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Stress Medicine

Stress Med. 16: 179±183 (2000)

S t re s s , d i st re s s a n d a i r t raf ® c
i n c i d e n t s : j o b d ys f u n c t i o n a n d
d i st re s s i n a i r l i n e p i l o t s i n
re l at i o n t o c o n t ex t u a l l y -
a s s e s s e d st re s s
Kate Miriam Loewenthal*,{, Michael Eysenck, Duncan Harris, Guy Lubitsh,
Tessa Gorton and Helen Bicknell

Psychology Department, Royal Holloway University of London, Egham Hill,

Egham, Surrey

This study used contextual stress measurement to look at the occupational sequelae of stress. One
hundred and ®ve civil aviation pilots were interviewed. Events and dif®culties were dated and rated for
contextual threat; dating information was also obtained for distress symptoms and air traf®c incidents.
There were signi®cant relationships between stress and air incidents, between stress and distress, and
between distress and incidents. Some symptoms (sleep disturbances, loss of energy and tiredness) were
more likely to be associated with reported incidents than others. The results are in line with previous
suggestions that the effect of stress on job performance is via distress. Distress-related sleep disturbances
may be particularly crucial. Further work using contextual stress measurement is needed to clarify the
causal pathways involved. Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Key Words result in heavy casualties and/or heavy ®nancial

contextual stress; distress symptoms; sleep losses.
disturbance; air traf®c incidents Several researchers have investigated common
sources of stress in pilots.1±3 However, these
studies did not examine the relationship between
stress and pilot work performance.
How and when does stress effect performance? Other researchers4±6 have investigated life-
The understanding and management of occupa- events in relation to air traf®c accidents, and
tional and non-work stress is of particular have concluded that there is some relationship.
importance for performance in occupations such However, their life-events measures were based
as aviation, where performance decrements may on the assumption than an identical degree of
stressfulness should be accorded to all events
*Correspondence to: Kate M. Loewenthal, Psychology within a particular category, an approach which
Department, Royal Holloway University of London,
Egham Hill, Egham, Surrey TW20 OEX. Tel: ‡44- lacks the greater precision of the now widely-
1784-443601/443526. Fax: ‡44-1784-434347. advocated7 context-sensitive approach. Brown
{E-mail: and Harris8 have developed the Life Events and
Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Received 1 March 1999
Accepted 26 August 1999
K. M. Loewenthal et al.

Dif®culties Schedule (LEDS) to assess the con- 40.0 years (SD ˆ 8.9), with 17.7 mean years'
textual threat of an event, which is de®ned as the ¯ying experience (SD ˆ 9.4), and 56 Israeli
threatfulness of that event for anyone in those pilots, mean age 45.5 years (SD ˆ 6.4), with
circumstances and with the same biography. As 20.1 mean years' ¯ying experience. Only a
yet, these more precise contextual threat ratings minority of the British pilots had military ¯ying
for life-events have not yet been widely used in experience (13/49), but almost all the Israelis
occupational settings. The present study repre- (54/56) had such experience.
sents an advance on previous research in several
ways. Firstly, life events were assessed in the more
precise contextual fashion proposed by Brown
and Harris.7 Secondly, the effects of life events Information was obtained retrospectively about
and of distress on pilots' job performance were life events and dif®culties, distress, air traf®c
both considered, rather than simply one or the incidents and other job performance measures,
other. Thirdly, several different aspects of job for the 12 months prior to interview. The LEDS
performance were considered. Fourthly, the (Life Events and Dif®culties Schedule8) was
collection of dating information partly overcomes slightly modi®ed to include questions and probes
the traditional objections to retrospective suitable for use in this occupational context.
methodology, enabling stronger inferences about Prior to the LEDS interview a screening instru-
causality to be made, as in prospective studies. ment (adapted from Andrews,9 and from Costello
Thus, although the measures were collected at and Devins10) was used to enable the interviewer
one time, the use of dating information allows to focus on events and dif®culties reported in the
stronger causal inferences than a traditional cross- screening. Events and dif®culties were rated by a
sectional methodology. trained team working in liaison with Tirril Harris
This study therefore looked at contextually- and the Medical Research Council team in the
measured stress in relation to performance in civil Social Policy Department at Royal Holloway
aviation pilots, giving attention to dating of (London University). LEDS procedures were
stress, distress symptoms and the occurrence of followed for dating events, dif®culties and air
air traf®c incidents. incidents. The measure of distress was a self-
report list of symptoms based on Spitzer's
Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC). Presence,
Method onset and offset were recorded for symptoms in
the previous 12 months, which had lasted for
more than two weeks, were of high intensity,
The design was a multi variate correlational interfered with other things, and were dif®cult to
design, involving measurement of stress, distress, control. The job performance measures were self-
job performance and selected other factors. Stress reports covering the previous 12 months: self-
(life-events), distress (symptoms) and air traf®c rated overall ¯ight performance (on a 0±10
incidents were dated, and dates compared so as to scale); self-rated simulator performance (0±10);
exclude events that were not prior to symptoms number of shifts absent in the previous year; air
and incidents, and symptoms that were not prior traf®c incidents (near-misses or other; dates were
to incidents. The contextual stress measures, recorded).
derived from the LEDS, were independent vari-
ables. Dependent variables were the measures of
job performance (air traf®c incidents) and Results
psychological distress.
Qualitative aspects of stress
The events and dif®culties reported were related
to dif®culties in relationships with spouse or
Participants were 105 male civil aviation pilots, other partner, sometimes associated with roster-
volunteering to participate during off-duty ing; extra-marital relationships; health problems,
periods. There were 49 British pilots, mean age usually for a dependent; ®nancial dif®culties, and

