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ISSN : 2229-5348
UGC CARE Group 1 Journal
INSTITUTIONS” (With Special Reference to Raipur Region)

Suman Sahu ( Ph.D Scholar)

Dr.Usha Shrivastava (Assistant Professor)

Abstract:- Employees are the most valuable assets of an organization. Their significance to
organizations calls for not only the need to attract the best talents but also the necessity to retain them
for a long term. This research paper is an attempt to understand and find the opinion and attitudes of
the various categories of employees of the Selected Higher Education Institutions (Raipur) towards
the employee retention in the Institution. This study emphasizes on employee practices and retention
factors like compensation and benefits, employee engagement, performance management, retention
measures, and career development, hence; requiring an extensive review and modification of many
administrative procedures. The data was collected through well-structured questionnaires which
contains closed ended questions and the survey was carried out in education institutions. The research
design used for this study is descriptive in nature. Random sampling technique was adopted for
selecting sample units from the employees. The methods of data collection for the study include both
primary and secondary data. The primary data were collected through questionnaire by conducting
personal interview with the employees and the source of secondary data were the books and the
websites. A sample of 50 employees in each institution (Total 200 samples) was taken which helped
to analyze their satisfaction level towards the institutions and provide valuable suggestions. The
statistical tool used for analyzing and interpreting the opinions of the employees is simple percentage
analysis. Findings of the study were drawn from the analyzing of data’s, suggestions and conclusions
have been made based on the findings.

Keywords: Employee Retention, Employee Engagement, Performance Management

Employees are the most valuable assets of an organization. Their significance to organizations
calls for not only the need to attract the best talents but also the necessity to retain them for a long
Employee retention refers to the various policies and practices which let the employees stick to an
organization for a longer period of time. Every organization invests time and money to groom a new
joinee, make him a corporate ready material and bring him at par with the existing employees. The
ultimate aim of Employee Retention is to make both the stakeholders, i.e., employees and
employer happier. It facilitates loyal employees sticking to the company for a longer duration, which
in turn will benefit both the stakeholders. Employee retention is not just a matter that can be dealt
with records and reports. It purely depends upon how the employers understand the various
concerns of the employees and how they help them resolve their problem, when they are in
need. Every organization spends time and invests money in grooming new employees and
makes them corporate-ready. The organization will be in complete loss, if such employees quit after
they are fully trained. The organization is completely at loss when the employees leave their
job once they are fully trained. Employee retention takes into account the various measures taken
so that an individual stays in an organization for the maximum period of time. Research says that
most of the employees leave an organization out of frustration and constant friction with their
superiors or other team members. In some cases low salary,lack of growth prospects and motivation
compel an employee to look for a change. The management must try its level best to retain those
employees who are really important for the system and are known to be effective contributor.

