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Are There Mandibular Morphological

Differences in the Various Facial
Asymmetry Etiologies? A Tomographic
Three-Dimensional Reconstruction
opez, DDS,* Juliana Ruiz Botero, DDS,y Juan Manuel Mu~
Diego Fernando L noz, MD,z
ardenas-Perilla, MD,x and Mauricio Moreno, DDSjj
Rodrigo C
Purpose: Facial asymmetries (FAs) have been classified according to the mandibular morphological dif-
ferences to obtain better diagnostic and treatment decisions. The purpose of the present study was to
establish diagnostic differentiation among FAs using computed tomography (CT) and 3-dimensional
(3D) reconstruction.
Materials and Methods: We performed a cross-sectional study of patients with a diagnosis of FA, who
had been evaluated by CT and 3D reconstruction in the same clinical center from 2015 to 2018. The
following mandibular anatomic characteristics were compared between the 2 sides (deviated side vs
contralateral side) and type of FA: condylar length, mandibular ramus length and width, mandibular
body length, and symphysis deviation.
Results: The 53 patients included 23 men and 30 women (age range, 16 to 25 years). Six categories of FA
were identified: hemimandibular elongation (n = 25), hemimandibular hyperplasia (n = 2), hybrid hyper-
plasia (n = 3), asymmetric mandibular prognathism (n = 14), asymmetry of the glenoid fossa (n = 2), and
functional laterognathism (n = 7). The condylar length and mandibular ramus width were greater in the
displaced side than in the contralateral side, with differences of 2.0  2.8 mm (P < .001) and
0.5  1.7 mm (P = .009), respectively. The mandibular body length was greater on the contralateral
side (mean difference, 2.1  3.5 mm; P < .001). The symphysis deviation was 5.0  3.4 mm, and those
with a hybrid form presented with a greater deviation, with values greater than 10 mm, followed by those
with hemimandibular elongation.
Conclusions: The evaluation of the CT images and 3D reconstructions in patients with FA provided
detailed information of the mandibular structure that is useful to compare the differences between sides
and to classify the entities associated with FA.
Ó 2019 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial
J Oral Maxillofac Surg -:1-15, 2019

*Orthodontist and Assistant Professor, Orthodontics Department, Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr L
opez: Ortho-
Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia. dontics Department, Universidad del Valle, Carrera 100 No. 5-169,
yOrthodontist, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia. Oasis Unicentro, Consultorio 407C, Cali, Colombia; e-mail: dr.
zNuclear Medicine Specialist and Head, Nuclear Medicine
Department, Centro Medico Imbanaco, Cali, Colombia. Received December 18 2018
xNuclear Medicine Specialist, Centro Medico Imbanaco, Cali, Accepted May 29 2019
Colombia. Ó 2019 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the American Association of Oral
kOral Maxillofacial Surgeon and Auxiliary Professor, Department and Maxillofacial Surgeons
of Orthodontics, Universidad del Valle; and Private Practice, Centro 0278-2391/19/30551-8
Medico Imbanaco, Cali, Colombia.
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: None of the authors have any
relevant financial relationship(s) with a commercial interest.


