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Smart Business Suite

Manufacturing Management
2-2-2 Create record MRP..............................................................43
2-2-3 Calculate Material Plan........................................................44
2-2-4 MRP Info.............................................................................45
2-2-5 Action Messages...................................................................47
2-2-5.a Try This .............................................................................49
Index 2-3 Capacity Requirement Planning.............................................50
2-3-1 Capacity Plan Calculation ...................................................50
0-1 INITIAL SETUP............................................................................4 2-3-2 Resource Load View.............................................................51
0-1.1 Adempiere Manufacturing Setup............................................4 3 PRODUCTION CONTROL............................................................52
1 MANUFACTURING RULES..........................................................7 3-1 Discrete Manufacturing..........................................................53
1-1 Manufacturing Resource Management.....................................7 3-1-1 Planned Order Approval.......................................................53
1-1-1 Resource Type........................................................................8 3-1-2 Manufacturing Order............................................................53
1-1-2 Manufacturing Resource........................................................9 3-1-3 Manufacturing Orders Report...............................................61
1-1-2.a Try This .............................................................................11 3-1-4 Component Check................................................................61
1-2 Manufacturing Workflows ......................................................12 3-1-5 Order Transactions................................................................62
1-2-1 Manufacturing Workflows (Routes and Processes).............13 3-1-6 Printing and Release Order...................................................63
1-2-2 Work Flow Editor.................................................................23 3-1-7 Order Receipt and Issue........................................................64
1-2-2.a Try This .............................................................................24 3-1-8 Activity Control ..................................................................66
1-3 Bills of Material & Formula....................................................25 3-1-8.1 External Work....................................................................68
1-3-1 Bills of Material & Formula.................................................26 3-1-9 Shop Floor Transaction Detail .............................................71
1-3-2 Bill Of Material & Formula review.....................................31 4 COST MANAGEMENT................................................................72
1-3-2.a Try This .............................................................................32 4-1 Cost Type.................................................................................72
2 PRODUCTION PLANNING .........................................................33 4-2 Create Cost Element................................................................73
2-1 Data Planning.........................................................................34 4-3 Create Element........................................................................74
2-1-1 Planning Products................................................................34 4-4 Product Cost.............................................................................75
2-1-2 Create Product Planning.......................................................40 4-5 Product Costing Report ...........................................................76
2-1-2.a Try This .............................................................................42 4-6 Cost Collector..........................................................................77
2-2 MRP (Materials Requirement Planning).................................43 4.7 Cost Roll-Up...........................................................................78
2-2-1 Calculate low level...............................................................43 4.7.1. Frozen / Unfrozen Costs.......................................................79

Chapter 2 E-evolution Copyright ©

4.7.2 Copy Price to Standard Cost.................................................80
4.7.3. Workflow Cost Roll Up........................................................81
4.7.4. Bill Of Material and Formula Cost Roll-Up........................82
4.7.5 Cost BOM Multilevel Review..............................................83

Chapter 3 E-evolution Copyright ©

Initial Setup

0-1.1 Adempiere Manufacturing Setup

Manufacturing Management is an Adempiere additional

project, to be able to use this system you must execute
some steps to determine its parameters and to the kick

The first step is to be sure you to have the liberoMFG.jar

package, the path where you can find this file is
Adempiere/packages/liberoMFG/lib. The path is shown In
the following figure. .
Figure 0.1.1
When you have checked the existence of the package you
must activate the Libero Model Validator as is described in
the following paragraphs

Chapter 0­1 INITIAL SETUP 4 E-evolution Copyright ©

To activate the Model Validator you must log in as System
Administrator. It is advisable whenever you to use this
Role to choose the English Language

Once you are in the Adempiere Menu, double-click on

Application Dictionary< Model Validator. Tick the Active
checkbox and save your modifications. From this point
you are almost ready to use Manufacturing Management.

Figure 0.1.2. Application Dictionary< Model Validator.

Chapter 0­1 INITIAL SETUP 5 E-evolution Copyright ©

You must restart the system in order to the changes to be

To continue with the Manufacturing system setup leave

the session and login again as Client User Administrator

Select the Create Doc Type to Manufacturing process in

the option Standard Costing < Manufacturing.

This process must be executed just one time

Figure 0.1.4 Manufacturing Management < Standard Costing Management < Create
Doc Type to Manufacturing

Chapter 0­1 INITIAL SETUP 6 E-evolution Copyright ©



1-1 Manufacturing Resource Management

A Manufacturing Resource is defined as anything required

for production and whose deficiency of availability to
cause not to reach the Production Plan. The
Manufacturing Resources can be: Plants, Production lines,
Work Centers and Work Stations.

It mainly answer the question: Where is the product


Chapter 1 MANUFACTURING RULES 7 E-evolution Copyright ©

1­1­1 Resource Type

The Resource Type Window is the Adempiere standard

option which it is used to calculate the available time in a
resource. It allows to enter the starting time and the end
time for the slot in the working days. For more
information please see the Chapter 16 of the
AdempiereUser Manual.

Figure 1.1.1 Manufacturing Management < Engineering Management < Resource

Manufacturing < Resource Type

Chapter 1 MANUFACTURING RULES 8 E-evolution Copyright ©

1-1-2 Manufacturing Resource

The Manufacturing Resource defines a resource for an

Organization. You can introduce as many resources as you

The Resource Type field allows you to identify the

capacity for this resource.

When you tick the Is Manufacturing Resource check box

the next fields are shown: Manufacturing Resource Type,
Daily Capacity, Percent Utilization, Queuing Time and
Waiting Time.

In the Manufacturing Resource Type field you can select a

Resource among Work station, Production Line, Work
Center or Plant. Normally a group of work stations will be
integrated into a work center, a group of work centers in
a Production line and a group of production lines in a
Plant. This relation is build in a hierarchy which is used to
Figure 1.1.2 Manufacturing Management < Engineering Management < Resource
accumulate the required and available capacity from the
Manufacturing < Manufacturing Resource
lower to the upper hierarchies for each resource.

Chapter 1 MANUFACTURING RULES 9 E-evolution Copyright ©

The Utilization Percent for a resource is defined as the
required time for that resource divided by the available
time, the result is multiplied by 100.

The Queue Time is the time which normally a

manufacturing order operation has to wait since it is
moved to this operation until it starts to be worked. The
Waiting Time is the time which normally a manufacturing
order operation has to wait since it is finished until it is
moved to the next operation or to the warehouse. Both,
queue time and waiting time entered in the resource are
used as default values for the nodes in the workflow.

The available daily time will be calculated for every

weekly working day selected, when you tick the Day Slot.
The calculation to get the available time for a day
subtracts the time when the slot starts from the time
when the slot ends.
Figure 1.1.3 Manufacturing Management < Engineering Management < Resource
Manufacturing < Manufacturing Resource

Chapter 1 MANUFACTURING RULES 10 E-evolution Copyright ©

1-1-2.a Try This

Create three types of Manufacturing Resources ( Work

station, Production Line, Work Center or Plant).

Enter the name of the Resource type.

Activate the available time checkbox to determine the utilization
time of resource
Activate the available days checkbox to determine the days of
week to use the resource.

Create a Manufacturing Resource.

Enter the key search of the manufacturing resource

Enter the organization name
Select the resource type that you wish to use those already
creates in the previous activity.
Choose the store (Service point) to wish the resource.

Chapter 1 MANUFACTURING RULES 11 E-evolution Copyright ©

1-2 Manufacturing Workflows

Manufacturing workflow (Routing) is a tool which allows us

to define the required activities to fabricate a product
taking into account the process sequence, how long does
it take the activity (operation) and where it should be

To use Adempiere Workflows gives you a great flexibility

for describing the production process.

It answers the question: How the product should be


Chapter 1 MANUFACTURING RULES 12 E-evolution Copyright ©

1-2-1 Manufacturing Workflows (Routes and

The Manufacturing Workflows Window allows you define

the Workfow to fabricate a product in any Organization of
the Client (organization *) or in a specific Organization.

