Acids, Bases and Salts QP

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1 Which reaction will result in a decrease in pH?

A adding calcium hydroxide to acid soil

B adding citric acid to sodium hydrogencarbonate solution

C adding sodium chloride to silver nitrate solution

D adding sodium hydroxide to hydrochloric acid


[Total: 1]

2 Explain why solutions of hydrochloric acid and ethanoic acid with the same concentration, in
mol / dm , have a different pH.



.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

3 Match the following pH values to the solutions given below.

1 3 7 10 13

The solutions all have the same concentration.

solution pH

aqueous ammonia, a weak base ..................

dilute hydrochloric acid, a strong acid ..................

aqueous sodium hydroxide, a strong base ..................

aqueous sodium chloride, a salt ..................

dilute ethanoic acid, a weak acid ..................


[Total: 5]

4 Measuring pH is one way of distinguishing between a strong acid and a weak acid.
Describe another method.

method ....................................................................................................................................


results .....................................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

5 Aluminium is obtained by the reduction of aluminium ions to aluminium atoms.

In the modern method of extraction, aluminium is obtained by the electrolysis of aluminium oxide
(alumina) dissolved in molten cryolite, Na3AlF6.

waste gases,
O2, CO2, CO, F2

carbon anode (+)

mixture of aluminium
carbon cathode (–) oxide and cryolite

molten aluminium

(a) The major ore of aluminium is impure aluminium oxide.

What is the name of this ore?

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) This ore is a mixture of aluminium oxide, which is amphoteric, and iron(III) oxide which is

Explain how these two oxides can be separated by the addition of aqueous sodium hydroxide.



........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(c) Give two reasons why the electrolyte contains cryolite.



........................................................................................................................................... [2]

[Total: 5]

6 The results of some tests on a colourless liquid X are shown.

- Boiling point = 102 °C

- Universal Indicator turns green

What is X?

A ethanol

B hydrochloric acid

C pure water

D sodium chloride (salt) solution


[Total: 1]

7 Which oxide is amphoteric?

A aluminium oxide

B calcium oxide

C carbon monoxide

D sodium oxide


[Total: 1]

8 Barium sulfate is an insoluble salt.

It can be made by reacting copper(II) sulfate solution with barium nitrate solution.

CuSO4(aq) + Ba(NO3)2(aq) Cu(NO3)2(aq) + BaSO4(s)

What is the correct order of steps to obtain a pure, dry sample of barium sulfate from the reaction

step 1 step 2 step 3

evaporate the filtrate leave the solid formed

A filter
to dryness to cool

evaporate the filtrate to the

B filter leave the filtrate to cool
point of crystallisation

leave the residue in a wash the residue

C filter
warm place to dry with water

wash the residue leave the residue in a

D filter
with water warm place to dry


[Total: 1]

9 Which substance reacts with dilute sulfuric acid to form a salt that can be removed from the
resulting mixture by filtration?

A aqueous barium chloride

B aqueous sodium hydroxide

C copper

D copper(II) carbonate


[Total: 1]

10 Ethanoic acid, CH3COOH, is a weak acid. It reacts with copper(II) carbonate to form the salt
copper(II) ethanoate, Cu(CH3COO)2.

Describe how a crystalline sample of copper(II) ethanoate can be prepared starting with
ethanoic acid and copper(II) carbonate.






.................................................................................................................................................. [3]

[Total: 3]

11 Ethanoic acid, CH3COOH, is a weak acid. It reacts with copper(II) carbonate to form the salt
copper(II) ethanoate, Cu(CH3COO)2.

What is meant by the term weak when applied to acids?

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

12 Cobalt reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to make the salt cobalt(II) chloride. Bubbles of hydrogen
gas are produced.

Describe a test for hydrogen.


result......................................................................................................................................... [2]

[Total: 2]

13 Aqueous magnesium chloride is added to aqueous silver nitrate. A white precipitate forms.

Write an ionic equation for this reaction. Include state symbols.

