal condition will govern.

6.2 Checking of capacity of Piles in soil for pier:

As per soil investigation report capacity of pile = 626.92 t > 280.00 t. Hence, safe.

Load from pier will be dispersed @ 45° up to center of pile cap and reaction from pile
will also disperesed @ 45° as shown in sketch.
Equivalent length of pier:
L= 5.742 m
Dispersed length of pier = (5.742 + 1.800) or 8.700m whichever is lesser 7.542 m
Dispersed width of pier = (1.200 + 1.800) or 5.100m whichever is lesser 3.000 m
Area = 3.000 x 7.542 = 22.627 m²

Moment in pilecap in longitudinal direction:

Eccentricity of pile from face of pier in longitudinal direction = 1.200 m
Distance between pier face and pilecap face in longi. direction = 1.950 m
Load from outer piles will be dispersed in width = 0.150 + 1.2 + 0.900 = 2.250 m
Load from inner piles will be dispersed in width = 0.900 + 1.2 + 0.900 = 3.000 m
ULS condition:
Sr. Condition Max. Moment Moment Direct load Moment Net
No. reaction on due to due to without due to Design
pile pile self wt. self wt. of dispersion moment
Pmax Pmax * e of pilecap pilecap from pier
1 Normal H.F.L. condition with
water current in 20° variation
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 299.414 1077.889 100.486 1233.177 166.479 810.924
Both span one side footpath live load 299.414 1077.889 100.486 1233.177 166.479 810.924
One span both side footpath live load 299.414 1077.889 100.486 1233.177 166.479 810.924
Both span both side footpath live load 299.414 1077.889 100.486 1233.177 166.479 810.924
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 300.599 1082.157 100.486 1243.876 167.923 813.748
Both span one side footpath live load 300.599 1082.157 100.486 1243.876 167.923 813.748
One span both side footpath live load 300.599 1082.157 100.486 1243.876 167.923 813.748
Both span both side footpath live load 300.599 1082.157 100.486 1243.876 167.923 813.748
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 265.426 955.533 100.486 1217.947 164.423 690.624
Both span one side footpath live load 265.426 955.533 100.486 1217.947 164.423 690.624
One span both side footpath live load 265.426 955.533 100.486 1217.947 164.423 690.624
Both span both side footpath live load 265.426 955.533 100.486 1217.947 164.423 690.624
2 Seismic in longi. direction with
water current 20° variation
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 355.159 1278.573 100.486 1066.830 144.022 1034.065
Both span one side footpath live load 355.159 1278.573 100.486 1066.830 144.022 1034.065
One span both side footpath live load 355.159 1278.573 100.486 1066.830 144.022 1034.065
Both span both side footpath live load 355.159 1278.573 100.486 1066.830 144.022 1034.065

Sr. Condition Max. Moment Moment Direct load Moment Net
No. reaction due to due to without due to Design
on pile pile self wt. self wt. of dispersion moment
Pmax Pmax * e of pilecap pilecap from pier
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 355.317 1279.142 100.486 1068.256 144.215 1034.442
Both span one side footpath live load 355.317 1279.142 100.486 1068.256 144.215 1034.442
One span both side footpath live load 355.317 1279.142 100.486 1068.256 144.215 1034.442
Both span both side footpath live load 355.317 1279.142 100.486 1068.256 144.215 1034.442
3 Seismic in trans. direction with
water current 20° variation
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
339.316 1221.539 100.486 1066.830 144.022 977.031
Both span one side footpath live load 339.316 1221.539 100.486 1066.830 144.022 977.031
One span both side footpath live load 339.316 1221.539 100.486 1066.830 144.022 977.031
Both span both side footpath live load 339.316 1221.539 100.486 1066.830 144.022 977.031
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 339.475 1222.108 100.486 1068.256 144.215 977.408
Both span one side footpath live load 339.475 1222.108 100.486 1068.256 144.215 977.408
One span both side footpath live load 339.475 1222.108 100.486 1068.256 144.215 977.408
Both span both side footpath live load 339.475 1222.108 100.486 1068.256 144.215 977.408
4 Wind condition
with water current 20° variation 270.971 975.494 100.486 985.874 133.093 741.915
Quasi permanent combination
1 DL only 161.023 579.682 74.434 766.472 103.474 401.775
Serviceablity limit state condition: Rare combination.
1 Normal H.F.L. condition with
water current in 20° variation
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 214.989 773.961 74.434 894.432 120.748 578.778
Both span one side footpath live load 214.989 773.961 74.434 894.432 120.748 578.778
One span both side footpath live load 214.989 773.961 74.434 894.432 120.748 578.778
Both span both side footpath live load 214.989 773.961 74.434 894.432 120.748 578.778
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 215.779 776.806 74.434 901.565 121.711 580.661
Both span one side footpath live load 215.779 776.806 74.434 901.565 121.711 580.661
One span both side footpath live load 215.779 776.806 74.434 901.565 121.711 580.661
Both span both side footpath live load 215.779 776.806 74.434 901.565 121.711 580.661
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 201.775 726.392 74.434 920.132 124.218 527.740
Both span one side footpath live load 201.775 726.392 74.434 920.132 124.218 527.740
One span both side footpath live load 201.775 726.392 74.434 920.132 124.218 527.740
Both span both side footpath live load 201.775 726.392 74.434 920.132 124.218 527.740