You must use the Manufacturing Workflows tab to enter

the general information, Type the Name to identify this
specific workflow. If the Search Key is the same as the
product Search Key this WF will be the default Wf for the
product. Then enter a Description if you wish.

Tick the Is Routing check box and the Process Type and
Figure 1.2.1 Manufacturing Management < Engineering Management <
Resource fields are displayed. Manufacturing Workflow < Manufacturing Workflow


Chapter 1 MANUFACTURING RULES 13 E-evolution Copyright ©

The Process Type is selected among several options
depending on the characteristics of the process you want
to manage. The Process Type is only a reference and has
the next valid options according with the APICS

Continuous Flow: Continuous flow usually refers to the

production or processing of fluids, wastes, powders, basic
metals, and other bulk items. An oil refinery crude oil into
various petroleum products or a pipeline for water, oil, or
natural gas are examples of continuous flow
manufacturing and distribution processes.

Dedicated Repetitive Flow: Discrete parts such as shafts

and connecting rods and discrete assemblies such as
microcomputers may be produced by a repetitive flow
process. The term dedicated implies that the production
facility produces only one product, including product
variances (such as color) that require no setup delay in
the manufacturing process.

Batch Flow: Is functionally the same as the continuous or

the repetitive, except two or more products are
manufactured in the same facility. Because of long setup
times in the batch flow shop, manufacturing runs for each
product typically last several hours or several days.

Chapter 1 MANUFACTURING RULES 14 E-evolution Copyright ©

Repetitive Flow Mixed Model: It is also used to
manufacture two or more models. However, the
changeover time between models is minimal, and the
different models are intermixed on the same line.

Job Shop: is characterized by the organization of similar

equipment by function (such as milled,drilled, turned,
forging, and assembly). As jobs flow from manufacturing
resource to manufacturing resource a different type of
operation is performed in each manufacturing resource.

Fixed Site (Project): It has the main characteristic that the

materials, tools and personnel are brought to the
manufacturing resource where the product is going to be
fabricated. The Resource field is a reference of the
manufacturing resource where the work will be made

In Batch Size you give the product quantity witch can be

done by each batch. If we are going to produce a bigger
quantity that 1 batch the system will schedule several
batches in the manufacturing resource (production line),
the quantity of each one will be taken from the pack size
quantity to get the MO quantity required.

Data Access Level field shows the access level to this


Chapter 1 MANUFACTURING RULES 15 E-evolution Copyright ©

In the Work Flow Responsible field you enter the person,
roll or organization in charge of the Work Flow.

Priority indicates how important is this entity, the valid

entries are High, Medium or Low.

In the field Valid From-To is registered the time period

when the Workflow is valid.

The Document Number is allocated by the system and it

comes from the sequence defined in the Document
Sequence menu option.

Author is the person that created the record.

The Starting activity shows the first activity (node) of the

work flow.

Finally, in the Manufacturing WorkFlow Tab you can see

the fields group Time, the fields included in this group

Accumulated Time: currently is a reference where you

enter the total time required to to accomplish every
activity of this WF.

Chapter 1 MANUFACTURING RULES 16 E-evolution Copyright ©

Queue Time: Currently is a reference where you enter the
accumulated queue time for this WF. The Queue time is
the time usually taken since the previous operation is
finished, or the components were issued from the
warehouse, until the current operation in a manufacturing
order starts its process.

The Setup Time Currently is a reference where you enter

the accumulated Setup time for this WF. The Setup time
is the time required to execute the necessary activities in
a manufacturing resource to be able to start the
manufacturing process.

Duration WF: Currently it is a reference where you enter

the accumulated Duration for this WF. The Duration WF is
the normal duration of a job, in duration units.

Duration Unit is the time unit of measure for this group of

fields (e.g. hours, minutes etc). Every time recorded in
this work flow will be referenced at this Duration Unit.

Waiting Time: Currently is a reference where you enter

the accumulated Waiting time for this WF. The Waiting
Time is the time a job remains at a manufacturing
resource until it is moved to the next operation or to the
warehouse it the operation is the last one.

Chapter 1 MANUFACTURING RULES 17 E-evolution Copyright ©

Move Time: Currently is a reference where you enter the
accumulated Move time for this WF. It is the estimated
time to move the material thought the manufacturing

Clicking on the bottom Validate Work Flow it verifies that

the work flow does not have errors. Figure Bottom Validate Work Flow

When the process validation is finished it shows the

message correct (OK) if the work flow is correct (with a
limited verification).

Next you must introduce each one of the operations that

take part in the the product manufacturing, for this you Figure Message OK
use the activity Tab.

Chapter 1 MANUFACTURING RULES 18 E-evolution Copyright ©

In the activity Tab is introduced the Name to identify the
operations from the manufacturing routing. If desired give
a Description for operation.

From the selection list Resource select the manufacturing

resource (previously defined) where you want to execute
the operation. For the product costing, the Resource rate
is taken from the cost element introduced in the window
Product Costing.

If the check box, Is Control Operation, is selected it will

indicate that in this operation you will report the real time
used in the operation and that for all the previous
operations, until the last control operation, the standard
time will be used as real time. (this feature will be used in
the Shop Floor Control Module).

If the check box Is External Work is selected, it indicates Figure Manufacturing Management < Engineering Management <
Manufacturing Workflow < Manufacturing Workflow
that this operation will be executed by an external


Chapter 1 MANUFACTURING RULES 19 E-evolution Copyright ©

When you enter dates in the fields Valid From – To we give
the the period of time where this operation will have to be
considered for the elaboration of the product.

In the Workflow Responsible field you enter the

responsible for this node. It can be one of the following
types; Human, Organization or Roll.

Unit Cycles is the number of products that can be

produced in the time unit of measure from the
manufacturing resource. This data is used instead of the
Duration field where you enter the required time to
execute an operation for one product.

Overlap Units, is the minimum number of products you

need to finish in the current activity before you can
continue with the next node.

Working Time: Work Flow simulation execution time.

Currently is just a reference field.

The Queue time is the time usually the product will have
to wait at this activity before starts to be processed.

Chapter 1 MANUFACTURING RULES 20 E-evolution Copyright ©

Setup Time is the required time to execute the actions of
preparation of the resource specified in the activity to be
able to start the manufacturing process. To make the
manufacturing schedule using the technique both
forward and backward, the setup time is considered only
once for every activity in the manufacturing order.

Duration: The planned standard time to produce one unit

of product in a node. Waiting Time: Is the time a job
remains at a manufacturing resource after the activity is
finished until it is moved to the next operation. or to the
warehouse. (e.g. for drying)

Move Time is the time that a job spends in transit from

one activity to another in the plant.

Once all the required nodes (operations) have been

entered for a manufacturing process you must set the
activity sequence, this is done selecting the Transition
Tab. Figure Manufacturing Management < Engineering Management <
Manufacturing Workflow < Manufacturing Workflows
The required information to establish the sequence of the
nodes is in the activity Tab and in the Start activity field
from the Workflow Tab.

To be able to do a Manufacturing Schedule both forward

or backward, the system uses the characteristics set in
the activity tab and the sequence from the Sequence tab.

Chapter 1 MANUFACTURING RULES 21 E-evolution Copyright ©

The forward schedule uses the start date of the first
operation and uses the times required in each operation
to schedule the dates of each operations in the operations
sequence set in the workflow. It considers the available
time in each resource to schedule the dates.
The backward schedule uses the due date of the last
operation and uses the times required in each oration to
schedule the dates of each operations in the operations
opposite sequence set in the workflow. It considers the
available time in each resource to schedule the dates.

Chapter 1 MANUFACTURING RULES 22 E-evolution Copyright ©

1-2-2 Work Flow Editor

By Work Flow Editor it is possible to visualize in a graphic

mode the operations of the production process and its
execution sequence. At the same time you can see the
information registered in the fields: Name, Description
and Help from the Work Flow window.

