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Python Programming Course Outline

Chapter 1: Introduction to Python

● Lesson 1: What is Python?

● Overview of Python
● Why Python is popular
● Python's applications
● Lesson 2: Setting Up Python Environment
● Installing Python
● Configuring a text editor or IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
● Running Python code

Chapter 2: Python Basics

● Lesson 1: Variables and Data Types

● Understanding variables
● Different data types (integers, floats, strings, booleans)
● Variable assignment and naming conventions
● Lesson 2: Basic Operations
● Arithmetic operations
● String operations
● Type conversion
● Lesson 3: Control Flow
● Conditional statements (if, elif, else)
● Looping (for loops, while loops)
● Break and continue statements

Chapter 3: Data Structures

● Lesson 1: Lists
● Creating and accessing lists
● List methods (append, remove, pop, etc.)
● List slicing
● Lesson 2: Tuples and Sets
● Understanding tuples
● Creating and accessing sets
● Set operations (union, intersection, difference)
● Lesson 3: Dictionaries
● Creating dictionaries
● Accessing and modifying dictionary elements
● Dictionary methods

Chapter 4: Functions and Modules

● Lesson 1: Functions
● Defining functions
● Parameters and arguments
● Return statement
● Lesson 2: Modules
● Importing modules
● Creating and using custom modules
● Standard Python modules (math, random, etc.)

Chapter 5: File Handling

● Lesson 1: Opening and Reading Files

● Opening files in different modes
● Reading file content
● Closing files
● Lesson 2: Writing to Files
● Writing to files
● Appending to files
● Error handling with file operations
Chapter 6: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

● Lesson 1: Introduction to OOP

● Understanding classes and objects
● Encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism
● Lesson 2: Creating Classes and Objects
● Defining classes
● Creating objects
● Class constructors and methods
● Lesson 3: Inheritance and Polymorphism
● Inheriting from a superclass
● Method overriding
● Polymorphism in Python

Chapter 7: Introduction to Libraries

● Lesson 1: Using External Libraries

● Installing libraries using pip
● Popular Python libraries (numpy, pandas, matplotlib)
● Using libraries in your projects

Chapter 8: Final Project

● Lesson 1: Project Overview

● Introduction to the final project
● Choosing a project topic
● Lesson 2: Project Implementation
● Planning and designing the project
● Implementing the project using learned concepts
● Lesson 3: Project Presentation
● Presenting the final project
● Getting feedback and suggestions
Course Price: Only 100etb!

That's right! For just 100etb, you'll gain access to our comprehensive Python
course designed to make learning fun, engaging, and super rewarding.

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following channels:

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Let's code the future together! 🚀

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