Net moment ULS = 1034.442 tm
Net moment SLS Quasi = 401.775 tm
Net moment SLS rare = 580.661 tm

Shear force at distance d from face of pier:

Longitudinal direction:
Shear force due to self wt. of pilecap = 8.700 x 1.800 x (1.950 - 1.703) x 2.5 x 1.350 = 13.081 t
Shear force due to pile reaction = 3 x 355.317/2.250 x (1.950 - 1.703) = 117.255 t
Net shear force = 104.174 t = 11.974 t/m width

Moment in pilecap in transverse direction:

Eccentricity of pile from face of pier in transverse direction = 0.729 m
Distance between pier face and pilecap face in transverse direction 1.479 m
ULS condition:
Sr. Condition Max. Moment Moment Direct load Moment Net
No. reaction on due to due to without due to Design
pile pile self wt. self wt. of dispersion moment
Pmax Pmax * e of pilecap pilecap from pier
1 Normal H.F.L. condition with
water current in 20° variation
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 299.414 436.402 33.875 1233.177 66.217 336.310
Both span one side footpath live load 299.414 436.402 33.875 1233.177 66.217 336.310
One span both side footpath live load 299.414 436.402 33.875 1233.177 66.217 336.310
Both span both side footpath live load 299.414 436.402 33.875 1233.177 66.217 336.310
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 300.599 438.130 33.875 1243.876 66.791 337.464
Both span one side footpath live load 300.599 438.130 33.875 1243.876 66.791 337.464
One span both side footpath live load 300.599 438.130 33.875 1243.876 66.791 337.464
Both span both side footpath live load 300.599 438.130 33.875 1243.876 66.791 337.464
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 265.426 386.864 33.875 1217.947 65.399 287.590
Both span one side footpath live load 265.426 386.864 33.875 1217.947 65.399 287.590
One span both side footpath live load 265.426 386.864 33.875 1217.947 65.399 287.590
Both span both side footpath live load 265.426 386.864 33.875 1217.947 65.399 287.590
2 Seismic in longi. direction with water current 20° variation
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 355.159 517.652 33.875 1066.830 57.284 426.493
Both span one side footpath live load 355.159 517.652 33.875 1066.830 57.284 426.493
One span both side footpath live load 355.159 517.652 33.875 1066.830 57.284 426.493
Both span both side footpath live load 355.159 517.652 33.875 1066.830 57.284 426.493
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 355.317 517.883 33.875 1068.256 57.361 426.647
Both span one side footpath live load 355.317 517.883 33.875 1068.256 57.361 426.647
One span both side footpath live load 355.317 517.883 33.875 1068.256 57.361 426.647
Both span both side footpath live load 355.317 517.883 33.875 1068.256 57.361 426.647
Sr. Condition Max. Moment Moment Direct load Moment Net
No. reaction on due to due to without due to Design
pile pile self wt. self wt. of dispersion moment
Pmax Pmax * e of pilecap pilecap from pier
3 Seismic in trans. direction with water current 20° variation
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 339.316 494.561 33.875 1066.830 57.284 403.402
Both span one side footpath live load 339.316 494.561 33.875 1066.830 57.284 403.402
One span both side footpath live load 339.316 494.561 33.875 1066.830 57.284 403.402
Both span both side footpath live load 339.316 494.561 33.875 1066.830 57.284 403.402
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 339.475 494.792 33.875 1068.256 57.361 403.555
Both span one side footpath live load 339.475 494.792 33.875 1068.256 57.361 403.555
One span both side footpath live load 339.475 494.792 33.875 1068.256 57.361 403.555
Both span both side footpath live load 339.475 494.792 33.875 1068.256 57.361 403.555
4 Wind condition
with water current 20° variation 270.971 394.946 33.875 985.874 52.937 308.133
Quasi permanent combination
1 DL only 161.023 234.694 25.093 766.472 41.156 168.445
Serviceablity limit state condition: Rare combination.
1 Normal H.F.L. condition with water current in 20° variation
a Max. R case which gives max. long. Moment
(i) Single lane of class 70R + Class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 214.989 313.351 25.093 894.432 48.027 240.231
Both span one side footpath live load 214.989 313.351 25.093 894.432 48.027 240.231
One span both side footpath live load 214.989 313.351 25.093 894.432 48.027 240.231
Both span both side footpath live load 214.989 313.351 25.093 894.432 48.027 240.231
(ii) Three lanes of class A loading
One span one side footpath live load 215.779 314.503 25.093 901.565 48.410 241.000
Both span one side footpath live load 215.779 314.503 25.093 901.565 48.410 241.000
One span both side footpath live load 215.779 314.503 25.093 901.565 48.410 241.000
Both span both side footpath live load 215.779 314.503 25.093 901.565 48.410 241.000
(iii) IRC SV loading
One span one side footpath live load 201.775 294.092 25.093 920.132 49.407 219.592
Both span one side footpath live load 201.775 294.092 25.093 920.132 49.407 219.592
One span both side footpath live load 201.775 294.092 25.093 920.132 49.407 219.592
Both span both side footpath live load 201.775 294.092 25.093 920.132 49.407 219.592

