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SAP Basic Training SAP

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SAP Basic Training English

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SAP Basic Training SAP

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1 SAP Logon ............................................................................................................ 4

1.1 Logon ....................................................................................................................... 5

1.2 Log off....................................................................................................................... 9

3 SAP Navigation ................................................................................................... 10

3.1 Navigation Bar ........................................................................................................ 11

3.2 Explanation of Symbols ........................................................................................... 18

4 Favorites.............................................................................................................. 21

4.1 Add Favorites .......................................................................................................... 21

4.2 Manage Favorites ................................................................................................... 24

5 Maintain own user data ....................................................................................... 25

6 Own Spool requests ............................................................................................ 27

7 The most important key ....................................................................................... 29

8 Authorization check ............................................................................................. 30

9 SAP Visual design - colors in the system ............................................................ 31

10 SAP Interaction Design – Visualization 1............................................................. 35

11 SAP Interaction Design – Visualization 2............................................................. 39

12 Local Data – History ............................................................................................ 40

13 Own data - Parameter ......................................................................................... 41

13.1 How to find Parameter-Ids .................................................................................... 46

14 Search Help......................................................................................................... 49

15 Dynamic selection ............................................................................................... 55

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16 Layout Settings .................................................................................................... 57

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1 SAP Logon

Find the SAP Logon on your Desktop.

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1.1 Logon

After double clicking on the SAP logon a new window will pop up and you can choose the SAP
system which you want to login to.

Most users have only one Productive System in SAP. All

systems have one.

- Development / Customizing
- Test / Quality assurance.
- Productive System
In this example you can see: ITI / ITQ / ITP

A double click will bring you to the logon screen.

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Mandant / Client:
At Magna, there are rarely systems with more than one client, usually there is no reason to
change the default setting.

. Benutzer / User:
Enter your SAP username

Kenworth / Password:
Enter your password.

Sprecher / Language:
Magna systems are maintained in DE for German or EN for English as standard
in some systems other languages are also maintained.
The right part of the screen is system dependent.
There are usually telephone numbers and / or e-mail addresses where you can get help.

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1.2 Log off.

You can log off from the system.


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3 SAP Navigation

This is how the SAP menu looks like, if it is different you can click on the SAP menu symbol.

It can be displayed different with other SAP Themes:

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3.1 Navigation Bar

Menu bar
If the menu bar is not visible, you can make it visible again by clicking on the bar.

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From t h e m a i n m e n u y o u c a n m a k e some settings via

Extras/Settings whether the favorites should be displayed at the end of the list. In the standard
they are at the beginning.

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Click on the „Display technical names “.

Without clicking:

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With Display technical names clicking:

Standard Tool bar

The standard toolbar has always the same appearance

If the input field is not visible, then click on the small triangle to make it visible again.

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/n transaction code: Opens the code in the same screen.

/o transaction code: Opens the tcode in the new screen.

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Application Tool bar

The appearance of the application toolbar depends on the application you are using.

Status bar
The status bar at the bottom of the screen displays system messages.

By clicking on the small triangle, the system information becomes visible.

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System messages

Red: refers to errors

Yellow: refers to warnings

Green: refers to information

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3.2 Explanation of Symbols

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4 Favorites

4.1 Add Favorites

From the menu folder

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Enter Transaction code.

Click the green tick.

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4.2 Manage Favorites

If you have many favorites, it makes sense to manage them in folders.

Enter the title

Click the green tick.

Favorites can be put into the folder with drag and drop.

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5 Maintain own user data.

Not all fields are intended to be maintained by yourself.

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Output immediately should be ticked

Check the name of the output device.

6 Own Spool requests

Spool requests are output or print jobs.

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7 The most important key

The most important key when working with SAP is.

When the cursor is in a field, and you press F1 a window opens with explanation
Cursor in field Output device

This works in all fields and can be very helpful.

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8 Authorization check

If you call a transaction for which you do not have authorization, a message appears in the
status bar.

In this case go to System / Utilities / Display Authorization Check



Then you get technical details that are very helpful for the SAP colleagues who are
concerned about authorization.

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9 SAP Visual design - colors in the system

For users who work in more than one system, e.g. In the productive and text system, it can
be helpful to distinguish the systems in color.

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Click on a different color in the upper field. To the right is a preview.


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Apply and OK
The color change will only take effect when a new mode is created or after the next logon

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10 SAP Interaction Design – Visualization 1

Show keys in drop-down lists.

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Without tick

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With tick

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11 SAP Interaction Design – Visualization 2

Without tick

With tick

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12 Local Data – History

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13 Own data - Parameter

With the setting of the parameters in the own data one can save oneself some typing.

Example: Transaction MB51

The field plant is a mandatory field.

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The field plant is pre-assigned.

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Frequently used Parameter IDs

WRK - Plant
BUK - Company Code
EKO - Purchasing Organization
LAG - Storage location.

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13.1 How to find Parameter-Ids

Transaction: MM03
Select a work-dependent view.


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14 Search Help

To select one or more values from a set of values, there are search aids.
Sometimes it is called F4 help.
The search help is activated by clicking on the field or by pressing F4.

SAP remembers the last search help chosen by the user, in this case „Material by Material

Click on the marked field to see all available search help.

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Multiple selection is possible.

Multiple selection is possible.

In many cases, another restriction is required.

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Double-click the material number in the input field and close the search help. This can be

prevented by clicking on This leaves the search aid open. This can be used if you want
to edit all found values and do not always want to run the search help again.

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If you know, click on the search help for the plant you get only the works for which this
material is maintained.

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15 Dynamic selection

For some evaluations, SAP offers the option of free delimitation

for some reports SAP offers the possibility of dynamic selection.

This allows further selections.

By double-clicking you can show more selection fields

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16 Layout Settings

SAP lists have a default layout.

In many cases, it can be adapted to the needs of
the Standard layout.

Layout change

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Use the arrows to move fields from the column set to the displayed columns and vice.


Use the arrows to change the column order

the settings can be saved.

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DO NOT tick the default setting.

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Soru ve görüşleriniz için;

Aykut Geredeli
SAP Support Specialist
Magna Exteriors / Magna Mechatronics, Mirrors & Lighting

Magna Otomotiv San Tic A.S.

T +90 543 843 2158

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