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Professional Competencies


1.Safe and Quality Nursing Care

-knowledge of health/illness status of the client, sound decision making; safety, comfort,
privacy, administration of meds and health therapeutics and nursing process.

2. Management of resources and environment

- Organization of workload; use of financial resources for client care; mechanism to ensure
proper functioning of equipment and maintenance of a safe environment

3. Health Education

- Assessment of client’s learning needs; development of health education plan and

learning materials and implementation and evaluation of health education plan

4. Legal Responsibility

- Adherence to the nursing laws as well as to national, local and organizational policies
including documentation of care given to clients.

5. Ethico-moral Responsibility

- Respect for the rights of the client; responsibility and accountability for own decisions
and actions; and adherence to the international and national codes of ethics for nurses

6. Personal and Professional Development

- Identification of own learning needs, pursuit of continuing education; involvement in

professional image; positive attitude towards change and criticism

7. Quality Improvement

- data gathering for quality improvement; participation in nursing rounds; identification and
reporting of solutions to identifies problems related to client care.

8. Research

- Research-based formulation of solutions to problems in client care and dissemination

and application of research findings
9. Records Management

- Accurate and updated documentation of client care while observing legal imperatives and
record keeping

10. Communication

- uses therapeutic communication techniques, identiies verbal and nonverbal cues,

responds to client needs,while using formal and informal channels of communication and
appropriate information technology

11. Collaboration and Teamwork

- Establishment of collaborative relationship with colleagues and other members of health


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