Net moment ULS = 426.65 tm

Net moment SLS Quasi = 168.45 tm
Net moment SLS rare = 241.00 tm

Shear force at distance d face of pier:

Transverse direction:
Shear force due to self wt. of pilecap =5.100 x 1.800 x (1.479 - 1.678) x 2.5 x 1.350 = 0.000 t
Shear force due to pile reaction = 2 x 355.317/2.250 x (1.479 - 1.678) = 0.000 t
Net shear force = 0.000 t = 0.000 t/m width
Net shear force:
Longitudinal direction: (Ref.: cl. 10.3.2 (5) of IRC: 112 - 2011)
Shear reduction factor (β): αv/2d = 0.352
d= 1.703 m 2d = 3.405 m
αv = Dist. of pile from pier face = 1.200 m> 0.851 m (0.5d)

Reduction in shear = 0.352 x 11.974 = 4.220 t/m width

transverse direction: (Ref.: cl. 10.3.2 (5) of IRC: 112 - 2011)

Shear reduction factor (β): αv/2d = 0.217
d= 1.678 m 2d = 3.355 m
αv = Dist. of pile from pier face = 0.729 m< 0.839 m (0.5d)

Reduction in shear = 0.217 x 0.000 = 0.000 t/m width

7.1 ULS flexural:

Grade of concrete = M : 35
Depth check for longitudinal direction:
Mu = 1034.442 tm b= 8700 mm
dreq. = (Mu/R.b)
R= 0.165 x fck
= 5.778
dreq. = 453.637 mm < 1702.5 mm OK

Limiting moment of resistance:

Mulim = 0.165 x fck x b x d²
= 0.165 x 35.0 x 8700.00 x 1702.50 x 1702.50
= 145701611099.897 Nmm
= 14570.161 tm > 1034.442 tm Ok

Reinforcement in longitudinal direction:

Ast req = 0.5 fck b d [1 - (1 - 4.6Mu/(fck.b.d²))0.5]
= 0.5 x (35 x 8700 x 1703/500) x (1 - √(1 - 4.6 x 1034.442 x 100000000/(35 x 8700 x 1703²)))
= 14168.456 mm²

Minimum reinforcement: (Cl. of IRC: 112-2011)

Maximum of
(1) Asmin = 0.26 fctm b d
fctm = mean value of axial tensile strength of concrete = 2.77 Mpa (Table 6.5 of IRC: 112)
Asmin = 0.26 x 2.77 x 8700.0 x 1702.50/500
= 21344.61 mm²
(2) Asmin = 0.0013 b d = 19255.28 mm²

Minimum reinforcement in longitudinal direction = 21344.6 mm²
= 2453.40 mm²/m width
+ 121.27 mm²/m width due to shear
Total = 2574.67 mm²/m width
Provide 25 mm dia. bar @ spacing of 150 mm c/c.
0 mm dia. bar @ spacing of 150 mm c/c.
Ast = 3272.492 mm² OK
Ast provided = 28470.68 mm² OK