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ISSN : 2229-5348
UGC CARE Group 1 Journal
In the pursuit of this research study researcher aims to identify the previous works and contributions
made to the topic to understand the concept. The study of previous related literature and work
contributions to the Employee Retention would certainly help the researcher to understand various
factors and variables and with what methodologies the study has been conducted. The sound LR will
lead to understand appropriate gap which in turn will help researcher to frame appropriate framework,
objective and hypothesis for study in the related domain. The further progress in research will
facilitate the researcher in development of questionnaire with application of appropriate statistical
tools and techniques. As per the study conducted by Diwakar singh (2019), he studied traditional
retention techniques as well as contemporary techniques to stop exit of the employees from the
organization. A study conducted by Ruchi Tripathi and Vinay Pratap Singh (2017), on Educational
Sector in India, tried to understand an employee opinion and attitude among the leading Institute of
Management. The author discussed the job satisfaction can be improved by improving working
conditions and Retention can be made through providing proper training and giving them a fair
treatment.As per K. Balji Mathimaran and A. Ananda Kumar (2017), the author studied factors like
Performance Appraisal, Recognition and few motivational factors which are influencing the
employee decisions to continue the job or to leave the job. In the study conducted by V. Antony Joe
Raja and R. Anbu Ranjith Kumar (2016) , asserted that the factors such as compensation and benefits
is responsible for weak retention .As per the study made by Mita Mehta, Aarti kurbetti and Ravenita
Dhankar (2014), various HR Practices which helps the employees to retain and foster their
commitment in the organization. The author found that there is no fixed practice which shows the
relevance to retain employee and keep them committed towards the organization. In the study
conducted by Bidisha lahkar Das and Mukulesh Barvah (2013), Studied Employee Retention and Job
Satisfaction through a model where in the model has certain factors like compensation, Rewards and
Recognition, Promotion and opportunity for growth, participation in decision making, Work life
balance, Good working environment, training and development , proper leadership, Job security and
found that the factors of Employee Retention possess an association with job satisfaction. Vasishtha
(2009) observed that replacing talented employees and training new ones to function as productively
as their predecessors is a growing challenge for higher educational institutions.Krishnan (2009) posits
that the turnover of qualified and talented employees is associated with significant direct and indirect
costs to an organisation. These costs include those associated with recruitment and selection, loss of
productivity, quality shortfalls, poor morale among current employees and loss of organisational
knowledge when employees leave.Lynn (2002) supported the idea that educational leaders should
provide professional learning and growth opportunities in order to motivate teachers and to enhance
their performance. Accordingly, organization utilizes extensive range of human resource management
factors influence in employee commitment and retention (Stein, 2000; Beck, 2001; Clarke, 2001;
Parker and Wright, 2001).


Employees are the asset for the organization. Employee Retention means that a company uses the
methods to make employees stay with the company for a long time period. Employee turnover is an
costly affair for an organization. Finding suitable replacements for key employees is difficult. Lower
employee turnover leads to outstanding performance of an organization. Hiring is a complicated
process. It has been observed that individuals sticking to an organization for a longer span are more
loyal towards the management and the organization. There it is very essential to find out that why
employee retention is so important in education sector.


Primary - To study about the employee retention in education sector.
Secondary -
A. To find out the problems of the employee in education sector.

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ISSN : 2229-5348
UGC CARE Group 1 Journal
B. To find out the effect of job satisfaction and working conditions on employee retention.
C. To find out the influence of the following factors on employee retention.
a) Career opportunities, b) Superior support, c) Rewards and recognition.


The research will be very helpful in attracting and retaining the employees who are talented,
innovative and dedicated to excellence with respect to the response from the executives. If an
organization manages people well, employee retention will take care of itself. Organization should
focus on managing the work environment to make better use of the available human assets. Employees
will consider themselves as the part of the organization and feel motivated and happy to be part of the


A.. The time factor acted as a considerable limit in the study.
B. The information provided by respondents may not be fully accurate due to unavoidable biases.
C. Since this is a one person survey, the number of respondents is relatively small for this kind of
D. The technique for collecting the data is convenience sampling due to monetary and manpower

The study is Descriptive in nature
A. Primary Data: The primary data are those, which are collected a fresh and original in character. It
has been through questionnaire surveys, personal interview, telephone etc.
B. Secondary Data: The secondary data on the other hand are those which have already been
collected by someone else and which have already been passed through the statistical process. The
researcher has collected the secondary data from the institute records, internet, previous project
reports etc.


Questionnaire: It is the instrument used in this study. The main advantage of this is that they are easy
to complete and easy to analyze.
Sample Size: It is the process of selecting representative subset of a total population for obtaining
data for the study of the whole population the subset is known as sample. The sample size is 200 in
this study.


The researcher has used mainly statistical tools (Percentage Analysis ) to analysis the data and draw


1. Demographic factor analysis
Demographic Variables Frequencies (n) Percentage (%)
Age 21-30 years 146 78
31-40 years 26 13
41-50 years 28 14
Gender Male 84 42%
Female 116 58%
Marital Status Married 140 70%
Unmarried 60 30%
Education Graduate 31 16%
Vol. 17, No.2 (I), April - June2023 151
ISSN : 2229-5348
UGC CARE Group 1 Journal
Post Graduate 132 70%
Doctorate 37 19%
Income 10000-20000 106 53%
21000-30000 65 33%
31000-40000 29 15%
2. Is transportation Facility is provided by institution

From above table it is observed that 78 % of the employees agree ,where as 24% employees are
strongly agree and 3% employee are neutral about the transport facility is provided by the institution.
3. Satisfied working condition

From above table it is observed that 53% of the employees agree ,where as 38% employees are
strongly agree and 10% employee are neutral and 1% are disagree with the working condition of an
4. Satisfied with present job

From above table it is observed that 44% of the employees agree ,where as 49% employees are
strongly agree and 7% employee are neutral and 1% are disagree with the present job.