When you select the zoom icon you get the Workflow

Figure 1.2.2 Manufacturing WorkFlow Editor

Chapter 1 MANUFACTURING RULES 23 E-evolution Copyright ©

1-2-2.a Try This

Create Manufacturing Workflow

Enter the search key and the name the workflow you want to
Select the type of workflow that will be used (Manufacturing).
Choose the plant resource (previously created) with which to work
the workflow.
Enter the Author Name who creates the workflow.
Of the information requested in the following fields, fill the
appropriate field.
In the field of initial operation, information will be introduced at the
end of load transition data. In the operation tab, enter the search
key and the name of the operation necessary to the workflow.
Choose the resource (among those previously created) where the
operation must be done.
If the workflow requires a product and/or tools, enter the
necessary data in product and tools tabs respectively. If the
operation is external process, enter the product information.
After you have entered all the necessary operations, you must
introduce the operations sequence in the transaction tab, where
you enter the next operation to start operation.

*** The first operation of the workflow is set in the tab of

manufacturing workflow.
***To watch the workflow was created, access the workflow editor
menu option.

Chapter 1 MANUFACTURING RULES 24 E-evolution Copyright ©

1-3 Bills of Material & Formula

It is a list of all the subassemblies, intermediates, parts

and raw material that go into a parent assembly showing
the quantity of each product to make an assembly. There
are a variety of display formats of bill of material,
including single level bill of material, indented bill of
material, modular (planning), costed bill of material, etc.
May also be called “formula”, “recipe”, “ingredients list”
in certain industries.

It answers the question, what are the components of the


Chapter 1 MANUFACTURING RULES 25 E-evolution Copyright ©

1-3-1 Bills of Material & Formula

In the Bills of Material Tab the following fields are required

to identify in a specific way the bills of Material: Client,
Organization, Search Key and Name.

Additionally with the Engineering Change Document

number you can track the modifications made to the
BOM. The sequence of the ECD is allocated by the system
using the Sequence entered for this Document Type.

In the Bill of Material tab the following fields are required:

Client, Organization, Search key and Name to identify in a
unique way the bill of material and the Engineering
Change Document Number used to track the

The Revision field shows the number of revision you have

made for this BOM and the Valid from and Valid to Figure 1.3.1 Manufacturing Management < Engineering Management < Bill of
indicates the valid period for this BOM (In that period you Material & Formula < Bill of Material & Formula
can use the BOM in a manufacturing order).

Chapter 1 MANUFACTURING RULES 26 E-evolution Copyright ©

The product field along with the product instance identify
the parent product. The manufacturing Unit of Measure is
also introduced and it will be taken into account for the
quantities entered for the components.

The BOM Type is the same used in the Product Window, in

the BOM tab for the parent product. The valid options are
Current Active, Make to Kit, Make to Order, Product
Configure and Repair. To get more information around
BOM please refer to the Chapter 5 of the Adempiere User

Then you introduce the detailed information around the

BOM for every component using the BOM tab.

The required information in the Bill of Materials is the

Product child and the Attribute Set Instance.

The Valid From and Valid To dates indicate the valid time Figure Manufacturing Management < Engineering Management < Bill of
period to use the BOM in a Manufacturing Order. Material & Formula < Bill of Material & Formula

Chapter 1 MANUFACTURING RULES 27 E-evolution Copyright ©

The Component Type Selection List has the next options:

Component: identify a raw material, ingredient, part, or

subassembly that goes into a higher level assembly,
compound or other item.
Byproduct: This entity is a non scheduled product gotten
as a consequence of another production process. It has a
sales value but it is minimum.

Phantom: indicates the product is a fictitious assembly,

that is to say, a set of components that are grouped only
to make easier the analysis in a separated way from the
rest of the BOM. When the MRP generates a requirement
of the phantom and the projected on hand is not
available, the process goes to the lower level and start a
new MRP cycle but does not create Planned Orders for
the phantom product.

Packing: This product will not be taken into account to

calculate the total quantity of components when the
IsQtyPercentage check box is ticked.

Planning: The parent product will be used for the planning

process of the different options of similar products. (e.g.
30 % bread with fiber and 70 % bread without fiber)

Tools:The product is a tool which is going to be used in a

production operation.

Chapter 1 MANUFACTURING RULES 28 E-evolution Copyright ©

If you click the IsQtyPercentage it means you need to
introduce the quantity of the component as a percentage
of all the components. If you do not click the
IsQtyPercentage checkbox then you need to introduce in
the Qty field the quantity of the component to produce a
unit of measure of the parent product.

If you click Is Critical checkbook, a Manufacturing Order

will not be released to the shop floor if this component is
not on hand. In the Assay field you enter a percentage of
components that will be used to make a test.

The Scrap field is introduced as a component percentage

factor that is expected not to be useful as a part of the
parent production.

The Issue Method field permit you to select between

Issue or Backflush, if you choose issue you need two
steps, first you issue the components from the warehouse
and after production you need a second warehouse
movement of receiving the finished product into the

If you choose backflush in one single movement you

receive the finished product in the warehouse and
automatically you issue the components required from
the warehouse.

Chapter 1 MANUFACTURING RULES 29 E-evolution Copyright ©

The Backflush Group is used in order to group
components that you want to issue together in a
Backflush process.

Lead Time offset is the number of days after you start to

produce the finished product when you need this

Forecast is the percentage we expect to use of this

component to produce the finished product. It is used to
make plans of getting components and it has a BOM type
of Planning BOM and you can not use this BOM for a
manufacturing order.

Chapter 1 MANUFACTURING RULES 30 E-evolution Copyright ©

1-3-2 Bill Of Material & Formula review

The BOM & Formula Review option menu shows. in two

different panels, the parent-component relationship for
the product entered in the Product field.

You need to introduce the parent product you want to see

its components then click the OK button, next drag the
left margin of the panel to the right and you will have the
two panels.

When you need to consult an implosion, click the

implosion check box and enter the component you wish
to consult and tick the Implosion check box.

The left panel shows the BOM hierarchies in a tree form.

The right panel shows the information connected with the Figure 1.3.2 Manufacturing Management < Engineering Management < Bill of
BOM for every product in it. To get more information Material & Formula < BOM & Formula Info
around the meaning of the fields please refer to the upper
section of this Chapter.

Chapter 1 MANUFACTURING RULES 31 E-evolution Copyright ©

1-3-2.a Try This

Set the Bill of Material and formula of a product.

Enter the product, the search key and the name to uniquely
identify the bill of material.
Next you will introduced the characteristics of the product
In the type of BOM field select from the list the option currently
active. In the BOM used field select the manufacturing option.
Enter the name of the son product and the Attribute Set Instance.
Select the shelf life of the son product, enter the quantity of
product component required.

*** In the product window (Material Management < Material

Management Rules < Product) in the BOM tab you can view the
bills of materials for a product, which are created in the BOM
Window (Manufacturing Management < Engineering Management
< Bill of Material & Formula < Bills of Materials & Formula).

Chapter 1 MANUFACTURING RULES 32 E-evolution Copyright ©


Before the production processes can be done, it is

necessary to plan the activities which must be
accomplished to assure the products can be gotten at the
right quantity and time in order not to have inventory
excess a long time in the warehouse, or at the contrary,
to cause delays in shipments because of components
shortages in the manufacturing order.

Some more subjects to take into account are the

production costs and the capacity of shipping good
quality products.

Using Production Planning you answer the question: When

and How Many products we must get?

Chapter 2 PRODUCTION PLANNING 33 E-evolution Copyright ©

2-1 Data Planning

2-1-1 Planning Products

Additionally to the data loaded in the Product window,

where the characteristics of each product are defined, in
the Window Product Planning you enter the product
information which will serve as a base to execute the
algorithms of Material Requirement Planning, along with
MPS (Master Production Schedule), open orders and

Figure 2.1 Manufacturing Management < Planning Management < Product Planning
< Product Planning Data

Chapter 2 PRODUCTION PLANNING 34 E-evolution Copyright ©

In the Product Planning tab you can enter the following
Warehouse: place where you locate and control the

Resource: A manufacturing resource is a place where a

product will be made.