Depth check for transverse direction:

Mu = 426.647 tm b= 5100 mm
dreq. = (Mu/R.b)
R= 0.165 x fck
= 5.778
dreq. = 380.508 mm < 1677.5 mm OK

Limiting moment of resistance:

Mulim = 0.165 x fck x b x d²
= 0.165 x 35.0 x 5100.00 x 1677.50 x 1677.50
= 82921298449.349 Nmm
= 8292.130 tm > 426.647 tm Ok

Reinforcement in transverse direction:

Ast req = 0.5 fck b d [1 - (1 - 4.6Mu/(fck.b.d²))0.5]
= 0.5 x (35 x 5100 x 1678/500) x (1 - √1 - (4.6 x 426.647 x 100000000)/(35 x 5100 x 1678²))
= 5907.98 mm²

Minimum reinforcement: (Cl. of IRC: 112-2011)

Maximum of
(1) Asmin = 0.26 fctm b d
fctm = mean value of axial tensile strength of concrete = 2.77 Mpa (Table 6.5 of IRC: 112)
Asmin = 0.26 x 2.77 x 5100.0 x 1677.50/500
= 12328.6 mm²
(2) Asmin = 0.0013 b d = 11121.8 mm²

Minimum reinforcement in transverse direction = 12328.6 mm²

= 2417.38 mm²/m width
+ 0.00 mm²/m width due to shear
Total = 2417.38 mm²/m width

Provide 25 mm dia. bar @ spacing of 150 mm c/c.

0 mm dia. bar @ spacing of 150 mm c/c.
Ast provided = 3272.49 mm² OK


Overall depth at distance d from face = 1.800 m

Effective depth at distance d from face = 1.703 m
Avg. width at distance d from face = 1.000 m

ρ1 = Asl/(bw. d) ≤ 0.02 Asl = 3272.49 mm²/m width

bw = 1000 mm
d= 1702.5 mm
ρ1 = 0.00192
K = 1 + (200/d)0.5 ≤ 2 (Eq. 10.2 cl. 10.3.2 of IRC: 112-2011)
= 1.343
fck = 35 Mpa fcd = 15.633 N/mm²
NED = 0 N
σcp = Min. (NED/Ac, 0.2 fcd) = 0.000 N/mm²
3/2 1/2
vmin = 0.031 K fck
= 0.285 N

Strength reduction factor for concrete cracked in shear v = 0.6 x [1 - fck/310]

v= 0.532
(Ref.: Eq. 10.6 of cl. 10.3.2 of IRC: 112-2011)

Check for concrete compression strut:

VED ≤ 0.5 bw d v fcd (Ref.: Eq. 10.5 of cl. 10.3.2 of IRC: 112-2011)
0.5 bw d v fcd = 0.5 x 1000 x 1702.50 x 0.532 x 15.633
= 7083223.8 N
= 708.322 t > 11.974 t

Design shear resistance: [Ref.: Cl. 10.3.2 (2) Eq. 10.1, IRC: 112-2011]
VRdc = [0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck)0.33 + 0.15σcp] bw d subjected to minimum
VRdcmim = [vmin + 0.15 σcp] bw d

VRdc = [0.12 x 1.343 x (80 x 0.0019 x 35 + 0.15 x 0.000] x 1000 x 1702.5
= 478052.222 N

VRdcmim = (0.285 + 0.15 x 0.000) x 1000 x 1702.5

= 485817.63 N `

VRdc = 48.582 t > 4.220 t Shear reinforcement not required.

Design of shear reinforcement:
(Ref.: Cl. 10.3.3 of IRC: 112-2011)

αcw = 1 z= 1532.25 mm
fyk = 500 Mpa fywd = 435 Mpa

Assume inclination of shear reinforcement = α = 90

VRdmax corresponding to strut angle of 45 °
VRdmax = αcw bw z v1 fcd/(cot θ + tanθ) (Ref.: Eq. 10.8 of IRC: 112-2011)
= 1 x 1000 x 1532.250 x 0.532 x 15.633/(cot 45 + tan45)
= 6374901.4 N
= 637.490 t > 4.220 t OK