Facial asymmetry (FA) is a common finding in clinical be classified and differentially diagnosed by significant
practice, with a reported range of prevalence of 21 to differences in mandibular size, as detected using
85%, depending on the etiology.1 FA is associated with computed tomography (CT). Therefore, the purpose
functional and esthetic alterations, expressed by differ- of the present study was to describe the morpholog-
ences in size, shape, or disposition of the craniofacial ical differences in mandibular bone tissues among
structures between the 2 sides of the sagittal mid- the different types of FAs related to changes in mandib-
dle plane.2,3 ular position, using CT and 3D reconstruction. The
It has been suggested that the space correlation specific variables compared between the sides and
between anatomic structures might be the factor types of FA included the condylar length, mandibular
determining craniofacial conformation.4 Therefore, ramus length and width, body length, and symphy-
the type of articulation connecting the temporal, oc- sis deviation.
cipital, and parietal bones is a reflex of the forces
generated during masticatory function, distributed Materials and Methods
across the cranium. According to this concept, the
mandible and temporal bones will affect their position PATIENTS AND PROTOCOL
and movement reciprocally, performing as a unit.4-6 The institutional ethics committee approved the
Changes in the position of the articular components study, which was performed according to the princi-
occurring during growth could influence the ples of the Declaration of Helsinki (2013). The study
development of malocclusions and FAs as design was descriptive, comparative, and cross-
morphological and functional expression of the sectional. The study population included all patients
alteration. Similarly, the articular anatomy could be referred to the Centro Medico Imbanaco Nuclear Med-
determined by the mandibular condyle function and icine Department from 2015 to 2018 to be tested using
by the type of occlusion and dental position, which single-photon emission computed tomography /CT
could act as modulators of the articular (SPECT/CT) for FA. The inclusion criteria were as fol-
morphology’s continuous remodeling.7-9 lows: patient-informed consent for confidential use
The etiology of FAs includes genetic and environ- of data, a clinical diagnosis of FA, and a complete set
mental factors, which can be expressed during the of CT images and SPECT data available. Patients with
fetal, childhood, and adolescence periods, including antecedents of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) sur-
unilateral condylar hyperactivity,3 anatomic dishar- gery, orthognathic surgery, craniofacial trauma, or
monies during the growth of the craniofacial struc- any dentofacial syndrome were excluded.
tures, functional occlusion disharmonies in the The CT images were obtained using positron emis-
occlusion and/or masticatory muscles, dominance of sion tomography/CT (Biograph mCT20; Siemens, Er-
a brain hemisphere,10 plagiocephaly (asymmetrical langen, Germany), from vertex to sternum grip,
deformity of the skull due to premature closure of using the following parameters: slide width, 1.5 mm;
the lambdoid and coronal sutures on 1 side), and uni- pitch, 1.0, and CARE dose (dose adjusted according
lateral craniosynostosis, among others. The duration to the patient’s weight). A cubic matrix of 512  512
of evolution previous to detection will contribute to with isotropic voxel (size, 0.58  0.58  0.87 mm)
the level of asymmetrical expression.3 Mild and diffi- was used to avoid image distortion in different planes.
cult to perceive cases will not require any surgical The CT images were reconstructed using a B26F ho-
treatment because the skeletal and facial disharmony mogeneous, low-dose filter for anatomic location. All
will be masked by dental or soft tissue compensation the patients were positioned with a head positioner
or a modification of the head’s posture.1 to avoid artifacts of movement and to allow for corre-
The most common types of FA will affect the middle lation with the SPECT images. The set of DICOM (dig-
and lower thirds of the face, compromising dental oc- ital imaging and communications in medicine) images
clusion. The middle-third asymmetries will involve the was processed using an Osirix, version 7.5.1 (Pixmeo,
glenoid fossa, a fundamental component of the tempo- Bernex, Switzerland), workstation to obtain linear
romandibular joint. The lower third asymmetries will measurements in the sagittal and coronal planes. The
compromise the mandible’s position with or without data obtained for CT analysis are summarized
lateral deviation of the menton. Depending on the eti- in Table 8.
ology and/or time of evolution, the FAs can be mild, The predictor variables considered for the present
moderate, or severe.11-13 The pathological situations study were the anatomic characteristics of the
causing FA from changes in the mandibular position mandible described in Table 8. The long side of the
are presented in Tables 1 to 714-55 and Figures 1 to 7. mandibular deviation (right or left) was for all pur-
Because of the similarity in clinical signs and diag- poses defined as the displaced side and the contralat-
nostic protocols for pathologic entities causing FAs, eral side was defined as the short side or side to
our hypothesis was that different types of FAs could which the jaw was deflected. The outcome variable



Variable Description

Etiology and diagnosis

Etiology related to trauma, hormonal and metabolic alterations14-17
Diagnosed during preadolescence and adolescence14,18
Greater prevalence in women14,15,19
Diagnosed by association of clinical extraoral and intraoral findings with radiographic and/or CT
Anatomic characteristics
Higher volume and condylar length in affected condyle compared with contralateral condyle21
Changes in space position of mandibular fossa on affected side
Normal length of mandibular ramus14,16
Canting of maxillary plane, occlusal and commissural, toward contralateral side14,16,21,22
Mandibular lateral deviation to contralateral side (horizontal vector)14,16,21,22
Molar Class III on affected side23,24
Cross-bite or edge to edge bite on contralateral side22-24
Negative tipping of posterior inferior teeth on contralateral side23,24
Midline deviation toward contralateral side21-24
Skeletal Class could be I, II, or III21,22
Imaging characteristics
Panoramic radiograph or CT will show changes in length and condylar volume14,16,25
Anteroposterior radiograph will show evidence of mandibular lateral deviation and maxillary
No differences in mandibular ramus length or gonial angle height
Gammagraphy results
Gammagraphy (SPECT) findings will be positive on affected side (difference $10% in the active
phase or <10% in inactive phase)26,27
Abbreviations: CT, computed tomography; SPECT, single photon emission computed tomography.
opez et al. Mandibular Morphological Differences in Facial Asymmetry. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019.