When you click the Is Demand checkbox you indicate the

product in this Organization-Warehouse could be required
for a Forecast, Sales Order or Manufacturing Order.

When you click the Is Supply checkbox you indicate the

product in this Organization-Plant-Warehouse can satisfy
a demand from the Master Production Schedule.

The name BOM/Formula that you introduce in this

window will be considered the default BOM to produce
the product in this Organization-Plant-Warehouse. If you
do not fill this field the default BOM & Formula for the
entity will be the BOM/Formula which has the same name
as the product.

The Workflow you introduce in this window will be

considered the default Workflow to produce the product in
this Organization-Plant-Warehouse. If you do not fill this
field the default Workflow for the entity will be the
Workflow with the same name as the product.

Chapter 2 PRODUCTION PLANNING 35 E-evolution Copyright ©

If you tick Create Plan checkbox indicates MRP must
create Planned orders for this Product-organization-
warehouse if you do not click the checkbox then you need
to use the Replenishment tab in the product window and
control the inventory level using the Replenish Report.

If the MRP Required checkbox is ticked, this means it has

been a change in some element which affect the MRP
Calculation for this product, i.e BOM, Orders, Inventory,
MPS, etc. and therefore you need to recalculate the MRP
to adjust the Planned Orders to the new conditions and to
get the updated action messages. The Time Fence is the
number of days since you execute the MRP process inside
of which the system must not change the planned orders.
The system will generate action messages warning if
some order needs to be modified or created into the time
fence .

In the Promised Delivery Time field you must enter the

average number of days to receive the product in the
warehouse since you approve the requisition or
manufacturing order until you receive the material in the
warehouse . If the product is bought you must register the
calendar days required since you make the PO until you
receive the material in the warehouse. If the product is
manufactured in your plant you must register the number
of working days since you release the MO until you
receive the material in the warehouse.

Chapter 2 PRODUCTION PLANNING 36 E-evolution Copyright ©

Transfer Time is the number of days the product needs to
be moved from one warehouse to another.

Order Policy is refereed to the way MRP should adjust

Planned Order to the Organization-Warehouse-Resource
needs. The valid options are:
Fixed Order Quantity , Lot for Lot and Period Order

Use Fixed Order Quantity when you always need to ask

for the same Quantity of product, this Quantity is entered
in the field Order Qty.

If the order policy is not FOQ and you enter a quantity in

the Order Qty field, this quantity is the Economic Order
Quantity. The Lot for Lot Policy means MRP process must
generate one planned order for each demand not

The Period Order Quantity policy refers to the way MRP

create one single planned order with every net
requirements for a certain number of days. this days are
entered in the field Order Period.

If you tick the Is Issue check box, when this product is a

component of a MO, it will be issued from the warehouse
if you do not tick the check box then this component will
be taken from the shop floor inventory.

Chapter 2 PRODUCTION PLANNING 37 E-evolution Copyright ©

If you tick the Is Phantom check box, indicates the
product is a virtual assembly, that is to say when the MRP
require a phantom and it is on hand MRP take it as a
supply but if the on hand quantity required is not
complete, instead of generate a planned order for this
phantom product MRP look for the components and
continue the process.

If an amount is registered in Order Qty this means that it's

the economic batch size. When you enter a quantity in
the Order Pack Qty field, the Planned orders should be
created in multiples of this quantity, this is useful when
the vendor only sells fixed quantities of products or when
by effects of the MRP calculation you get fraction of
products which must be gotten in integer quantities.

Minimum Order Quantity is used when the orders should

be done at least for this quantity because of vendor
policies or fabrication limitations. The MRP process will
use this quantity when the calculated planned order is for
a smaller quantity than the Minimum Order Quantity then
MRP creates the planned order for the Minimum Order

Chapter 2 PRODUCTION PLANNING 38 E-evolution Copyright ©

The system generates a message warning this quantity
change. Order max is the maximum order quantity and it
is used when the orders should be done at the maximum
for this quantity because of vendor policies or warehouse
limitations. The MRP process will use the quantity
calculated to create the planned order but generates a
message warning the quantity is greater than the
maximum quantity.

In the field Working Time you enter the accumulated time

(using the Promising Delivery Time) in the critical path of
the BOM for this product. It is the required time to
produce the product as if you would not have any
component on hand.

In the Yield field enter the percentage of the product

you expect will satisfy the QA specifications vs the total
quantity to be produced.

The remaining tabs are part of the AdempiereProduct

window please refer to the Chapter 5 of the
AdempiereUser Manual.

Chapter 2 PRODUCTION PLANNING 39 E-evolution Copyright ©

2-1-2 Create Product Planning

In order to facilitate to load the data planning of similar

products, you can run the process Create product
Planning and this process will create the data planning
register for every product which fits the parameters:
Product category, Warehouse and Resource.

A dialog box is displayed informing the process of data

global load is going to start.

Figure 2.1.2 Manufacturing Management < Planning Management < Product

Planning < Create Product Planning

Chapter 2 PRODUCTION PLANNING 40 E-evolution Copyright ©

Click the OK button and the form will be displayed (figure

You must indicate the planning parameters defined in the

last section for every Product category, Warehouse, and
Resource set. Every product which matches these three
parameters will have a data planning record with the
same data planning values you enter in this form.

The meaning of the fields are explained in the previous

section of this Chapter.
Figure 2.1.3 Manufacturing Management < Planning Management < Product
Planning < Create Product Planning

Chapter 2 PRODUCTION PLANNING 41 E-evolution Copyright ©

2-1-2.a Try This

Register the product planning data or information as a basis for

implementing the MRP and PMP

Select the product to which it will enter the information for

In the tab of Product Planning enter the warehouse where the
existence of that product will be verified.
Enter the resource where the product was manufactured.
Select the BOM & Formula and the workflow that corresponds to
the product. *** This information has already been entered in the
previous activities.
Select the field is PMP, if the product is an independent demand
and should be part of the PMP and select if you to wish the MRP
creates planned orders of this product.
Select the ordering policy, in this time select the Quantity-Period-
From the information requested in the followings fields, fill those
you think are necessary.

*** To facilitate the entry of data planning of similar products you

can used the Create Product Planning Process and load the data
for a group of products.

Chapter 2 PRODUCTION PLANNING 42 E-evolution Copyright ©

2-2 MRP (Materials Requirement Planning).

MRP is a set of techniques which uses Bills of Material,

Inventory Data, Orders, and the Master Production
Schedule to calculate material requirements. It creates
planned orders to balance demand and supply for
products. MRP issues recommendations for the
materials reception in right quantities and at the right
dates to satisfy the Master Production Schedule, in the
most efficient way.

2-2-1 Calculate low level

This process calculate and register the lowest level of a

product inside any BOM. It is used in the MRP calculations
and should be executed when you enter a new BOM.

2-2-2 Create record MRP

This process recreate the demand, approved and open

orders for a product.

Chapter 2 PRODUCTION PLANNING 43 E-evolution Copyright ©

2-2-3 Calculate Material Plan

A dialog box is displayed informing the process of

Calculate Material Plan is going to start. Click the OK
Figure 2.2.1 Manufacturing Management < Planning Management < MRP <
Calculate Material Plan
When select OK will appear the window of the figure

It is displayed a form which ask you to enter the

Organization for which you wish to make a material plan
and the version of this plan. You can have several
versions in such a a way you can decide the most
convenient version you want to use.