VRdmax corresponding to strut angle of 21.8 °

VRdmax = αcw bw z v1 fcd/(cot θ + tanθ)
= 1 x 1000 x 1532.250 x 0.532 x 15.633/(cot 21.8 + tan21.8)
= 4396256.6 N
= 439.626 t > 4.220 t OK

consider θ = 21.8 °
Asw = VED (Ref.: Eq. 10.7 of IRC: 112-2011)
s Z fywd cotθ
= 42199.08745
1532.250 x 435 x cot 21.8
= 0.025 mm²/mm
Use 4 legged 10 dia. bars @ 300 c/c
Asw(pro) = 314.159 mm² > 7.597 mm²

Minimum shear reinforcement ratio: (Ref.: Eq. 16.4 and 16.5 of IRC: 112-2011)
ρw = Asw/(s. bw. Sinα)
= 0.0010472
ρwmin = 0.072 √fck/fyk
= 0.00085 < 0.00105 OK

∆ Ftd = 0.5 VED (cot θ - cot α)

= 0.5 x 42199.087 x (cot 36 - cot 90)
= 52752.6227 N
= 52.753 KN

Additional reinforcement required = 52752.623/435

= 121.270 mm²/m width


Overall depth at distance d from face = 1.800 m

Effective depth at distance d from face = 1.678 m
Avg. width at distance d from face = 1.000 m

ρ1 = Asl/(bw. d) ≤ 0.02 Asl = 3272.492 mm²/m width

bw = 1000 mm
d= 1677.5 mm
ρ1 = 0.00195
K = 1 + (200/d)0.5 ≤ 2 (Eq. 10.2 cl. 10.3.2 of IRC: 112-2011)
= 1.345
fck = 35 Mpa fcd = 15.633 N/mm²
NED = 0 N
σcp = Min. (NED/Ac, 0.2 fcd) = 0.000 N/mm²
vmin = 0.031 K3/2 fck1/2
= 0.286 N

Strength reduction factor for concrete cracked in shear v =0.6 x [1 - fck/310]

v= 0.532
(Ref.: Eq. 10.6 of cl. 10.3.2 of IRC: 112-2011)

Check for concrete compression strut:

VED ≤ 0.5 bw d v fcd (Ref.: Eq. 10.5 of cl. 10.3.2 of IRC: 112-2011)
0.5 bw d v fcd = 0.5 x 1000 x 1677.50 x 0.532 x 15.633
= 6979211.7 N
= 697.921 t > 0.000 t

Design shear resistance: [Ref.: Cl. 10.3.2 (2) Eq. 10.1, IRC: 112-2011]
VRdc = [0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck) + 0.15σcp] bw d subjected to minimum
VRdcmim = [vmin + 0.15 σcp] bw d

VRdc = [0.12 x 1.345 x (80 x 0.0020 x 35 + 0.15 x 0.000] x 1000 x 1677.5
= 474234.437 N

VRdcmim = (0.286 + 0.15 x 0.000) x 1000 x 1677.5

= 480045.069 N

VRdc = 48.005 t > 0.000 t Shear reinforcement not required.


Grade of concrete = M 35
Clear cover (c) = 75 mm
Depth of section (h) = 1800 mm
Effective depth d = 1702.5 mm
Width of section b = 1000 mm
Es = 200000 Mpa
Ecm = 32308.2 Mpa
Dia. of bar φ1 = 25 mm
n1 = 58
φ2 = 0
n2 = 58
Bar spacing = 150 mm
Ast = 3272.49 mm²/m width
Net moment SLS Quasi = 401.775 tm = 46.181 tm/m width
Net moment SLS rare = 580.661 tm = 66.743 tm/m width
Allowable crack width wmax = 0.3 mm

Crack width wk = Srmax (εsm - εcm) (Eq. 12.5 of IRC: 112-2011)

Calculation of Sr.max: (max. crack spacing)

Depth of neutral axis:
-As ES + √((As Es)² + 2 b As Es Eceff d)
b Eceff
- 3272.49 x 200000 + √((3272.49 x 200000)² + 2 x 1000 x 3272.49 x 200000 x 32308.25 x 1702.5)
1000 x 32308.250
= 243.159 mm

Spacing ≤ 5 (c + φ/2) Sr.max = 3.4 c + 0.425 k1 k2 φ (Ref.: Eq. 12.8 of IRC: 112-2011)
else Sr.max = 1.3 (h - x) (Ref.: Eq. 12.12 of IRC: 112-2011)
n1 φ1² + n2 φ2² (Ref.: Eq. 12.9 of IRC: 112-2011)
n1 φ1 + n2 φ2
58 x 25² + 58 x 0²
58 x 25 + 58 x 0
= 25 mm
5 (c + φ/2) = 437.5 mm > Bar spacing = 150 mm
Hence Eq. 12.8 is valid
k1 = 0.8 for deformed bars
k2 = 0.5 for bending

hc,eff = lesser of a. 2.5 x (h - d) = 2.5 x (1800.000 - 1702.50) = 243.750 mm
b. (h - x)/3 = (1800.000 - 243.16)/3 = 518.947 mm
c. h/2 = 900 mm
hc,eff = 243.750 mm

