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Subject: Stem

Part I: For each article and YouTube video, state the key idea or thesis and list 1 – 2 new
insights about the CRA method. Discuss how these insights can be combined into the CRA
model of instruction. Also, address how the CRA model increases retention.
Key Ideas or Theses:
Article 1: The key idea or thesis of the article by Dr. Jean M. Shaw is that manipulatives, such as
base-ten blocks, counters, fraction strips, beans, and geometric solids, play a crucial role in
enhancing and deepening students' understanding of mathematical concepts (Shaw, 2002). The
article emphasizes the importance of using manipulatives throughout elementary and middle
grades to represent mathematical ideas in multiple ways.
Article 2: The key idea or thesis of the "Concrete-Representational-Abstract (CRA) Instructional
Approach" article is that CRA is an effective intervention for mathematics instruction,
particularly for students with learning disabilities. The CRA model consists of three stages—
concrete, representational, and abstract—and is designed to promote student learning and
retention by building on the previous stage to address conceptual knowledge.
Article 3: CRA is an intervention for mathematics instruction aimed at enhancing the
performance of students with learning disabilities. It involves a three-part instructional strategy:
concrete, representational, and abstract stages.
Article 4: Manipulatives play a crucial role in elementary mathematics education. The NCTM
recommends the use of manipulatives to engage students in hands-on learning, promoting a
deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.
New Insights about CRA:
Article 1:
Insight 1: Pertains to conceptual understanding and visual representation, highlighting how
manipulatives help students develop a clear mental image of mathematical concepts (Shaw,
2002). For example, when comparing unit fractions with unlike denominators, students using
fraction models can visually grasp the relative size of fractions, reducing confusion and fostering
deeper understanding (Shaw, 2002; Clements & Battista, 1990).
Insight 2: Focuses on engagement, communication, and multisensory experiences with
manipulatives as valuable tools (Shaw, 2002). The article argues that manipulatives actively
engage students' senses, providing a tangible connection to mathematical ideas and promoting
effective communication (Shaw, 2002). This aligns with the notion that students need
opportunities to test their ideas within the mathematical community of the classroom (National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics [NCTM], 2000; Hiebert, n.d.).
Article 2:
Insight 1: Gradual Transition through Stages-One insight from the article is the gradual
transition through the three stages of the CRA model. Starting with the concrete stage, where
teachers use tangible materials like blocks and shapes to model mathematical concepts, the
approach then progresses to the representational stage, involving drawings and pictorial
representations, and finally to the abstract stage, where students work with numerical symbols.
This sequential progression allows students to build a strong foundation before moving to more
abstract representations.
Insight 2: Enhanced Conceptual Understanding and Retention-The article emphasizes that the
CRA model supports understanding underlying mathematical concepts before introducing rules.
By beginning with concrete materials, students develop more precise and comprehensive mental
representations, fostering motivation, understanding, and better application of mathematical
ideas. This approach, backed by research, enhances retention and application of mathematical
concepts (Harrison & Harrison, 1986; Suydam & Higgins, 1977).
Article 3:
Insight 1: Commencing with the concrete phase, educators employ tangible resources such as
blocks and shapes to exemplify mathematical concepts. Subsequently, the method advances to
the representational stage, incorporating drawings and visual depictions, and culminates in the
abstract stage, where students engage with numerical symbols. This stepwise progression
facilitates the establishment of a robust foundation before transitioning to more abstract
Insight 2: The article underscores that the CRA model prioritizes grasping the fundamental
principles of mathematics before introducing formal rules. By initiating instruction with concrete
materials, students cultivate more precise and comprehensive mental frameworks, fostering
motivation, comprehension, and improved application of mathematical concepts. Supported by
research, this pedagogical approach enhances both the retention and practical application of
mathematical ideas.
Combining Insights into the CRA Model:
Integration of Concrete Materials: All the articles highlight the significance of concrete
materials, emphasizing their role in laying the foundation for understanding mathematical
Combining these insights into the CRA model of instruction involves leveraging manipulatives
at each stage—Concrete (C), Representational (R), and Abstract (A) (Shaw, 2002). For instance,
concrete manipulatives like fraction models serve as a tangible introduction (C), which
progresses to visual representations aiding in connecting abstract symbols with concrete concepts
(R), ultimately leading to a deeper, abstract understanding (A) (Shaw, 2002).
Combining Insights into the CRA Model: Concrete (C): The first insight underscores the
importance of the concrete stage, where manipulatives are actively used to model mathematical
concepts. This aligns with the initial "Concrete" stage in the CRA model, providing students with
hands-on experiences and visual-tactile engagement. Representational (R): The second insight
aligns with the "Representational" stage, emphasizing the transformation of concrete models into
pictorial representations. This stage allows students to connect the concrete experiences to more
symbolic and visual representations, deepening their understanding. Abstract (A): The CRA
model's final stage, "Abstract," aligns with the insight that students benefit from moving
gradually to symbolic representation using only numbers and mathematical symbols. This stage
ensures that students have a strong foundation before working exclusively with abstract
Combine insights by incorporating a variety of manipulatives in the concrete stage of the CRA
model, allowing students to interact with different materials based on their developmental level.
Sequential Progression: The sequential progression from concrete to abstract is a common thread
in both articles. Combine insights by ensuring a gradual transition from concrete manipulatives
to representational (semiconcrete) levels and finally to abstract symbols and notations in the
CRA model.
Adaptation to Different Topics: Both articles stress the adaptability of manipulatives to various
mathematical topics. Combine insights by illustrating how manipulatives can be tailored to
specific concepts within the CRA model, providing a rich and varied learning experience.
Retention in the CRA Model:
Regarding retention, the CRA model contributes by providing a scaffolded learning approach
(Shaw, 2002). Starting with concrete manipulatives establishes a strong foundation, and as
students transition to representational and abstract stages, the concepts become more ingrained
(Shaw, 2002). This aligns with the principles of constructivist learning, emphasizing the
importance of hands-on experiences for meaningful understanding (Clements & Battista, 1990).
The CRA model contributes to increased retention by providing a structured and scaffolded
approach. Starting with concrete manipulatives helps build a strong foundation, and as students’
progress through representational and abstract stages, they reinforce their understanding. The
multisensory experiences and gradual transition reduce the likelihood of forgetting or
misunderstanding key mathematical principles, as supported by research (Suydam, 1984;
Peterson et al., 1988).
Engagement and Motivation: All articles suggest that the use of manipulatives enhances
motivation and engagement. In the CRA model, this engagement contributes to increased
retention as students are actively involved in the learning process, making concepts more
Connection of Concrete Experience: The CRA model emphasizes connecting abstract symbols
to concrete experiences. Manipulatives in the concrete stage provide students with tangible
experiences, reinforcing the connection between abstract mathematical symbols and real-world
scenarios, thereby aiding retention.
Overall Reflection: Combining insights from both articles reinforces the idea that the CRA
model, enriched by the use of manipulatives, offers a comprehensive and effective approach to
teaching mathematics. The hands-on, sequential, and adaptable nature of manipulatives aligns
with the principles of the CRA model, ultimately contributing to increased retention of
mathematical concepts.
Part II: Create a classroom activity suitable for use in your final project that uses the CRA
method. Specifically, describe each step of the CRA method. Math Standard Concrete Stage (you
can include a picture of manipulatives used) Representational Stage (provide an example of what
this would look like) Abstract Stage (provide 6 – 8 practice examples)-( For part 2 it should be a
lesson plan format.)
Lesson Plan: Exploring Fractions with the CRA Method
Students will understand the concept of fractions using the Math Standard Concrete-
Representational-Abstract (CRA) method.
Math Standard:
CCSS.Math.Content.3.NF.A.1 - Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when
a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a
parts of size 1/b.

