Puzzle Games Zaragoza

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Jon Zyruz D.

Zaragoza May 19, 2024

BSCS-3B Mr. Nortz Alingod



1. How does puzzles distinguish themselves from games and all possible play
2. We have 4 types of play activities: games, toys, puzzles, and stories. Create a
diagram showing the hierarchy on which of the four is interactive, from most to least.
Provide a short explanation for each of your placements.
3. Give one example of a game that is considered a game and a puzzle at the same
time. How is it possible that games can be turned into puzzles and vice versa?
4. What are some tips that needs to be considered when designing good puzzles?


1. Puzzles distinguish themselves from games and all possible play activities
through its way of play. Puzzles often involve problem solving using different
types of skills such as deductions and assumptions, using critical thinking,
and recognizing patterns. The objective in a puzzle game is to solve a
problem, usually in the form of riddles, object arrangement, finding the right
order, forming an image, and etc. Puzzles can be solved in a few different
ways but usually they only have one solution. Puzzle games requires the
player to rack up their brains to come up with a solution which commonly
leads to restarts to solve the puzzle from the beginning, doing this repeatedly
can irritate the player making the puzzle harder to solve. However, if the
player finally solves the puzzles, there is this bliss and a sense of relief that
they conquered that challenge. That is the way players who play puzzle
games have “fun” in that those type of games.

Comparing that to games and other play activities, their difficulty or

level of play can be adjusted. Certain rules can become lax or new rules can
be implemented by the players to increase complexity and difficulty. In a
game, the players can take on many approaches to complete an objective,
the game thrives on strategy and adaptability instead of pattern recognition,
these games typically rely more on the physicality of the player in terms of
reflexiveness and awareness. These games can shape into different types
depending on the players’ view or imagination. The “fun” can be whatever
they want, not necessarily completing the objective.

Most Interactive
They can be very flexible oftentimes requiring
both physical and logical prowess. There is
engagement between player-to-player or Games
player-to-npcs. Generally, the skill of the
player decides the outcome of a game.

Much more concentrated on logical skills as

they require players to recognize patterns,
develop solutions, and manipulate elements
to solve a problem. There is less interaction
here as the player usually only interacts with
the problem.

The interactivity depends on their type. Is the

toy a nerf gun? Or a barbie doll?
Nevertheless, the players(children) play them Toys
however they want, using their imagination to
play the toy in their way.

They are the least interactive because their

engagement relies on the readers’
imagination. It is a one way communication as Least Interactive
the readers cannot really respond to do
anything. There is no direct engagement
unlike with games or puzzles where certain
actions results in a certain outcome.
3. Portal, a game made by Valve is a game I consider a puzzle and a game at
the same time. The main game mechanics involve 2 players with a portal gun
of different colors(yellow and blue), trying to get on to the other side by
shooting the portal guns on different walls and walking through there. The
players comes across many different obstacles such as laser fields, acid pits,
tight or blocked spaces, and etc. The game requires the players to think of
creative portal placements, as well to take in mind momentum and
reactiveness in order to progress.

A game can be turned into a puzzle game by adding elements of

puzzle games such as problem solving or critical thinking. For example, for a
player to pass a stage, they must solve a “find the right order” puzzle. Vice-
versa a puzzle game can become a game by adding game elements such as
adjustable difficulty, time limits, and power ups. Another element that makes a
game, a game is a score system. So a game like Sudoku which is a puzzle
game can become a full fledged game similar to Candy Crush by adding
those game elements.

4. In my opinion, the most important tip to be considered when designing good

puzzle games is balance. The game must neither be too hard that it is
unsolvable or too easy that it becomes a chore. The game must provide
enough visual or audio cues to guide the player in solving the puzzle, but not
too much that the players are spoon fed the answers. Also, feedback is an
element that needs to be incorporated more in puzzle games. Usually puzzle
games need every piece of solution to be solved, but it makes players
dreadful when they don’t see their progress, so player feedback is great to
have. Lastly, creativity. There is that “wow” factor when players solve a puzzle
with a very wacky mechanic, and understand the puzzle as a whole. So
creativity is also an important aspect in puzzle making so that the puzzle can
become novel and engaging.

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