Ac,eff = 1000 x 243.750

= 243750.0 mm²

ρp,eff = As/Ac.eff = 3272.49/243750.00 (Ref.: Eq. 12.7 of IRC: 112-2011)

= 0.0134

Sr.max = 3.4 c + 0.425 k1 k2 φ (Ref.: Eq. 12.8 of IRC: 112-2011)

= 3.4 x 75 + 0.425 x 0.80 x 0.50 x 25.00/0.013
= 571.559 mm

Calculation of εsm & εcm

Cracked Moment of inertia:
I = 1/3 Ec,eff/Es b dc³ + As (d - dc)²
= 1/3 x 32308.25/200000 x 1000 x 243.159³ + 3272.49 x (1702.50 - 243.159)²
= 7.7E+09 mm4
Zc = 7743513371.488/243.159 = 3.2E+07 mm3
Zs = 7743513371.488/(1703 - 243.159) = 5306173 mm3
For SLS quasi permanent combination:
The concrete stress at top of section:
σc = MED Ec,eff
Zc Es
= 461810002.650 x 32308.250/(31845429.463 x 200000)
= 2.343 Mpa < 0.36 fck = 12.6 Mpa (Ref.: Cl. 12.2.1 of IRC: 112-2011)

Tensile stress in steel:

σs = MED
= 461810002.650/5306172.537
= 87.033 Mpa < 0.8 fyk = 400 Mpa (Ref.: Cl. 12.2.2 of IRC: 112-2011)

0.6 x σs/Es = 0.6 x 87.033/200000 = 0.00026

(εsm - εcm) = σsc - kt fct,eff/ρp,eff (1 + αe ρp,eff) ≥ 0.6 x σs/Es

Es (Ref.: Eq. 12.6 of IRC: 112-2011)
fct,eff = maximum of 2.9 and fctm fctm = 0.259 (fck)2/3 (Ref.: cl. 12.3.3 of IRC: 112)
= 2.900 Mpa = 2.771 Mpa
Modular ratio = αe = 6.190

(εsm - εcm) = 87.033 - 0.5 x 2.900/0.013 x (1 + 6.190 x 0.013)
= -0.00015 < 0.00026
= 0.00026
Crack width wk = Srmax (εsm - εcm) (Eq. 12.5 of IRC: 112-2011)
= 571.559 x 0.00026
= 0.149 mm < 0.3 mm OK

For SLS rare combination:

The concrete stress at top of section:
σc = MED Ec,eff
Zc Es
= 667426340.498 x 32308.250/(31845429.463 x 200000)
= 3.386 Mpa < 0.48 fck = 16.80 Mpa (Ref.: Cl. 12.2.1 of IRC: 112-2011)

Tensile stress in steel:

σs = MED
= 667426340.498/5306172.537
= 125.783 Mpa < 0.8 fyk = 400 Mpa (Ref.: Cl. 12.2.2 of IRC: 112-2011)


Grade of concrete = M 35
Clear cover (c) = 75 mm
Depth of section (h) = 1800 mm
Effective depth d = 1677.5 mm
Width of section b = 1000 mm
Es = 200000 Mpa
Ecm = 32308.2 Mpa
Dia. of bar φ1 = 25 mm
n1 = 34
φ2 = 0
n2 = 34
Bar spacing = 150 mm
Ast = 3272.49 mm²/m width
Net moment SLS Quasi = 168.445 tm = 33.028 tm/m width
Net moment SLS rare = 241.00 tm = 47.255 tm/m width
Allowable crack width wmax = 0.3 mm

Crack width wk = Srmax (εsm - εcm) (Eq. 12.5 of IRC: 112-2011)

Calculation of Sr.max: (max. crack spacing)

Depth of neutral axis:
-As ES + √((As Es)² + 2 b As Es Eceff d)
b Eceff
- 3272.49 x 200000 + √((3272.49 x 200000)² + 2 x 1000 x 3272.49 x 200000 x 32308.25 x 1677.5)
1000 x 32308.250
= 241.230 mm

