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Growing Relationships as a Manager

with Simon T. Bailey

Learning Bursts
After identifying the two to three management strategies you want to improve over the next 90 days,
set up a weekly calendar alert to remind you to practice each one. Copy and paste the key points and
prompt(s) for your chosen topics from the list below into the alert so you can reflect on how best to
implement the strategy in the coming week.

Understanding the Whole Person/Identifying Motivation

• Every member of your team is a different person and should be treated as such
Key • Hold regular one-on-ones to learn more about them as individuals
Points • Make note of important information they choose to share and follow up later
• When possible, tailor assignments to their interests and passions

• Ask, “How’s it’s going for you?”

• Ask, “Why is this work important to you?”

Diversity of Thought/Psychological Safety

• High-performing teams are built on the bedrock of psychological safety

Key • Never criticize or punish someone who goes against the status quo
Points • Welcome new ideas and consider everything put forward
• Pair employees with peer mentors to build stronger connections

• Close meetings with, “If anyone has other ideas, feel free to share now or
email me after the meeting.”
• When mistakes happen, debrief by asking, “What did we learn, and what
will we do better next time?”

Making Recognition a Routine

• Recognition should be a regular part of your management routine

Key • Highlight employee achievements early and often
Points • Tailor the recognition to the employee
• Share up – bring high performing employees to the attention of your superiors

• Close each one-on-one by completing this sentence, “I recognize and

appreciate how you…”

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Open Communication/Culture of Insiders

• Don’t treat information as sacred – share it freely but strategically

• Consider how the knowledge will impact your employees’ commitment
and motivation
• Encourage employees to be open about their work and model this in your
own behavior

Prompt(s) • Ask, “What do you think about these options?”

Building Employee Networks/Cross-Training

• Informal networks break through communication barriers between

• Empower employees to build relationships outside your team
Key • Identify departments whose goals align with yours and foster connections
Points • Cross-training leads to well rounded, more accomplished employees
increasing their value as a team member
• Working in other departments opens up new perspectives and insight into
problem solving

• Introduce an employee to a department head who may want their help

Prompt(s) now or in the future
• Say, “I think you would work well with…”

Building Your Network

• Build your own informal network with peer leaders

Key • Build bridges early
Points • Apply the same relationship-building techniques used with employees
• Offer your support first to receive an in-kind response when you need it

• Reach out to at least one peer leader per month

• Ask, “How can I support you?”


• Being a coach means being an instructor

Key • Work with employees to identify strengths and weaknesses
Points • Set short term goals that lead to continuous growth
• Replace annual reviews with monthly conversations

• Set measurable goals with each employee with a deadline of no more

than 90 days

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• Being a mentor is not the same as a being a coach

Key • Mentors listen more and support problem solving
Points • Mentor employees with the most potential to be your successor
• Mentors and mentees think about long-term goals and career advancement

Prompt(s) • Ask, “What are you doing to grow your career? How can I help?”

Conflict Management

• Conflict is inevitable – how you manage it is what matters

Key • Watch out for negative conflict and address it quickly
Points • Make collaboration part of the solution
• Leverage positive conflict into successful projects

Prompt(s) • Ask, “Are there issues in my team? How can I best address them?”

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