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The importance of the fact that [Lấy nguyên 1 câu trong đề], which frequently generated a great deal
of heated debate, has now become even more controversial. Some people maintain that the [Danh
từ] might play a vital role in society, while opponents claim that such opinion is untrue. This essay will
elaborate both sides of the debate and lead to a logical conclusion.
Body 1
To begin with, there are lots of reasons why the [Danh từ] could play an important role in any society,
yet the most important one stems from the fact that the majority of people need to be provided with
such [Danh từ] to be able to excel in their future path. For example, according to recent research
conducted by scientists from Harvard University, those who are equipped with the [Danh từ ] are
more likely to behave better in their society.
Body 2
Moving on to consider the opposing arguments put forward by critics, some people believe that the
[Danh từ] might also bring some drawbacks which can overwhelm its positive impact. This is largely
attributed to the fact that based on some statistics collected recently, the importance of the [Danh
từ] has caused significant effects on more than 60 percent of people who have been utilizing this.
In a nutshell, taking these points into consideration, from a personal perspective, I am inclined to
believe that the issue that [Chép nguyên câu trong đề] has both pros and cons, thus the authority
should strike a right balance between them.

Giới thiệu
Tầm quan trọng của việc [Lấy nguyên 1 câu trong chủ đề], vốn thường xuyên tạo ra rất nhiều cuộc
tranh luận sôi nổi, giờ lại càng trở nên tranh cãi hơn. Một số người cho rằng [Danh từ] có thể đóng
một vai trò quan trọng trong xã hội, trong khi những người phản đối cho rằng ý kiến đó là sai sự thật.
Bài luận này sẽ trình bày chi tiết cả hai mặt của cuộc tranh luận và dẫn đến một kết luận hợp lý.

Body 1
Đầu tiên, có rất nhiều lý do tại sao [Danh từ] có thể đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong bất kỳ xã hội
nào, nhưng lý do quan trọng nhất bắt nguồn từ thực tế là phần lớn mọi người cần được cung cấp
[Danh từ] như vậy để được có khả năng xuất sắc trong con đường tương lai của họ. Ví dụ, theo
nghiên cứu gần đây được thực hiện bởi các nhà khoa học từ Đại học Harvard, những người được
trang bị [Danh từ] có nhiều khả năng cư xử tốt hơn trong xã hội của họ.

Body 2
Tiếp tục xem xét các lập luận đối lập mà các nhà phê bình đưa ra, một số người tin rằng [Danh từ]
cũng có thể mang lại một số nhược điểm có thể lấn át tác động tích cực của nó. Điều này phần lớn
được cho là do dựa trên một số thống kê được thu thập gần đây, tầm quan trọng của [Danh từ] đã
gây ra những ảnh hưởng đáng kể đến hơn 60% những người đã và đang sử dụng nó.

Tóm lại, xem xét những điểm này, từ góc độ cá nhân, tôi có khuynh hướng tin rằng vấn đề [Chép
nguyên câu trong đề] có cả ưu và khuyết điểm, do đó, cơ quan có thẩm quyền nên cân bằng giữa

The importance of the fact that [], which frequently generated a great deal of heated debate, has now become even more controversial. Some
people maintain that the [] might play a vital role in society, while opponents claim that such opinion is untrue. This essay will elaborate both sides
of the debate and lead to a logical conclusion.
To begin with, there are lots of reasons why the [] could play an important role in any society, yet the most important one stems from the fact that
the majority of people need to be provided with such [] to be able to excel in their future path. For example, according to recent research
conducted by scientists from Harvard University, those who are equipped with the [] are more likely to behave better in their society.
Moving on to consider the opposing arguments put forward by critics, some people believe that the [] might also bring some drawbacks which can
overwhelm its positive impact. This is largely attributed to the fact that based on some statistics collected recently, the importance of the [] has
caused significant effects on more than 60 percent of people who have been utilizing this.
In a nutshell, taking these points into consideration, from a personal perspective, I am inclined to believe that the issue that [] has both pros and
cons, thus the authority should strike a right balance between them.
With the increase of digital information available online, the role of the library has become
obsolete. Universities should only procure digital materials rather than constantly textbooks.
Discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of this position and give your own point of view.