Spacing ≤ 5 (c + φ/2) Sr.max = 3.4 c + 0.425 k1 k2 φ (Ref.: Eq. 12.8 of IRC: 112-2011)
else Sr.max = 1.3 (h - x) (Ref.: Eq. 12.12 of IRC: 112-2011)
n1 φ1² + n2 φ2² (Ref.: Eq. 12.9 of IRC: 112-2011)
n1 φ1 + n2 φ2
34 x 25² + 34 x 0²
34 x 25 + 34 x 0
= 25 mm
5 (c + φ/2) = 437.5 mm > Bar spacing = 150 mm
Hence Eq. 12.8 is valid
k1 = 0.8 for deformed bars
k2 = 0.5 for bending

hc,eff = lesser of a. 2.5 x (h - d) = 2.5 x (1800.000 - 1677.50) = 306.250 mm
b. (h - x)/3 = (1800.000 - 241.23)/3 = 519.590 mm
c. h/2 = 900 mm
hc,eff = 306.250 mm

Ac,eff = 1000 x 306.250

= 306250.0 mm²

ρp,eff = As/Ac.eff = 3272.49/306250.00 (Ref.: Eq. 12.7 of IRC: 112-2011)

= 0.0107

Sr.max = 3.4 c + 0.425 k1 k2 φ (Ref.: Eq. 12.8 of IRC: 112-2011)

= 3.4 x 75 + 0.425 x 0.80 x 0.50 x 25.00/0.011
= 652.728 mm

Calculation of εsm & εcm

Cracked Moment of inertia:
I = 1/3 Ec,eff/Es b dc³ + As (d - dc)²
= 1/3 x 32308.25/200000 x 1000 x 241.230³ + 3272.49 x (1677.50 - 241.230)²
= 7.5E+09 mm4
Zc = 7506616942.997/241.230 = 3.1E+07 mm3
Zs = 7506616942.997/(1678 - 241.230) = 5226465 mm3
For SLS quasi permanent combination:
The concrete stress at top of section:
σc = MED Ec,eff
Zc Es
= 330284808.728 x 32308.250/(31118134.818 x 200000)
= 1.715 Mpa < 0.36 fck = 12.6 Mpa (Ref.: Cl. 12.2.1 of IRC: 112-2011)

Tensile stress in steel:

σs = MED
= 330284808.728/5226465.179
= 63.195 Mpa < 0.8 fyk = 400 Mpa (Ref.: Cl. 12.2.2 of IRC: 112-2011)

0.6 x σs/Es = 0.6 x 63.195/200000 = 0.00019

(εsm - εcm) = σsc - kt fct,eff/ρp,eff (1 + αe ρp,eff) ≥ 0.6 x σs/Es

Es (Ref.: Eq. 12.6 of IRC: 112-2011)
fct,eff = maximum of 2.9 and fctm fctm = 0.259 (fck)2/3 (Ref.: cl. 12.3.3 of IRC: 112)
= 2.900 Mpa = 2.771 Mpa
Modular ratio = αe = 6.190

(εsm - εcm) = 63.195 - 0.5 x 2.900/0.011 x (1 + 6.190 x 0.011)
= -0.00041 > 0.00019
= 0.00019
Crack width wk = Srmax (εsm - εcm) (Eq. 12.5 of IRC: 112-2011)
= 652.728 x 0.00019
= 0.124 mm < 0.3 mm OK

For SLS rare combination:

The concrete stress at top of section:
σc = MED Ec,eff
Zc Es
= 472549564.902 x 32308.250/(31118134.818 x 200000)
= 2.453 Mpa < 0.48 fck = 16.80 Mpa (Ref.: Cl. 12.2.1 of IRC: 112-2011)

Tensile stress in steel:

σs = MED
= 472549564.902/5226465.179
= 90.415 Mpa < 0.8 fyk = 400 Mpa (Ref.: Cl. 12.2.2 of IRC: 112-2011)

(i) Crash Barrier: -
Load = 2 x 1.10 x 0.375 x 2.50 = 2.063 t/m
(ii) Wearing course: -
Load = 10.000 x 0.075 x 2.5 = 1.875 t/m
(iii) Kerb: -
Load = 0.500 x 0.300 x 2.5 x 2 x 0 = 0.000 t/m
(iv) Service load: -
Load = = 0.200 t/m
Total = 2.263 t/m
Load for 24.000 m composite span without surfacing = 2.263 x 24.000 = 54.300 t
Surface load (wearing coat) = 1.875 x 24.000 = 45.000 t