was the diagnostic group according to the FA clas- Results

In accordance with the selection criteria, the study
included 53 consecutive patients (23 men and 30
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS women [56.6%]), with a median age of 18 years (inter-
Stata, version 13 (StataCorp, College Station, TX), quartile range, 16 to 25). Of the 53 patients, 34 (64.2%)
software was used. Each measurement was summa- had presented with left-side mandibular deviation. Us-
rized by its average  standard deviation. The absolute ing the diagnostic classification within the group of
difference between sides was calculated and condylar hyperplasia, 25 patients (47.1%) had pre-
compared using the t test or Wilcoxon signed rank sented with hemimandibular elongation (HE) at an
test, as appropriate. The comparison among the types average age of 22.4 years, 2 (3.8%) had presented
of FA has been presented graphically. with hemimandibular hyperplasia (HH) at an average
Each case was independently revised and classified age of 16.5 years, and 3 (5.7%) had presented with
by 2 clinicians with experience in the diagnosis and the hybrid form (HF) at an average age of 23.3 years.
treatment of FA. The interobserver agreement was Of the 53 patients, 14 (26.4%) were classified as having
83%, with a k value of 0.753 (standard error, 0.08; asymmetric mandibular prognathism (AMP; average
P < .000). Cases of disagreement were discussed age, 18.6 years), 7 (13.2%) had presented with func-
with a third specialist to obtain consensus. tional laterognathism (FL; average age, 22.6 years),
All the data were obtained and processed by the and 2 patients (3.8%) had presented with asymmetry
same investigator, an expert in the use of this software. of the glenoid fossa (AGF; average age, 13.5 years).
To evaluate the confidentiality of the measurements, a Finally, 73.5% of the sample was distributed between
double reading of 20 patients was performed, obtain- HE and AMP. The demographic characteristics accord-
ing a Lin coefficient of correlation >0.90 for the 5 vari- ing to the diagnostic classification are listed in
ables (Table 9). Table 10. In the present sample, the patients with


Variable Description

Etiology and diagnosis

Etiology related to osteochondroma14
Diagnosed during adolescence or young adulthood14,18
Greater prevalence in women19
Diagnosed by association of clinical extraoral and intraoral findings with radiographic and/or CT
Anatomic characteristics
Vertical asymmetry on 1 side of face14,16,21,22,28
Changes in anatomy of condylar head on affected side14,16
Increased length of mandibular ramus on affected side14,16,21,22
Increased vertical dimension on affected side (dentoalveolar overeruption or open bite)15,16,21
Significant canting of maxillary plane, occlusal and commissural, toward contralateral
Mandibular lateral deviation not present or mild14,16,18
Midline dental deviation not present or mild14,16,18
No dental Class III on affected side; no contralateral cross-bite14,16,18
Skeletal Class could be I, II, or III21,22
Imaging characteristics
Double mandibular bodies observed in profile radiograph15
Difference in height of gonial angles evident on panoramic and anteroposterior radiographs and
Anteroposterior radiograph will show evidence of maxillary and occlusal canting28,29
Gammagraphy results
Gammagraphy (SPECT) will be positive on affected side (difference $10% in active phase or
<10% in inactive phase)26,27

Abbreviations: CT, computed tomography; SPECT, single photon emission computed tomography.
opez et al. Mandibular Morphological Differences in Facial Asymmetry. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019.

AGF and HH were younger than the patients with In most cases of HE, HH, FL, AMP, and HF, the
other FAs. mandibular body length was greater on the contralat-
For all the patients included in the present study, the eral side than on the displaced side (Table 12). The
condylar length and mandibular ramus width were HF cases presented with greater deviation of the sym-
greater on the displaced side than on the contralateral physis, with more values >10 mm, followed by cases of
side, with differences of 2.0  2.8 mm and HE (Table 12).
0.5  1.7 mm, respectively (Table 4). The differences
were statistically significant. The difference between
sides was also significant for the mandibular body
length and was greater on the contralateral side. The The purpose of the present study was to provide cli-
symphysis deviation was 5.0  3.4 mm (Table 11). nicians with information obtained from CT and 3D
According to the behavior of the morphological var- reconstruction of the mandibular bone tissues that
iables within each of the types of FA, the average will assist in the differential diagnosis of FAs necessary
condylar length was greater on the displaced side for to determine the best therapeutic approach. Our
5 of the 6 evaluated pathologic entities, especially in research hypothesis was that the different types of
the HE cases. The mandibular ramus length was FA will present with significant differences in the
greater on the displaced side in the HH and HF cases, anatomic characteristics of the mandible. This was
in contrast to the AGF, HE, FL, and AMP cases. confirmed for some types and variables; however, a
Regarding the mandibular ramus width, a tendency multivariate statistical analysis was not possible owing
was seen for greater values on the displaced side in to the small numbers for some types of FAs in the pop-
the cases of AGF, HE, HF, and AMP. However, in the ulation studied.
HH and FL cases, the contralateral side had a greater A key finding in the present study was that the
width, although the differences were not statistically mandibular body length was, in most FA cases, greater
significant (Table 12). on the contralateral side, in contrast to the expected


