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-Stomatal transpiration refers to the process by which water vapor exits the
leaf through small pores called stomata. Stomata are primarily located on the
underside of leaves and are surrounded by specialized cells called guard cells.
These guard cells can open and close the stomatal pore to regulate the
exchange of gases and water vapor between the plant and the atmosphere.

-Lenticular transpiration is a type of transpiration that occurs through
specialized structures called lenticels. Lenticels are small, corky pores found on
the stems and branches of woody plants. Unlike stomata, which are primarily
located on leaves, lenticels serve as openings in the bark of stems and
branches, allowing for gas exchange, including the release of water vapor.

-Cuticular transpiration is a type of transpiration that occurs through the
cuticle, a waxy layer covering the outer surface of leaves and other aerial plant
parts. The cuticle acts as a barrier that helps reduce water loss from the plant
by limiting the diffusion of water vapor through its surface. However, some
amount of water vapor can still escape through the cuticle via a process
known as cuticular transpiration.

During cuticular transpiration, water vapor diffuses through microscopic pores

in the cuticle called cuticular pores or stomata. These pores are much smaller
and less numerous than stomata found on leaf surfaces. Cuticular
transpiration is often considered to be a minor pathway for water loss
compared to stomatal transpiration, but it can still contribute to overall water
loss from the plant, particularly under conditions of high humidity or when
stomata are closed.

Here are the important factors affecting transpiration:

Characteristics of the Plant: Various characteristics of the plant, such as leaf
surface area, stomatal density, and presence of a cuticle, can significantly
influence transpiration rates. Plants with larger leaves or higher stomatal
density tend to transpire more water compared to those with smaller leaves or
lower stomatal density.
Atmospheric Vapor Pressure: The atmospheric vapor pressure refers to the
pressure exerted by water vapor in the air. A higher atmospheric vapor
pressure gradient between the inside of the leaf and the surrounding air can
increase the rate of transpiration. This is because water vapor tends to move
from areas of higher concentration (inside the leaf) to areas of lower
concentration (the surrounding air).
Wind: Wind movement can affect transpiration by increasing the rate of
evaporation of water vapor from the leaf surface. When air movement is
present, it helps maintain a lower boundary layer of humidity around the leaf,
promoting faster diffusion of water vapor away from the leaf surface and thus
increasing transpiration rates.
Temperature: Temperature influences transpiration in multiple ways. Higher
temperatures generally lead to increased transpiration rates due to increased
kinetic energy, which accelerates water evaporation from the leaf surface.
Additionally, warmer temperatures can also cause stomatal opening, further
enhancing transpiration.
Light Intensity: Light intensity directly affects transpiration through its
influence on stomatal behavior. In general, higher light intensity stimulates
stomatal opening for photosynthesis, which consequently increases
transpiration rates. However, excessive light intensity may also lead to
stomatal closure as a protective mechanism against water loss, thereby
reducing transpiration.

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