180 Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Stress Med. 16: 179±183 (2000)
Distress in airline pilots

work-related dif®culties such as promotion dis- outcome variable. This showed marked effects of
appointments. Additionally, some Israeli pilots distress (symptoms) on air incidents (b ˆ 0.390,
reported events and dif®culties connected with t ˆ 3.90, p ˆ 0.0002). The effects of stress
military service which is compulsory for several were not signi®cant. The only other signi®cant
weeks every year in Israel for men up to the age `predictor' of air incidents was absenteeism
of 65. (b ˆ 0.212, t ˆ 2.34, p ˆ 0.021).
In order to examine more closely the relation-
ship between distress and ¯ying incidents, indivi-
Quantitative ®ndings dual symptoms were compared among those
The inter-relationships among the various reporting incidents and those not reporting
measures are shown in Table I. Since the numbers incidents (Table II).
reporting incidents were small, and since the For the incident-reporting pilots, only those
main features of the data and their relationships symptoms with an onset prior to the incident and
were similar in both samples, the British and still current at the time of the incident are
Israeli data were combined to improve statistical included. The chief difference in symptomatology
power. between the incident-reporting pilots and the
There were signi®cant positive correlations non-incident-reporting pilots was with respect to
between stress and distress (consistent with sleep disturbances, and loss of energy and tired-
other work8,11), between stress and air incidents, ness.
and between distress and air incidents. Note that
although the data are correlational, only stress
occurring prior to distress and air incidents, and Discussion
only distress prior to air incidents are included.
This strengthens the possibility that associations The main ®ndings of this study are that ¯ying
could imply causality. incidents in pilots were associated with stress,
There was an association between absenteeism both directly, and more strongly via the distress
and ¯ying incidents. Other aspects of pilots' resulting for some but not all those under stress.
performance did not correlate with ¯ying This suggests that it is the emotional reaction to
incidents or with other measures, except that life events and dif®culties which is important,
self-ratings of general ¯ight performance and rather than the existence of life events and
simulator performance were associated. dif®culties per se. This is in line with conclusions
To exclude possible confounding effects, a about the causal relationships between life-events
multiple regression analysis was conducted, in and distress symptoms in the case of road traf®c
addition to the correlational analysis, using the accidents.12,13 More speci®cally the evidence
variables in Table I, with air incidents as the suggests that stress-related sleep disturbance and

Table I. Correlation coef®cients between measures of stress, distress and performance among pilots.
Stress Distress Incidents Absences Flight Simulator Age
performance performance
Stress{ Ð
Distress 0.45*** Ð
Incidents 0.19* 0.41*** Ð
Absences 0.11 0.02 0.22* Ð
Flight performance ÿ0.08 ÿ0.05 ÿ0.04 ÿ0.03 Ð
Simulator performance ÿ0.08 ÿ0.02 ÿ0.10 ÿ0.17 0.61*** Ð
Age ÿ0.13 ÿ0.09 0.18 ÿ0.06 0.04 0.04 Ð
Years ¯ying ÿ0.16 0.03 0.15 ÿ0.04 0.01 ÿ0.04 0.72***
*p 5 0.05; **p 5 0.01; ***p 5 0.001. {The index of stress was the presence of a provoking agent, de®ned8 as a prior event of at
least high-moderate long-term contextual severity (and focused on the participant, singly or jointly with others), or an ongoing
dif®culty of at least two years duration, and of at least high moderate contextual severity. Where distress symptoms and/or ¯ying
incidents were reported, only prior provoking agents were included in the above analyses.

Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Stress Med. 16: 179±183 (2000) 181
K. M. Loewenthal et al.

Table II. Symptoms among non-incident-reporting pilots and incident-reporting pilots.

Brief description of symptom Pearson w2 Proportion and number Proportion and number
of non-incident-reporting of incident-reporting
pilots reporting symptom pilots reporting symptom
in last 12 months in last 12 months
(N ˆ 96) (N ˆ 9)
Depressed mood 51 7% (7) 11% (1)
Poor appetite; weight loss or gain 51 5% (5) 0% (0)
4 7 lbs n.s.
Sleep disturbances (at least one 68.6 16% (15) 67% (6)
hour less or more than usual) p 5 0.001
Loss of energy, tiredness 68.6 16% (15) 67% (6)
p 5 0.001
Agitation or slowing 51 3% (3) 0% (0)
Loss of interest in usual pleasures 51 8% (8) 11% (1)
Guilt 51 4% (4) 11% (1)
Loss of concentration 51 10% (10) 11% (1)
Suicidal thoughts 51 0% (0) 11% (1)

fatigue may be of particular importance as a bilities. Further work should ®rstly isolate the
factor in ¯ying incidents. This suggestion accords speci®c causal role played by anxiety, and
with Green's14 conclusions, that sleep disturb- distinguish its effects from those of sleep depriva-
ances are associated with reported air traf®c tion per se. This requires careful attention in data-
incidents. However, it goes a step further by collection and analysis, since rostering may be
implying that it may be speci®cally stress-related causally involved in sleep deprivation, and may
sleep disturbance and fatigue that are crucial, and also impact on life circumstances to give rise to
not shortage of sleep as such.
anxiety or other distress. Secondly, further
Causal associations between ¯ying incidents
research should distinguish the effects of anxiety
and absenteeism could not be inferred, since we
had insuf®cient information about the timing of from those of depression and other forms of
absenteeism in relation to air incidents. distress. Both anxiety and depression are associ-
One possible interpretation of our ®ndings ated with sleep and attentional disturbances
would involve according anxiety central import- (though of different types). Since anxiety, depres-
ance. It is well-established that anxiety causes sion and other forms of distress often co-occur,
sleep disturbances (see Eysenck15), and the evid- careful attention needs to be paid to assessment of
ence indicates that anxiety can cause attentional speci®c distress symptoms. Finally, it would be
malfunctioning and impaired performance.15,16 desirable for further research to involve a pro-
Thus the suggested causal pathway would be: spective design, to enable greater con®dence in
the analysis of causal pathways.
Stress ! Distress ! Sleep disturbance
! Attention deficit ! Incident This investigation indicates the value and
applicability of contextual threat measurement
However, further work is needed to distinguish in helping to elucidate the possible causal links
the suggested causal pathways from other possi- between stress, distress and air traf®c incidents.

182 Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Stress Med. 16: 179±183 (2000)
Distress in airline pilots

Acknowledgements 6. Sloan SJ, Cooper CL. The impact of life events on pilots:
an extension of Alkov's approach. Av. Space Env. Med.
We are grateful to the Nuf®eld Foundation for ®nancial 1985; 56: 1000±1003.
support of part of this study, to Tirril Harris (Social 7. Surteees PG, Wainwright NWJ. Adversity over the life
course: assessment and quanti®cation issues. Stress Med.
Policy Department, Royal Holloway University of
1998; 14: 213±218.
London) for discussion of the stress ratings, to Bernice 8. Brown G, Harris TO. The Social Origins of Depression.
Andrews for the use of her LEDS screening instrument, Tavistock Press: London, 1978.
to Giora Keinan (University of Tel Aviv) for his 9. Andrews B. life events and dif®culties screening checklist.
encouragement, and to the airlines concerned and to Unpublished, available from the author at the Psychology
the pilots interviewed for their kind cooperation. Department, Royal Holloway, University of London,
Finally, thanks to the editor and reviewers of this Egham, Surrey.
journal for constructive suggestions. 10. Costello CG, Devins GM. Two-stage screening for
stressful life-events and chronic dif®culties. Can. J.
Behav., Sci. in press.
11. Brown GW, Harris TO (Eds). Life Events and Illness.
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