Table 3. HYBRID FORM (FIG 3)

Variable Description

Etiology and diagnosis

In general, will develop in preadolescence and has rapid and aggressive evolution16,29,30
Anatomic characteristics
Vertical and horizontal facial asymmetry with menton lateral deviation18
Greater volume and condylar length on affected side14,16,21,22
Changes in space position of mandibular fossa on affected side
Increased length of mandibular ramus on affected side14,16
Vertical dimension increased on affected side (dentoalveolar overeruption or open bite16,29
Canting of maxillary plane, occlusal and commissural, toward contralateral side16,19,22
Molar Class III on affected side22-24
Contralateral cross-bite22-24
Negative tipping of posterior inferior teeth on contralateral side22-24
Midline deviation toward contralateral side22-24
Skeletal Class could be I, II, or III21,22
Imaging characteristics
Double mandibular bodies observed on profile radiograph16
Difference in height of gonial angles will be evident on panoramic and anteroposterior
radiographs and CT25
Panoramic radiograph or CT will show changes in length and condylar volume14,16,25
Anteroposterior radiograph will show evidence of maxillary and occlusal canting28-30
Gammagraphy results
Gammagraphy (SPECT) will be positive on affected side (difference $10% in active phase or
<10% in inactive phase)26,27

Abbreviations: CT, computed tomography; SPECT, single photon emission computed tomography.
opez et al. Mandibular Morphological Differences in Facial Asymmetry. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019.


Variable Description

Etiology and diagnosis

Will initiate in the first years of development (temporal, early mixed, or late mixed dentition)31
Etiology related to genetic and functional factors31,32
Anatomic characteristics
Molar Class III, which can be bilateral according to the time of evolution
No asymmetry in volume or condylar length between sides33,34
Mild or no maxillary plane canting35
Mandibular lateral deviation35
Midline deviation following mandibular deviation35
Lingual compensation of incisors and inferior posterior teeth
Facial profile altered (concave)35
Always skeletal Class III35
Imaging characteristics
Facial lower third deviation observed on anteroposterior radiograph36
Profile will show radiographic evidence of skeletal Class III36
Gammagraphy results
Gammagraphy not indicated37,38
Gammagraphy will show positive findings on side of mandibular deviation with difference
Abbreviation: CT, computed tomography.
opez et al. Mandibular Morphological Differences in Facial Asymmetry. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019.


Variable Description

Etiology and diagnosis

In general, will develop in the first stages of development and consolidates as skeletal
asymmetry; anatomic and functional etiology39
Anatomic characteristics
Lack of unilateral or bilateral congruence in occlusal cuspid-fossa relationship40
Patients reach midline up to first contact or interference contacts; then, lateral deviation occurs
to the minimum vertical dimension41
Overeruption of posterior teeth due to posterior discrepancy (squeezing out)40,41
Lack of eruption individual or in group of lower posterior teeth41
Posterior teeth altered tipping (augmented curve of Wilson)
Lack of transversal maxillomandibular coordination (pathologic transversal bone development)
Pseudo-Class III42
Imaging characteristics
No significant changes in condylar length, mandibular body or ramus, or maxillary inclination
observed on radiographs or CT scans
Gammagraphy results
Gammagraphy not indicated37,38
Gammagraphy will show positive findings on side of mandibular deviation with difference

Abbreviation: CT, computed tomography.

opez et al. Mandibular Morphological Differences in Facial Asymmetry. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019.

increment on the displaced side. The HE and AMP The age data have indicated that most cases of FA are
were the most frequent types of FAs in this population, detected in young adults, although the range was initi-
although no cases of unilateral condylar resorption ated in preadolescence, in agreement with the reports
(UCR) were observed. by Wolford et al14 in 2014 and Nelke et al56 in 2018.


