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Factors affecting design

2. This diagram is called0 life cycle otherwise known as closed loop, circular economy or cradle to
cradle, as the materials in this diagram are being reused to manufacture something new.
3. The lyfe cycle of a tshirt is the following: getting the material, production, shipping, use and
The life cycle of of a car is the following: construction, its use and, ultimately, its end of life
The life cycle of coffee is the following: harvesting, production, shipping, making the coffee,
then consuming.
The life cycle of a plastic bag is the following: production, shipping, use, disposal

Life cycle stage of a tshirt Envirionmental issues

Raw materials: cotton seeds, cotton harvested, The vehicles that collect the cotton produces a
2700 litres of water per tshirt lot of greenhouse gases, and overuse water.
Manufacture: machines use heat and water to The overuse of water and the cheap human
turn the cotton into the fabric of tshirts labor
Distribution: they usually send this to india, The transportation of the materials generate a
china, Bangladesh, turkey by boat, train, cargo massive environmental footprint because of the
truck to produce the t-shirts emissions of the transportation vehicles
Use : people use it, often a few times then The average family washes clothes 400 times
throw it out per year, in return uses energy and water
Disposable, The clothes are sometimes single use which is
an unnecessary waste of the resources

5. I personally don’t think about the resources that goes into production of products I use everyday

6 a car needs Steel, rubber, plastics and aluminum for production and also requires a large amount of
oil to make the cars

7 the environmental differences between an electric car and fuel powerd car isn’t that different, a
petrol car needs petroleum to run, this extraction of petroleum has a great impact on the
environment because of the fumes the machines release. On the other hand the electric car still
needs petroleum to power the car, the petroleum fuels the power the car needs to run, but the
electric car doesn’t emit fossil fuel while driving.
8 The materials are locally produced to eliminate the waste of unnesary materials and oversees
shipping. The packaging and manufacture materials are based in the US to elimate unesary costs and
waste. The shoes are recyclable.

9 paper bags instead of plastic bags, the paper is recyclable and decompostable, which eliminates
the need for plastic bags

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