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21.The billing factor or multiplier refers to a numerical value used to adjust the base rate for 22.

22.Based on Actual Cost" refers to reimbursable costs that are directly tied to
billing purposes in civil engineering projects. This multiplier is derived from various financial specific expenses incurred during the execution of civil engineering services. These
metrics and is typically based on audited financial statements prepared by an independent costs must be supported by invoices or other relevant supporting documents to
auditing or accounting firm/entity. substantiate their validity. Here's how the specified categories are defined:

To calculate the billing factor or multiplier, several factors may be considered, including: i. International Travel: Expenses related to travel outside the country for project
purposes. This includes airfare, accommodation, meals, visas, and other related
i. Overhead Cost: These are general administrative and management expenses incurred by costs.
the civil engineering firm that are not directly attributable to any specific project. Overhead
costs are typically expressed as a percentage of the total basic salaries of all personnel
employed by the firm. Examples of overhead costs may include office rent, utilities, ii. Domestic Travel: Costs associated with travel within the country for project-
insurance, office supplies, and other administrative expenses. related activities. This covers expenses like airfare, ground transportation, lodging,
meals, etc.
ii. Social Charges: These are expenses related to the welfare and benefits provided to the
staff of the consulting firm, in accordance with both the policies of the firm and any relevant iii. Domestic Transportation: Expenses for transporting materials, equipment, or
government regulations. Social charges may include costs such as employee healthcare, personnel within the country. This includes costs for vehicle rental, fuel,
retirement benefits, training programs, and other employee-related expenses aimed at maintenance, tolls, and other transportation-related expenses.
promoting the well-being and development of the staff.

iii. Management Fee: This fee is calculated as a percentage of the sum of the basic salary,
23.- iv. Communication Expenses: Costs related to communication tools and
overhead costs, and social charges. The percentage applied for the management fee may services essential for project coordination and management. This may include
vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the services rendered and other telephone charges, internet services, postage, courier services, etc.
considerations. However, it is specified not to exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the total of the
basic salary, overhead costs, and social charges. The management fee represents v. Cost of Office/Engineering Supplies and Preparing/Reproducing Documents:
compensation for the firm's management and oversight of the project and is intended to Expenses for purchasing office supplies, engineering tools, and reproducing project-
cover the firm's operational costs and generate a reasonable profit margin. related documents like drawings, reports, and plans.

These three components—overhead costs, social charges, and management fee— vi. Cost of Field Office: Expenses incurred for setting up a temporary office at the
comprise a portion of the total billing factor or multiplier used in civil engineering
project site, either through rental or construction, to facilitate project operations
projects. By including these elements in the billing structure, the firm aims to ensure
and management.
that all relevant costs are accounted for while also providing for the well-being of its
employees and maintaining profitability.
vii. Acquisition of Software Licenses: Costs associated with purchasing licenses for
software tools necessary for project design, analysis, and management.
23-viii. Cost of Other Necessary Items: Any other project-related 24---3.Educational Attainment, Qualifications, Expertise, and Experience: The
expenses not covered in the above categories, certified as necessary consultant's educational background, qualifications, expertise, and relevant work
by the relevant agency. This may include specialized equipment, experience are key factors in setting rates. Consultants with advanced degrees or
permits, testing fees, etc. specialized knowledge generally charge higher rates.

By categorizing reimbursable costs based on actual expenditures and 4.Prevailing Consultancy Fee and Local Market Rates: Market conditions and
requiring proper documentation and Supporting documentation such as prevailing consultancy fees in the relevant industry and geographic area serve as
receipts, invoices, and travel logs are necessary to support these benchmarks for setting consultant rates. Rates may be adjusted based on local
costs., consulting firms can ensure accurate reimbursement from market dynamics, competition, and industry standards to ensure competitiveness
clients while maintaining transparency and accountability in financial and attractiveness to clients.
transactions related to civil engineering projects.
5.Risks and Inconveniences: Consultants may face risks and inconveniences when
23. 3.Contingency funds are reserved for covering unexpected costs or working under challenging conditions such as hardship locations, hazardous
environments, or tight deadlines. Additional compensation may be warranted to
additional work that arises during a project, ensuring that it stays within
budget and on schedule. This includes unforeseen expenses, extra mitigate these risks and inconveniences and ensure consultant satisfaction.
tasks within the project scope, or costs surpassing initial estimates.
These funds act as a safety net, allowing for flexibility and adaptation 6.Relevant Expenses and Contingency Fees: Other relevant expenses related to the
to changing circumstances without compromising project quality or performance of services, such as reimbursable costs (e.g., travel, accommodations,
progress. materials) and contingency fees (for unforeseen circumstances), should be factored
into consultant rates. This ensures that consultants are adequately compensated for
expenses incurred during project execution.