Figure Manufacturing Management < Planning Management < MRP <
Calculate Material Plan

Chapter 2 PRODUCTION PLANNING 44 E-evolution Copyright ©

2-2-4 MRP Info

In the heading you enter the Product, Plant, Warehouse

and the period of time when you want to inquiry the
demands and supplies. As usually if you left blank a
parameter all the possibilities will be considered. Then
you press the refresh button and two sets of data are
displayed: In the upper panel the product planning data
and the product on hand are displayed. In the lower one
are shown the information around the Manufacturing
Resource where the product will be made, the demand
and supply Warehouse and the information for both
documents of demand and supply.

The fields shown are:

The Gross Requirements are the Demanded quantity. The

demand source can be an Independant demand (Sales
Order, Forecast) or the components required for a
manufacturing order (dependent demand).
Figure 2.2.4 Manufacturing Management < Planning Management < MRP <
Date Promised is the due date for the demand or supply. MRP Info

Scheduled Receipts shows the supply orders quantities

which will be receipted with its due date. The source of
the scheduled receipts can be an open purchase order an
open manufacturing order.

Chapter 2 PRODUCTION PLANNING 45 E-evolution Copyright ©

The Projected Quantity On Hand is calculated starting
with the quantity on hand showed in the heading, then
adding the supplies and subtracting the Requirements. A
negative quantity on hand indicates it is necessary to
generate a planned order to satisfy the demand in such a
way at the end of the MRP process the projected quantity
on hand must be at least zero.

The Details column has two possible entries, D and S. D

indicates the order generates a demand (the product is a
component of a MO, a product of a SO line or a forecast
line). A S code indicates the order generates a supply (the
product is a finished product of a MO, or a product
included in a PO line or a requisition).

The Type column indicates the type of demand or supply,

the valid types are:
SOO – Sales Order, Open
POO – Purchase Order, Open
POR – Purchase Requisition
MOP – Manufacturing Order Planned

The Order Column shows us the Order Document Number

The possible States of the Order are:
DR – Draft
NA – Not Approved
IP – In Process (Firm Planned)
CO – Complete

Chapter 2 PRODUCTION PLANNING 46 E-evolution Copyright ©

2-2-5 Action Messages

It is a group of messages generated by the MRP process.

It indicates to the scheduler the actions he needs to do to
reach the Master Production Schedule. The action
messages are set as notices for the planner when he sign
up the Adempiere session.

The possible action messages are:

MRP ­ Beginning Quantity Less Than Zero.

MRP ­ Create ­ A Supply Order should be created to satisfy a
020 negative projected on hand balance. This message is only
generate if Create Plan is No or if a new requirement appears
the time fence.
MRP ­ The Expedite ­ Indicates that a scheduled supply order is due
030 before it is needed and should be delayed, or demand
rescheduled to an earlier date.
MRP ­ Expedite ­ Indicates that a scheduled supply order is due after
040 is needed and should be rescheduled to an earlier date, or
demand rescheduled to a later date.
MRP ­ Cancel ­ Indicate that a scheduled supply order is no longer
050 needed and should be deleted.
MRP ­ Release Due For ­ Indicate that a schedule order should be
060 released.

Chapter 2 PRODUCTION PLANNING 47 E-evolution Copyright ©

MRP ­ Release Past Due For ­ Indicate that a supply order was not
070 released when it was due, and should be either released or
expedited now, or the demand rescheduled for a later date.
MRP ­ Quantity Less than Minimum ­ Indicates that a supply order
080 was created for a quantity less than the minimum quantity set
in the product planning
MRP ­ Quantity Less than Maximum ­ Indicates that a supply order
090 was created for a quantity for a quantity greater than than
maximum quantity set in the product planning
MRP ­ Past Due Time Fence ­ Indicates that there is an unsatisfied
100 material requirement inside the planning time fence for this
item. You should either manually schedule and expedite
orders to fill this demand or delay fulfillment of the
requirement that created the demand.
MRP ­ No exists Demand Warehouse ­ indicates that the product
110 planning is not set Demand
MRP ­ No exist supply warehouse ­ indicates that the product
120 planning is not set supply

Chapter 2 PRODUCTION PLANNING 48 E-evolution Copyright ©

2-2-5.a Try This

Create the Planning of Materials Requirements (MRP).

Generate a Sales Order with a lead time of one month and

with a considerable quantity so that this same activity can
be used in the calculation of CRP.
Select the menu option Calculate Low Level and run it.
To clean the table, select the process: Create Record MRP
and select the desired resource.
Select the process Calculate Material Plan and select the
resource (the same as the previous activity).
To watch the result of the MRP process, enter the option
MRP Details with the parameters resource, periods, the
product and other necessary fields.

*** Before creating the MRP, verify that in the BOM

window, the field type of BOM has selected the option
currently active, and the field BOM has used the option

Chapter 2 PRODUCTION PLANNING 49 E-evolution Copyright ©

2-3 Capacity Requirement Planning

It is a set of techniques which uses the planned orders by

MRP, open manufacturing orders, manufacturing
resources and the work flows to calculate the required
time for each resource along with the available time. With
this information, we are able to balance demanded load
with the available time. Through the knowledge of the
required and available capacities it is possible to adjust
the Master Production Schedule until we get a realistic

CRP answers to the question: Is it adapted the available

capacity to satisfy the required time demand at each
manufacturing resource?

2-3-1 Capacity Plan Calculation

The process of Capacity Plan Calculation allows us to

know the available time in each manufacturing resource,
as well as the required time to satisfy the Master
Production Schedule.

Chapter 2 PRODUCTION PLANNING 50 E-evolution Copyright ©

2-3-2 Resource Load View

It shows a graphic of the required and available time for

each manufacturing resource.

The required parameters to get the Resource Load View

are: the resource you want to analyze and the date at the
beginning of the period you wish to analyze.

Next click the OK button and you will see the daily
available capacity at the selected resource. The bars of
the graph show the required capacity, the available
capacity and the the difference between them.

The accumulated times from another periods are not

considered for this calculations.

Figure 2.3.1 Manufacturing Management < Planning Management < CRP <
Resource Load View

Chapter 2 PRODUCTION PLANNING 51 E-evolution Copyright ©


Once the production planning process has been executed,

the production control process let us to check the
execution activities in order to be sure we can reach the
material plan.

Each time you need to release an order you need to be

sure the components are complete in the warehouse, this
can be attained tracking the release and due dates for
every component, this is easy to get using the shortage
reports from this module.

This module mainly answer the question: What do I need

to do to accomplish the MPS?

...and If you are in trouble and you can not cover the MPS
as you had planned, this module gives you information to
decrease the effect on the costs in the customer service.

Chapter 3 PRODUCTION CONTROL 52 E-evolution Copyright ©

3-1 Discrete Manufacturing

3-1-1 Planned Order Approval

A planned manufacturing order is a manufacturing order

suggested by the MRP process and contains its quantity
and its release and promise dates. when you approve a
manufacturing planned order you convert it in a
manufacturing order with the status of In Process.

When you approve a planned order you are telling the

system that manufacturing order is ready to start its
process, with the approval you change the order status
from Draft to In Process.

3-1-2 Manufacturing Order

The Manufacturing Order is a document conveying

authority for the manufacture of specified products in
specified quantities. Figure 3.1.2 Manufacturing Management < Production Management < Discreet
Manufacturing < Manufacturing Order

Chapter 3 PRODUCTION CONTROL 53 E-evolution Copyright ©

You must enter or select the parameters to filter the
desired manufacturing order records. The options to filter
the MO are: Document Number of the MO, Document
Description, Product Name, date when the order was
generated, the order promise date, the date when the
order should be started according with the manufacturing
schedule (also called release date) or the Document
Status (DR, IP, CO, CL).

Figure Manufacturing Management < Production Management < Discreet

Manufacturing < Manufacturing Order


Chapter 3 PRODUCTION CONTROL 54 E-evolution Copyright ©

Date Ordered – is the date when the order was generated. If
the MO is created manually the default date ordered is the
system date. If the MO was generated by MRP the default date
ordered is the day of the MRP process.