The importance of the fact that the increase of digital information available online, the role of the
library has become obsolete, universities should only procure digital materials rather than constantly
textbooks, which frequently generated a great deal of heated debate, has now become even more
controversial. Some people maintain that the rise of the digital age might play a vital role in society,
while opponents claim that such opinion is untrue. This essay will elaborate both sides of the debate
and lead to a logical conclusion.
To begin with, there are lots of reasons why the digital materials could play an important role in any
society, yet the most important one stems from the fact that the majority of people need to be
provided with such textbook to be able to excel in their future path. For example, according to recent
research conducted by scientists from Harvard University, those who are equipped with the
universities are more likely to behave better in their society.
Moving on to consider the opposing arguments put forward by critics, some people believe that the
physical resources might also bring some drawbacks which can overwhelm its positive impact. This is
largely attributed to the fact that based on some statistics collected recently, the importance of the
academic has caused significant effects on more than 60 percent of people who have been utilizing
In a nutshell, taking these points into consideration, from a personal perspective, I am inclined to
believe that the issue that the increase of digital information available online, the role of the library
has become obsolete, universities should only procure digital materials rather than constantly
textbooks has both pros and cons, thus the authority should strike a right balance between them.
What is the role of writing theater plays and discussing ancient writings in the study of high school

The importance of the fact that the role of writing theater plays and discussing ancient writings in the
study of high school students, which frequently generated a great deal of heated debate, has now
become even more controversial. Some people maintain that the writing theater plays might play a
vital role in society, while opponents claim that such opinion is untrue. This essay will elaborate both
sides of the debate and lead to a logical conclusion.
To begin with, there are lots of reasons why the studying ancient writings could play an important
role in any society, yet the most important one stems from the fact that the majority of people need
to be provided with such human experience to be able to excel in their future path. For example,
according to recent research conducted by scientists from Harvard University, those who are
equipped with the creativity and imagination are more likely to behave better in their society.
Moving on to consider the opposing arguments put forward by critics, some people believe that the
historical events might also bring some drawbacks which can overwhelm its positive impact. This is
largely attributed to the fact that based on some statistics collected recently, the importance of the
cultural appreciation has caused significant effects on more than 60 percent of people who have been
utilizing this.
In a nutshell, taking these points into consideration, from a personal perspective, I am inclined to
believe that the issue that the role of writing theater plays and discussing ancient writings in the study
of high school students has both pros and cons, thus the authority should strike a right balance
between them.
In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of extreme or adventure sports?

The importance of the fact that the advantages and disadvantages of extreme or adventure sports,
which frequently generated a great deal of heated debate, has now become even more controversial.
Some people maintain that the skydiving, surfing and rock climbing might play a vital role in society,
while opponents claim that such opinion is untrue. This essay will elaborate both sides of the debate
and lead to a logical conclusion.
To begin with, there are lots of reasons why the physical fitness could play an important role in any
society, yet the most important one stems from the fact that the majority of people need to be
provided with such endurance to be able to excel in their future path. For example, according to
recent research conducted by scientists from Harvard University, those who are equipped with the
confidence are more likely to behave better in their society.
Moving on to consider the opposing arguments put forward by critics, some people believe that a lack
of safety might also bring some drawbacks which can overwhelm its positive impact. This is largely
attributed to the fact that based on some statistics collected recently, the importance of the high
degree of risk has caused significant effects on more than 60 percent of people who have been
utilizing this.
In a nutshell, taking these points into consideration, from a personal perspective, I am inclined to
believe that the issue that the advantages and disadvantages of extreme or adventure sports have
both pros and cons, thus the authority should strike a right balance between them.
The information revolution brought about by modern mass media has both positive and negative
consequences to individuals and society. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Discuss
with your own experience.