24-1.Nature of the Assignment: The specific tasks and goals of the project or By considering these factors comprehensively, organizations can establish fair and
assignment play a crucial role in determining consultant rates. More complex or competitive rates for individual consultants that reflect the value of their expertise,
specialized tasks may warrant higher rates. the complexity of the work, and the prevailing market conditions. This approach
ensures that consultants are appropriately compensated for their contributions
2.Level of Work Complexity, Difficulty, and Extent: The complexity, difficulty, and while also meeting project budget constraints and client expectations.
scale of the work to be performed play a significant role in determining consultant
rates. Tasks that demand advanced skills, problem-solving abilities, or extensive
research and analysis typically command higher rates.
25-Preparing the Bidding Documents Legal Reference Section 17 of the 2016 IRR
provides the rules in relation to the preparation of the bidding documents. 26--The Procurement Bidding Documents (PBDs) typically include the following
Bidding documents - are documents issued by the Procuring Entity as the basis for components:
bids, furnishing all information necessary for a prospective bidder to prepare a bid.
(2016 IRR Section 5) 1. **Request for Expression of Interest (REI)**: A document inviting interested
The Procuring Entity shall make sure that the bidding documents sufficiently and parties to express their interest in participating in the bidding process for a specific
clearly specify, among others: procurement opportunity.

1.Objectives, Scope, and Expected Outputs/Results: The bidding documents should 2. **Eligibility Documents**: Documents required from bidders to demonstrate
clearly outline the goals and purpose of the contract, the scope of work to be their eligibility to participate in the bidding process, such as business registration
performed, and the expected outputs or results that the winning bidder is expected certificates, financial statements, and other relevant documents.
to deliver upon completion of the project. This helps potential bidders understand
the project's requirements and enables them to submit accurate proposals.
3. **Eligibility Data Sheet**: A form or document specifying the eligibility criteria
2.Expected Contract Duration: The bidding documents should specify the duration
and requirements that bidders must meet to qualify for participation in the bidding
of the contract, including the start and end dates or deadlines that need to be met.
This information allows bidders to assess their capacity to commit to the project
within the specified timeframe and plan their resources accordingly.
3.Obligations, Duties, and Functions of the Winning Bidder: The bidding documents 4. **Notice of Eligibility and Short Listing**: Notification to bidders regarding their
should outline the responsibilities, duties, and functions that the winning bidder will eligibility to participate in the bidding process and any shortlisting decisions made
be expected to fulfill throughout the duration of the contract. This includes specific by the procuring entity.
tasks, deliverables, reporting requirements, and any other obligations that the
bidder must adhere to. 5. **Instructions to Bidders (ITB)**: Detailed instructions outlining the procedures,
4.Minimum Eligibility Requirements of Bidders: The bidding documents should rules, and requirements for preparing and submitting bids, as well as the evaluation
clearly define the minimum eligibility criteria that bidders must meet to participate criteria and processes.
in the bidding process. This may include requirements such as financial capability,
technical expertise, experience, and track record. The evaluation of bidders' 6. **Bid Data Sheet (BDS)**: A form or document providing specific details and
eligibility may be determined by the Head of the Procuring Entity (HoPE) based on instructions related to the bid submission, such as deadlines, formats, and required
pre-defined criteria specified in the bidding documents. information.