.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]
3 3
14 In a titration, a student added 25.0 cm of 0.200 mol / dm aqueous sodium hydroxide to a conical
flask. The student then added a few drops of methyl orange to the solution in the conical flask.
Dilute sulfuric acid was then added from a burette to the conical flask. The volume of dilute
sulfuric acid needed to neutralise the aqueous sodium hydroxide was 20.0 cm .

2NaOH + H2SO4 → Na2SO4 + 2H2O

(a) What was the colour of the methyl orange in the aqueous sodium hydroxide?

........................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) Determine the concentration of the dilute sulfuric acid in g / dm .

Calculate the number of moles of aqueous sodium hydroxide added to the conical

........................... mol

Calculate the number of moles of dilute sulfuric acid added from the

........................... mol
Calculate the concentration of the dilute sulfuric acid in mol / dm .

........................... mol / dm
Calculate the concentration of the dilute sulfuric acid in g / dm .

........................... g / dm [4]

[Total: 5]

15 Dilute sulfuric acid and aqueous potassium hydroxide can be used to make potassium sulfate
crystals using a method that includes titration.

sulfuric acid

conical flask

25.0 cm3 of aqueous

potassium hydroxide

3 3
A student titrated 25.0 cm of 0.0500 mol / dm aqueous potassium hydroxide with dilute
sulfuric acid in the presence of an indicator. The volume of dilute sulfuric acid needed to neutralise
the aqueous potassium hydroxide was 20.0 cm .

The equation for the reaction is shown.

H2SO4 + 2KOH → K2SO4 + 2H2O

Determine the concentration of the dilute sulfuric acid using the following steps.

(a) Calculate the number of moles of aqueous potassium hydroxide used.

........................... mol [1]

(b) Calculate the number of moles of dilute sulfuric acid needed to neutralise the aqueous potassium

........................... mol [1]

(c) Calculate the concentration of the dilute sulfuric acid.

........................... mol / dm [1]

(d) After the titration has been completed, the conical flask contains an aqueous solution of
potassium sulfate and some of the dissolved indicator.

Describe how to prepare a pure, dry sample of potassium sulfate crystals from new solutions
of dilute sulfuric acid and aqueous potassium hydroxide of the same concentrations as used
in the titration. Include a series of key steps in your answer.







........................................................................................................................................... [5]

[Total: 8]

16 Dilute sulfuric acid reacts with bases, metals and carbonates.

Write chemical equations for the reaction of dilute sulfuric acid with each of the following:

(a) magnesium hydroxide

........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) zinc

........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(c) sodium carbonate.

........................................................................................................................................... [2]

[Total: 6]

17 Potassium hydrogensulfate, KHSO4, is an acid salt. It dissolves in water to produce an aqueous

+ + 2–
solution, X, containing K , H and SO4 ions.

Describe what you would see when the following experiments are done.

(a) Magnesium ribbon is added to an excess of solution X.


........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) A flame test is done on solution X.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) An aqueous solution containing barium ions is added to solution X.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 4]

18 Describe a test for oxygen.

test ...........................................................................................................................................

result ........................................................................................................................................ [2]

[Total: 2]

19 Copper(II) nitrate, Cu(NO3)2, decomposes when it is heated. The only solid product is
copper(II) oxide, CuO. There are two gaseous products. One of the gaseous products is oxygen.

(a) Describe a test for oxygen.

test ....................................................................................................................................

result ................................................................................................................................. [2]

(b) Name the other gaseous product. Describe its appearance.

name .................................................................................................................................

appearance ....................................................................................................................... [2]

(c) Write a chemical equation for the thermal decomposition of copper(II) nitrate.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 5]

20 The following formulae represent different substances.

Al Ag CaCO3 CH4 Cl2 Cu SO2

State which of these substances is a gas which bleaches damp litmus paper.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

21 Titanium is extracted from an ore called rutile. Rutile is an impure form of titanium(IV) oxide, TiO2.

Rutile is mixed with coke and heated in a furnace through which chlorine gas is passed. The product
is gaseous titanium(IV) chloride, TiCl4.