The importance of the fact that the information revolution brought about by modern mass media has
both positive and negative consequences to individuals and society, which frequently generated a
great deal of heated debate, has now become even more controversial. Some people maintain that
the information revolution might play a vital role in society, while opponents claim that such opinion
is untrue. This essay will elaborate both sides of the debate and lead to a logical conclusion.
To begin with, there are lots of reasons why the modern mass media, learning material and daily
news could play an important role in any society, yet the most important one stems from the fact that
the majority of people need to be provided with such fake news, scammers and counterfeit goods to
be able to excel in their future path. For example, according to recent research conducted by
scientists from Harvard University, those who are equipped with the bank accounts are more likely to
behave better in their society.
Moving on to consider the opposing arguments put forward by critics, some people believe that the
inappropriate content might also bring some drawbacks which can overwhelm its positive impact.
This is largely attributed to the fact that based on some statistics collected recently, the importance of
the violent content has caused significant effects on more than 60 percent of people who have been
utilizing this.
In a nutshell, taking these points into consideration, from a personal perspective, I am inclined to
believe that the issue that the information revolution brought about by modern mass media has both
positive and negative consequences to individuals and society has both pros and cons, thus the
authority should strike a right balance between them.
Some people feel that success lies in achieving professional and economic targets, while others say
that success lies in spending quality time with family and friends. What is your opinion?

The importance of the fact that some people feel that success lies in achieving professional and
economic targets, while others say that success lies in spending quality time with family and friends,
which frequently generated a great deal of heated debate, has now become even more controversial.
Some people maintain that the success might play a vital role in society, while opponents claim that
such opinion is untrue. This essay will elaborate both sides of the debate and lead to a logical
To begin with, there are lots of reasons why the achieving could play an important role in any society,
yet the most important one stems from the fact that the majority of people need to be provided with
such professional targets to be able to excel in their future path. For example, according to recent
research conducted by scientists from Harvard University, those who are equipped with the economic
targets are more likely to behave better in their society.
Moving on to consider the opposing arguments put forward by critics, some people believe that the
quality time might also bring some drawbacks which can overwhelm its positive impact. This is largely
attributed to the fact that based on some statistics collected recently, the importance of the family
has caused significant effects on more than 60 percent of people who have been utilizing this.
In a nutshell, taking these points into consideration, from a personal perspective, I am inclined to
believe that the issue that some people feel that success lies in achieving professional and economic
targets, while others say that success lies in spending quality time with family and friends has both
pros and cons, thus the authority should strike a right balance between them.
The disadvantages of tourism in less developed countries are as great as the advantages. What is
your opinion?

The importance of the fact that the disadvantages of tourism in less developed countries are as great
as the advantages, which frequently generated a great deal of heated debate, has now become even
more controversial. Some people maintain that the tourism might play a vital role in society, while
opponents claim that such opinion is untrue. This essay will elaborate both sides of the debate and
lead to a logical conclusion.
To begin with, there are lots of reasons why the less developed countries could play an important role
in any society, yet the most important one stems from the fact that the majority of people need to be
provided with such traditional culture to be able to excel in their future path. For example, according
to recent research conducted by scientists from Harvard University, those who are equipped with the
disadvantages are more likely to behave better in their society.
Moving on to consider the opposing arguments put forward by critics, some people believe that the
local economy might also bring some drawbacks which can overwhelm its positive impact. This is
largely attributed to the fact that based on some statistics collected recently, the importance of the
advantages has caused significant effects on more than 60 percent of people who have been utilizing
In a nutshell, taking these points into consideration, from a personal perspective, I am inclined to
believe that the issue that the disadvantages of tourism in less developed countries are as great as the
advantages has both pros and cons, thus the authority should strike a right balance between them.
Khi ôn tập, thống kê ra hết sạch các đề bài, gạch chân ra các từ khoá quan trọng trên đề bài để ghép
vào template.

1. As cities expand, some people claim governments should try to create better networks of public
transportation available for everyone rather than building more roads for vehicle owning population.
What’s your opinion? Give some examples or experience to support your opinion.
Keywords: transportation networks

2. Do you think the design of buildings affects positively or negatively where people live and work?
Keywords: building effects, life and work, negative effects, positive effects, architect, workplaces

3. Effective study requires time, comfort and peace. it is impossible to combine learning with
employment. To what extent do you think the statements are realistic? Give your opinion with
Keywords: distraction, jobs, stress and deadlines, companies.