Concrete Stage:
Activity: Fraction Pizza Making
a. Materials: Construction paper, scissors, glue, markers.
b. Procedure:
Students will be given a whole piece of construction paper (pizza).
They'll use scissors to cut it into equal parts, representing different fractions.
Each part will be colored or decorated to represent different toppings.
Representational Stage:
Activity: Fraction Bars
a. Materials: Fraction bars (physical or drawn on paper), whiteboard, markers.
b. Procedure:
Each student will receive fraction bars representing halves, thirds, and quarters.
On a whiteboard, students will arrange these bars to represent fractions like 2/3 or 3/4.
They will discuss and explain their arrangements to the class.

Abstract Stage:
Activity: Fraction Practice Worksheets
a. Materials: Printed worksheets with fraction problems, pencils.
b. Procedure:
Students will solve abstract fraction problems independently on worksheets.
Examples include adding, subtracting, and multiplying fractions.
Six to eight problems will be given to ensure a thorough understanding.
Abstract Practice Examples:
i. 1/2+1/5
ii. 3/6−1/5
iii. 2/3×1/4
iv. 4/5+2/7
v. 5/6 −1/6
vi. 3/4×2/5
vii. 2/8+1/8
viii. 3/9×4/9
Review abstract examples as a class, emphasizing connections between concrete representations
and abstract problems. Encourage questions and provide additional practice as needed.
Evaluate students based on their pizza creations, participation in the fraction bar activity, and
accuracy in solving abstract fraction problems on worksheets.

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