Date Promised – Is the date we commit to give the order to

the warehouse. If the MO is created manually the default date
promised is the system date. If the MO was generated by MRP
this date is filled automatically using its algorithm calculation.

Approval Date – Is the date on which the planned order

should be approved to be released to the shop floor.

Delivered Date – Is the Date on which the finished material of

this order was received by the warehouse.

Start Date Scheduled – Is the date, scheduled by MRP, when

the MO should be released to the shop floor.

Finish Date Scheduled - Is the date, scheduled by MRP, when

the MO should be received by the warehouse.

Start Date – It is the date when the first manufacturing order

movement is reported, this movement can be an inventory or
labor movement.

Finish Date - It is the date when the last manufacturing order

movement is reported, It is the closing order date.

Chapter 3 PRODUCTION CONTROL 55 E-evolution Copyright ©

Before Float – It will be used in future releases in order to
balance the resource loading.

After Float – It will be used in future releases in order to

balance the resource loading.

In the Quantities group of fields you can see the next

The product Quantity to be fabricated and the Unit of Measure
of this quantity.

The Qty Batches is the number of batches you are going to do

to fabricate all the product in the order.

The Qty. Batch Size is the quantity of product to be made in

each batch.

In the Yield field you can see the Product Yield defined as the
the product quantity which fit the quality specifications divided
by the total order quantity.

Delivered Quantity is a read only field which contains the

quantity delivered to the warehouse up to date.

The Rejected Quantity is the quantity of product out of quality

specifications reported to the manufacturing order. When
Quality assurance takes a decision around the rejected product,
this product will have to be later reworked or sent to scrap.
When you report Scrap Quantity, this will be added to the
scrap quantity for the manufacturing order.

Chapter 3 PRODUCTION CONTROL 56 E-evolution Copyright ©

Qty Scrap is the quantity of material out of specifications
and of such characteristics that rework is impractical.

Project and Campaign refer to the standard Adempiere


The data contained in the Status group of fields have the

normal use of Adempiere.

The BOM & Formula used in the Manufacturing Order are

taken from the Product Planning data window.

BOM and Workflows used by the manufacturing orders are

taken from the Product Data Planning.

The information relative to every component that will be

used in the manufacture of the finished product is taken
from the Bill of Materials. This information is contained in Figure Manufacturing Management < Production Management < Discreet
the Order BOM/Formula tab. Manufacturing < Manufacturing Order

Chapter 3 PRODUCTION CONTROL 57 E-evolution Copyright ©

To get more information about the BOM heading data
used in the MO you use the Order BOM/Formula tab. The
data contained in this tab is explained in the section
BOM/Formula in this Chapter.

The information around every component which will be

used in the finished product fabrication are taken from the
BOM lines. You can find this information in the Order
BOM/Formula Lines tab. The first group of fields are
explained in the BOM Section in this Manual.

The fields of the Delivery group of fields in the bottom of

the window shows you the components quantities that it
had been moved and the locator of this products. These
fields are the following:

Date Delivered is the date in which the component to the

OM was provided.

Deliver To person or area who receive the product.

Warehouse is the area from with the material is taken.

Locator is the aisle, bin and level in the warehouse where Figure Manufacturing Management < Production Management < Discreet
Manufacturing < Manufacturing Order
the material is taken.

Quantity is the amount of the movement.

Chapter 3 PRODUCTION CONTROL 58 E-evolution Copyright ©

QtyRequired: are the necessary component to MO.

Delivered Quantity amount of component that already

had been provide the MO.

Reserved Quantity: amount of component that has been

reserved from the warehouse to the MO through the
approval of the MO.

Qty Reject: amount of the component that does not match

the quality specification reason why will have to be
reworked or to be reported as Scrap.

Qty Scrap: amount of component that not will be part of

production process because this product does not fulfill
the quality specifications and no longer is possible to
process again to turn it a usable product.

Qty Post: it's means an amount that has been applied to

the General Ledger.

To get information about the Workflow heading which will

be used in the Manufacturing Order, you must select the
Figure Manufacturing Management < Production Management < Discreet
Workflow tab. Data contained in this tab are explained in Manufacturing < Manufacturing Order
the Manufacturing Workflow (Routes and Processes)
section, in this Manual.

Chapter 3 PRODUCTION CONTROL 59 E-evolution Copyright ©

The relative information to each activity (Or operations)
will be used in the production of a product and will be
taken from the nodes registered in the Manufacturing
Workflow Windows in the Nodes tab. This data can be
modified and also the data from the transition tab. To get
detailed information around the fields please see the
section Manufacturing Workflow in this Chapter.

In the Cost Tab we have a record for each Cost Element

defined in the Product to be produced, for these
Organization, Warehouse, Cost Group and Resource.

You can see the standard amounts for each Cost Element
at this level and for each Cost Element at lower level for
the product. The cost at this level refers to the Cost
Elements of the product to be produced (just at the level
of the finished product). Cost elements at lower levels
refers to the cost of the product to be produced (just at
the level of the the components products).

The last four fields are related to the accumulated

quantities and amounts for product movements and Figure Manufacturing Management < Production Management < Discreet
posted movements. These fields are given for each cost Manufacturing < Manufacturing Order

Cum Qty Cost Element: This field shows the sum of the
quantities of the product that have had movements.

Chapter 3 PRODUCTION CONTROL 60 E-evolution Copyright ©

Cost Element Cum Qty Post: This field shows the sum of
the quantities of the product that have had movements
and have been posted to the GL for the cost elements.

Cum Amt Cost Element: This field shows the sum of the
amounts of the product that have had movements. Cum
Amt Cost Element Post: This field shows the sum of the
amounts of the product that have had movements and
have been posted to the GL.

3-1-3 Manufacturing Orders Report

It is a report of every Manufacturing Orders filtering

according with the characteristics the user is interested to

3-1-4 Component Check

Figure 3.1.4 Manufacturing Management < Production Management < Discreet
Before you complete a MO it is necessary to validate the Manufacturing < Component Check
components are available in the warehouse, in order to
track the components availability you get a report which
shows among other data: the Required Quantity for the
MO, the Reserved Quantity, the On Hand Quantity and the
Available Quantity.

Chapter 3 PRODUCTION CONTROL 61 E-evolution Copyright ©

3-1-5 Order Transactions

With this report we can verify the detail of every

Manufacturing Order transaction executed with a
Manufacturing Order including information like document
number, quantities, products and the date in which the
transactions were made, etc.

Figure 3.1.5 Manufacturing Management < Production Management < Discreet

Manufacturing < Order Transactions

Chapter 3 PRODUCTION CONTROL 62 E-evolution Copyright ©

3-1-6 Printing and Release Order

Once the planned orders of manufacture generated by

MRP, have been approved, They have reached the date of
liberation and have verified that the required components
are on hand, the orders are emitted to the plant for its

If you wish to print the warehouse and shop floor

documentation you must tick the adequate check box.
If you tick the Print Pick List check box you will get a
report with the required components and quantities to
help the warehouse clerk to issue the material to the shop

If you tick the Print Pack List check box you will get a
report with the required components and containing the
material with a Component Type of Packing recorded in
the BOM Window.

Another report which is part of the Manufacturing Order

Release Package is the Workflow(Routing). You can print
this report ticking in the Print Workflow check box and it
shows to the shop floor personnel the necessary steps for Figure 3.1.6 Manufacturing Management < Production Management < Discreet
the manufacture of the product. This Report contains the Manufacturing < Print & Release Order
place where the product should be made, the standard
times, the tools and necessary devices. If you wish to
print this report tick the check box Print Workflow.

Chapter 3 PRODUCTION CONTROL 63 E-evolution Copyright ©

3-1-7 Order Receipt and Issue

The last step in the fabrication process with a

Manufacturing Order is to receipt the finished product in
the warehouse. The window shows, at the upper side of
the window, static information around the product and
the manufacturing resource where it has to be made, it
also shows a summary of the quantities to be controlled in
the MO such as the Original and delivered quantities and
the Quantity to be delivered for the MO.