4. Should marketing in companies which produce consumer goods like food and clothing, place
emphasis on reputation of the company or short-term strategies like discount and special offers?
Keywords: marketing in companies

5. Nowadays, people devote too much time to their job. This leaves very little time for their
personal life. How widespread is the problem? What problem will this shortage of time cause?
Keywords: personal life, family and friends, social relationships, stress, deadlines, burnout

6. Mass media, such as TV, radio and newspapers, has an influence on people, particularly on
younger generations. It plays a pivotal role on shaping the opinions of people, especially teenagers
and young people. Do you agree with this? Please give examples.
Keywords: mass media

7. Tourism is good for some less developed countries, but also has some disadvantages. Discuss.
Keywords: tourism, tourists, developing countries, job opportunities, poor nations

8. Some people point that experiential learning (i.e. learning by doing it) can work well in formal
education. However, others think a traditional form of teaching is the best. Do you think experiential
learning can work well in high schools or colleges?
Keywords: experiential learning

9. There are both problems and benefits for high school students to study plays and works of
theater that were written centuries ago. Use your own experience to discuss it.
Keywords: classic theater, subjects, history lessons, writing

10. Climate change is a concerning global issue. Who should take the responsibilities,
governments, big companies or individuals?
Keywords: concerning global issue, global warming, solar energy

11. Medical technology is responsible for increasing the average life expectancy. Do you think it is
a blessing or a curse?

12. Communication has changed significantly in the last 10 years. Discuss the positive and negative
impacts of this change.
Keywords: communication, decade, email, facebook and skype, face-to-face conservations, telephone
calls, personal relationships,

13. There are many global problems. What is the most pressing problem? What solutions would
you suggest?
Keyword: pressing problem, suggestion, global warming, climate change, air polutions, pandemic,
greenhouse gases, sea level rise…
14. Experience is the best teacher. Some people think life experiences teach people more
efficiently than books or formal education can. How far do you agree with this statement? Give your
reason or provide your personal experience.
Keywords: life experience, schools, classes, future jobs, employers, working experience, , theories,

15. With the increase of digital information available online, the role of the library has become
obsolete. Universities should only procure digital materials rather than constantly textbooks. Discuss
both the advantages and disadvantages of this position and give your own point of view.
Keywords: digital materials

16. Imagine you have been assigned on the study of the climate change. Which area of climate
change will you choose and why? Use examples.
Keywords: studying climate change, greenhouse gases, global warming, rising global temperature,
animal habitats, sea level rise, air polutions

17. In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of extreme or adventure sports?
Keywords: Extreme sports, skydiving, surfing and rock climbing, confidence, dangerous and risky

18. Some people think human behavior can be limited by the law, while others think the law has
little effect. What is your opinion?
Keywords: law effect, activities, personalities, crime, punishment, rules and regulations, wrongdoings

19. In a cashless society, people use more credit cards instead of cash. Cashless society seems to
be a reality. How realistic do you think it might be? What are the benefits and problems of this
Keywords: credit cards, banks, payments, money, payment methods

20. The information revolution brought about by modern mass media has both positive and
negative consequences to individuals and society. To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Discuss with your own experience.
Keywords: information revolution, daily news, fake news

21. Some people feel that success lies in achieving professional and economic targets, while others
say that success lies in spending quality time with family and friends. What is your opinion?
Keywords: success

22. The disadvantages of tourism in less developed countries are as great as the advantages. What
is your opinion?
Keywords: poor nations, traditional culture, pollution, local economy, job opportunities, environment,
government, landscape

23. Television serves many useful functions. It helps people to relax. Besides, it can also be seen as
a companion for lonely people. To what extent do you agree with this? Explain it with your own
Keywords: television, films and TV shows, TV programs, entertainment, viewers,

24. Should parents be held legally responsible for the actions of their children? Support your
opinion with personal examples.
Keywords: legal responsibility, great impacts, children’s behaviors, bad things, self-education