Variable Description

Etiology and diagnosis

Initiates in first years of development9,43
Etiology related to defects in delamination, migration, and differentiation of neural crest cells of
cranial origin9
Diagnosed using CT43
Anatomic characteristics
Facial and occlusal alterations on affected side43
No asymmetry in volume or condylar length43
No asymmetry in mandibular ramus length43
Alterations in upper facial third (orbital height, malar bone, zygomatic arch, auditory meatus),
middle third (articular fossa), and lower third (changes in position of mandible)43
Imaging characteristics
CT scan will show upper projection of glenoid cavity on 1 side compared with contralateral
3D reconstruction will show different orbital height, malar bone, zygomatic arch, and external
auditory meatus on side with upper projection of fossa43
Gammagraphy results
Gammagraphy not indicated37,38
Gammagraphy findings will be positive on side of mandibular deviation with difference

Abbreviations: 3D, 3-dimensional; CT, computed tomography.

opez et al. Mandibular Morphological Differences in Facial Asymmetry. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019.



Variable Description

Etiology and diagnosis

Greater prevalence in women44
Diagnosed in patients aged 10-40 years44-47
Etiology related to articular inflammation by either local factors causing articular compression or
systemic factors44-48
Diagnosed using CT, MNR, and clinical and radiographic follow-up findings49-51
Anatomic characteristics
Progressive mandibular back movement44,45,47,52-54
Ipsilateral occlusal and facial alterations44,45,47,52-54
Ipsilateral dental Class II44,45,47,52-54
Midline deviation toward resorption side44,45,47,52-54
Asymmetry in volume and length of affected shortened condyle54
Alterations in facial lower third44,45,47,52-54
Skeletal Class II44,45,47,52-54
Imaging characteristics
CT scan will show reduction in height and volume of condyle with lack of cortical continuity
and presence of geodes or subchondral cysts50,54
NMR will show alterations in articular tissues and functional alterations50,51
Gammagraphy results
Gammagraphy not indicated37,38,54
Gammagraphy will show highly positive findings for healthy side; SPECT will not detect
osteoclastic activity in resorbing condyle55

Abbreviations: CT, computed tomography; NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance; SPECT, single photon emission computed tomog-
opez et al. Mandibular Morphological Differences in Facial Asymmetry. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019.

The greater presence in women and greater deviation

toward the left side are findings coincident with those
from Raijmakers et al19 in 2012 and L opez and Corral27
in 2016. However, these studies only considered cases
of condylar hyperplasia.
Nitzan et al21 postulated that the condyle and TMJ
are responsible for most postnatal asymmetries. In
contrast, Olate et al57 showed in 2013 that 30% of
the FAs exhibited condylar hyperactivity. Analyzing
the types of hyperplasia, Elbaz et al28 and Nelke
et al56 reported that HH is the most common form of
hyperplasia, which differed from the present finding
that HE was the most common, as described by Obwe-
geser and Malek.16
In 30 cases, the pathologic entity corresponded to
the hyperplastic process, which requires a nuclear
medicine test (SPECT) for diagnosis to detect the meta-
bolic activity in both condyles to establish the active or
passive state of the pathologic entity.27,58 However, in
23 cases, the asymmetry was related to other
processes that had caused the mandibular lateral
deviation. Therefore, it is clinically relevant to know
the etiologic, pathogenic, morphologic, and imaging
FIGURE 1. Schematic characterization of hemimandibular elon-
characteristics of each type to establish the best gation showing the horizontal vector predominating in the asymme-
diagnosis and make the right therapeutic decisions. try.
According to the diagnostic classification, 23 cases L
opez et al. Mandibular Morphological Differences in Facial Asym-
did not require SPECT; therefore, irradiation and metry. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019.

FIGURE 3. Schematic characterization of hybrid hyperplasia

showing vertical and horizontal facial asymmetry.
opez et al. Mandibular Morphological Differences in Facial Asym-
metry. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019.
FIGURE 2. Schematic characterization of hemimandibular hyper-
plasia showing the vertical vector predominating in the asymmetry.
opez et al. Mandibular Morphological Differences in Facial Asym-
metry. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019.

costs could be avoided. In addition, it is well known

that SPECT is a test with low specificity, because the
increment in bone metabolism can result from
infectious, inflammatory, neoplastic, traumatic, or
hyperplastic processes.55,58 Positive SPECT findings
can result from increased vascularization,
mineralization, or changes in the autonomic nervous
system.59 Therefore, the specificity will be improved
when a prediagnosis of condylar hyperplasia is ob-
tained by proper correlation of the extraoral and in-
traoral clinical and CT findings.20 As shown in the
present study, the specific morphologic differences
among the pathologic entities can help determine
the differential diagnosis.
The inclusion of SPECT findings in the present study
was because Hodder et al,38 Kajan et al,60 and Fahey
et al61 have provided evidence of differences in the
percentage of uptake of technetium-99m in the con-
dyles of normal patients or in absence of pathologic
entities other than hyperplasia. This can be explained
by differences in the growth and rate of turnover of
FIGURE 4. Schematic characterization of asymmetric mandibular
articular tissue related to mechanic, functional, and prognathism showing mandibular overgrowth with lateral devia-
anatomic factors, such as in the cases of AMP, AGF, tion.
FL, and other entities. In such cases, condylar hyperac- L
opez et al. Mandibular Morphological Differences in Facial Asym-
tivity will be present in the side supporting more metry. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019.