Titanium(IV) chloride, TiCl4, is heated with an excess of magnesium, in an atmosphere of argon.

After titanium(IV) chloride is heated with magnesium, the unreacted magnesium is removed by
adding an excess of dilute hydrochloric acid to the mixture.

The dilute hydrochloric acid also dissolves the magnesium chloride.

The dilute hydrochloric acid does not react with the titanium or dissolve it.

(a) Give two observations and write a chemical equation for the reaction that occurs when dilute
hydrochloric acid reacts with magnesium.

1 ........................................................................................................................................

2 ........................................................................................................................................

chemical equation ............................................................................................................. [3]

(b) Name the process that is used to separate the titanium from the mixture after all the magnesium
has been removed.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) Titanium does not react with the dilute hydrochloric acid or dissolve in it.

Suggest why titanium does not react with dilute hydrochloric acid.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 5]

22 Ethanoic acid, CH3COOH, is a weak acid.

(a) What is meant by the term acid?


........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) Why is ethanoic acid described as weak?


........................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 2]

23 How would you show that an aqueous solution of ethanoic acid, CH3COOH, is an acid without
using an indicator or measuring the pH?

State the reagent you would use and give the expected observations.
Write a chemical equation for the reaction that you describe.

reagent .....................................................................................................................................

expected observations .............................................................................................................


chemical equation .................................................................................................................... [3]

[Total: 3]

24 Ethanoic acid is a weak acid and hydrochloric acid is a strong acid.

Both ethanoic acid and hydrochloric acid dissociate in aqueous solution.

(a) Define the term acid.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) The chemical equation shows the changes which occur when the strong acid,
hydrochloric acid, is added to water.
+ –
HCl(aq) → H (aq) + Cl (aq)

Complete the chemical equation to show the changes which occur when the weak acid,
ethanoic acid, is added to water.

CH3COOH(aq) .................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 3]

25 24 25 26
Magnesium exists as three isotopes, 12Mg , 12Mg and 12Mg .

All isotopes of magnesium react with dilute hydrochloric acid to make hydrogen and a salt.

(a) Why do all isotopes of magnesium react in the same way?



........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) Write a chemical equation for the reaction between magnesium and dilute hydrochloric acid.

........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(c) Describe a test for hydrogen.

test ....................................................................................................................................

result ................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 6]

26 Copper(II) sulfate crystals, CuSO4.5H2O, are hydrated.

Copper(II) sulfate crystals are made by reacting copper(II) carbonate with dilute sulfuric acid.

The equation for the overall process is shown.

CuCO3 + H2SO4 + 4H2O → CuSO4.5H2O + CO2

3 3
step 1 Powdered solid copper(II) carbonate is added to 50.0 cm of 0.05 mol / dm sulfuric acid until
the copper(II) carbonate is in excess.

step 2 The excess of copper(II) carbonate is separated from the aqueous copper(II) sulfate.

step 3 The aqueous copper(II) sulfate is heated until the solution is saturated.

step 4 The solution is allowed to cool and crystallise.

step 5 The crystals are removed and dried.

(a) Name a different substance, other than copper(II) carbonate, that could be added to dilute
sulfuric acid to produce copper(II) sulfate in step 1.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) Name the process used to separate the aqueous copper(II) sulfate from the excess of
copper(II) carbonate in step 2.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) The solution of aqueous copper(II) sulfate was heated until it was saturated in step 3.

(i) Suggest what is meant by the term saturated solution.



................................................................................................................................ [2]

(ii) What evidence would show that the solution was saturated in step 3?

................................................................................................................................ [1]

(iii) Why should the aqueous copper(II) sulfate not be heated to dryness in step 3?

................................................................................................................................ [1]

[Total: 6]

27 Phosphine, PH3, has a similar chemical structure to ammonia, NH3.

Ammonia acts as a base when it reacts with sulfuric acid.

(a) What is meant by the term base?

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) Write a chemical equation for the reaction between ammonia and sulfuric acid.

........................................................................................................................................... [2]

[Total: 3]

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