If the production process requires production in batch,

then the Qty Batches shows the Number of batches the
shop floor needs to do and the Qty Batch Size contains
the size of every batch to be produced.

If you want to issue the MO components before you

receive the finished product you should tick the checkbox
Is Delivery, this case is recommended when you have a
long to medium lead time and you want to have the
inventory quantities as accurate as possible at every
moment. Figure 3.1.7 Manufacturing Management < Production Management < Discreet
Manufacturing < Order Receipt & Issue
If you have short lead time and you wish to save clerk
time then you must tick Is Backflush checkbox and you
will receive the finished product at the same time you
issue automatically the components

Chapter 3 PRODUCTION CONTROL 64 E-evolution Copyright ©

The Backflush Group field is used when you want to issue
just components belonging to this group. (This
characteristic could not be included in the current

At the lower part of the window you can find the list of
every MO component, this can be modified according with
the actual products and quantities issued to the shop

The quantities to be issued are selected with the

checkbox in at the first column of the components list. If
the actual quantity is different from the standard quantity
showed in the column Qty to deliver you should edit this
field to enter the right quantity to be issued.

Finally a message text box asks if you want to close the

OM document, if this MO will not have any more
transactions and must be closed you should click the ok

Chapter 3 PRODUCTION CONTROL 65 E-evolution Copyright ©

3-1-8 Activity Control

To be able to schedule, track the manufacturing orders in

the shop floor and to update the required time in every
plant resource, it is necessary to enter in the system the
realized activities in every resource of the plant.

Another important use of the Activity Control Report is to

get the elements for the Labor, Burden and External
process Current Cost Calculus. With this data and the
material transactions data you can identify the variations
between Standard and Current Costs for every
Manufacturing Order.

Figure 3.1.8 Manufacturing Management < Production Management < activity

Control < Activity Control Report

Chapter 3 PRODUCTION CONTROL 66 E-evolution Copyright ©

Enter the Manufacturing Order, Target Document Type
(Manufacturing Order), Manufacturing Order Activity and
node. Then you enter the fabricated, rejected and
scrapped quantities in each node and the actual times
spent in every activity.

When you have rejected or scrapped quantities you can

use a cause code which permit us to get statistical data to
identify the quality specifications discrepancy causes, to
develop modifications in the causes (man, method,
machine, material) and improve the quality levels.

In the Movement Quantity field you must enter the

quantity fabricated, rejected and scrapped
(e.g. Movement Quantity 10, Scrapped Quantity 1,
Rejected Quantity 2, this means that from a total quantity
of 10, 2 were rejected and from this last quantity one was
scrapped and one can be reworked)

Chapter 3 PRODUCTION CONTROL 67 E-evolution Copyright ©

3-1-8.1 External Work

When the node to be reported has the External Work

checkbox ticked this means the node will be processed in
an external resource. The Activity Control window is Read
Only and the information is taken from the corresponding
node in the workflow allocated to the product to be
fabricated with this MO.

Figure Manufacturing Management < Production Management < Activity

Control < Activity Control Report

Chapter 3 PRODUCTION CONTROL 68 E-evolution Copyright ©

When the node to be reported has the external work
checkbox ticked and you complete the operation, the
system automatically creates a purchase order for the
required external service referred in the corresponding
Figure Manufacturing Management < Production Management < Activity
node of the workflow. In the Purchase tab of the Product
Control < Activity Control Report
window is found the vendor of the product and its list

Chapter 3 PRODUCTION CONTROL 69 E-evolution Copyright ©

When you complete the document, the system saves the
Purchase Order sequence in the description field of the
Activity Control record.

The Purchase Order is generated in the Draft state and its

data can be modified by the user in control of the Order,
according with the specific deal with the vendor.
The Manufacturing Order is found in the description field of the
Purchase Order and the Purchase order is found in the
description field of the Activity control record as a cross

Figure Requisition to Invoice < Purchase Order.

Chapter 3 PRODUCTION CONTROL 70 E-evolution Copyright ©

3-1-9 Shop Floor Transaction Detail

This Report supports the Floor Manager to develop/update

the Manufacturing Schedule, this Report is known as
Dispatch Report and shows us every operation to be
made in each resource with its respective times and
quantities to be fabricated.

Figure 3.1.9 Manufacturing Management < Production Management < Activity

Control < Shop Floor Transactions Detail

Chapter 3 PRODUCTION CONTROL 71 E-evolution Copyright ©


The Cost Management system is used to segregate the

most important problems from those which are less
important using the production cost criteria . With Cost
Management we can know the actual cost of the cost
elements grouped in the cost types: material, labor,
burden, overhead, external work and distribution for
every product used in production. Knowing costs and its
variances: current vs standard, you will be able to take
the correcting actions at the right time

With this module you mainly answer the question: are

every cost element used in the Manufacturing Orders,
inside the production plan?

4-1 Cost Type

The Cost type allows you to define as many costs sets as

you wish for the same product in the organization. For
Instance, you can set one or more Cost Type to do an Figure 4.1 Performance Analysis < Costing < Cost Type
“What if” analysis in case of possible cost changes
because of the economic company environment. On the
other hand you need to define one Cost Type to be used in
the accounting transactions.

To introduce or modify a Cost Group you must select the

option menu Performance Analysis < Costing < Cost Type.

Chapter 4 COST MANAGEMENT 72 E-evolution Copyright ©

4-2 Create Cost Element

A Cost Element is a cost component that can be

controlled in a separated way and it is part of the groups
defined as Cost Type.

The Cost Element Type can be: Burden (M. Overhead),

Material, Outside Processing, Overhead and Resource. For
instance: the Cost type Material can be segregated in
one Cost Element named Freight and another Cost
Element named material.

The Cost Element can be controlled in different

accounting elements in the Accounting Schema window,
default tab or in the accounting tab in the Product
Category window. In the next chapter you will find the
accounting issues created by the manufacturing
transactions. Figure 4.2.1 Performance Analysis < Costing < Cost Element

Chapter 4 COST MANAGEMENT 73 E-evolution Copyright ©

4-3 Create Element

With this process is possible to create every cost elements

defined for an Organization, Accounting Schema,
Warehouse, Resource, Cost Group and Product.

To run the process select the menu option Manufacturing

Management < Standard Costing Management< Create
Figure 4.3.1 Manufacturing Management < Standard Costing Management < Create
Element. Element

A dialog box is displayed informing the process of Create

Element is going to start. Click the Start button

When select OK will appear the Form of the figure 4.3.2.

Click the OK button to generate automatically the Cost

Elements according with the selected parameters.

Figure 4.3.2 Manufacturing Management < Standard Costing Management < Create

Chapter 4 COST MANAGEMENT 74 E-evolution Copyright ©

4-4 Product Cost

The Product Tab shows the basic information about a

product. It is the same information that is registered in
the Product Tab from the Product option menu.

The Product Cost Tab allows you to enter the cost in the
field This Level amount for Cost Element, which is the cost
product at the level of the product and this cost element
is given for an Organization, Accounting Schema,
Warehouse, Resource and Cost Group.

In the same tab you can see the Lower Level Amounts for
Cost Element. Here you can see the result of adding the
cost element amounts for the given product in every BOM
lower levels.

The file Cum Qty Cost Element shows the addition of the
product quantities that have been issued to
Manufacturing Orders with the same conditions of the
windows elements.
Figure 4.4.1 Performance Analysis < Costing < Product Cost

The field Cumulative Amount of Cost Element shows the

addition of all the product cost amounts which has been
issued to MO with the same conditions of the cost
elements of the window.

Chapter 4 COST MANAGEMENT 75 E-evolution Copyright ©

4-5 Product Costing Report

To watch the cost elements for every set of Product,

Organization, Accounting Schema, Warehouse, Resource
and Cost Type; select the menu option: Performance
Analysis < Costing < Cost Element.