FIGURE 7. Schematic characterization of unilateral condylar

resorption showing facial asymmetry due to condylar shortening
on the affected side.

FIGURE 5. Schematic characterization of asymmetry of the gle- L

opez et al. Mandibular Morphological Differences in Facial Asym-
noid fossa showing facial asymmetry with changes in the mandib- metry. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019.
ular position due to alterations in the height and position of the
articular fossa.
opez et al. Mandibular Morphological Differences in Facial Asym- articular charge, which will be the contralateral side of
metry. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019.
mandibular deviation. However, the difference in the
percentage of uptake of the radioactive tracer was
<10%. In cases of hyperplasia, the difference will be
>10% in the affected condyle, which will not be the
condyle supporting more articular charge but the
one with increased metabolic activity. Therefore, it is
clinically relevant, as indicated by Lopez et al,62 to
interpret the SPECT results in terms of the numerical
findings. Regarding the morphologic differences, it is
common in patients with HE to detect an increment
in condylar length with a horizontal vector in the
asymmetry that causes the mandibular lateral devia-
tion and increases the distance of the symphysis
away from the midsagittal plane, with consistent
occlusal alterations.21,22
HE and AMP were the most frequent FA types pre-
sented, in agreement with the report by Wang
et al.63 They considered that menton deviations
exceeding 5 mm would be the most unacceptable
and those most frequently requiring surgical
In the cases of HH, an increment will frequently be
found in mandibular ramus length that causes vertical
asymmetry, with more growth on one side of the face
and ipsilateral occlusal changes. These changes, ac-
FIGURE 6. Schematic characterization of functional laterognath-
ism showing facial asymmetry due to changes in the mandible posi-
cording to Wolford et al14 and Higginson et al,25 will
tion without alterations in its anatomy. be difficult to correct surgically owing to the volu-
opez et al. Mandibular Morphological Differences in Facial Asym- metric changes in the angle and mandibular ridge of
metry. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019. the affected side in both the hard and the soft tissues.


Measurement Description

Condylar length In the sagittal view, a tangent to the posterior ridge of the mandibular ramus and a perpendicular
tangent to it from the deepest part of the mandibular notch are traced; the length is measured
from the most superior contour of the condyle to a medium point located in the
perpendicular plane that goes from the mandibular notch to the tangent to the posterior ridge
of the mandibular ramus (Fig 8)
Mandibular ramus length In the sagittal view of 3D reconstruction, a line perpendicular to the Frankfort plane and
extended from the deepest point of the notch to the inferior ridge of mandibular body is
traced (Fig 9)
Ramus width In the sagittal view of 3D reconstruction, a line parallel to the Frankfort plane and extending
from the deepest point of the anterior contour of the mandibular ramus to the posterior ridge
is traced (Fig 9)
Mandibular body length In the sagittal view of 3D reconstruction, a line that goes from the bone–tissue gonion to the
bone–tissue pogonion is traced (Fig 9)
Deviation of midpoint of In the frontal view of 3D reconstruction, the distance from the point of the menton to a line
symphysis going from the lower third, projected from the middle part of the apophysis crista galli
perpendicular to the bizygomatic line, is measured in millimeters (Fig 10)
Laterognathia (side of A visually qualitative variable indicates the direction of the mandibular deviation (right/left) and
mandibular deviation) can be observed on 3D reconstruction of the soft tissues (Fig 11)
Abbreviation: 3D, 3-dimensional.
opez et al. Mandibular Morphological Differences in Facial Asymmetry. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019.