Vol. 17, No.2 (I), April - June2023 152

ISSN : 2229-5348
UGC CARE Group 1 Journal
5. Is appreciation for coworker and superior is necessary


From above table it is observed that 93% of the employees agree, where as 7% employees are
strongly agree that appreciation policy for coworker and superior is necessary in an institution.
6. Prefer Improvement in position in new job


From above table it is observed that 43% of the respondents agree ,where as 53% employees
are strongly agree and 2% & 1% respondents are neutral and disagree respectively that they
prefer improvement in position in new job in an institution.
7. Are you willing to quitting present job


From above table it is observed that 41% of the employees agree, where as 12% employees are
strongly agree, 28% & 19% respondents are neutral and disagree respectively about quitting
there present job.
8. Feels job security in institution


From above table it is observed that 50% of the employees agree, where as 28% employees are
strongly agree, 18% & 9% respondents are neutral and disagree respectively about the job
security in Institution.
9. Is there any rewards & recognition for coworkers achievement

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ISSN : 2229-5348
UGC CARE Group 1 Journal


From above table it is observed that 55% of the employees agree, where as 13% employees are
strongly agree, 19% & 14% respondents are neutral and disagree respectively about the rewards &
recognition for coworker’s achievement by an institution.
10. Are you proud and happy employee to work in education institution


From above table it is observed that 83% of the employees agree, where as 14% employees are
strongly agree and 4% respondents are neutral about the working in education institution.

From the current research, recommendations can be made with regard to clear academic support
which, in time, will promote academic growth and the retention of valuable academic staff. This will
ensure that the academic leader, as a mentor, takes charge of academic progression. Job satisfaction
can be improved by improving working condition through by the improvement in position and hike
in their salary.
After undergoing the above mentioned literature, the study suggests these plans of action for the
quality management education organized with talents and teacher‘s excellence.
Employee retention matters as organizational issues such as training time and investment; lost
knowledge; insecure employees and a costly candidate search are involved. Hence failing to retain a
key employee is a costly proposition for an organization. Employees want to know they are being
treated fairly and being appreciated by their employers. Retention of Key employees is critical to the
long term health and success of any organization. It is a known fact that retaining your best employees
ensures satisfied colleagues and reporting staff.

The job satisfaction level and working conditions in the education sector for employee retention are
quite good. Career opportunities, Superior support, rewards and recognition are considered to be the
most important factors for the job satisfaction level in this sector, which, are quite high. In this study,
we have examined the retention of academics with regard to their views on the factors that keep them
with their current employer. The study revealed that job satisfaction, salary, promotion is important
among the academics who took part in this study. There are intrinsic, as well as extrinsic, factors that
affect the academic retention process. Amongst other elements, salary disparities were also identified
as one of the main reasons causing academics to leave their profession.
This is because the academic staffs see job satisfaction as the most important aspect; job satisfaction
was regarded as an intrinsic element that motivates staff to stay within their job. Another element was
the fact that academic staff did not have confidence in their academic leaders; this resulted in
Vol. 17, No.2 (I), April - June2023 154
ISSN : 2229-5348
UGC CARE Group 1 Journal
dissatisfaction in their current job with regard to their growth and development. In support of the
intrinsic element, there are also the extrinsic aspects that have an impact, either positively or
negatively, on the job environment. Academic staff felt that salaries, academic promotion, and
development were the main aspects and with regard to these factors, the respondents felt that their
expectations are not met. While academic staff mobility and career progression were the highest
priority amongst teaching and research staff, policies and regulations supporting promotions were not

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