25. In many towns and cities, large shopping malls are replacing small local shops. What is your
opinion on this? Do you think this is a positive development? Use your own experiences.
Keywords: shopping malls, costumers, buyers, sellers, products, supermarkets, price
26. Nowadays, people spend too much time at work to the extent that they hardly have time for
their personal life. How widespread do you think it is? Discuss the problems caused by the shortage of
Keywords: personal life, family and friends, social relationships, stress, deadlines, burnout, personal

27. Employers should get their employees involved in the decision making process. What are the
pros and cons of such a policy about products and services?
Keywords: senior executives, advantages and disadvantages, companies, experienced staff

28. Nowadays, more and more people engage in dangerous activities, such as skydiving, skiing and
motorcycling. Are you in favor of such activities or not? Why?
Keywords: Dangerous activities, extreme sports, risks, dangers, physical health, expensive equipment,

29. In the past 100 years, there have been many inventions such as antibiotics, airplanes and
computers. Which do you think is the most important one? Why?
Keywords: inventions, important invention, entertainment

30. Some believe travel is overrated. People argue whether travel is or is not a component of a
quality education. To what extent do you agree with it?
Keywords: travel for education, studying overseas, studying abroad, foreign language, cultures and

31. Global problems are related to governments and international organizations. What are the
problems and what is your solution?
Keywords: international organizations, global warming, greenhouse gases, air pollution, water

32. It is often argued that studying overseas is overrated. There are many scholars who study
locally. To what extent do you agree with this?
Keywords: studying abroad, different culture, different language, qualified education, new
environment, degrees for future jobs.

33. Should marketing for consumer goods companies like clothing and food emphasize reputation
or short term strategies like discounts and special offers?
Keywords: reputation or short term strategies, buyers, sales, products, quality and price

34. It is argued that getting married before finishing school or getting a job is foolish. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
Keywords: getting married, marriage, graduate, young adults, responsibilities, family,

35. Nowadays television has become an essential part of life. It is a medium for disseminating
news and information, and for some it acts as a companion. What is your opinion about this?
Keywords: television, movies, TV programs, game shows and talk shows

36. Many education systems assess students using formal written examinations. Those kinds of
exams are a valid method. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give examples with your own
Keywords: formal written examinations, written tests, assignments

37. Some universities deduct marks from students' works if they are given in late. What is your
opinion and suggest some alternative actions?
Keywords: marks deduction, time management, deadlines, submission, solutions,

38. Nowadays, it is increasingly more difficult to maintain the right balance between work and
other aspects of one’s life, such as leisure time with family members. How important do you think this
balance is? What are the reasons that make some people think that this is hard to achieve?
Keywords: right balance, company, career, job, money, stress, living standards,

39. In our technological world, the number of new inventions has been evolving on a daily basis.
Please describe a new invention, and determine whether it will bring advantages or disadvantages.
Keywords: new inventions, advantages, social networking sites, new knowledge, information, online
hackers, scammers

Some people feel that success lies in achieving professional and economic targets, while others
say that success lies in spending quality time with family and friends. What is your opinion?
KW: success, achieving, being professional, economic targets, spending, quality time, family, friends,
opinion, achievements, failures, career, financial goals, leisure time, parents, siblings, children…

The world’s governments and organizations are facing a lot of issues. Which do you think is the
most pressing problem for the inhabitants on our planet and give the solution?
Keywords: facing issues, world’s governments and organizations, a lot of issues, the most pressing
problems, inhabitants, our planet, solution, climate change, natural disaster, greenhouse effect,
environment, public transportation

Nowadays, many young people are imitating celebrities in sports and movies. What do you think
about this?
KW: celebrity imitation, young people, young generation, imitating celebrities, famous peoples, idols,
sports, athletes, movies, films, social media…

What is the role of writing theater plays and discussing ancient writings in the study of high school
students? (ancient writings in the study=studying ancient writtings nghiên cứu các tác phẩm cổ đại,
human experience, creativity and imagination, historical events, cultural appreciation)
KW: play writing, role of writing theater plays, discussing, ancient writings, study of high school
students, positive impacts, negative impacts, characteristics, history, knowledge, literature, novels,
books, novelists, chapters…

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