In the hybrid form of hyperplasia (HF), a combina- described in Table 7 were taken from descriptions in
tion of factors will induce more severe sequelae in the reported data.
the 3 planes of space, including elongation of the The present study has provided evidence of signifi-
ramus on the affected side, mandibular deviation and cant changes in the mandibular ramus width, which
symphysis deviation on the contralateral side, and was increased in the displaced side in most types.
maxillary plane canting, contributing to the severity This finding could help explain why, in many cases
of the case.18,22 of FA treated by orthodontics and surgery, persistent
In AMP cases, no significant changes were found in asymmetry will remain, although the bone bases after
any of the 5 variables measured. Therefore, the most surgery will be well positioned and the teeth after or-
pathognomonic signs of AMP will be the skeletal clas- thodontic treatment will have excellent occlusion.
sification, facial profile, and the presence of mandib- The volumetric difference related to the ramus width
ular prognathism.33,34 could be the reason for these results, because any
In the FL cases observed in the present study, char-
acteristic changes were found in the mandibular posi-
tion owing to occlusal alterations or transversal
maxillomandibular discrepancy. Therefore, the diag-
nosis should be determined by the characteristics
listed in Table 5.
In the AGF cases, mandibular lateral deviation was
found on the affected side, which was the side with
greater projection and remodeling of the mandibular
fossa. The occlusal characteristics and symphysis
displacement will be similar to those with HE. Howev-
er, in AGF cases, the deviation will be toward the
affected side, but in HE, the deviation will be contralat-
eral. In contrast to other entities, AGF will show alter-
ations in the 3 facial thirds.43 The only images
adequate for the AGF diagnosis will be the coronal FIGURE 8. Condylar length shown on computed tomography
and transaxial CT views.43 scan, sagittal view.
In the present group of patients, no cases of UCR L
opez et al. Mandibular Morphological Differences in Facial Asym-
were found. The morphologic characteristics metry. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019.


FIGURE 11. Three-dimensional reconstruction of soft tissues

showing the side of mandibular deviation.
opez et al. Mandibular Morphological Differences in Facial Asym-
metry. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019.

volumetric differences in the bone or soft tissues will

FIGURE 9. Three-dimensional reconstruction of bone tissues, not be corrected by surgery.64
lateral view. A, Frankfort plane as reference, B, mandibular ramus
length, C, ramus width, and D, Mandibular body length. According to the results of the present study, the
opez et al. Mandibular Morphological Differences in Facial Asym-
mandibular body length will be greater on the contra-
metry. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019. lateral side, in contrast to the expected increment on
the displaced side, because it will be the side exposing
the long side of the asymmetry. Some muscular and
biomechanical phenomena could help explain this.
Dong et al65 reported that electromyography activity
in the masseter and suprahyoid muscles will be
reduced on the affected side compared with the
contralateral side. Goto et al66,67 concluded that an
imbalance will be present between the contact area
and the occlusal force between sides in patients with
FA, with the stronger force on the unaffected side.
Also, Maki et al68 reported that the short side of the
asymmetry presented with cortical bone that was
more mineralized, which correlated with a greater vol-
ume of the masseter muscle on that side. In view of all



Average P
Measurement Difference  SD Rho Value

Condylar length 0.210  0.381 0.985 .000

Mandibular ramus length 0.013  0.064 1.000 .000
Mandibular ramus width 0.222  0.734 0.933 .000
Mandibular body length 2.505  2.964 0.707 .000
FIGURE 10. Three-dimensional reconstruction of bone tissues, Symphysis deviation 0.002  0.050 1.000 .000
frontal view showing magnitude of the deviation of the midpoint of
the symphysis. Abbreviation: SD, standard deviation.
opez et al. Mandibular Morphological Differences in Facial Asym- L
opez et al. Mandibular Morphological Differences in Facial Asym-
metry. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019. metry. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019.


Variable AGF (n = 2) HE (n = 25) HH (n = 2) HF (n = 3) FL (n = 7) AMP (n = 14) Total (n = 53)

Age (yr)
Median 13.0 19.0 16.0 19.0 18.0 18.0 18.0
Range 11-16 12-37 14-19 18-33 12-44 11-32 11-44
Female 2 15 1 2 4 6 30
Male 0 10 1 1 3 8 23
deviation side
Right 1 9 2 0 1 6 19
Left 1 16 0 3 6 8 34

Abbreviations: AGF, asymmetry of glenoid fossa; AMP, asymmetric mandibular prognathism; FL, functional laterognathism; HE,
hemimandibular elongation; HF, hybrid form; HH, hemimandibular hyperplasia.
opez et al. Mandibular Morphological Differences in Facial Asymmetry. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019.

