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Commitment of Democracy

PNP members must always respect and follow the constitution, Dapat loyal sila sa kanilang bansa sa mga
mamayanan at sa organization na dapat ito ang kanilang inuuna sa lahat ng bagay

PNP need to be responsible, loyal, and do their best to help others. they should also love your country and be
fair to everyone, living a simple and honest life. They need to always follow the rules of the country (the
constitution) and be loyal to their country and the people more than to any other person or group.

Commitment to public interest

Dapat laging unahin ng mga PNP ang pangangailangan ng publiko kaysa sa kanilang pansariling interes. They
must use government assets, resources, and their office's power efficiently and honestly, ensuring no misuse or
waste of public money and resources.

Unbiased ka without any bias or favoritism

PNP Conduct during Labor Disputes

1 The role of the Philippine National Police (PNP) during labor disputes, like strikes or lockouts, is to keep
peace and enforce laws without taking sides in the conflict.

-Role lang ng pulis ditto ay to keep peace and enforce laws without taking sides in the conflict.

2 PNP members cannot be involved in a labor dispute if they have close family ties to anyone in the dispute or if they
have financial interests in the outcome. This ensures they remain neutral and fair.

-So dapat hindi ka pwedeng mangialam doon pag related ka sa isang party lalo na kapag pasok kayo sa fourth civil
degree of consanguinity

4 They must treat both sides fairly, understanding that their role is to help maintain peace, not to favor one side over
the other.

5 PNP officers should not provide personal security to any party in the dispute unless specifically ordered. If escorts are
provided, both parties must be informed, and the officers must wear their uniforms and name tags to ensure

-Ang mga opisyal ng PNP ay hindi dapat magbigay ng personal na seguridad sa sinumang panig sa alitan maliban na
lamang kung ito ay espesyal na ipinag-utos. Kung magkakaroon ng mga kasamang escort, kailangan ipaalam sa parehong

6 During a labor dispute, PNP officers should not socialize with any party involved. This prevents any appearance of bias
and ensures they remain impartial.

7 PNP peacekeepers should not be right at the picket line but nearby to deter any criminal activities. They should stay at
least 50 meters away from the picket line to maintain order without appearing to support one side. If public roads are
within this area, they can position themselves to still be effective.

Physical fitness and health

-So dapat natin pahalagaan yung body natin especially maintining our BMI in normal
a. Official Business Police officers should not talk about their work secrets with anyone unless

So dapat hindi mo ipagbigay alam sa ibang tao yung ginagawa niyo sa trabaho unless that person is allowed to know,
their boss tells them to, or it’s required by law.

b. Special Orders Police officers should not share any special instructions or secret documents with anyone who isn’t
authorized to know.

c. Roster Police officers should not share the list of police officers or any part of it with anyone, including
individuals, companies, or similar groups.

d. Criminal Records Police officers should only show or share the details of criminal records with authorized
police officers or with permission from their boss, or if it is required by law.

e. Identity of Persons Police officers should keep the names and information of people who give them
information or ask for help a secret. They should only share this information if required by law or if it’s
absolutely necessary for their job.

Dapat di mo ipagbigay alam sa iba yung personal info nila kasi right nila yun at pwede kang kasuhan
pagginawa mo ayos sa data privacy act

In a folk-communal society, laws are not written down, there is no specialized police force, and problems are
often ignored until they become severe. When action is taken, punishments are extremely harsh and brutal.
Examples of such societies include early Roman groups, African and Middle Eastern tribes, and Puritan
settlements in North America.

In contrast, an urban-commercial society has some written laws and customs, and specialized police forces
handle different types of offenses, such as religious or royal law. Punishment in these societies is inconsistent,
sometimes being harsh and other times lenient. This approach was common in most of Continental Europe.

An urban-industrial society features clearly written laws that outline both prohibited actions and prescribed
good behavior. Police are specialized, particularly in dealing with property crimes. The system of punishment is
designed on market principles, using incentives and disincentives to encourage good behavior. England and the
United States developed along this legal path.

In a bureaucratic society, there is an extensive system of laws supported by numerous lawyers. The police focus on
political crimes and terrorism, and the punishment system is marked by over-criminalization and overcrowded prisons.
The United States and a few other nations fit this pattern, where juvenile delinquency is also a common issue.

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