The following form will be displayed.

Click the OK button and you will get a report showing for
each filtered products: Cost Element, Cost Group, Cost
Figure 4.5.1 Performance Analysis < Costing < Product Costing Report (old)
Amounts at this level and at lower lower levels among
some other data.

Chapter 4 COST MANAGEMENT 76 E-evolution Copyright ©

4-6 Cost Collector

The cost collector is a repository of all the MO

transactions. This real transactions relation allows to
compare it with the standard transactions in order to be
able to calculate variations by cost element.

Enter a description or a Manufacturing order, you can use

the tab advanced to filter your selection.

When you click the OK Button The Window of the figure

4.6.1 will be displayed.

As you can see, using this window you will have the
information for every transaction made with a
Manufacturing Order.

Figure 4.6.1Manufacturing Management < Standard Costing Management < Cost


Chapter 4 COST MANAGEMENT 77 E-evolution Copyright ©

4.7 Cost Roll-Up

This process is used to calculate the cost elements which

integrate the product cost based on the workflow. The
calculus is made as follows:

Labor Cost, the operation labor cost is calculated as the

division of the setup time by the Qty Batch Size plus the
operation duration and the result multiplied by the Labor

Burden Cost, the operation burden cost is calculated as

the division of the setup time by the Qty Batch Size plus
the operation duration and the result multiplied by the
Burden Rate.

Labor Workflow Cost, is calculated as the sum of the

labor cost of every operation in the manufacturing

Burden Workflow Cost, is calculated as the sum of the

burden cost of every operation in the manufacturing

Operation Cost of Workflow, is calculated as the sum

of the labor cost plus the burden cost of the workflow.

Chapter 4 COST MANAGEMENT 78 E-evolution Copyright ©

4.7.1. Frozen / Unfrozen Costs

This process allows us to hold the cost of products or

product categories for a cost type and a cost element.
The frozen cost effect in the OM Cost Roll-Up is the Cost
Product remains unchanged after the Cost Roll-Up. When
a cost is frozen in the BOM Cost Roll-Up, the different
levels to the frozen cost are not affected, that is to say,
the cost of a sub assembly can remain unchanged but the
finished product will change its cost based on the rest of
its components. At the end of the fiscal period the
selected costs can be updated using the Copy Price to
Standard Cost Process.

Figure 4.7.1 Manufacturing Management < Standard Costing

Management < Frozen/Unfrozen Cost

Chapter 4 COST MANAGEMENT 79 E-evolution Copyright ©

4.7.2 Copy Price to Standard Cost

This process allows us to copy the price recorded in a

price list version to the Standard cost element selected.
To realize this process you must specify the Cost Type,
Organization and Accounting Schema. If we have more
than one cost element, the system just permit to use
material and finally we must indicate from what price list
the prices will be copies to the cost element.

Figure 4.7.2. Manufacturing Management < Standard Costing Management < Copy
Price to standard cost

Chapter 4 COST MANAGEMENT 80 E-evolution Copyright ©

4.7.3. Workflow Cost Roll Up

This process allows us to integrate the labor and burden

costs for a manufacturing workflow. It calculates for each
operation the labor and burden costs. It executes the next

Labor cost for each operation is calculated as the setup

time divided by the lot size plus the Duration time and
this result is multiplied by the labor rate of the operation


Labor cost =LC

Setup Time =ST
Lot Size =LS
Duration Time =PT Figure 4.7.3. Manufacturing Management < Standard Costing
Management < Workflow Cost Roll-Up
Labor rate this resource =LRTR

Chapter 4 COST MANAGEMENT 81 E-evolution Copyright ©

4.7.4. Bill Of Material and Formula Cost Roll-Up

This process allows us to integrate the cost elements of a

Bill of Materials and Formulas adding the cost of every
Cost Element from the lower level of the BOM to the top
level. Finally the total cost of the BOM is the sum of every
cost of the Cost elements defined for each product which
is part of the BOM.

Cost Element at this Level

+ Cost Element at lower Level

Amount of Cost Element Figure 4.7.4 Manufacturing Management < Standard Costing
Management < Bill of Material & Formula Cost Roll-Up

Chapter 4 COST MANAGEMENT 82 E-evolution Copyright ©

4.7.5 Cost BOM Multilevel Review

To see the cost elements for each set of Product,

Organization, Accounting Schema, Costing Method and
Cost Type. Select the menu option Manufacturing
Management < Standard Costing Management <
Cost BOM Multi Level Review. Next it is displayed a
form asking the parameters of the required set.

Once you have chosen the parameters to filter the data

you wish, click the start button and you will get a report
showing: Costing Method, Accounting Schema, Cost
Element, Amount of cost element at this level and at
lower levels.

Figure 4.6.5. Manufacturing Management < Standard Costing

Management < Cost BOM Multi Level Review

Chapter 4 COST MANAGEMENT 83 E-evolution Copyright ©

Lot Sizing.- A technique to determine the lot size during
MRP calculations. The most common lot sizing techniques
Action Message.- A system message usually created are Lot for Lot, period Order Quantity, Fixed Order
during MRP calculations. Calls attention to a current or Quantity and One Time Only.
potential problem and suggests corrective action.
Manufacturing.- It describes the transformation of raw
Bill of Material (BOM).- A listing of all sub assemblies, materials in finished products.
components, and raw materials going into a parent
assembly. Shows the quantity of each required to make Material Requirements Planning (MRP).- A time-
one parent assembly. Can also be called a product phased priority planning system that calculates material
structure or a formula. It is used in conjunction with the requirements using product structures, inventory status,
master production schedule to determinate the items for the master production schedule, and open order dates.
which purchase requisitions and production orders must Determines what to order, when and how much. Supply is
be released. scheduled and rescheduled to meet changing demand
and maintain valid due dates. MRP requires a source of
Capacity.- The maximum work load for a work center, demand, product structures and routings, accurate
machine, and so on. inventory balances, and planning data.

Capacity Requirements Plan(CRP).- The process of Operation.- A single job or task performed as part of a
determining how much labor and machine resources are work order. All operations required to manufacture an
required to accomplish the tasks of production. Used for item constitute a routing.
medium range capacity management to determine and
then provide the resources required to meet the detailed Parent Product.- A Product that is a final product in and
item schedules established by MRP. of itself, for which an order or independent requirement
exists. A parent item can be a component of a different
Cost.- Is the economy amount that represents the parent item. It can also be called an end item.
manufacturing of any component or product, or a service.

Chapter Glossary 84 E-evolution Copyright ©

Planned Works Order.- A suggested order quantity, released to the shop floor.
released date, and due date created by MRP processing,
when it encounters net requirements. Planned Work Store.- Any stored material used in making a product.
Orders are only generated outside the item's time fence. Typically, raw and material components not intended for
Planned Orders must be approved by the master planner sale.
in order to become firm planned orders in the master
production schedule. Transaction.- An individual event reported to the
computer system.
Process.- A systematic sequence of steps producing a
specified result. Wait Time.- The time a work order must wait after it has
been worked on, but before it is moved to the next
Product.- Any commodity produced for sale. End items operation. For example, drying, curing, cooling.
and replacement items are products.
Work Center.- A production area consisting of one or
Production Control.- Directing and regulating the more people and/or machines. Considered as one unit for
movement of goods through the manufacturing cycle, capacity requirements planning and detailed scheduling.
from requisition of raw material to delivery of a finished
product. Work Flow.- To define the activities required to develop a
product, considering the sequence of realization of each
Production Line.- A line of production equipment step of production, the duration and the place to be
dedicated to a particular item. The operations plan shows implemented as well as different attributes.
production due quantities by production line.

Queue Time.- The time a work order waits at a work

center before being worked on. Increases in queue time
result in direct increases to manufacturing lead time.

Release Order.- The date an orders is scheduled to be

Chapter Glossary 85 E-evolution Copyright ©

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