these findings, if situations alter the mechanisms of (ie, differences in the gonion angle, low edge of the
balance between the compressive and tensional forces mandible, or menton). Another likely limitation,
in tissues of the craniofacial structure, such as in the considering that the most frequent FAs will compro-
case of mandibular lateral deviations, the force vectors mise the middle and lower thirds, is that the changes
could trigger a series of remodeling events in the in inclination, projection, and maxillary height were
mandibular body structure. not measured. In addition, the number of cases with
Although other forms are available by which to mea- a low prevalence, such as HH, AGF, and UCR, was
sure and evaluate the morphology of the mandibular not enough to provide conclusive evidence. These lim-
body, in the present study, we measured the sagittal itations require the use of multicenter studies to gather
plane of the 3D model as the linear distance from information on FA types with a low prevalence.
the gonion to pogonion on both the displaced and In conclusion, morphological differences in the
the contralateral sides. This method has been accepted mandibular anatomical structure of patients with FA
in the reported data as reliable, and it will not be were examined, which could help characterize the
affected by the superposition of structures or magnifi- different types of FA that cause this alteration. The
cation of images, which could happen in measure- evaluation of the CT images and 3D reconstructions
ments taken using 2-dimensional images. in patients with FA has provided detailed information
The most relevant feature of the present study was that will be useful to compare the differences between
that we used 3D reconstruction data, including vari- mandibular sides and classify the related entities, as in
ables not frequently reported. One limitation of the the present study.
present study was that linear measurements were The differential diagnosis of FA types requires con-
taken to compare the sides in the mandibular struc- siderations of their etiology, pathogenic patterns, age
ture, without consideration of the structures’ shapes of initiation, ability to cause developmental changes,


Measurement Contralateral Side Displaced Side Absolute Difference Percentage P Value

Condylar length (mm) 20.1  3.0 22.1  3.7 2.0  2.8 7.9  12.9 .000*
Mandibular ramus length (mm) 42.2  4.5 42.1  4.3 0.1  3.1 0.5  7.4 .801
Mandibular ramus width (mm) 26.5  2.8 27.0  2.6 0.5  1.7 1.8  6.5 .009*
Mandibular body length (mm) 77.0  6.0 74.9  5.6 2.1  3.5 2.9  4.8 .000*
Symphysis deviation (mm) 5.0  3.4 NA NA NA

Note: Data presented as average  standard deviation.

Abbreviation: NA, not applicable.
* Statistically significant (P < .05).
opez et al. Mandibular Morphological Differences in Facial Asymmetry. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019.



Measurement Classification Contralateral Side (mm) Displaced Side (mm) Absolute Difference (mm)

Condylar length
AGF (n = 2) 20.5  1.4 21.1  1.6 0.6  0.2
HE (n = 25) 19.8  3.2 23.2  3.8 3.4  2.5
HH (n = 2) 23.6  1.5 22.9  0.5 0.7  1.0
HF (n = 3) 18.7  2.2 19.4  5.3 0.7  6.7
FL (n = 7) 20.8  3.1 21.8  3.1 1.0  1.8
AMP (n = 14) 20.2  2.7 21.0  3.9 0.8  1.9
Mandibular ramus length
AGF (n = 2) 40.3  4.7 39.5  6.4 0.8  1.5
HE (n = 25) 41.2  4.1 40.9  4.1 0.3  2.6
HH (n = 2) 41.3  0.04 43.0  1.6 1.7  1.6
HF (n = 3) 39.2  7.3 43.6  2.7 4.4  7.1
FL (n = 7) 43.9  4.2 42.6  5.6 1.3  2.6
AMP (n = 14) 44.2  4.4 43.8  3.9 0.4  2.8
Mandibular ramus width
AGF (n = 2) 26.1  1.6 27.0  2.1 1.0  0.5
HE (n = 25) 26.5  3.3 27.2  3.2 0.7  1.5
HH (n = 2) 27.8  1.5 26.9  2.0 0.9  0.5
HF (n = 3) 24.6  4.0 25.9  1.3 1.3  5.1
FL (n = 7) 26.5  2.5 26.1  1.9 0.4  1.5
AMP (n = 14) 26.6  2.0 27.2  2.2 0.6  1.3
Mandibular body length
AGF (n = 2) 66.7  0.2 68.5  3.7 1.8  3.5
HE (n = 25) 78.2  6.6 74.7  6.6 3.5  2.5
HH (n = 2) 79.1  5.2 77.5  4.3 1.6  0.8
HF (n = 3) 77.0  3.7 75.1  2.1 2.0  5.3
FL (n = 7) 75.7  3.9 75.5  3.9 0.2  3.4
AMP (n = 14) 76.6  5.4 75.3  5.1 1.3  4.3
Symphysis deviation
AGF (n = 2) 4.3  5.2 NA
HE (n = 25) 6.0  3.0 NA
HH (n = 2) 2.4  1.5 NA
HF (n = 3) 11.8  3.0 NA
FL (n = 7) 2.5  1.3 NA
AMP (n = 14) 3.6  2.7 NA

Note: Data presented as average  standard deviation.

Abbreviations: AGF, asymmetry of glenoid fossa; AMP: asymmetric mandibular prognathism; HE, hemimandibular elongation;
HF, hybrid form; HH, hemimandibular hyperplasia; FL, functional laterognathism.
opez et al. Mandibular Morphological Differences in Facial Asymmetry. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019.

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