Rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas Vii 2024

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SEMESTER 2 TP. 2023/2024

Simple Present Tense (Daily Routine)

(+) S + Vs/es I She

You He Vs/es
(-) S + do/does + not + Verb Verb
They Do It
(?) do/does + S + Verb We

Add “es”
1. Verb end with “ch” 4. Verb end with “sh”
We watch You wash
She watches He washes
2. Verb end with “ss” 5. Verb end with “o”
I pass They go
It passes Gina goes
3. Verb end with “x” 6. Verb end with “y” followed by consonant
I and my friend fix My parents study
The carpenter fixes My friend studies

(+) I eat (+) She sleeps
(-) I do not eat (-) She does not sleep
(?) Do you eat? (?) Does she sleep?

Adverb Of Frequency (comes before/after the verb/to-be)

Never (tidak pernah) : 0% - 25%
He never gets angry with us
Sometimes (kadang-kadang) : 26% - 50%
We are sometimes tired when we dance
Often (sering) : 51% - 75%
I often watch videos on the internet
Always (selalu) : 76% - 100%
She is always happy to see new people

Tablet shop
Games console / VR headset play games
MP3 Player / headphone listen to music
Smartphone / Telephone speak with family and friends
I use / don’t use a to
GPS find out which way to go
Laptop go online and study
e-reader read books/magazines
Television watch TV
Encouraging Someone
1. When someone hasn’t started yet (ketika seseorang belum memulai)
 Give it a try (coba saja)
 Go for it (mulailah)
 Why not? (kenapa tidak?)
 It’s worth a shot (pantas dicoba)
 What are you waiting for? (tunggu apa lagi?)
 What do you have to lose? (mau kehilangan apa?)
 You might as well (kamu pasti bisa)
 Just do it! (lakukan saja!)
2. When someone is already doing well (ketika seseorang telah memulai dengan baik)
 There you go (itu dia)
 Keep up the good work (pertahankan kerja bagusnya)
 Keep it up (lanjutkan)
 Good job (kerja bagus)
 I’m so proud of you (aku sangat bangga denganmu)
3. When someone is having trouble (ketika seseorang punya masalah)
 Hang in there (bertahanlah)
 Don’t give up (jangan menyerah)
 Keep pushing (tetaplah mencoba)
 Keep fighting! (tetap semangat!)
 Stay strong (tetaplah kuat)
 Never give up (jangan pernah menyerah)
 Never say ‘die’ (jangan pernah katakan ‘mati’)
 Come on! You can do it! (ayolah! Kamu bisa melakukannya)
4. When someone is facing a hard decision (ketika seseorang menghadapi keputusan sulit)
 I’ll support you either way (lagipula saya akan mendukungmu)
 I’m behind you 100% (saya tepat dibelakangmu)
 It’s totally up to you (sepenuhnya terserah padamu)
 It’s your call (ini saatnya)
5. To inspire people (untuk menginspirasi orang)
 Follow your dreams (ikuti mimpimu)
 Reach for the stars (gapailah bintang)
 Do the impossible (lakukan yang tak mungkin)
 Believe in yourself (percayalah pada dirimu)
 The sky is the limit (langit adalah batasnya)
Cool : Keren This : Ini
Has : Punya Because : Karena
Brilliant : Luar biasa So : Jadi
Know : Tahu Easy : Mudah
Building / Built : Membangun Country : Negara
Leader : Ketua Feel : Merasa
Think : Memikirkan Excited : Semangat
Thing : Hal Show : Menampilkan
Do : Dilakukan From : Dari
Help : Membantu Win : Menang
Really / Very : Sangat Important : Penting
Never : Tidak pernah Like : Suka
With : Dengan Move : Bergerak
Teaches : Mengajarkan Great : Hebat
But : Tapi Place : Tempat
Just : Hanya Meet : Bertemu
Everything : Semua New : Baru
Often : Sering People : Orang
Make : Membuat Many : Banyak
Own : Punya Everyone : Semua orang
Sometimes : Kadang In : Di
Watch / Watching : Menonton Hall : Aula
Other : Lain Lunchtime : Waktu makan siang
On : Di At : Pada
When : Ketika After : Sesudah
Use : Menggunakan Come : Datang
Every : Setiap See : Melihat
Year : Tahun Always : Selalu
Over : Penjuru
A little : Sedikit Problem : Masalah
Best : Yang terbaik Really : Benar-benar
Can : Bisa Right : Benar
Cold : Flu Sing : Nyanyi
Come on : Ayolah Singer : Penyanyi
Do : Melakukan So : Jadi
Everyone : Semua orang Sometime: Terkadang
Great : Hebat Song : Lagu
Help : Membantu Still : Masih
Here : Disini Sure : Yakin
Idea : Ide Tell : Mengatakan
Just a minte : Tunggu sebentar Voice : Suara
Later : Nanti Worry : Khawatir
Listen : Dengar Wrong : Salah
No way : Tidak mungkin

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