By ensuring that these elements are clearly defined and adequately communicated
in the bidding documents, the Procuring Entity can facilitate a transparent and
competitive bidding process, minimize misunderstandings, and attract qualified
bidders who are capable of delivering the desired outcomes of the project.
26--7. **General Conditions of Contract (GCC)**: Standard terms and 27--The following entity involved in the preparation of bidding documents:
conditions governing the rights and obligations of the parties involved
in the contract, such as payment terms, dispute resolution 1. **The BAC (Bids and Awards Committee)**: is responsible for overseeing the
mechanisms, and termination clauses. procurement process, including the preparation of bidding documents. They ensure
that the documents are in line with procurement laws, guidelines, and project
8. **Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)**: Additional or specific requirements.
terms and conditions that may modify or supplement the general
conditions of the contract, tailored to the specific requirements of the 2. **The TWG (Technical Working Group)**: The TWG consists of technical experts
procurement opportunity. who provide input and expertise related to the specific goods, works, or services
being procured. They contribute to the technical aspects of the bidding documents,
9. **Technical Proposal – Standard Forms**: Standardized forms or ensuring that they accurately reflect the project's needs and specifications.
templates for bidders to submit technical details, specifications,
methodologies, and other technical aspects of their proposed solution 3. **The BAC Secretariat and/or the Procurement Office/Unit supports the BAC in
or service. administrative tasks related to procurement, including the preparation of bidding
documents. They assist in coordinating the process, organizing meetings, and
10. **Financial Proposal – Standard Forms**: Standardized forms or ensuring that documents are properly formatted and distributed.
templates for bidders to submit financial information, including pricing,
cost breakdowns, and other financial details related to their bid. 4. **The End-User/PMO (Project Management Office represents the entity or
department that will ultimately benefit from the procurement. They provide input
on the specific requirements and objectives of the project, ensuring that the bidding
11. **Terms of Reference**: Detailed specifications or requirements
documents align with their needs and expectations.
outlining the scope of work, objectives, deliverables, and other relevant
details of the procurement opportunity.
5. **The Technical Experts on the Consulting Services to be Procured**: These are
subject matter experts with specialized knowledge and experience relevant to the
12. **Appendices**: Additional documents, forms, or annexes that may
consulting services being procured. They contribute insights and recommendations
be referenced or required as part of the bidding process, such as
to ensure that the bidding documents accurately reflect the technical aspects of the
sample contracts, project plans, or supplementary information. services required.
These components collectively form the Procurement Bidding
Documents, providing bidders with the necessary information and
Together, these entities collaborate to ensure that bidding documents are
guidelines to participate effectively in the procurement process.
comprehensive, accurate, and aligned with the needs of the project or procurement,
thereby facilitating a transparent and efficient procurement process.
28--28-How are the Bidding Documents prepared?
The preparation of Bidding Documents involves a systematic process to ensure
clarity, transparency, and compliance with regulations. provided and the 2016 IRR 30-6. **Form of Bid and Price Form**: Specifies the format or template that bidders
Section 17.1 must use when submitting their bids, including how prices should be structured and
BAC Secretariat and End-User Unit/PMO Involvement:The BAC Secretariat, in presented. This ensures uniformity and clarity in the bidding process, allowing for
collaboration with the end-user unit or Project Management Office (PMO), takes the easier evaluation of bids.
lead in preparing the Bidding Documents.The Technical Working Group (TWG) 7. **Completion Schedule**: Outlines the timetable or timeline for the completion
of the project or delivery of goods/services. It includes specific deadlines or
provides assistance and expertise throughout the process.The preparation follows
milestones that the winning bidder must meet, helping to manage expectations and
standard forms and manuals prescribed by the GPPB (Government Procurement
ensure timely project completion.
Policy Board).
8.Form,states the amount the security and validity period of bid security;
9. Form, states the amount, and validity of the performance security; This security
The Bidding Documents must include the following essential information: serves as a guarantee of the bidder's performance and compliance with the terms of
1.ABC (Approved Budget for the Contract) and Source of Funds: The Approved the contract, ensuring that the procuring entity is protected against any potential
Budget for the Contract (ABC) and the source of funds must be clearly stated in the default.and
bidding documents. 10. Form of contract, GCC and SCC. the Form of Contract, GCC, and SCC establish the
2.Request for Expression of Interest (REI):Specify the date, time, and place for the contractual framework for the procurement process, providing clarity, transparency,
submission of eligibility requirements. and legal certainty for both the procuring entity and the bidders. These documents