PSC Super-structure: - For 24.000 m span
(i) Running section:
(i) 120.0 x 15.0 = 1800.00 cm²
(ii) 45.0 x 10.0 = 450.00 cm² 1200.0
(iii) 155.0 x 30.0 = 4650.00 cm²
(iv) 35.0 x 15.0 = 525.00 cm² 150.0
(v) 100.0 x 30.0 = 3000.00 cm² 100.0
10425.00 cm²
Volume = 3 x 1.0425 x 23.26 = 72.746 m³ 2000.0 300.0 1300.0

1.000 m 0.300 m
0.450 1.50 1.50
(ii) Widening at ends: -
Area = (1.000 x 1.850 + 2 x 0.100 x 0.022/2 + 1.200 x 0.150) - 1.043
= 0.990 m²

Volume/span = 0.990 x (1.500/2 + 1.950 + 1.950 + 1.500/2) x 3 = 16.034 m³

Thickness of inner Cross Girder = 300 mm
Vol. of cross - girder/No.: -
= 2 x [(3.000 - 0.300) x (2.000 - 0.300)] x 0.300
= 2.754 m³

Thickness of end diaphram= 400 mm

Vol. of cross - girder/No.: -
= 2 x [(3.000 - 0.300) x (2.000 - 0.300)] x 0.400
= 3.672 m³

Total volume = 2.754 + 3.672 x 2 = 10.098 m³

Total area of deck slab = 10.900 x 0.250
= 2.725 m²
Volume/span = 2.725 x 24.000 = 65.400 m³

Total volume = 65.400 + 72.746 + 16.034 + 10.098 = 164.277 m³

Total load of P.S.C span = 54.300 + 164.277 x 2.5
(DL + SIDL without surfacing = 464.993 t say 520.00 t

Reaction on pier = 260.000 t

Total load of surfacing (wearing coat) = 45.000 t say 50.000 t

Reaction of pier = 25.000 t

(i) Crash Barrier: -
Load = 2 x 1.10 x 0.375 x 2.50 = 2.063 t/m
(ii) Wearing course: -
Load = 10.000 x 0.075 x 2.5 = 1.875 t/m
(iii) Kerb: -
Load = 0.500 x 0.300 x 2.5 x 2 x 0 = 0.000 t/m
(iv) Service load: -
Load = = 0.200 t/m
Total = 2.263 t/m
Load for 24.000 m composite span without surfacing 2.263 x 24.000 = 54.300 t
Surface load (wearing coat) = 1.875 x 24.000 = 45.000 t


PSC Super-structure: - For 24.000 m span
(i) Running section:
(i) 120.0 x 15.0 = 1800.00 cm²
(ii) 45.0 x 10.0 = 450.00 cm² 1200.0
(iii) 155.0 x 30.0 = 4650.00 cm²
(iv) 35.0 x 15.0 = 525.00 cm² 150.0
(v) 100.0 x 30.0 = 3000.00 cm² 100.0
10425.00 cm²
Volume = 3 x 1.0425 x 23.26 = 72.746 m³ 2000.0 300.0 1300.0

1.000 m 0.300 m
0.450 1.50 1.50
(ii) Widening at ends: -
Area = (1.000 x 1.850 + 2 x 0.100 x 0.022/2 + 1.200 x 0.150) - 1.043
= 0.990 m²

Volume/span = 0.990 x (1.500/2 + 1.950 + 1.950 + 1.500/2) x 3 = 16.034 m³

Thickness of inner Cross Girder = 300 mm
Vol. of cross - girder/No.: -
= 2 x [(3.000 - 0.300) x (2.000 - 0.300)] x 0.300
= 2.754 m³

Thickness of end diaphram= 400 mm

Vol. of cross - girder/No.: -
= 2 x [(3.000 - 0.300) x (2.000 - 0.300)] x 0.400
= 3.672 m³

Total volume = 2.754 + 3.672 x 2 = 10.098 m³

Total area of deck slab = 10.900 x 0.250
= 2.725 m²
Volume/span = 2.725 x 24.000 = 65.400 m³

Total volume = 65.400 + 72.746 + 16.034 + 10.098 = 164.277 m³

Total load of P.S.C span = 54.300 + 164.277 x 2.5
(DL + SIDL without surfacing = 464.993 t say 520.00 t

Reaction on pier = 260.000 t

Total load of surfacing (wearing coat) = 45.000 t say 50.000 t

Reaction of pier = 25.000 t


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