3. Eligibility Requirements: The bidding documents must specify the eligibility ensure that the rights, responsibilities, and expectations of all parties are clearly
requirements that bidders must meet to participate in the procurement process. defined and documented, thereby facilitating effective contract management and
4. Instructions to Bidders (ITB):Include details on the type of evaluation procedure, project implementation.
criteria for proposal evaluation, post-qualification process, and information on pre-
31--What is a Bid Security?
bid conference (if applicable) submission of bids, and opening of bids.
-A bid security is a form of guarantee provided by a bidder along with their bid
29-5. Terms of Reference (TOR):Crafted by the end-user/PMO, assisted by technical submission. Its purpose is to ensure that the successful bidder:
experts as needed, and approved by the Head of the Procuring Entity (HoPE) or an
1.Will not default on their offer: By providing a bid security, the bidder assures the
authorized official. And which shall define the following:
procuring entity that they are serious about their bid and will not withdraw or
the objectives, scope, expected outputs/results,- contract duration,- duties of the
revoke it during the bidding process.
consultant and government counterparts,
2.Upon being awarded the contract, the successful bidder is expected to enter into a
30-The minimum qualifications of consultants, such as track record to be determined
formal agreement with the procuring entity within a specified timeframe. The bid
by the HoPE; and - The services, facilities and data, if any, to be provided to the
security guarantees that the bidder will enter into the contract within the stipulated
period, typically within ten (10) calendar days from the receipt of the Notice of
31--Who determines the form of the Bid Security to be submitted by Award (NOA). Failure to do so may result in forfeiture of the bid security.
Consultants? In the procurement process involving consultants, the
determination of the form of bid security to be submitted is typically made by 33---Competitive bidding is a procurement method open to any interested and
the consultant themselves. The consultant has the autonomy to select the qualified party. It ensures fairness and transparency in the procurement process. All
preferred form of bid security from the options provided in the bidding procurement activities are generally conducted through competitive bidding, except
documents. They are also responsible for determining the corresponding when alternative methods are specified in Rule XVI of the 2016 Implementing Rules
amount of bid security they need to submit along with their bid proposal. and Regulations. Procuring entities should allocate sufficient time in their
procurement schedule to conduct competitive bidding effectively.
32---A pre-procurement conference is a meeting where officials involved in a
procurement project discuss various aspects before the formal process
begins. This includes reviewing project details like the Terms of Reference and "Imagine you're in charge of building a bridge, and you need to hire a
Approved Budget for the Contract, assessing project readiness, evaluating consulting firm to help with the design and planning. Competitive bidding is
procurement methods, and confirming budget availability. These conferences like opening up the opportunity for any qualified engineering firm to compete
ensure stakeholders are informed and aligned, promoting transparency and for the job.
efficiency in procurement procedures.
Firstly, competitive bidding ensures fairness and transparency. It means that
any civil engineering firm that is interested and meets certain qualifications
--When do you conduct a Pre-procurement Conference?
can throw their hat in the ring to win the contract. This ensures that the
A pre-procurement conference should be conducted before the
process is open to everyone, and no one gets an unfair advantage.
advertisement and/or posting of the Request for Expression of Interest (REI).
According to the 2016 Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), Section
Following the steps in competitive bidding , as outlined in the 2016 IRR
20.1, it is recommended to hold the pre-procurement conference at least
Section 5:
seven (7) days prior to the advertisement and/or posting of the REI. This
timeframe allows the technical staff enough time to incorporate any
1. Advertisement: you publicly announce that you’re looking for a consulting
necessary changes, amendments, or revisions to the Bidding Documents
firm to help with the bridge project. This could be through ads in engineering
based on the discussions and feedback from the conference.
magazines, online portals , or in newspapers.
2. Eligibility Screening: Engineering firms interested in the project submit
their qualifications and credentials to make sure they're capable of handling
the job. This might include their experience with similar projects, their team's
expertise, and their financial stability.
33---4. Pre-bid Conference: Before the firms submit their proposals, you hold
a meeting where they can ask questions and get more details about the 3. Shortlisting: If there are a lot of interested firms, you might narrow down
project. This ensures that everyone understands what's expected. the list to the most qualified ones based on their submissions.
34--- the REI serves as a formal notice to the public and all interested parties
5. Receipt and Opening of Bids: Firms submit their proposals, detailing how that the Procuring Entity is looking for potential bidders for a consulting
they plan to approach the project. These are then opened publicly at a services project. Think of it as an invitation for firms to express their interest
specified time. in bidding for the project.

6. Evaluation of Bids: A team of experts reviews each proposal carefully, Now, why do we bother posting the REI? Well, think of it this way: the more
considering factors like the firm's approach, their timeline, and their cost people who know about the project, the better the chances of finding the
estimate. right consulting firm for the job. By making the REI widely available, we're
increasing the pool of potential bidders. And when there are more bidders
7. Negotiations: Sometimes,you might negotiate with one or more firms to mean more competition, and more competition leads to better quality
clarify certain aspects of their proposal or to see if they can adjust their offer
bids and potentially lower costs.
to better meet our needs.

8. Post-Qualification: Once you’ve chosen the winning proposal, we double- 35--Step 2: Issuing the Bidding Documents, Accepting Expressions of
check to make sure the firm meets all the necessary requirements and Interest, and Conducting Eligibility Checks.
qualifications. Now, if you're a prospective bidder interested in a consulting services
project, where can you get the Bidding Documents?
9. Award of Contract: Finally, you award the contract to the winning firm, Well, the Procuring Entity, which is the organization conducting the
and they get to work on helping us build the bridge. procurement process, will specify the date and time when the Bidding
Documents will be available. They usually mention this in the Request
So, in a nutshell, competitive bidding ensures that we get the best possible for Expression of Interest (REI), which is the document we discussed
consulting firm for our bridge project, while also making sure the process is earlier.
fair and transparent for all involved." You can either get the Bidding Documents directly from the Procuring
Entity on the specified date and time, or you can download them for
free from two specific websites. One is the PhilGEPS website, which
stands for Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System. The
35---what happens if no prospective bidder submits an Expression of other is the website of the Procuring Entity itself.
Interest (EOI) ?
---If no prospective bidder submits an Expression of Interest (EOI), the
Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) will declare a failure of bidding. 37---who may be hired as consultants?
They'll then review the project details, including the Terms of Reference When it comes to hiring consultants for projects in the Philippines, the
(TOR), contract terms, and evaluation criteria. If necessary, they'll make priority is to hire Filipino consultants if they have the expertise needed.
revisions to these documents and conduct a re-bidding. This involves This shows trust in Filipino talent and supports their development.only
formulating a new Request for Expression of Interest (REI) and re- if the Head of the Procuring Entity (HoPE) determines that Filipino
advertising or reposting it to attract bidders. It's like hitting the reset consultants lack the necessary expertise can foreign consultants be
button to give the project another chance to find the right bidder." considered. However, their hiring is subject to specific documentation
requirements outlined in Section 37.1.4(a)(iv) of the 2016
36-- When could consultants be hired? Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR). Additionally, if applicable,
According to the 2016 IRR Annex B,consultants may be hired if the foreign consultants must share their knowledge and technology with
services they offer require expertise or attention beyond what the the procuring entity to benefit the project.
Procuring Entity can provide. This usually happens for projects that are 38-A Procuring Entity, which is an organization responsible for
really big or complex, where we need specialized skills or knowledge acquiring goods or services for a project, can choose to hire a joint
that we don't have in-house. venture.This joint venture can either be made up entirely of Filipino
consultants or a mix of Filipino and foreign consultants, depending on
It's important to note that hiring consultants also fits with the the project's needs.
government's policy of not competing with the private sector. This
means we're recognizing that some projects need outside expertise This preference for Filipino consultants is based on Article XII of the
1987 Constitution of the Philippines. This article directs the government
and it's more efficient to bring in consultants who specialize in those to prioritize qualified Filipino individuals or entities when granting rights,
areas rather than trying to do everything ourselves. privileges, and concessions related to the national economy and
resources. This preference extends to various aspects, including the
So, when our civil engineering projects demand skills or knowledge purchase of goods, services, and the hiring of consultants, contractors,
beyond our own capabilities, hiring consultants is a smart move. It and other professionals.
ensures we're getting the best expertise available and helps us deliver
high-quality results for our projects while also respecting government In essence, this provision aims to support and promote Filipino talent
policies. and expertise while still allowing for the involvement of foreign
consultants when necessary for the success of a project.
39--To participate in bidding for consulting services
according to the 2016 IRR (Implementing Rules and
Regulations), the consultant must fall into one of the
following categories:)
40---Can a government employee or official
1. They must be duly licensed Filipino citizens/sole become a consultant of a Procuring Entity?
2. They can be partnerships duly organized under the laws Yes, a government employee or official can indeed work as a
of the Philippines, of which at least sixty percent (60%) of the consultant for a Procuring Entity either on a full-time or part-
interest belongs to Filipino citizens. time basis. However, there are certain conditions attached to
3. They can be corporations duly organized under the laws this:
of the Philippines, of which at least sixty percent (60%) of the
Full-time Consultant: If a government employee wishes to
outstanding capital stock belongs to Filipino citizens.
4. They can be cooperatives duly organized under the laws serve as a full-time consultant, they must first take a leave of
of the Philippines. absence from their government position, whether with or
5. They can be persons/entities forming a joint venture, without pay.
meaning a group of two or more persons/entities that intend
to be jointly and severally responsible or liable for a
particular contract. However, in this case, Filipino ownership This leave of absence is subject to specific rules:
or interest thereof should be at least sixty percent (60%),
based on the contributions of each member of the joint  It must be contingent upon the needs of the service,
venture as specified in their Joint Venture Agreement (JVA). meaning it should not negatively impact the operations
of the government agency where the employee works.
These criteria ensure that the participation in bidding for  The discretion to grant vacation leave lies with the
consulting services prioritizes Filipino ownership and head of the department or agency where the employee
participation, aligning with regulations aimed at supporting is currently employed.
local professionals and businesses.
63---3..If a consultant fails to meet any other obligation 64-- let's discuss contract termination for convenience,
outlined in the contract, the Head of the Procuring Entity especially relevant for civil engineering projects. So, imagine
(HoPE) has the authority to terminate the contract for default. you're working on a project with a Procuring Entity, like a
When this happens: the entity will cancel the contract and government agency or a private company, and suddenly
take back the consultant's performance security. Additionally, they decide they don't need your services anymore, even
the consultant may be blacklisted from future contracts and though you've done nothing wrong. Well, that's where
will only be paid for the work they've completed up to that termination for convenience comes in.
point, based on the principle of quantum meruit, which
means payment for the actual value of the work done. Basically, the Procuring Entity can end the contract at any
time by sending you a written notice. They don't have to
-If the Procuring Entity fails to fulfill its obligations as outlined
blame you or point out any mistakes. They just have to say
in the contract and doesn't fix the issue within 60 days after it's more convenient for them to end the contract. This notice
receiving notice from the consultant, the consultant can will explain how much of the contract is being terminated,
terminate the agreement. However, before terminating, the whether it's the whole thing or just a part of it, and when the
consultant must send a written notice to the Procuring Entity termination takes effect.
stating their intention to terminate at least 30 days before the
intended termination date. It's like if you were hired to build a bridge, but halfway
through, the client decides they don't need it anymore. They
If the contract isn't resumed within 30 calendar days after the can terminate the contract for their convenience, and you'd
Procuring Entity receives the termination notice, it's have to stop working on the bridge.
considered officially terminated. This clause ensures that
both parties have a fair chance to address any issues before Basically, this rule gives the Procuring Entity the flexibility to
terminating the agreement. end the contract if they don't need the consultant anymore,
without blaming the consultant for anything. It allows for
smooth termination of the contract while ensuring fairness to
both parties involved. It's like a 'no hard feelings' way of
ending the agreement."

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